Chapter 430

Chapter 430: Taoist Pear Planting

Seeing the cart rushing towards him, the middle-aged Taoist priest was not afraid, his expression was as calm as before.

Seeing him like this, the middle-aged man’s eyes flashed fiercely, but he quickly disappeared.

“Cracking”, seeing the big cart about to hit the Taoist priest, when everyone exclaimed, the cart weighing hundreds of catties was actually caught by the middle-aged man.


Xu Junming saw the strangeness and urged Dantian to take a look at the bronze mirror.

“So, who is this guy?”

“Taoist Wu, will you let me go?”

“The Immeasurable Tianzun, poor Dao and thirsty, specially asked the layman for a pear to eat.”

“Keep rolling, a certain family has three shifts and five sleeps, and they work in the fields every day. They finally got this car of good pears. They are preparing to sell them at the market to exchange some money. You Taoist fight the autumn breeze.”

“You guy is so unreasonable. Poor Dao only asks you to eat a pear, but only a few pennies, and it won’t miss you Zhou Ji’s youngest, why bother to be so stingy.”

“A few pennies is not money? Hurry up, if you don’t leave, be careful that the newspaper officer catches you.”

Just as Daoist was about to speak, an old woman with a basket walked over.

“Master, this man is very stingy, so don’t make money with him. The old lady just bought a few pears at the market, so let’s give you one.”

Then he took out a yellow orange pear from the basket and handed it to the Taoist priest.

The middle-aged Daoist hesitated a little, then took it.

“Thank you, old layman.”

“You are Welcome.”

Then I took the pear and wiped it on Own’s old robe, put it in his mouth, and bit down with a bite. The juice flowed and the fruity fragrance overflowed.

“It really is a good pear.”

After eating three or two bites, only the pear core is left in hand.

The Taoist priest turned upside down in his hand, his eyes swept over everyone, and he said loudly: “The monks never stingy with things. I also have good pears here. Please taste them together.”

“Are you bragging? You have pears, do you have to eat them?”

Those who have something good said loudly.

Everyone talked a lot, saying everything.

The Taoist priest smiled, “I’m about to plant this pear.”

After that, he pulled out a wooden sword from his waist and thrust it into the ground. The bluestone on the ground was like powder, and it was instantly broken.

Everyone saw him dig through the bluestone, dig through the soil, and buried the pear core in his hand.

“Pan Dao still lacks some water to sprinkle here, I don’t know which layman can provide one or two.”

“I’m here, I have it here.”

Everyone stepped aside, and a shopkeeper walked over with a kettle.

“Master, I have water here.”

Seeing him with a lively expression, Daoist smiled faintly, thanked him and took the kettle, and ‘gulu’ poured the water all at once.

After returning the empty kettle to the shop’s second child, I saw him shaking his head, like a witch.

When the people around saw this scene, they all felt that this Daoist must be incompetent, talking and laughing, just like watching a monkey on the street.

However, Xu Junming found a clue.

“This Daoist is so interesting, he slammed and changed his post.”

Kui Niu glanced at it, then continued to eat and drink indifferently.

Anyway, there is nothing to do with this master of his own family, he only needs to do his own part, and don’t need to worry about the rest.

“Long and long!”

The middle-aged Daoist shouted three times.

But saw a small sprout growing from the ground, and then quickly ascending up in the dumbfounded eyes of everyone. Within a quarter of an hour, a tall pear tree appeared in the middle of the road.

Immediately afterwards, small white flowers grew from the leafy pear trees.

The white flowers fell, and the small green pears grew from the size of a finger to the size of an adult’s fist, and quickly changed from green to yellow.

Looking at the yellow pears covered with branches, everyone around was still in their dreams.

The middle-aged Daoist glanced vaguely at the man who was completely attracted by him, and said loudly: “Everyone, there are pears in the poor, you can eat them.”

His words brought everyone back to their senses.

At first, there was some hesitation, but when the first person ran up and down, for fear that the people who could not make a profit, they all ran up at once.

Suddenly, the crowd was surging, and there was a chaos in the street.

Taking this opportunity, the middle-aged Daoist pinched a finger, his figure gradually blurred.

The big man pushing the pear looked at the scene before him, with a struggling expression on his face. Visible to the naked eye, a spiritual light dissipated, and the dazed expression disappeared.

Looking at the empty cart, an anger surged into my heart.

“Damn bastard, dare to steal my hard-earned jade pear.”

Just about to find the middle-aged Taoist priest, his heart moved slightly, turning his head to look at the brilliance flying in the sky behind, his face changed suddenly.

“These Kunlun sect bull noses are really lingering.”

Throwing down the cart, his figure flashed and disappeared in the many lanes of Dayuan Port.

At this moment, in a forest outside Dayuan Harbor, a light flashed, and the middle-aged Taoist priest who had planted pears appeared.

After seeing that there was no one on the left or right, he slapped the bag and dropped the triangular flag into the ground.

Formation sprang up, and after isolating the surroundings, his figure disappeared instantly.

Sit down with excitement on his face.

“Hegei Dao, I’m very profitable, and I can actually meet Kunlun abandoned disciple Hezu Dao here. It is rumored that this servant has stolen the fairy root Qibao fairy gourd growing on the Kunlun Baihe Cliff, as well as ninety-six jade pears.”

“Although Qibao Immortal Gourd hasn’t gotten it yet, with these forty-seven jade pears, Master Dao, my Cultivation Base can be one step closer, and I can’t say that the last soul is in sight.”

While talking to himself, he reached out his hand and touched his sleeve, his expression of excitement was instantly dull.

“Where is my pear?”

An angry voice sounded from the forest.

“His grandma’s grandson tortoise stole Daddy’s pear!”

At this time above the restaurant, Xu Junming held a pear that was two times more than an adult fist in his hand, with a faint aura, and the whole body was emerald-colored, like a fine jade-like pear.

The instant plump and sweet juice soaked his lips and tongue.

The strong fragrance of fruit and wood, along with the rich fragrance, penetrates into the lungs.

“This pear is pretty good, and the Spiritual Qi is so rich, at least it is the top-quality Spiritual Roots.”

Spiritual Roots of the Dongming level are good things. Although Xu Junming has subdued countless demons and demons, he has also gained the accumulation of the Black Heart’s Demon, the Chongyang Dao and the Longjiang Aquatics.

The Dongming-level Spiritual Roots in his hand are no more than eight or nine.

Spirit fruits are even rarer. Except for the middle-grade longan that was obtained by Heart’s Demon during the teaching of the Black Heart’s Demon, it was also a golden spirit fruit that was perfected by the Longjiang Shui Clan.

Fortunately, it was these two Spiritual Roots that Xu Junming’s Nine Yellow Pills had the opportunity to be refined.

“Master, um, where did this pear come from? Can you give me a taste of it for Lao Niu?”

Looking at the pear in his hand, Kui Niu almost left saliva.

I think I have a lot of pears empty handed, eat one or two, and use the latter for pill refining.

Just throw it away.

Kui Niu quickly reached out to catch it.

“For the sake of your hard work, the fragrant pear master will give it to you. Remember to leave the seeds after eating.”

“Thank you, master, thank you for being sympathetic to the old man.”

As he said, he opened his mouth wide, and bit down.

“It’s delicious, delicious, this pear is really delicious. Master, the Spiritual Qi of this pear is so fresh and rich, it should be a Dongming-level spirit fruit.”

“Unexpectedly, you veteran still have some eyesight, and I didn’t waste my teachings.”

“Hey, of course. Lao Niu followed the master, and never dared to slack in his practice, otherwise, would it be a shame for the master to go out with the master in the future?!”

Xu Junming cast him a glance.

Although this old man is lazy and greedy, his practice is still hard work. Ever since I followed myself in the Kunlun ruins in the world of China, I have been from Gold Core to Nascent Soul, and from Nascent Soul to Yuanshen.

Moreover, Insight’s mine is relatively difficult to repair.

Although it has the blessing of Kui Niu’s blood in its body, it is quite talented.

But within a hundred years, it will be able to break through the Nascent Soul and the Nascent Soul, the two major Realms, and their hard work is also an important reason.


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