Chapter 429

The vast ocean represents endless mystery.

Out of prying eyes on this mysterious, countless cultivators and mortal ships rushed into it for thousands of years. Even if it is hiding in the belly of the fish, this craze cannot be stopped.

As the situation in Dayong became more and more turbulent, more and more immigrants fled to overseas islands to survive. Now Dayuan Port, which is close to the East China Sea, is particularly prosperous.

Hundreds of ships, large and small, covered the harbor.

Restaurants and warehouses are even more prosperous.

Along with the flow of people entering Dayuan Port from all directions, a young Daoist riding a green bull and holding a bamboo stick also came here.

“Master, it’s bustling here.”

A vigorous voice came from the body of Qing Niu.

Xu Junming nodded. This Dayuan Port is the largest port in the East China Sea in Dayong, and now it seems that it is indeed a bit majestic.

“It smells good!”

Seeing the longing in the eyes of the green bull sitting down, Xu Junming knocked it on the head with a bamboo stick.

“Be less greedy and go quickly.”

Ever since he left Huzhou City, Xu Junming has brought Kui Niu out of Dihuang Mountain’s cave and sky, and let him as his own foot power, spanning thousands of miles all the way to this Dayuan Port.

Traveling all the way to the mountains and waters, punishing the traitors and eliminating evils easily, and overwhelmingly the addiction of cultivating immortals and traveling thousands of miles.

Now when you come to Dayuan Port, you have to go out to sea from here to explore the overseas scenery and see if you can find the ancient dragon garden that has sunk into the eyes of the East China Sea in the rumors of the Longjiang Aquarium.

“Master, Lao Niu came all the way from Dengzhou, traveling hundreds of miles, tired and hungry, why don’t we find a restaurant to have a meal, take a rest and go on the road?”

Thinking of the hard work it had done for his feet, and Xu Junming was not in a hurry to go out to sea, he nodded and agreed.

Stepping down the cow, the green cow had a flash of inspiration and turned into a sturdy man wearing a purple robe, a belt around his waist, and a sturdy back.

The pedestrians around saw him with fear in their eyes, and they quickly hid away.

The two walked into the city one after another.

“Master, I think that Hanfeng restaurant is good.”

Looking along Kui Niu’s fingers, there is a three-story, luxurious building with flags hanging high on the outside wall, and the attic of the book ‘Hanfeng Restaurant’ comes into view.

Obviously, Hanfeng Restaurant is one of the top restaurants in Dayuangang.

Xu Junming has a lot of money in his pocket, but he doesn’t care where he eats it. Seeing that the restaurant is good, he nodded.

The two walked away.

The closer you get, the more you discover the luxury of this Hanfeng restaurant. Not to mention the jade carvings, but also the eaves and teeth are pecked high, layers of vermilion lacquer, at no cost to the decoration, it is extraordinarily brilliant.

The two came to the door and climbed up the steps.

Seeing them, Xiaoer’s scalp felt numb.

The green-robed Daoist holding a bamboo stick in front is tall enough, and the purple-clothed man behind him has a big waist, a lion’s nose, and a lion’s nose, as if a small mountain is pressing over him.

With that powerful momentum, Xiao Er only felt that his calves were a little bit twisted.

“Well, my second brother, why don’t you see the guests not greeting?”

Seeing Xiao Er in a daze, Kui Niu yelled impatiently.

With cleverness in his heart, Xiaoer hurried forward.

“Two… two guest officers, here… please inside.”

Knowing that he was scared, Xu Junming smiled without saying much. Followed him in.

The stature of the two of them was naturally blinking, but this was good, no one dared to hit their attention.

Looking at the hall on the ground floor, which was almost full, Xu Junming frowned slightly. He didn’t like the hustle and bustle.

“Second brother, are there any seats on the second floor?”

“Yes, yes, but the private seats on the second floor are more expensive than those on the first floor.”

“It’s okay. Take us there.”

Seeing his amiable tone, Dian Er also calmed down a bit, at least not stuttering.

Bringing the two upstairs, it turned out that there were a lot fewer people here than the first floor, and the environment was much quieter.

Seeing that they don’t seem to be short of money, Xiao Er said at the right time: “If you two feel unsatisfied here, we have a private room on the third floor and we can also listen to music.”

“No, just here.”

Xu Junming found a window seat and sat down.

“Two guest officers, what do you want to order? Our steamed sea bass, three yellow snowflake chicken…!”

Waved to interrupt him, Xu Junming said.

“No, give your special dishes, just like them.”

The words fell to Kui Niu.

“Order yourself what you want.”

“Hey”, Kui Niu rubbed his hands.

“Dian Er, do you have any wine here?”

“Yes. We have good osmanthus wine here, Chen’s old wine, and Mizhou brewing. They are all well-known good wines.”

Kui Niu rubbed his hands excitedly.

“It’s great, I’ll bring up ten altars to Grandpa as well.”

“Ten… altar?!”

Seeing him stunned, Kui Niu opened his eyes.

“Why, I’m afraid Grandpa can’t afford to drink?”

In an instant, Xiao Er’s instinct was fierce and evil, and he rushed towards his face, and immediately took a few steps back in shock, so that he fell to the ground without a butt.

“Do you want to scare him to death?” Xu Junming said in a bad mood.

Kui Niu touched his head sullily, he didn’t dare to be a demon in front of his murderous master.

“Isn’t this just breaking the border, there is still no way to reduce the momentum!”

Kui Niu muttered, on his way to Dayuan Port, he just broke through to the completion of Nascent Soul, and along with Xu Junming’s killing of demons and demons, the Killing intent on his body was extremely amazing.

With a flick of the finger, an aura of light flew out from Xu Junming’s fingertips, and after submerging into Kui Niu’s body, his ferocious aura, like a kite with a broken wire, instantly dissipated.

Dian Xiaoer felt that the pressure was greatly reduced in an instant, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and walked over tremblingly.

Xu Junming took out twenty taels of silver from his sleeve robe.

“Just bring the good wine and good food, and the more money will be refunded and the less will be supplemented.”

They all said that seeing the money opened, the shop Xiaoer saw the white silver, his legs were healed instantly, the fear in his heart was gone, and a smile appeared on his face.

Taking the silver with both hands, he nodded and bowed.

“The two guest officers don’t worry, the wine and food will be brought to you right away.”

After all, he ran downstairs in a hurry.

Looking at his back, Kui Niu shook his head.

“Grandpa’s, these people who are greedy for money and good fortune. I knew that Lord Niu had also taken out the money earlier.”

Xu Junming also didn’t bother to take care of the rammed goods, turned his head and looked out the window.

Although the terrain here is not high, you can still appreciate the bustling streets of Dayuan Port.

The white sails on the pier in the distance are also faintly audible.

“My two masters, here is the wine and food you ordered.”

It didn’t take a long time, the little second of the shop who had just left, brought a few young men, brought up the wine and food, and after a while, a large table was filled.

“Master, you want too much wine, I can’t let it go here for a while. Can you drink it first, and we will serve you after you finish drinking it?”

Kui Niu nodded his head.

“Just do what you said. By the way, give Grandpa some more meat, these are not enough.”

“Okay, let’s prepare now.”

Xiaoer from the shop left soon.

“Master, hehe, I’ll eat that first.”

Xu Junming waved his hand.

“Eat, restrain yourself, don’t get your leftovers everywhere.”

“Yes, don’t worry, this time I promise to be gentle and elegant.”

Even so, when he stuffed a whole roast chicken into his mouth, Xu Junming knew that the word ‘wenya’ was insulated from the rammed goods under his door.

I’m too lazy to say that Xu Junming took off the green Calabash around his waist, opened the stopper, took a sip, picked up the chopsticks, and put some wine and dishes that he was interested in into his mouth, slowly savoring this mundane food.

“Get out, get out, you’re not responsible for bumping into a certain house!”

A rude voice broke into Xu Junming’s ears.

“Hey, you guy doesn’t know that there are many people in the downtown, so slow down? I almost hit someone.”

“A certain family has long reminded you to give way. If you are obedient, how can you bump into it?!”

“Well, you guys don’t make sense.”

Hearing the quarrel, Xu Junming frowned and looked down.

I saw a big man with a rough face wearing a coarse cloth bun, his arms wide open, showing countless twisted black hairs on his chest, pushing a wooden cart, carrying a cart full of pears toward the downtown area.

Because he was too fast, many pedestrians couldn’t dodge and were almost injured by him, so the crowd was excited, and they began to blame.

However, everyone was afraid of the majesty of this strong man and did not dare to teach him a lesson.

“This man is so rude. Master, do you want me to teach him a lesson.”

“You don’t need to do it, someone has already gone.”

Following his gaze, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing an Azure Taoist robe suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

“Taoist Wu, why don’t you let go?”

With a shout, the man pushing the pear saw him indifferent, so he pushed the scooter regardless and ran into it.

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