Chapter 881 Vajra Bodhisattva

“By the way, Zhen Yuanzi got a glimpse of Xu Heshou’s details, what if he…?”

“No. Zhen Yuanzi is famously fond of plant elves, he will not reveal Xu Heshou’s details.”

There was a pause.

“But there are so many big Luo Xiu scholars in the past, so I must have guessed it. The best Xiantian elixir is too seductive, and it is necessary for Xu Heshou to avoid the limelight.”

After the Dragon Emperor nodded, “Let him cultivate in the world of Mount Chong then. When there is no way to enter, then come to the world of Earth Immortals.”

Xu Junming also knows that this method is the safest.

The seductiveness of the Xiantian elixir is too great.

Just a few roots are more effective than many Luo Ling Dan.

Once the news spreads, I’m afraid that the major sects under the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism will not help but come to snatch it.

“Everything is done, I’ll leave it to you here.”

“How about you?” Longdi asked, turning his head.

“Me? Naturally continue on the road.”

The original purpose of his coming out this time was to travel all the way, and then to participate in the Yuntai Fairy in Dongsheng Shenzhou. The matter in Lingling County just coincided with its meeting.

“Be careful. There has been no news from the Taiyin Ghost Sect in the past three years, and most of them have no good intentions.”

“It’s said that the dog that bites doesn’t bark. This old ghost is really like that. But I really look forward to when he will take action, just to smooth out this malignant tumor that grows underground in Jingchu.”

“I’ve persuaded you like this a long time ago.” Long Di gave him a sideways glance.

“Hehe, the old ghost of Taiyin is just a clown and can’t get on the stage. Stabilizing the foundation of our mountain in Jingchu is the key.”

“This is the end of the matter, it’s up to you.”

The light flashed, and the dragon emperor’s figure disappeared.

“This guy, as always, is still hot on the inside.”

Shaking his head, he set up the escape light and exited the cave in the Lingling City main courtyard of Chongshan Academy.

Since Chongshan Academy spread to Jingxiang and Lingnan 27 County, the area of ​​5 trillion li, the original Lingling City Upper House has become the Lingling City General Hospital.

Escape stopped at the top of a courtyard.

I looked down, but I saw a tall figure in the yard, moving around, a set of fists and tigers blowing wind, extremely mighty.

Next to the pomegranate tree, a monkey wearing a tiger skin skirt and a yellow short beating is blackmailing Erlang’s legs, drinking a little wine and rubbing peanuts; watching the tall figure punching, occasionally giving pointers, it’s so uncomfortable .

“This hoot!”

After shaking his head and smiling, Xu Junming flew down.

Perceiving the movement, Sun Shi quickly got up.


Chen Ling, who was practicing martial arts next to him, also hurriedly stopped and stepped forward to see him.


Chen Ling, who is already six years old, has opened his mind under Sun Shi’s dedicated teaching.

More importantly, his Cultivation Base has also risen, but he has reached the Martial Dao’Five Viscera Realm’ in three years, which is equivalent to Realm.

The height is more than three hundred feet. If Chen Ling hadn’t awakened from his bloodline the method of the giant spirit protoss to control the body, this yard would have long been unable to hold him.

“Go and say goodbye to your mother, we should be on the road.”

Chen Ling’s eyes lit up and suddenly remembered what the Master had said about traveling.

“I’m going now.”

Having said that, the clothes were not returned, and there was a flash of inspiration under his feet, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

Because his mother is also a cultivator, Xu Junming arranged to enter the Chongshan Academy to practice, and now she can no longer live here.

“Master, shall we go north next?”

“Of course. But we have been delayed for more than three years in Lingling County, so we have to speed up the journey ahead.”

Chen Ling returned shortly after leaving, his expression was a bit low, and he was obviously separated from his mother and still a little bit unwilling.

However, at the age of six, although Cultivation Base has reached the five internal organs, his xinxing is still a child. Soon after he left Lingling City, he was attracted by the scenery along the way and left his sadness behind.

The group of three left the scope of Lingling County and went north along the official road to Jingxiang.


Xu Junming’s heart moved, and the Lingtai suddenly felt peeped, but he couldn’t find out where this feeling came from.

Secretly counted for himself.

“Kan Gua, a bad omen.”

After changing several directions in a row, except for turning around and going back to be safe and sound, the three directions of east, west, and north are all evil hexagrams.

“Although I don’t know where the danger comes from, the most likely thing is that the ghost emperor Taiyin took action.”

Thinking of this, Xu Junming calmly glanced at Sun Shi.

This monkey has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. Seeing its eyes flashing, it is obviously noticeable.


“Don’t say much, just keep going.”

Sun Shi was clear, and the three masters and disciples continued to move forward.

At this moment, far away in the depths of the underground, in the Great Hall of Taiyin in the center of the Taiyin ghost mythical creature, in front of the ghost emperor Tuoba Peak is a three-foot-sized bronze mirror with a frame embossed with exquisite exotic animal patterns.

In the clear and water-like mirror surface, it was the three of Xu Junming’s master and apprentice.

“It’s finally out.”

A sharp light flashed from the bottom of Tuobafeng’s eyes.

Since Lingling City was captured by Chongshan Academy three years ago, tens of thousands of Chongshan upper courtyard, middle courtyard, and lower courtyard blocked the land of Jingxiang and completely blocked the Taiyin Ghost Sect underground. He has understood that he and the Chongshan School There is no more place to turn around.

“Come here.”

A tyrannical yin air flew into the Great Hall, and on the ground turned into a general with a helmet and armor.

“What’s your order?”

“You hold my jade order and let General Kamikaze lead his mighty army to closely monitor Xu Junming’s whereabouts.”

With a wave of his big sleeve, the bronze mirror flew into his hand.

“This ‘Escape Mirror’ is temporarily handed over to him, and you must not reveal your whereabouts, otherwise I will demote him to Jiuyou. Go.”

The Gui Jiang held the Escape Mirror and Jade Ling in both hands, and retired respectfully.

Tuobafeng sat in the depths of the Great Hall, thinking about eyes reveal.

Although he is confident that with the powerful realm power of the Taiyin ghost mythical creatures, he can compete with the two big Luo Celestial Immortals of Dragon Emperor and Taiyi True Monarch, but he has no idea whether he can withstand it in the end.

After pondering for a moment, he took out a golden token from the bag.

I pinched a few seals with both hands, and the rich Buddha light radiated from the token. Gradually, an old monk wearing a yellow Kasaya, big earlobe shoulders, and a thin body appeared in the Buddha light.

A strong coercion spread.

“Namou Amitābha, Tuoba donor, have you thought about it?”

“If I take refuge in your Buddhism, what kind of fruit can I get?”

“Vajra Bodhisattva, guarding the eighteenth floor of The Underworld Buddha Kingdom, suppressing evil spirits, and his status is only under the old monk.”

“I am a great Luo Xiu scholar. After joining Buddhism, don’t I still get the status of a’Buddha’?”

“The donor has become a Buddha. Buddha, Bodhisattva, Venerable, Arhat, Vajra, etc., are just functions, not power. The reason why a Buddha is a Buddha is because the Buddhas do good deeds, obtain good results, have great merits, and become Buddhas; absolutely; Not because of Cultivation Base.”

“Lao Na, Guanshiyin, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, etc. are great Luo Xiu scholars, but they are only Bodhisattva.”

Tuobafeng shook his head.

“I don’t understand so many great principles. If you want me to enter Buddhism, yes, you can exchange it for a Buddha fruit.”

Seeing Tuoba Peak where oil and salt were not entering, Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva frowned.

If it hadn’t been for a Da Luo-level old ghost in Duhua, who had done a lot of merit, he would have turned around and left.

“Amitābha, Tuoba donor…!”

“Stop. I don’t want to listen to you any longer. When Buddhism agrees to my terms, Ksitigarbha King Bodhisattva will come again.”

The fingering change, a powerful seal, re-sealed the token.

Billowing Yin Qi hit, and the remaining Buddha’s light became water without a source, a tree without roots, and was quickly extinguished by Yin Qi.

Far in the deepest part of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor.

In the endless darkness, a vast golden ocean stands.

Every drop of water is condensed by Buddha’s light.

The golden Lotus flowers floated above the ocean, densely packed, extending to the end of the line of sight, no less than hundreds of millions.

On every lotus flower, there is a strange creature sitting cross-legged.

They were originally fierce, now Baoxiang solemnly recites the Buddha’s name and preaching the truth.

The magnificent Buddhist music and Zen singing fills every inch of space.

In the middle of the endless ocean, is a Qianye Jinlian that resembles a giant mountain of ancient times.

An old monk wrapped in a golden Kasaya and holding a nine-ringed tin rod sits on it. On top of his head, a golden orb with a large golden orb is blooming. It looks like a big sun from a distance.

Suddenly, the old monk opened his eyes, and the tyrannical breath flickered.

“wishful thinking!”

Buddhism is not the time when there were two or three big fish and small fish in the ancient times.

With the three thousand hongchen visitors joining Buddhism, Foguo has long been full of radishes and pits.

Until now, Buddhism’s various systems have long been fulfilled.

Celestial Immortals, the Celestial Immortals, who were halfway through the family like the ghost emperor of Taiyin, don’t even want to get Buddha’s fruit, at best it is a miscellaneous name Bodhisattva.

If he is Daluo Xuanxian, he can consider giving him a miscellaneous Buddha.

Unfortunately he is not.

After shook his head slightly, the Ksitigarbha no more attention.

A big Luo Celestial Immortals is nothing but Buddhism is not lacking now.

“Master, is Gangneung Castle right in front of you?”

Looking at the faintly visible city in the north, Xu Junming nodded.

With the help of the bronze mirror, you can clearly see the ten thousand zhang purple air above the city.

This is a typical dynasty’s luck, but Xiao Xian is only the king of Liang, not emperor, so this purple energy is just a dragon, not a dragon.

“Master, Master, look.”

Chen Ling yelled.

Looking in the direction of his fingers, a village shop on the side of the road appeared in his eyes.

Sun Shi’s face sank, and he slapped him up.

“Eat, eat, and you know how to eat. All the money you earned from killing demons and slayers on the way to the teacher has been eaten up by you.”

Chen Ling clutched his head with an innocent face.

“Master, you can’t eat less than me.”

“I am the Master, so I should eat more.”

“It’s not fair.” Chen Ling murmured.

“What did you say?”

“I’m talking about buying a few more chickens for Master to eat.”

Sun Shi nodded in satisfaction.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Seeing the exchange between the two in his eyes, Xu Junming shook his head helplessly.

He didn’t expect that the disciple from Sun Shijiao would be like this.

Greedy, loves to eat, and not stingy.

When I first met, Chen Ling was an honest and honest child.

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