Chapter 10 On the plane, everyone grabbed the handrail tightly, because without the relationship of the flight attendants, they didn't know how to act in an emergency.

The back-shoving feeling caused by full-power acceleration and the weightlessness that made their hearts palpitate made them seem very close to death at this moment.

Especially in the heat that devoured everything from the lava behind them...

Coupled with the mortal route chosen by the two-knife captain at this time, everyone felt that they were only a thin line away from death.

"It's over..."

"It's over!"

"I knew I shouldn't have gotten on this plane!"

Roaring and crying echoed through the cabin.

Although it is very harsh, no one will care about it at this time.

Even Qin Yunuo, who is usually plain as water, has already frowned at this time...

Liu Yiyi's hand and Qin Yunuo's hand were tightly clasped together, feeling the shocking bumpy feeling that kept coming from her body, she closed her eyes tightly, and she couldn't help but have been buried in her mind. A picture of the explosion.

Even Liu Yiyi didn't notice that there was a trace of tears under the corner of her eyes.

No one is not afraid of death...

Especially when looking forward to hoping to survive, that feeling becomes even stronger!

"It must be able to fly!"

Liu Yiyi thought so in her heart.


the other side.

Reporter Zhang Duo, who was visiting the earthquake zone in Shizuoka Prefecture, heard shouts from under the ruins.

Hearing this sound, he made a mark on the ground.

When they were interviewing in Shizuoka Prefecture, they encountered an earthquake and there was no equipment to rescue them.

Making a mark was the most helpful thing he could do right now.

However, just when he made the mark and raised his head, under the ruins, he squinted and saw the airport on the halfway of Mount Fuji.

"Quick! Old grandson!"

"Camera to the airport!"

Hearing this, the photographer was taken aback for a moment, and immediately turned the camera around.

"That is......"

"A plane heading towards the lava!?"

"What the hell are they doing!?"

Zhang Duo was stunned, looking at the blurry picture through the high-powered camera, he asked in amazement.

But immediately, he immediately took out his satellite phone and dialed the news channel headquarters.

"I'm Zhang Duo! I'm at the earthquake site in Shizuoka Prefecture, and now I can see a plane at Mount Fuji Airport..."

"Are you broadcasting the live situation!?"

His application is almost without brain-like feedback.

The female voice over there came seriously: Are you ready for the live broadcast!?"

Zhang Duo didn't think about it at all. He knew that such a scene was very important for the entire press, and even for the entire world!

He didn't think and didn't need to think!

"Of course be ready!"


China News Channel.

In the live news room that was broadcasting, the director's voice sounded in the headset of the serious female anchor.

"Immediately do the airport broadcast of Neon Shizuoka!"

"Five seconds countdown!"

The time is very tight, and the professionalism of the female anchor is very strong, and she is ready almost immediately.

"Everyone, we're going to temporarily insert a piece of news."

"News content related to the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Neon Shizuoka."

"Now watch the live report."

The screen switched, and what appeared in the lens was not a person, but a very blurry-looking picture.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Duo's voice came out.

"Hello everyone, here is the news channel's Neon reporter Zhang Duo who is reporting on the spot for you."

At this time, Zhang Duo's speech was very fast...

It was precisely because of this sudden speed that it instantly caught everyone's attention.

Countless people are paying attention to the broadcast of news channels, especially in the case of the whole network building momentum, people's understanding of this matter has broken through a certain limit.

The ratings of the news channel have soared at this moment!

This is due to the functions of all members of Aite in countless WeChat groups and QQ groups.

Countless people saw this shocking picture!

"Although the picture is not clear, under the pressure of time, we can only do so much."

"But even if the picture is not clear, we can still see that the magma emerging from the eruption of the volcano has already arrived at the Fujisan Airport at this time!"

"However, there is a passenger plane ... it seems to be approaching the lava!"

Zhang Duo's tone was very excited, and this excited tone was particularly able to arouse emotions.

But immediately, his words suddenly changed.



"The airliner has stopped approaching the lava, it is moving along the runway!"

"Although we can't see it clearly, we can see that the plane's landing gear tires are burning with flames!"

"They're trying to extend the takeoff acceleration distance!"

Countless people's hearts were already tightly gripped by it.

People looked at the scene in front of them, looked at the blurry picture, and looked forward to the smooth takeoff of the plane.

Among Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Changjiang City, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is also watching the live broadcast at this time.

He frowned and shook his head slightly: "No way... the length of the runway is too short..."

"They can't get up."

"If there is another two hundred meters, there may be a chance..."

Although ordinary people don't understand this, they can also see that the runway in front of the plane is too short!

Waiting for them, perhaps only death!


But on the plane, no one knew that they were being watched by the whole of China.

All they thought in their minds was that they were about to fall under the cliff and turn into a mass of ruins in flames.

Inside the cockpit, Song Qingsong looked at the approaching cliff, then closed his eyes, ready to face his own death.

But he still couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Why on earth did you choose such a runway?"

"Since this plane can be put into operation, why did you choose it!?"

"Don't you just want to die!"

"Why not try the more likely one!"

Song Qingsong felt very unwilling in his heart.

Although there is only a 30% success rate...

At this time, the road in front of him has disappeared.

The fuselage of the plane rushed off the cliff in an instant and dived towards the ground!!

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