Chapter 445

“Old dog, if you grab my chicken again this time, Lord Niu will chop you off.” Kui Niu said viciously.

Although the black dog backed by Xu Junming is inferior to human beings, it does not lose momentum in terms of momentum.

The round dog stared at Kui Niu angrily.

“Stupid cow, I want to eat alone in front of the dog, but there is no door.”

Xu Junming has already seen more of this bullshit bickering, and he was annoyed before, but now he is a little resigned.

These two guys are also a little bit happy. If they don’t quarrel twice a day, they will feel uncomfortable.

Xu Junming just wanted to teach them a few words, let them not be too much, before opening their mouths, they were attracted by a Taoist priest who walked in from the door.

This person was dressed in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe, followed by two Taoist boys in Tsing Yi.

Dao Tong was carrying a long sword behind his back, and the leading Daoist had a magic bag hanging from his waist and a soft whip in his hand.

Xu Junming felt a strong bloody gas from the soft whip.

“Dian Er?”

The taller Tao Tong shouted after entering the door.

“Here, Master Dao.”

Xiao Er ran over in a hurry.

Dao Tong’s eyes swept away, and he saw a trace of contempt in his eyes when he saw the traffickers and traffickers here, but after seeing Xu Junming’s weird combination, he glanced twice more.

“Are there seats available?”

“I’m sorry, the shop is full today. If the three Dao masters don’t dislike it, you can wait a while now. If there are other table guests who have finished eating, we will immediately clean it out and let the three Dao masters sit in. “Dian Xiaoer said politely.

“Full house?”

Dao Tong smiled coldly and turned his head.

“Junior brother, he said that the guests are full. Let’s clean up for him.”

Next to him was a short, stout boy with a mole on the corner of his left lip, showing a trace of hostility on his face.

“Senior brother’s words are quite true.”

One after another, the two walked to the nearest table.

There are four brawny men sitting here, all proficient businessmen, and they are not easy to provoke by their aura.

When the two Dao Tong approached aggressively, they each pressed their hands on the swords they carried.

This kind of action has not been concealed from the two Taoists.

“Hey, a bunch of pickled things, still want to resist?”

After all, Gao Daotong’s right hand stuck out like lightning, and before the other party could react, he was grabbed by the collar.

“Get out of here!”

With a quick throw, with great strength, the caught brawny was thrown out like a ball.

The same is true for the strong man who was caught by the short Taoist boy next to him.

“Four uncle, nine uncle, you guys…!”

The younger man next to him was furious in an instant, and he was about to fight back with a knife, but was stopped by the older man next to him.

Obviously, he is much more stable than his young and passionate nephew, who is nearly 30 years old.

“Hey, if you count your acquaintances, don’t you get out of here!”

The tall, strong man said coldly.


“Stone, calm down!”

After the older man stopped the young man, he hurried out with the belongings of the four.

After walking outside for many years, he knew very well that some people could not provoke him. Looking at the skills of these Taoist priests, it is obvious that there is a Cultivation Base. They are just rough hands and feet, and they can deal with a few thieves. But when dealing with these cultivators, even the lowest cultivators, they are all moths to the fire. .

Therefore, even if he was angry, he had to endure it.

“Dian Er, don’t take the things soon, we want to eat.”

The trembling shop Xiao Er didn’t dare to say anything, and quickly cleared the table.

The two Taoists nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and walked to the cold-looking Taoist priest wearing apricot robes and carrying a soft whip.

“Master, please.”

At this moment, they didn’t have the slightest madness on their faces, but they showed flattery, just like those slaves of high-ranking families.

The Taoist nodded arrogantly, stepped to the table, and sat down.

“Master, these three guys are really arrogant! Moreover, depending on their style, Lao Niu is probably not a good person. Just kill them.” Kui Niu said.

Xu Junming nodded, but seeing the blood Qi thick whip carried by the middle-aged Taoist priest, he knew that he was not a good person.

He and Kui Niu came all the way to the east. Such people were basically slaughtered.

However, the middle-aged Taoist Cultivation Base is also around the Xiantian middle stage. It is overkill to let Kui Niu deal with it, so it is better to leave it to the black dog to practice.

Thinking of this, Xu Junming turned to look.

The black dog who was sitting on the seat had wrinkled nose, suddenly jumped down, turned and ran towards the door.

Xu Junming frowned slightly, instinctively aware of the strangeness.

“You stay here, I’ll go over and take a look.”

After explaining Kui Niu, Xu Junming turned and walked out of the restaurant’s main entrance.

The two people who had just been thrown out were in that one, supported by a young man and two men, and slowly got up.

Fortunately, there are dirt roads outside the inn. Otherwise, someone would throw it out across the window, spanning seven or eight meters, and fell to the ground severely, and his half-life would be lost.

Even so, it’s uncomfortable to be thrown like this.

Xu Junming looked in his eyes, flicked his fingers, two auras submerged in them, walked quickly along the Meridians, straightened the misplaced muscles and bones, and opened up the blocked meridian, there was no major problem.

After doing this, I heard the surprise sounds of the two guys, and stopped watching, bypassing the bumpy dirt road on the left, and came to the back of the courtyard.

It is surrounded by several side houses and high fences to form a large yard of three to four hundred square meters.

In the yard are parked carriages full of goods by merchants.

Among the few carriages, four are exceptionally special.

Not only was it covered with black curtains, but also guards were left behind.

The attire of the guards was the same as the two Taoist boys in the restaurant just now, and they were also the outfits of the Taoist boys.

The two stood together, talking and laughing unscrupulously.

“This dog is really big.”

“Junior Brother, after slaughtering this black dog, how about we also have a meal of dog meat?”

“Hehe, brother said so, how can I refuse, brother.”

“Are you going or me?”

“It’s just a dog, so I can take care of it, Junior Brother.”

The sturdy Taoist, rolled up his sleeves, and walked toward the black dog with a grinning face.

Black dogs are sturdy in shape and deterrent in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of these Taoist traditions with Foundation Building Cultivation Base, strong flesh, and internal qi breeding, there is no threat at all.

Just when he felt that his hand was coming, the still black dog was as fast as lightning. Before he recovered, a thick black claw had already arrived.

The strong Taoist priest only felt his head buzzed, as if he was hit by a sledgehammer.

Venus appeared immediately in front of his eyes, and all the strength in his body was slowly lost.

Seeing this scene, the lanky Taoist priest next to him was shocked. He was about to exclaim, calling the brother and the Master who were eating in the restaurant in front of him, and the black dog had already jumped on him like lightning.

There was no change in his moves. One paw went down, and the thin and tall Taoist rolled his eyes, and his body quickly fell to the ground.

The black dog landed, and Xu Junming also came over.

“what happened?”

“Master, I feel that there is a strong’Nine Children’s Infant’ here.”

Xu Junming’s face changed.

The so-called “Nine Sons of Intent” refers to a kind of Killing intent that occurs after a baby under one year old is tortured and died.

This is the kind of Houtian Killing intent closest to Xiantian, powerful. Many inhumane Demon Cultivators use this Killing intent to practice Magic Treasures.

Moreover, he knew that the black dog was involved in the cultivation of the Netherworld, and he was extremely sensitive to Killing intent and Yin Qi.


The black dog urged Magic power to lift the black cloth covering the carriage.

A cage made of wood is exposed below which is about six feet long, three feet three inches wide, and four feet high.

Inside the cage are a dozen lambs nestled together.

Xu Junming, who had already activated the bronze mirror, had an extremely ugly face.

With a wave of his hand, the aura swept across.

More than a dozen lambs changed their appearance in an instant, and along with their squirming, a dozen or so little babies in sheep’s clothing appeared on the spot.

The original ‘bleat’ sheep cry has also become a low cry of infants.

It’s just that the cry is weak and weak.

“Animal art!”

Xu Junming’s face was pale, he didn’t hate killing. But what he hates is that infants and young children who have no power to bind chickens start.

Every time he encounters such a bastard, he has to break his body and soul.

The spell was broken, and the middle-aged Taoist priest who was eating in the restaurant had an instant feeling.

His face changed.

“There is something wrong with the goods, you come with me.”

After that, his figure flashed and rushed straight to the backyard.

The two apprentices quickly grabbed the long sword and followed.

Kui Niu did not stop, nor did he follow out. With his master’s ability, what kind of trouble can’t be solved?

He drank a glass of wine for himself, bit off the chicken leg and chewed it in his mouth. The attractive fragrance made Kui Niu’s face a look of enjoyment.

Looking at the child exposed in the car cage, the middle-aged Taoist priest looked gloomy and stared at Xu Junming.

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