Chapter 443

Chapter 443: Black Dog Breaks Through

“Dead dog, let go of your dog’s mouth.”

Kui Niu jumped like a thunder, and just about to kick his feet, the black dog had already swallowed half of the roast chicken in one bite, and fled behind Xu Junming’s reclining chair, leaving Kui Niu clutching the remaining chicken legs with an angry expression on his face.

“Damn, you shameless, nasty, and humble dog, next time you dare to snatch your bull’s stuff, and see if I don’t strip you of your black skin.”

Looking at the furious Kui Niu, the eyes of the black dog hiding behind Xu Junming’s recliner showed a trace of humane cunning and pride.

In anger, Kui Niu deliberately taught the black dog a lesson, but looking at Xu Junming who was lying on the recliner reading a book, he finally suppressed his anger.

The master is much better to this Damn it guy than to it.

“Hmph, I will find a chance to clean up you later.”

He gave the black dog a vicious look, and Kui Niu looked at the chicken leg with the black dog’s saliva in his hand. There was a trace of disgust on the cow’s face. Just about to throw it away, he turned his eyes and got an idea.

The most empty one pinched a few Dharma seals, muttered a word in his mouth, stretched out his hand, and the chicken legs in his hand changed instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the chicken leg disappeared, and a leg of lamb that was the size of a basin and exuded an alluring fragrance appeared in Kui Niu’s hands.

Seeing this scene, Xu Junming’s mouth twitched, never thinking that the Illusion Art that Kui Niu this bastard learned from him was not used on the enemy, but used to greedy the dog? !

It’s really outrageous.

But I have to say that his method is really useful.

A black dog who hasn’t become a demon yet, without Divine Sense, can’t tell the truth from the fake. Seeing the leg of lamb, his eyeballs almost fell out, his nose twitched, and his saliva dripped down, and it soon wet the soil.

The triumphant Kui Niu spit on the leg of the lamb.

“Lao Hei, come on, taste the taste of Lord Niu’s saliva?”

The black dog swallowed the roast chicken in his mouth in couples and yelled at Kui Niu.

Although it hasn’t become a demon, but its intelligence is not low, it is natural to see that Kui Niu is insulting himself.

The dog barked full of anger.

But it also knew that it was not the opponent of the old bull. After yelling twice, its head arched Xu Junming, and the huge dog’s eyes showed grievances.

Patting its head, Xu Junming showed a trace of helplessness on his face.

I have heard of dragons and tigers fighting, cats and mice are incompatible with each other, but I have never heard of dogs and cows that dislike each other.

Since the black dog followed himself, he has been fighting with Kui Niu all day long. Even if I was beaten by Kui Niu, I would tease the hot-tempered Kui Niu the next day.

Similar to today’s drama, he has seen it countless times in the past three months.

Turned his head and looked at Kui Niu who was proud of himself.

“You too, don’t use Illusion Art, but also spit, greedy a dog, don’t you feel nauseous?”

“Master, you don’t know how annoying that mean dog is. The guinea fowl I finally roasted was taken away by him without a bite.”

Who wouldn’t pretend to be pitiful, Kui Niu was also full of grievances at this time.

“Okay, you are not allowed to make trouble again. Otherwise, my lord, I will be locked up one by one.”

Speaking of confinement, Heigou and Kui Niu calmed down in an instant.

The last time the two had a quarrel, they were thrown into a dream by Xu Junming. In that endless darkness, there is no time and space, and there is no Spiritual Qi.

In that kind of absolute void, all anger and courage will disappear without a moment or three, leaving only endless fear.

As long as I experience it once, there will be no dogs or cows, and I hope to experience it a second time.

A cow and a dog obediently left Xu Junming’s Chongshan Residence.

Disturbed by them, Xu Junming’s “Jade Xuxin Sutra” couldn’t stand anymore.

This book of Cultivation Technique he obtained from Yan Ruohai’s memory is one of the four true biography of Kunlun School. It stands with the Pure Yang Jade Void Art, the Six Sun Magic Art, and the Ice Phoenix Purifying Heart True Sutra.

But compared to other Cultivation Techniques, Xu Junming is most interested in Yuxu Heart Sutra.

Because this Cultivation Technique is rare in the practice world, it is a Cultivation Technique that focuses on the soul.

Among them, the Kunlun sent senior Gao Xiu’s explanation of the way of the soul is extremely useful for his future practice.

Moreover, this book of Jade Xuxin Heart Sutra records many methods of using the Tao of Soul, which greatly compensates for his shortcomings of high vigilance and insufficient means.

Although this is not a shortcoming in Xu Junming’s opinion, after all, with his strength, combined with Lingbao, the power is strong enough.

There is no need for extra methods at all.

But if it is the inheritance disciple, this is obviously a big flaw.

Now with the addition of this ‘Jade Xuxin Sutra’, coupled with Xu Junming’s previous Insight, this Soul Dao finally has a relatively complete inheritance under his sect.

Putting away the Jade Slip that records the Jade Void Heart Sutra, Xu Junming stepped forward, flying like a cloud, slowly landing on the good fortune island in the center of the good fortune spiritual pond.

This island, which was practiced by Xu Junming using the Hutian Method, is only one acre in size on the bright surface, but it is actually hundreds of miles in size.

The solitary straight father, the two pine trees of the colorful splendor, the three red flame bamboos, and the newly acquired Qibaoling gourd are the most valuable things on the entire island, and they are also the roots of the fairy.

But when the fairy roots in his hand gradually increased, Xu Junming found out.

Chiyan Lingzhu has the lowest grade, and then the pine tree of Colorful Fairy Embroidery, and upwards is the solitary straight father obtained from the Nine Uncles World Maoshan Sect Cave, and finally the Qibao Ling gourd.

Xu Junming didn’t know what grade the Qibao Spirit Gourd was, but through the bronze mirror, he found that the concentration of Xiantian Spiritual Qi in it far exceeded the total number of two plants and the red flame spirit bamboo.

Moreover, after entering the superior environment such as Xu Junming’s good fortune spirit pond, the Xiantian Spiritual Qi in the Qibao Spirit Gourd is still growing.

It can be seen that when there is enough Spiritual Qi in the future, the Spiritual Qi in this Qibao Spirit Gourd will definitely be stronger than it is now.

Landing on the edge of the Flying Crane Cliff cultivated by the Qibaoling Gourd, I glanced at it and found that the red Calabash in the red spirit flower had grown a bit more.

When it was first planted here, it was only the size of a fingertip, but now it has doubled, and it looks like a teacup is bigger.

In addition, the white Calabash flower has grown into the one second only to the red Calabash flower. Although Calabash hasn’t grown yet, depending on the breath, it is almost the same.

After checking, Xu Junming nodded in satisfaction.

He has a special liking for Calabash Magical Item, otherwise he would not practice the green Calabash sacrifice, which was once a spiritual tool, into a spiritual treasure, and he would never give up and hang it on his waist.

This is also one of the reasons why he would rather fight against the real Dingyang, but also resolutely keep the Qibao Linghu.

Just as he was packing his beloved Calabash Spiritual Roots happily, Kui Niu’s voice suddenly came through the charm.

“Master, the black dog is about to break through.”

Xu Junming was taken aback, put down his man, took a step, and disappeared instantly.

The black dog is not just a dog, it is also related to the souls of eight babies.

If it dies, the souls of the eight children will also disappear.

He couldn’t help but not take it seriously.

When Xu Junming appeared, it was on a high mountain in the spirit beast courtyard.

There is an Immortal Cave on the top of the mountain. Above the entrance of the cave, there is a somewhat ugly eclipse that says “Thunder God’s Cave”.

After passing through the cave and making two turns, there is a large stone chamber with several fork holes on the left and right and behind the stone chamber.

A fist-sized night pearl illuminates the huge cave like daylight.

The ground of the stone cave is extremely smooth, with stone tables and stools, and a small amount of decoration.

At this moment, Kui Niu was standing aside, but the black dog was lying on the ground, the breath on his body was strong and weak, extremely unstable.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Kui Niu hurried forward.


“What the hell is going on? The foundation of Da Hei is not strong, and how can we break through before it reaches the stage of breaking through?”

Kui Niu smiled bitterly.

“I was negligent for a while. After taking the Medicine Pill, I forgot to activate Restrictions to close the pill room, let the old black sneak in, and swallow the three yellow pill that was given to me by the master before but not used up.”

After speaking, Kui Niu hurriedly said: “Master, my Magic power is too violent and not suitable for guiding the old black to digest the medicine. Please take action. If you delay it for a long time, it will have to die.”

Sanhuang Pill is a Medicine Pill taken by Gold Core cultivator. Although the medicine is mild, when it is for Gold Core cultivator, for those who have not advanced to Gold Core, this medicine will change from mild to violent. Xiantian is neither.

After a long time, its Dantian meridian will be broken by the violent medicine.

Xu Junming also knew that the matter was urgent, and he reached out his hand, and accompanied by aura, the violent medicinal power in the black dog calmed down instantly.

Under his guidance, this medicine moisturized the black dog’s body little by little, slowly allowing it to absorb.

About the past month, under the guidance of Xu Junming and nourished by the medicinal power of the Three Yellow Pills, the aura on the black dog’s body became stronger and stronger.

Xu Junming suddenly opened his eyes and drank suddenly.

“It’s not broken at this time, but when will you stay!”


The dog’s barking sounded like a broken stone, thick and huge, and the whole cave was thinking about it.

Immediately afterwards, two faint blue flames lighted up from the black dog’s eyes, and the original deep fur color became deeper, and the fur seemed to be a cloud of ink that couldn’t be opened, and even the light was sucked in.

The black dog’s body is also two laps bigger than before, with strong muscles, slender figure, and full of explosive power.

The body that was once three feet tall and four feet long has now reached a shoulder height of five feet, and the body length is even more than seven feet.

The sturdy limbs, vigorous and sharp claws, touch the ground, and the sound of gold and iron sounded.

If it hadn’t been for the forbidden method set by Kui Niu in this cave, I’m afraid it could not stop its iron claw.

After advancing Xiantian, the black dog has become more handsome.

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