Chapter 882

Chapter VIII

Xu Junming did not intend to interfere with Sun Shi and Chen Ling’s apprentices. Each disciple’s habit of teaching his apprentices is different. As long as his nature is not bad, he will let him go.

The three masters and apprentices stepped into the village shop. Because this place is close to Jiangling City, there are a lot of merchants and pedestrians traveling from north to south.

Half of the large yard with an acre of land was full of carriages, and the remaining thirty tables were almost full.

Seeing the three masters and disciples coming in, many people cast curious glances.

A tall Taoist priest, a giant man with a height of nearly ten feet, and a thin monkey wearing a tiger skin skirt, this combination is really weird.

Although Xiaoer from the shop was a little scared, he still came over.

After looking at Sun Shi fearfully, he walked to Xu Junming’s side.

“Master Dao, do you still stay in the shop?”

“Take the tip.”

“How many of you please here.”

Take the three masters and apprentices to an empty table and sit down.

The humble Eight Immortals table was very clean.

“What do you want to eat?”

“Is there any meat?” Sun Shi said.

“Yes, there are chickens, ducks, and fish. Today, there are fat pigs that have just been slaughtered. They are cooked in a big pot and they are delicious.”

“Serve the meat first and fill this table for me.”

After that, ‘pop’, ten taels of silver must have appeared on the table.

“There is not enough.”

Xiao Er’s eyes lit up in an instant, and he was no longer afraid, so he went up and picked up the silver.

“Guest, would you like wine? We have the best daughter red, aged knives.”

“Just stop the wine and add more meat.”

Sun Shi waved his hand.

No wine is as delicious as the monkey wine he brewed himself.

The shop Xiaoer responded and went down.

After a short while, a large copper basin was filled with boiled and crispy pork and brought it up. Although not much condiments were added.

But the fat pigs raised in the rich Spiritual Qi in the Earth Immortals world are cooked only with green onion, ginger and salt, and they are also very fragrant.

Chopped coriander and chopped green onion, sprinkle on top, the aroma becomes stronger.

A two-foot-diameter wooden basin occupies a half of the table.

Soon three roasted chickens, three roasted ducks, steamed large bass, braised grass carp, pork liver, pork lungs, pork large intestine, and pork belly were cut into two large plates.

After a while, the entire Eight Immortals table was full.

“Three guest officials, do you think these are enough?”

A middle-aged man in a blue robe smiled attentively.

“This meat is enough for a few of our masters and apprentices to stuff their teeth, and then we can do some more. Your silver is indispensable.”

Sun Shi took out another ten taels of silver and put them on the table.

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll give orders.”

Money can make ghosts grind, and the middle-aged man takes the silver, and his footsteps are a bit faster.

“How much money is there?”

Sun Shi smiled.

“The twelve taels just now are the last money in the box.”

Xu Junming looked in his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Coming all the way, doing fortune-telling for others, slaying demons and eliminating demons, and clearing mountain bandits and road tyrants, the silver liang obtained was eaten into the stomach by the two masters and disciples.

“Then eat less today.”

“Hey, Master, don’t worry. Twenty taels are enough for today’s meal.”

“Do you want to give someone a fortune-telling again?”

Xu Junming hears the string song and knows the elegance.

“Have a meal.”

Seeing his lazy look, Xu Junming didn’t say much. After several experiences along the way, he has gotten used to it.

Seeing Chen Ling’s eyesight, Xu Junming picked up his chopsticks and took a few bites at random.

“Okay, you can eat it.”

Unlike Chen Ling and Sun Shi, he has such a heavy appetite, and he has been cultivating for many years, and he has eaten everything delicious.

I am not very interested in these chicken, duck and fish meat.

Hearing what he said, Sun Shi and Chen Ling, the two masters and apprentices, are like wild horses running off the rein. They don’t use chopsticks, each holding a roast chicken and gnawing.

A bite of wine and a bite of meat, it was so happy to eat.

The store’s wine and meat are constantly being added, and the empty plates are carried down like running water.

It didn’t take long, and the diners in the whole village shop looked over.

Pointing and pointing, chattering and chattering constantly, but the three masters and apprentices, who are used to being watched by others, are still eating like no one else.

“My son, this man and a monkey can really eat. We have eaten the appetite of dozens of people in half a meal.” The speaker was short and sturdy, with a face full of flesh, and was very vicious.

But the whole body of blood is astonishingly thick. Although trying to hide it, it is still difficult to conceal the spirit of the team.

Next to him, there was a young man with a white robe and a scalp, with a magnificent imposing manner.

“The three must be very people. Let’s go, we used to know each other.”

“My son, you should be more careful when you go out.”

A tall and thin middle-aged man in a green robe blocked the young man’s path.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wang, I don’t think the three people look like a wicked person.”

Speaking and strode over.

The middle-aged man had no choice but to chase after the short and stout man next to him.

“The three are invited, and I will go to Tang Cheng again. The business is here. Seeing that the three have a bold and unobtrusive style, they are very admired. I don’t know if I can eat at the same table with the three?”

Sun Shi and Chen Ling glanced at him, and Qi Qi looked towards Xu Junming.

“Store, add another table.”

“No trouble.” Tang Cheng turned around, “Tang Che, bring our table over.”

The short and stout man behind him nodded, and one person easily lifted the table slowed down and joined Xu Junming’s table with his apprentice.

“You haven’t consulted the three names of Gao?” Tang Cheng said with cupped hands.

“They are my apprentices and grandsons. As for the name, knowing it will not do you any good.” Xu Junming said.

Tang Cheng frowned slightly and was not angry.

“The three are also cultivation people?”

“If not, how can you eat so much meat and wine?” Xu Junming said.

Sun Shi and Chen Ling just drank and ate meat, but did not answer.

“If there are frequent wars and uneasy places today, my generation of businessmen needs more escorts. If three people are free, I am willing to hire three people at a high price.”

“We ask for a high price, I’m afraid you can’t afford it.” Sun Shi interjected.

Tang Cheng smiled, confident.

“I can get tens of thousands of silver. I also have Yuanyang fairy material. I don’t lack Divine Armament tools. I am not stingy with the beauty of flowers.”

Sun Shi smiled faintly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

“Even the Jade Emperor Heaven Court, the Western Buddha, in front of my masters and apprentices, I definitely don’t have such confidence.”

“It’s so arrogant, you can also get Ling Xiao? Can you meet the Buddha?”

The short and stout Tang Che sneered.

Sun Shi frowned and was about to speak when he was stopped by Xu Junming.

“Our meal costs a hundred taels of silver tattoos. Is the son willing to pay for my master and apprentice?”

“How difficult is this?”

Directly took out an ingot of gold from the pocket on his waist.

“I think the money is enough.”

Xu Junming smiled and nodded.

“Thank you, son.”

“let’s go.”

After Sun Shi and Chen Ling clicked, their figures disappeared instantly.

“My son, these three guys are talking to us.” Tang Che said angrily.

Tang Cheng frowned and turned his head after sensing a moment.

“Mr. Wang, can you perceive how these three people left?”

The middle-aged man in Qingpao, known as Mr. Wang, shook his head.

“Not aware of it.”

“With your Cultivation Base you can’t even notice it? Then aren’t these three powerful in the Taiyi realm?”

“At least one of the three is Taiyi realm.” The middle-aged man affirmed.

“My son, look at it.”

Tang Che’s exclamation caused the two of them to turn their heads in an instant.

But see, I don’t know when, the gold ingots placed on the table have turned into two yellow symbols.

Tang Cheng picked it up subconsciously.

A familiar voice rang in my ears instantly.

“A hundred years later, you will have the disaster of extinction, death and family destruction. These two charms, one hidden at home and the other with you, can help you survive the catastrophe and make your life alive.”

“It’s such a strong charm, I’m afraid it surpasses the Taiyi series.”

After feeling for a moment, the middle-aged man in Qingpao exclaimed.

“His Royal Highness, put away the magic talisman, this is a priceless treasure.”

Suddenly, he missed his mouth.

But at this time he couldn’t take care of it either, these two big Luo Lingfu were too precious.

Tang Cheng was not stupid either, put away two magic charms, leaving enough silver for this meal.

“We leave immediately.”

The three of them turned around and left the village shop, urging Magic Treasures, and quickly disappeared into the distance.

In mid-air above the village shop, under the cover of a space barrier, the three masters and apprentices looked at the distant back.

“Master, the guy named Tang Cheng has a heavy dragon spirit on his body.”

“This person is not called Tang Cheng, but Li Jiancheng. He is the eldest son of Guanzhong Tang Wang Li Yuan.”

Xu Junming did not expect to meet Li Jiancheng here.

“In this way, Li Yuan has the hope of being an emperor. It’s just that his son has such a heavy emperor’s dragon spirit, so of course there are more fathers.”

Xu Junming nodded.

“Why did the Master give him two pot sky charms?”

“This son will have the power of life in a hundred years. These two Hutian charms can save his family’s life. By the way, he will also repay Karma for this meal.”

Li Jiancheng’s talents are not much worse than Li Shimin. In terms of temperament, it is much more kind than Li Shimin, who has led the Black Tortoise family, killed brothers and killed brothers, and destroyed the whole family.

Since they met, I will give him two magic charms. As for whether he can escape the disaster in the end, it depends on his good fortune.

“This kid has made a lot of money.” Sun Shi said.

“Let’s go, Jiangling City is ahead.”

The three masters and apprentices only took Jiangling. As the southern kingdom of Chu, the core of Jingchu, the size of Jiangling City was three or four times that of Linling City.

The city wall, which is thousands of miles long and one hundred feet high, is like a towering ancient mountain, creeping on the banks of the Yangtze River, and the vast Dongting Lake, which controls hundreds of thousands of miles of smoke to the west, is surrounded by rich water vapor, making it a water law. Practice Sacred Land.

In addition to the new Chongshan Academy, hundreds of Sects, large and small, stand in the city of Gangneung.

Soon after Xu Junming and his apprentices entered the city, a group of mighty sergeants with helmets and armours, led by a general, galloped in.

Dispelling the surrounding people, the general got off his horse, grabbed Xu Junming’s master and apprentice and turned himself over and bowed down.

“The general Cao Shuang of the imperial guards paid a courtesy call to Madam Chongshan.”

When he entered the city, Xu Junming did not hide his figure, so he was naturally recognized.


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