Chapter 883 Jiangling City, Huayang Palace

Chapter VIII, Jiangling City, Huayang Palace

“Get up, but King Liang asked you to come?”

“Exactly. King Liang was overjoyed when he learned that the real Jade Toe had come to Jiangling City, and when even Ling Xiao came here to welcome the real law to the Huayang Palace. Liang Wang led the ministers and hosted a banquet in honor of the real people.”

“Got it. Excuse me to lead the way.”

“Real people please.”

Cao Shuang asked his subordinates to give up three horses, but Xu Junming did not ride them.

Huayang Palace is the imperial palace of Liang Wang Xiaoxian. It is located in the center of Jiangling City. He was originally the old palace of Xiliang. It was destroyed by war when the Sui Dynasty unified the Southern Chen Dynasty.

Xiao Xian rebuilt the Huayang Palace in opposition to the Sui Dynasty and became queen, and it has only been more than ten years.

Xu Junming has seen it many times in the majestic and majestic palace. I don’t think Huayang Palace is any strange.

However, after he passed through the city gate and through the wide bluestone square, a large number of Liang Guojun and ministers lined up to greet him at the front of the steps.

Standing at the forefront is a tall, majestic and luxurious middle-aged man, wearing a dragon robe, wearing an emperor’s crown, and wearing an Azure Dragon.

Seeing him, Chen Ling walking behind felt somewhat close.

Suddenly he was slapped twice on the shoulder, and he turned his head to see that it was the Master.

There was a soothing power in the clear eyes, which calmed Chen Ling’s originally impetuous mood.

“The real person has finally arrived, and I have been thinking hard for Xiao Milling in the past three years.”

Xiao Xian took the initiative to greet him.

The words are sincere and very close. I don’t know, I thought Xu Junming was his father.

“King Liang is polite.”

“A real person has come from afar, and I have set up a banquet in the Hall of Chongxian to catch the real person.”

Xu Junming did not refuse either.

Under the hospitality of Xiao Xian, a group of people came to Chongxian Hall.

In the magnificent Great Hall, neatly arranged long tables are displayed with rare delicacies.

Xu Junming sits first on the left, second only to Liang Wang Xiaoxian in the middle.

“Come on, let me wait for a toast together and to a real person.”

Liang Guojun and ministers raised their glasses at the same time.

Xu Junming did not decline either.

After everyone drank it.

“True man, it will take a long time to come to Jiangling City this time.”

“Wang Liang is kind, and feels the Five Nei. It’s just that Xu Junming has to go to Dongsheng Shenzhou to participate in the Yuntai Fairy, I’m afraid I can’t stay for a long time.”

“I only hate Xiao Milling’s low aptitude, and it is difficult to achieve success in cultivation, otherwise he must be like a real person, traveling the world and meeting with the Universe fairy gods.” Xiao Milling sighed.

“The king of Liang is the ninety-five supreme, and he holds the power of the world. How can I be comparable to the scattered people in the mountains and wilds.”

“The real man is too modest. No matter how powerful he is, after a hundred years, he will only pay for the loess.

“If King Liang is willing to be a king, poor Dao can also let King Liang enjoy longevity.” Xu Junming said calmly.

“Is this king not right now?”

“Cultivating the Tao requires meditation. His Majesty King Liang has a lot of opportunities. Where can I find the time to enlighten the Tao?”

“As far as the king knows, the population of the land under the command of the real Chongshan Academy is not less than that of our Liang Guo. Why is the real person in charge of the academy and the power, but it is not affected in the slightest?”

Looking at Xiao Milling with piercing eyes, Xu Junming said calmly.

“Although the deity is in charge of the academy, he has never asked about mundane matters. He is in charge of general affairs and has his own disciples to take care of it. If King Liang follows the example, he will not be stingy in teaching.”

Xiao Milling gave a haha ​​and let go of the words.

Just kidding, cultivating immortality and pursuing longevity are just an accessory and flavoring agent of power. If power is lost, what is the meaning of these?

Thanks to Xiao Xian’s melody and Xu Junming’s surrender, a meal can be regarded as a delight for the host and the guest.

After eating the banquet, Xiao Xian arranged for the three masters and apprentices to live in a palace dedicated to receiving VIPs.

As night fell, most of the Huayang Palace plunged into darkness.

Except for the imperial forest army with the top helmet and the armor, few people walked.

Qianqing Hall is the core of Huayang Palace and the main place of stay for Xiao Xian.

Wearing a gun dragon robe, he did not go to the harem to turn over the sign tonight, and drove all the servants out. The Lotus Position was on the dragon bed and waited quietly.

At midnight, a black Ghost Qi flew out of the ground.

Wandering around, gradually turned into the shadow of the ghost emperor of Taiyin.

Xiao Xian hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute.

“See Benefactor.”

“I thought you had climbed the high branches of Chongshan Academy, so you forgot about me.”

“The subordinates dare not. If they weren’t the benefactor, they would have died in the back alleys of Baling County. How can they be the high position of King Liang today.”

“As long as you know.”

“Xu Junming is in your palace?”

“Yes. His subordinates arranged him in the palace, and he was accompanied by a disciple and a grandson.”

“Good job. Tomorrow, Dongting Lake Dragon King Ao Chong will invite him to a banquet. You must take him with him at that time.”

“Subordinates obey.” After a respectful response, “Benefactor, the subordinates are running out of ghost antidote. Can the benefactor give some more.”

“I came in a hurry and didn’t take much with me. You can use these twelve pills first, and I will give you more when Xu Junming is killed tomorrow.”

With that, a blue and white porcelain vase flew towards him.

“Thank you, Lord.”

Take it with both hands.

“Remember my account.”


Ghost Qi collapsed, and Tuobafeng’s figure slowly disappeared.

Until there was no more Ghost Qi in the entire Great Hall, Xiao Xian slowly straightened up. Looking at the porcelain bottle in his hand, a strong hostility appeared in his eyes.

After taking a deep breath, his expression gradually calmed down.

“Come here?”

An eunuch wearing a brocade robe hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

“What’s your command?”

“Bring Li Fei, Zhen Fei and Wu Gui.”

“According to the purpose.”

“and many more.”

Stop the eunuch who was about to turn and leave.

“Is there still a’Tianxin Stone’ in my inner library?”


“You take my handwriting and take it out. By the way, bring the Rainbow Grass and the Taiyi Spirit Water that was just stored in the warehouse last month, and send it to the hands of Xu Zhenren. I say that this is because I am grateful to Chongshan Academy for the Chu State. Demon slayer, to maintain the tranquility of the place, a gift sent.”

Although he didn’t know why, why King Chu, who had always been stingy, would be so generous, but the old eunuch who had been in the palace for a long time knew exactly what to ask and what not to ask.

After a respectful response, he bowed his body and exited the door.

“Chongshan Academy, Taiyin Ghost Sect, hum!”

The strong hatred echoed in the Great Hall with a cold snort.

“Master, I think Xiao Xian is respectful on the surface, but the corners of his eyes and brows are filled with hostility.” Sun Shi said.

“We took away the two counties and ruled them. Chongshan Academy has deep into every inch of land under his rule. No monarch will like a power outside of our control.”

“But that Xiao milling face with Ghost Qi, seems to have some connection with the Taiyin Ghost Sect.”

Sun Shi nodded and said, “It seems to be a rare blue silk ghost in the ghost road.”

“Only the Taiyi Immortal Gu, which is rare in this kind of Gu Dao, can control Xiao Milling, the lord of a country.”

“In this way, although the Taiyin Ghost Sect has been subdued for three years, it has always been hidden behind Chu State.”

Xu Junming nodded.

“No accident, the monitoring we received along the way was the old ghost behind the scenes.”

“Master, the other party is deliberate and obviously doesn’t plan to let us go. Gangneung City is too dangerous, shall we withdraw first?”

Smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

“no need to worry.”

“The Taiyin Ghost Sect is like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark. If it is not removed, it will always be a threat to my Chongshan Academy.”

Sun Shi knew it, “That’s why the Master used his own risk to draw him out of the Taiyin ghost mythical creature?”

“There are reasons for this, but I even want him to act on me first, so that I can completely eradicate the Taiyin ghost mythical creature with an excuse. Otherwise, the teacher will be unknown and easy to be criticized, especially Buddhism.”

Although the power of the realm of the Taiyin ghost mythical creature is strong, Xu Junming still has a way to deal with it.

But the impact of beheading a big Luo Xiu is too great. If the teacher is famous, it can reduce a lot of trouble.

‘Boom…! ’

The knock on the door suddenly sounded.


“Xu Zhenren is here, the miscellaneous family is in charge of the cloud, and on your majesty’s order, we are here to send treasure to the real person.”

“and many more.”

Xu Junming flew with both hands, and several Fayin solutions went to the Restrictions of the room.

“come in.”


Accompanied by the hoarse rubbing sound, the eunuch next to Xiao Milling pushed the door and walked in.

Three little eunuchs followed him.

Each young eunuch held a tray in his hand, covered with red cloth, obviously not a common thing.

“In front of your Majesty, Bingbi supervises the cloud, see Xu Zhenren.”

“Father-in-law is visiting late at night, is there something important?”

“His Majesty said: Chongshan Academy has done a great job in slaying demons and demons in Chu State, and protecting one’s peace. It is specially made for the miscellaneous family to choose three gifts from the underwear and bring them to real people to show his gratitude.”

With a wave of his hand, the three little eunuchs hurriedly walked to the front.

Lifting the red cloth on the far left, a long-necked blue and white porcelain vase about one foot high appeared in front of her eyes.

Guan Yun picked up the porcelain bottle and shook it briefly, and a sound that seemed to be surging from the ocean sounded from it.

“The name of this treasure is called’Hanhai Lingshui’, the essence of ten thousand waters, the best of Taiyi. One drop can evolve a lake of thousands of miles, and its magical uses are endless. Please taste it by real people.”

After handing the porcelain bottle to Xu Junming, Guan Yun walked to the left and lifted the red cloth on it, revealing a jade box.

With a flick of his finger, a touch of spiritual light flew into the jade box, and it instantly became transparent.

It can be clearly seen that there is a light silver Spiritual herbs with long slender leaves.

“This herb is called’Rainbow Grass’, and it is the main medicine for refining Taiyi-level healing medicine.”

Finally, the red cloth in the middle was lifted, and a light golden stone placed in a wooden box appeared in front of Xu Junming.

“Tianxin Stone?” Xu Junming asked in surprise.

“A real person has a good vision. It is the Tianxin Stone. This is the pure Yang Daluo spiritual material. If a real person can find a good craftsman, he can use this stone to develop a Daluo Lingbao.”

“This Three Treasures is a gift from my prince to a real person. Please accept it.”

After waving his hand to sign Sun Shi to take the treasure, “Thank you, Your Majesty, for me.”

After Guan Yun nodded, he respectfully said: “The miscellaneous family has to go back and return to his Majesty, so I won’t disturb the real person and leave.”

“Father-in-law walk slowly.”


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