Chapter 444

Chapter 444 Tianluo Umbrella

Compared with the changes in appearance, Xu Junming pays more attention to the inner part, especially Hun and Po of the eight babies. Through the bronze mirror, it can be clearly seen that the expressions on the faces of the eight babies are a little more agile than the original muddle-headedness.

The original young body has also grown a lot.

Obviously, the black dog breakthrough Xiantian, so that these symbiotic Hun and Po have been greatly nourished.

But the wound on the soul is the most difficult to repair, not to mention that these babies are soul wounds in Xiantian, and it is extremely difficult to repair.

Fortunately, they live in symbiosis with the soul of the black dog. Unless Xu Junming can Transcends Tribulation Immortal Ascension, it will be difficult to repair.

He sighed in his heart. Now that the black dog Cultivation Base has been strengthened and can repair their Hun and Po, Xu Junming is relieved.

What he has is a way to allow black dogs to continue Ascension Cultivation Base.


A familiar and unfamiliar spirit wave appeared in Xu Junming’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing the clear wisdom in the black dog’s eyes, Xu Junming nodded.

“The remaining medicinal power of the Three Yellow Pills, I will seal them in your Dantian, and slowly refine them when you cultivate.”

“Thank you, sir.”

The newly born and wise black dog’s mind is similar to an eleven or twelve-year-old child, still very naive, but already understands the truth.

“You’re welcome. But this time you swallowed Medicine Pill indiscriminately, almost exploding to death and had to be punished.”

“Niu Kui!”

Kui Niu, who was standing nearby, hurriedly stepped forward. Its body is Kui Niu, and its name is “Niu Kui” that Xu Junming took for him.

“Master, please order.”

“Look at it, wait for the Cultivation Base to stabilize, and close it for three days.”


The black dog’s face was begging for mercy.

However, Xu Junming is not soft-hearted, and impunity is to condone. Although it was a mistake made by the Black Dog without being wise, it was not a reason for forgiveness.

“Got it, sir, wrap it on me.”

In the past few days, the black dog almost died of anger, Kui Niu was anxious to teach this cunning guy a lesson.

However, even though Kui Niu is very carefree, he has always done things with a sense of measure, and there will be no major problems when handing the black dog to it.

“When it is out, give him these two spiritual weapons.”

With a wave of Xu Junming’s hand, a spirit weapon-level Hutian charm and a nether flag made from a sample of the nether bone flag were handed over to Kui Niu.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to give the black dog a better baby, but now that it is only a newcomer to Xiantian, it can use magic treasures, Magic Treasures and Lingbao, and it can’t be used once if it is drained.

“Yes, sir.”

Xu Junming nodded and walked out.

After leaving the spirit beast courtyard, Xu Junming walked to the Tiangong Hall.

The scenery in the palace remains unchanged.

It is as high as a thousand feet, with a diameter of eight hundred feet, and is shaped like an octagonal pagoda.

This octagonal pagoda is distributed with large and small stone niches from top to bottom. According to different areas, different spiritual materials, Magic Treasures, and refined Medicine Pills are stored.

There are eight Lotus flower seats around the pagoda, seven of which are empty, and the only one with people is Xu Junming’s puppet monk Zhikong.With a throw away, a large black iron umbrella with a length of nearly ten feet flew into the heavenly furnace.

This umbrella is the Tianluo umbrella made by Xu Junming earlier.

Now this Lingbao, which is dominated by formations and supplemented by Fudao, has become more and more tasteless as Xu Junming has more and more spirit treasures in his hands.

Even so, Xu Junming did not intend to give up as one of the few Array Dao Lingbao in his own hands.

The Tianluo umbrella flew into the Lotus flower sub-furnace of the God of Heavenly Craftsmanship, and soon fell into the scorching flame.

Xu Junming stretched out his hand and pointed, and a piece of iron forged from the Dragon Palace treasury flew into the heavenly furnace.

Wan Lian Ling Iron is the main material for making metal immortal artifacts. Although Xu Junming’s piece of Ling Iron is called ‘wan Lian’, it is actually only nine thousand nine hundred forged.

However, the Xinjin Spiritual Qi contained in it is so strong that it can be called the best in this world.

If you want to reconstitute the Tianluo Umbrella, only this spirit iron is not enough.

Xu Junming stretched out his hand and pointed, and the countless charms in the umbrella surface began to gather.

At his level, the number is no longer a decisive thing. No amount of Dongzhen level magic talisman can compare to a Dongming level magic talisman.

Therefore, in addition to enhancing the strength of the Xiantian Eight Trigrams formation on the cover of the Tianluo umbrella, the second most important step in re-training the Tianluo umbrella is to turn hundreds of thousands of Dongzhen, Dongxuan, and Dadong level magic charms into Dongming. Level charm.

This is a big project, and it will not end for a while.

In addition, in addition to Qiankun Xunzhen, Kanli Gendui, and eight types of charms, the charms in the Tianluo Umbrella also have charms with different attributes such as Hutian and Good Fortune. Although these charms cannot increase the power of the Tianluo Umbrella, they also Can not give up.

Xu Junming made changes to the spiritual forbidden of Tianluo Umbrella as outlined in his mind while practicing.

This exercise is two years.

Because the original Tianluo Umbrella is a spiritual treasure, after re-training, there is no need for Transcends Tribulation.

However, compared to the previous one, the newly practiced Tianluo Umbrella has been shortened to four feet from the previous one.

The slightly wrinkled black umbrella cover gleams with a faint mysterious light and an unpretentious atmosphere. Although it does not look conspicuous, anyone with eyesight can see the Bufan of this umbrella.

After holding it in his hand and weighing it for a while, Xu Junming opened the umbrella rib.

The internal structure has not changed much.

In the middle is the main rib that must be thicker for the adult’s thumb, and on both sides are eight much thinner auxiliary ribs.

The nine umbrella ribs are all black nine thousand nine hundred refined iron castings, which look extremely hard and extremely tough.

This iron umbrella, which looks similar to an ordinary umbrella, has the real mystery in a place that is invisible to the naked eye.

Like eight auxiliary ribs, each rib contains nine Dongming level charms.

These charms correspond to the eight different attributes of “Qian Kun Xun Zhen, Kan Li Gen Dui”.

In addition, the superfluous charms were refined into higher-rank charms by Xu Junming, and the Tianluo Umbrella was removed.

After this training, Tianluo Umbrella’s original hodgepodge of charms has now become more unified, and its power is naturally stronger.

Two years have changed more than just a spiritual treasure.

The Black Dog has also advanced to become the Xiantian late stage. Together with the Lingbao bestowed by Xu Junming, he has a certain ability to protect himself.

Xu Junming urged the bronze mirror and looked at the dark red blood in the black dog’s body. He clearly felt a kind of ghostly breath from it.

“Netherdog’s blood is stronger.”

The black dog shook his head, “Master, since my blood is stronger, why haven’t I awakened the Xiantian supernatural powers? And, why are these eight little boys Hun and Po living in symbiosis with my Hun and Po? I didn’t figure it out either.”

It is not the only thing that hasn’t figured out. Even Xu Junming hasn’t figured out why Hun and Po of eight babies can coexist with Hun and Po of black dog.

However, he can be sure that this must be related to the blood of the awakened Netherdog inside the black dog.

As for whether it was right or not, he couldn’t be 100% sure right now, he just waited for the black dog to get closer and watched.

After letting go of the black dog, Xu Junming left Chongshanju where he had stayed for two years. When he reappeared outside, it was a lush suburb.

At the beginning, after he wiped out all the demon above Nascent Soul in Fuyu Kingdom, he left there.

Fuyu is not the only country in the East China Sea.

There are countless islands on this huge ocean of nearly a million miles. Hundreds of countries, large and small.

Larger countries are similar to Fuyu, with a territory of nearly a thousand miles and tens of millions of feeders.

A smaller country may only have one island a hundred miles away, and it can rule only a few thousand people.

Xu Junming is now in a maritime country called Dayu State hundreds of miles away from Fuyu State.

Dayu State is slightly larger than Fuyu State, but there are a few more plains on the island, so the population is quite abundant, coupled with the efforts of several generations of kings to govern, the people are relatively prosperous.

After coming here, Xu Junming intended to continue his travels, but after he took the Blood Qi squeezed from Fuyu Guozhong’s demon, the physical Cultivation Base reached the breakthrough threshold, so he temporarily stopped here and returned to Chongshanju.

Later, breakthrough Martial Dao was at the seventh stage of the Tiangang realm. After breaking through the boundary, Cultivation Base was able to quickly improve. After cultivation in Chongshan for a period of time, there were treasures and raising dogs. It took more than four years to come out. .

Looking at the road down the mountain, Xu Junming waved, Kui Niu and Black Dog flew out of it.

Kui Niu turned into an ordinary green bull, and he supported Xu Junming and came to the foot of the mountain, followed by the black dog. This team, which was a slightly weird combination, swayed towards the front.

Pedestrians on the official road turn to look at this weird combination from time to time.

“Tsk tusk” exclaimed and turned away.

However, there are also those who like dogs. After seeing the extremely handsome black dog, they approached Xu Junming and were willing to pay a high price to buy the black dog.

Whenever he encounters such a person, without Xu Junming speaking, the black dog will be angry, barking sharp teeth, using a loud barking, and strong body to drive these guys away mercilessly.

Fortunately, he knew his master’s temperament, but it didn’t really hurt anyone.

The more you go forward, the more the water vapor becomes stronger.

Soon the sound of turbulent water flowed into the ear drum.

It was not long, and a big river twenty to thirty feet wide came into view.

The one hundred meters wide river is no longer small.

In terms of productivity in ancient times, unless there is a practitioner to take action, you simply don’t want to build a bridge over such a river.

However, even if practitioners can do it, they will not waste their precious Magic power and spiritual materials for the mud legs.

When Xu Junming brought Kui Niu and Black Dog over, a small town appeared in his eyes.

Said to be a town, in fact, it is more like a village in scale, and there are so few people in total.

Said it is a village, there are many things that are not available in the village.

For example, inns, restaurants, carts and horses, and ferry boats for people to cross the river, etc.

Although the place is not big, there are a lot of people, and it is also very lively.

“Master, I can smell the scent of roast chicken, Lao Niu.” Kui Niu Divine Sense said through voice transmission.


“Old Hei, don’t you know how to speak?”

“Master Gou, I always think that the barking can better reflect the urgency of Master Gou that I am now eager to eat roast chicken.”

Hearing these words, Xu Junming shook his head secretly in his heart.

They all say ‘the one who is near Zhu is red and the one is black is near Mo.’ This sentence is really appropriate for black dogs.

The originally loyal black dog, after being taught by Kui Niu, completely changed into Kui Niu’s appearance.

The two guys are now lazy and greedy, and have a soft spot for roast chicken and wine.

“Barking is the performance of low-level animals, and speaking is the sign of practicing practitioner.” He glanced at the black dog contemptuously, “When you call again in the future, don’t stand with me. I can’t afford to lose that person. ”

When the black dog heard it, he was instantly angry.

“Stupid bull, you humiliate me.”

“Yes, that’s right. You can bite me if you have the ability!”Seeing the complacency on the face of the cyan bull, although the black dog wanted to bite, it was a Xiantian late stage dog. In front of the second-tier primordial ox, Kui Niu, he was not even qualified to lift shoes.

The black dog rolled his eyes and ran to Xu Junming with a feeling of weeping on his face, grieving.

“Master, it bullies me, Lao Niu.”

Xu Junming twitched at the corner of his mouth. This kind of trick like “The wolf is coming” has been played by black dogs a lot.

“Go away, don’t bother me with this kind of bullshit in the future.”

After waving the black dog, letting it fight with Qingniu, the group gradually walked into the town.

More than a dozen two-storey village shops built with crude logs have become clearer.

Business travelers from afar walked into the courtyard behind the inn or restaurant, either carrying a load of goods or driving a carriage.

Xu Junming used a method of covering his eyes, after avoiding everyone’s eyes, Kui Niu instantly transformed into a human form, but the black dog couldn’t help it.

Awakening the blood of the ghost dog, it needs at least Gold Core or even Nascent Soul to transform it.

Xiao Er, who opened the door to welcome customers, saw Xu Junming and hurriedly greeted him.

“Dao Master, please come in…!”

Before he finished speaking, he saw him coming in from behind, tall, with a lion’s nose and wide mouth, like a giant kui ox.

She was instantly shrouded by a tall figure, and a sense of fear involuntarily rose in her heart.

Before the fear disappeared, another big black dog, half a human, walked in slowly behind the giant man.

Dogs were originally not allowed in the restaurant, but the guy looked at the huge size of the black dog and really didn’t have the courage to stop it.

“Then open your mouth, don’t be afraid to bite my arm off.”

Thinking of this, my heart trembled. Seeing that the group of people seemed to be headed by the Taoist leader, they hurried over. However, the fear in his heart made him go around Xu Junming’s left side.

The one on the right side jumped onto the bench, with two sturdy front paws lying on the table, with deep eyes staring at his big black dog.

“Dao…dao master, eat…what to eat?”

Even though he asked, the young Dian Er still focused more on the black dog, for fear that it would suddenly rush to bite himself.

“Don’t worry, I don’t want people as a dog.”

Xu Junming smiled and comforted.

The shop second swallowed.

“Dao…How did you raise your dog? This head is too big.”

“Haha, Taoists are always a little different from ordinary people.”

Dian Xiaoer admired: “The Taoist master really deserves to be an expert in Taoism, he has real skills.”

For the compliment, after a smile can not be denied.

“Bring us all the special dishes you have here, and also bring up your roast chicken and good wine.”

After that, spread his left hand, and put twenty-two grains of silver on the table.

“You take these first, if it is not enough, we will make up later.”

When Xiao Er saw Yinzi, his eyes lit up, and he was no longer afraid for an instant, and excitedly picked up Yinzi.

“You can rest assured that the roast chicken and old wine in our shop are unique in Jindian County. You will not regret it if you eat it, and you will want to eat it after you eat it.”

“Since it’s delicious, go get it quickly, don’t be fussy.” Kui Niu said.

“Okay, I’m going now. The two guest officers will wait a minute and they will be fine.”

“Remember to have more meat, all of us are edible.”

“Understood, the two guest officials can rest assured that we don’t have much else in the store, just a lot of meat.”

After all, hurried away.

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