Chapter 12 At the airport, although the neon man turned into a ball of fire, his eyes were still fixed on the mountain.

Although he could no longer see the plane, he was waiting for the fireworks to explode under the mountain.

This belief was the only support that kept him awake in the raging fire.

However, he did not see the explosion caused by the plane crashing.

In the burning, all he can see is a plane that seems to have broken the ground and rushed into the sky!

"how can that be!?"

When he saw that the plane actually took off again, his mind swayed violently.

And under the shock of his mind, he could no longer let go of the severe pain that was burning from the five internal organs...


There was a shrill scream, but no one could hear it anymore.

The airport has become silent, everything has been swallowed up by magma, and it has become an endless dead hell.

And even this last wailing sound stopped after a few seconds.

Everything that happened at this airport was completely hidden under the lava at this time.



All the people who followed the news channel were shocked when they saw the plane crashing down the cliff, and their fists clenched violently.

However, the tightly clenched fist immediately loosened, looking at the situation in front of him, his heart was sad.

Especially what Zhang Duo said before made their expressions a little stiff.

"Oh, it's really a pity..."

"Under the natural disaster, the last attempt made by human beings ended up with this ending."

"Unfortunately, if they can survive, maybe there will be our compatriots on it."

"It is a pity that the deceased has passed away."

Not only the ordinary people who watched this scene before the TV, but even the anchors in the live broadcast room asked outside the live broadcast: "What happened to the scene?"

"Did they survive? The plane crashed?"

She asked anxiously.

Although Zhang Duo who was at the scene heard such a voice, he was staring at the scene with round eyes and did not answer.

After all, he is currently live.

However, although he did not answer the host's question, Zhang Duo was awakened by this question!

"Do not!"

"They made it!!!"

His voice of amazement and surprise spread to thousands of households at this moment!

Zhang Duo's voice became high-pitched, and he shouted vigorously: "They actually took off!"

"The cameraman's lens please follow that plane!"

"A miracle happened!"

"They made it!"

People have given up their expectations, and there is no longer any hope.

But at this time, I heard Zhang Duofen's voice!



Their gazes turned towards him again, and the look of anticipation in their eyes once more.

"It really worked!"

"Look! The plane is taking off again!"

"Oh my God, this really is a miracle!"

For all, it's truly a miracle!

How could it be possible to take off in such a dive?

That is simply impossible!

The cheers spread almost everywhere. People saw that state, the attitude of the plane rushing into the sky, and the heroic attitude of fighting the sky, which made people feel boundless excitement in their hearts!

On the Internet, when people saw the moment the plane took off, the comments exploded again!

"so amazing!"

"You can still take off under such conditions! It seems that the captain is really good!"

"Yes, this captain is a hero who saved countless lives!"

The shock that the scene brought to people's hearts, and the excitement that had nowhere to express, turned into words of praise from countless people.

#yingpilot# These four words have reached the top of the Weibo hot search list, and they have been known by countless people for a while!

In WeChat's news feed, just this one thing alone occupies a push opportunity.

Because this incident happened so suddenly, although it received a lot of attention, there are still many people who don't know what happened.

And the push of commonly used software such as WeChat, Douyin, Q, etc., let the name of this heroic captain spread throughout China!

In Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the principal of aerodynamics had already sentenced him to death when he watched the plane start, but when he heard it, he suddenly found a new turning point.

That plane actually took off!?


"A runway of that length can take off!?"

He raised his head suddenly, looked at the TV screen, and saw that the Boeing 737 on the screen was actually gradually climbing from the ground!

He heard the TV anchor's comment on the plane that took off again, and when he heard the word "miracle", the old professor's eyebrows suddenly rose.

"Miracle? Where is this miracle?"

"This is a fucking miracle!"

His heart was full of amazement!

"How is 1 possible!? The speed is simply not enough!"

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something.


"Then why he chose to take off on that runway..."

"That captain is trying to accelerate by gliding!?"

"It's such an idea!"

He only felt a sudden shock in his heart, and suddenly thought of this, and this made him even more astonished.

Under such circumstances, how could he still be so calm and choose such an uncertain route!?

Just then, the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

The principal picked up the phone and heard the other party's voice: "Hello, Principal Sun, this is the news channel. I wonder if you learned about what happened at the Neon Fuji Airport?"

"We want to ask you to explain in terms of technology, I don't know if you are willing to accept..."

Before the other party's invitation was finished, Principal Sun nodded immediately.

"definitely no problem!"

"When does it begin!?"

"Do I need to go to the studio?"

Of course, Principal Sun is willing to give such a popular science explanation!

People must know what the captain did! In a critical situation, what kind of correct choice was made!

However, at this time, people still don't know that this heroic captain who is heroic and agile in their hearts is not a real captain...

It's Lin Yi who has just set off a huge wave across the country on the Internet!


On the plane, Lin Yi was breathing heavily.

The brain is overworked...

The performance of hypoxia is very serious.

After the plane took off, he immediately stopped using [Hall of Thought] and [Derivation Ability].

At this moment... he was almost a thin line away from the dizziness.

But there was still a smile on Lin Yi's mouth.

"Laozi is still done!"_

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