Chapter 431 Seven Treasure Spirit Gourd

“Master, when did we have this kind of Dongming Spiritual Roots in our Dihuang Mountain? You didn’t pill refining, so you are willing to give it to me?”

“Master, I am also generous to others.”

Although Xu Junming didn’t regard Illusion Art as his own master, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t understand it at all.

When the middle-aged Taoist priest started his hand, he discovered it.

However, the Taoist priest was also clever. He didn’t directly use Illusion Art, but played a trick of “Pear Taoist”, which made the man slowly let go of his guard, and then he fell into his Illusion Art.

Then he used his empty hand to steal the pear from the man’s bag.

The only thing that surprised Xu Junming was that the Taoist priest actually used the Hutian method.

However, he did not comprehend the way of Hutian, instead he mastered a Hutian Magic Treasures, whose function is similar to the Hutian magic talisman refined by Xu Junming.

Xu Junming saw the actions of the middle-aged Taoist priest in his eyes. If the man was a good man, he would not hesitate to help.

But although the grievances on the other side were not serious, they were also quite a lot. If it weren’t for worrying about being in a busy city here, Xu Jun would kill him tomorrow morning for the people.

Therefore, when he saw the middle-aged Taoist conspiring to seize the spirit fruit in the countermeasure bag, Xu Junming started ahead of time and took the pear into his own hands.

Of course, by taking the sheep hand in hand, you also got a big baby.

Divine Sense immersed in the space inside the robe. In addition to the familiar Lingbao Lingdan, there were more than forty emerald pears and a huge boulder about ten feet high.

The boulder is plump up and down and narrow in the middle. The color is half gray and half white, the upper half is pale white, and the lower half is blue-black.

The white part exudes a strong good fortune Spiritual Qi.

The blue-black part exudes a strong Spiritual Qi.

From a glance, the boulder looks like a feather crane standing on the rock, about to spread its wings and soar.

An emerald green vine with thick adult thighs grows out of the rock and grows around the rocks.

The leaves the size of a water tank are green and sultry.

The rich spiritual Qi of Otomu is extremely vigorous.

Among the large leaves, there are seven colors of red, yellow, blue, blue, purple, black, and white flowers blooming from top to bottom.

Among them, red is the largest, followed by yellow.

A small red Calabash the size of a finger belly grows from the middle of the red flower. Even if it is only Divine Sense, Xu Junming can feel the red Calabash flower and the rich Spiritual Qi emanating from the Calabash.

The little yellow flower is Spiritual Qi.

Cyan is the Sunda Wind Spiritual Qi.

Blue is Kwai Shui Spiritual Qi.

Purple is Thunder Spiritual Qi.

Black is the Hutian Spiritual Qi.

White is good fortune Spiritual Qi.

However, except for the small Calabash that grows out of the red flowers, there is nothing unusual in the other flowers.

“Seven Treasure Spirit Gourd!”

Xu Junming recognized it when he saw it.

He has a wide range of books and has a wealth of knowledge. Of course, he knows the fairy root spirit seed of Qibaoling Gourd.

“It is rumored that there is a Qibaoling gourd planted on the white crane cliff of the Kunlun school. I wonder if this one is?”

Thinking of this, Xu Junming looked at the rock like a feather crane, and instantly understood.

“It seems that it will be there. But this treasure is rumored to be the Kunlun Sect. How can it be left out? How did the man get it?”

After guessing, I suddenly felt Spiritual Qi around him tremble.

“Master, someone is fighting the law.” Kui Niu said.

Xu Junming nodded and urged Dantian’s inner bronze mirror to look up.

With his current Realm, with the aid of the bronze mirror, everything within a thousand miles can be seen in full view.

Really possess the magical power of clairvoyance.

At the high altitude of Dayuan Port, there are fierce battles at this moment.

Among them was the pear seller Xu Junming had seen before.At this moment, he was holding a jade Ruyi Scepter, and a bronze mirror floating above his head.

Once the Yu Ruyi Scepter swipes, the flames are bursting with flames.

The brilliance of the bronze mirror circulated, shed bursts of brilliance, and protected the pear seller in the middle.

The two treasures have one offense and one defense, and they cooperate seamlessly, which is extremely mysterious.

In particular, the bronze mirror was still a spiritual treasure.

Surrounding the pear seller, there are three men wearing purple Taoist robe.

Looking at their dress, they are exactly the Kunlun school disciples.

“Junior Brother Yan, if you are willing to follow me back to Kunlun Mountain, kowtow in front of the Master and confess your mistakes, punish Qilin Cliff yourself, and have a chance to correct evil and return to your own right. If not, after the Master leaves the customs, you will die if the thunder anger is blown out. There is no burial place.”

With three strands of long beard on a lower jaw, he watched a righteous middle-aged Taoist speak righteously.

“Haha, haha.” After a sardonic laugh, “kowtow to admit my mistake and punish Qilin Ya? Humph, I’m afraid if I really get caught, you hypocrite will cut me off, let alone return to Kunlun. ”

“Senior Brother Liu, don’t talk nonsense with this wicked obstacle. He stole the most precious treasure and insulted Junior Sister Xu. The crime is not to be blamed.” Next to him, the white-faced cultivator, holding a magic sword and holding a magic sword, said angrily.

Among the three, the remaining gray-haired old man did not say much. Just cooperating with two of the same door, besieging the pear seller.

“Liu Zhengfeng, listen. I’m afraid that the thoughts in your heart are the same as those of the Chen family? But compared to him, this foolish fool, you have a lot more scheming. But it doesn’t matter, daddy decided to betray Kunlun since then. At that moment, I didn’t even think about going back.”

After a pause, the pear seller showed a smug smile on his face.

“Speaking of which, Junior Sister Xu is my Kunlun’s number one beauty, and I cultivated the Shaoyin Lunar Sutra. The whole Kunlun, thousands of male disciples, who don’t want to form a dao companion with her? Now I have been talked about by daddy. Hehe , That taste is really the bliss of life.”

“You bastard of Damn it…!”

The younger Kunlun cultivator has already rushed up with anger.

Liu Zhengfeng was shocked at first sight.

“Junior Brother Chen can’t be presumptuous, come back quickly.”

The pear-seller’s pupils shrank, the bronze mirror on his head skyrocketed, and the vast silver light, like mercury pouring down the ground, was crushed by the overwhelming Chao Chen cultivator.

With a loud ‘bang’, Junior Brother Chen’s face turned pale, he vomited blood, and was instantly shocked to fly out.

The formation between the three suddenly appeared in chaos.

The pear seller looked at the opportunity, urged Escape, flew out of the gap between the three, and flew straight to the sea.

“Brother Zhuge, please chase after you first. Let me see how Brother Chen’s injury is?”

The gray-haired purple robe long, nodded and urged Escape, and the tail went straight to chase the pear seller.

The battle stopped here.

But it also confirmed Xu Junming’s original guess.

“That man who sells pears was also a Kunlun disciple? Look at his Cultivation Base is also Nascent Soul late stage. He has an extraordinary position in Kunlun. No wonder he has the opportunity to steal Qibaoling gourds. In that case, that pear is the famous Spiritual of Kunlun school. Roots’Cuiyu Pear’?”

He shook his head slightly, he undoubtedly mixed with the Kunlun faction’s infighting, but he didn’t plan to return what he got.

Look at the leftovers in front of you.

“Have you eaten?”

“Gudu” swallowed a sip of wine. Hearing what he said, Kui Niu opened his mouth wide, and the force of swallowing came out. The rest of the food and wine in an instant was swallowed by his brain.

Wipe your mouth.

“Master, eat well.”

“Let’s go, let’s go to sea by boat.”

Xu Junming stood up and walked downstairs.

Kui Niu quickly followed.

When I left the restaurant and came to the pier, with money in my pocket, I could easily buy the upper class cabin of a large ocean ship.

Of course, the space on board is limited, and even the best cabins are far worse than the first-class guest rooms in the Wharf Inn.

A bedroom and a living room add up to less than 50 square meters.

If you want to go to the toilet, you must go to the public toilet outside.

If you have a meal, there is a restaurant on board, or you can bring it back by order.

Of course, as cultivators, Xu Junming and Kui Niu don’t need to be so troublesome.

Pushing open the window and looking at the ocean waves outside, Xu Junming took a deep breath. The salty water vapor burst into the blue sky, leaving a touch of memory on his face.

I remember the first time I saw the sea, it was in the island city of China World.

It’s been a hundred years now.

‘Squeak’, the tall Kui Niu opened the door and walked in.

“Master, the boss of the ship said, we will sail in two days.”


Stepping over, he looked at the sea through the window, but for a moment, Kui Niu withdrew his gaze.

“This ocean is like this every day, without change, it’s really nothing good. If you want me to say, it’s the old cow supporting the master, and we can go to the overseas Yingzhou country in half an hour.”

“Flying is really fast, but measuring the world with your footsteps is also a kind of practice. Master, I don’t have any urgent matters around me. Traveling around the world is just in time.”

Kui Niu shrugged and didn’t say much.

“You tamed goods, take good care of the room for me, and I will go back to Dihuangshan.”

“Master, rest assured.”

Kui Niu slapped his chest loudly.

Looking at him, Xu Junming’s figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

As soon as he left, Kui Niu felt a lot less pressure inexplicably, and sat down loosely.

With a wave of his hand, he used a spell, sealed the door, and sat down.

‘Ah’, after a yawn, the huge bull’s eyes became distressed.

Shaking his body, he turned into a one-legged green bull with cocklebur without horns.

“It’s still so comfortable.”

The only giant leg bent, Kui Niu lying prone on the bedroom floor quickly snored like thunder and fell asleep directly.

After entering Dihuang Mountain, I came to the backyard of Chongshanju.

The Spiritual Qi in the good fortune spiritual pool is much richer than before.

Five good fortune white lotus and one Bodhi golden lotus. With the support of strong Spiritual Qi and good fortune, the vitality becomes more vigorous and more mysterious.

Lingshan in the island is handsome and tall, with two pine trees and lush red flame bamboo.

The Dongming-level elixir and Spiritual Roots planted are also growing vigorously.

With a wave of the big sleeve, a huge boulder with a height of ten feet, white on the top and black on the bottom, with a narrow center in the middle, slowly fell onto the island.

Supported by the generous Spiritual Qi, the Qibao Spirit gourd that was born around the rock instantly became radiant and gorgeous, and even the red Calabash seemed to have grown a little bit.

Moreover, the boulder that looks like a white feather crane contains good fortune Spiritual Qi. Although the quality is only a big hole, it is also a rare good fortune spirit thing.

Inspired by the rich good fortune Spiritual Qi in the good fortune spiritual pool, it is even more brilliant and the atmosphere is Bufan.

Seeing that another fairy root was added to the own good fortune spirit pond, Xu Junming nodded in satisfaction.

Turned around and came to the Tiangong Temple.

The huge Tiangong God furnace is raging like fire.

With a quick move, a jade box flew over and Xu Junming put the more than forty jade pears in it for future pill refining.

After doing this, Divine Sense was immersed in the god of craftsmanship, and there were two copper Lotus flowers wrapped in flames. One was still calm, and the other was wrapped in strong pill energy.


Reaching out, a Lotus flower seat flew up, and after the flying body sat on it, the Lotus flower seat rose slowly and came to the top of the God of Craftsmanship.

Several finger tactics changed in his hand, and a flash of light shot into the heavenly furnace.

The Lotus flower wrapped in pill gas flew up instantly.

The giant Lotus flower on the top of the Tiangongshen furnace opened, and the copper Lotus flower flew out like lightning, followed by a strong and incomparable pill fragrance, overflowing the Tiangong Hall, which was hundreds of acres in size.


Layers of lotus petals slowly opened, and on the lotus platform appeared a pill that bloomed with nine-color light, which was as big as a longan and looked like a glass jade bead.

Xu Junming opened his palm, and a yellow Calabash that had been prepared for a long time appeared.

Peel off the plug, and with the majestic suction, the nine-color pills flew into Calabash.

Xu Junming counted, there were twenty-four in total.

“This furnace of Nine Yellow Pills should have 32 pills, but I didn’t expect that I tried my best to produce eight waste pills.”

If his words are heard by other pill refining teachers, he must be furious.

Usually pill refining, most alchemists, if they have a 50% pill refining rate, they are considered successful. He is nearly 70% here.What’s more, the refinement is still at the insight level, and the spirit pill taken by the primordial god cultivator is even more difficult to refine.

Not to mention 50%, with a 10% or 20%, many alchemists are already satisfied.

Put away the medicine Calabash, put the pellets of waste pills separately to attract spiritual water, and after cleaning the Lotus flower stove from the inside to the outside, Xu Junming stretched out his hand.

A jade box flew over from the shelf beside it.

This is the elixir that he prepared in advance to refine the Nine Yellow Pills.

After putting it in the Lotus flower stove, put the whole jade box back, and brought another jade box.

Repeatedly, a total of nine kinds of hole Ming-level spirit fruits, Spiritual herbs, and 172 kinds of big hole-level Spiritual herbs were used to gather the spiritual objects needed for this furnace of nine yellow pills.

Fortunately, he destroyed the Black Heart’s Demon and the Longjiang Aquarium. Otherwise, it would be difficult to gather the Spiritual herbs needed for a pot of Nine Yellow Pills, not to mention the second pot.

After finishing all this, I stretched out my hand, and after twelve drops of good fortune spirit water flew into the copper furnace, the lotus leaf of the Lotus flower copper furnace closed and slowly fell into the heavenly God furnace.

The violent flame instantly enveloped the copper furnace, starting the Impurities in the lotus flower liquid medicine, purifying the ingredients over and over again.

This is a slow and meticulous thing that needs someone to watch.

Xu Junming usually uses a multi-tasking puppet to visit Gu Tiangong’s sacred furnace.

Looking at the old monk sitting next to him, Xu Junming took the abolished pill and removed the Temple of Heaven.

Came to the lowest level of the leaves of the palace treasure tree, here is the Lingzhiyuan he carefully cultivated.

In the Lingzhiyuan, all planted are Spiritual Roots and Lingguo of the big hole level.

As for Dongzhen and Dongxuan levels, for Xu Junming, who has now reached the primordial spirit in Cultivation Base, it is almost useless.

Therefore, he gave them all tasks to the students of Chongshan Academy to plant.

The environment in Lingzhiyuan is diverse, including plains, mountain slopes, rivers and lakes, swamps, and even cold windy mountains.

Because the growth environment of each kind of spiritual plant is different, Xu Junming also set up different growth places according to their habits.

Xu Junming, who has been here many times, is quite familiar with it.

Soon I came to a lush valley full of fragrance of fruit and wood.

Nearly a hundred different fruit trees have been planted in this valley.

There are peaches, apricots, oranges, and pomegranates, all of Xu Junming’s trophies over the years.

They are all spirit fruits of the big hole level.

After a brief look, Xu Junming stomped.

Soon, a little doll with white body and compound leaves on top of his head emerged from the ground.

Seeing Xu Junming hurriedly bowed to salute.


“Ling Ginseng, Ling Guo Yuan can grow so well, you are indispensable.”

There was joy on Little Wawa’s face.

“Thank you for the compliment, Master, this is what Ling Ginseng should do.”

Xu Junming nodded slightly and waved, a drop of milky white water flew towards the ginseng.

“Master, I will never neglect meritorious officials, this place has good fortune spiritual water for you.”

“Thank you sir, thank you sir.”

Ling ginseng swallowed quickly.

Good fortune spirit water is of great benefit to the elves who are transformed by the elixir.

Open the palm, sixteen brown-black seeds as big as mung beans appeared in the palm.

“These are the new pear seeds I got, sir, so you can plant them here.”

“Yes, sir.”

The lingseng respectfully took it over.

Magic power urged, the seeds fell into the lingshen palm.

“Also, there are many similar seeds. Just keep this piece of land.”


Nalingcui pear is a Spiritual Roots of the Dongming level. According to convention, the pear trees cultivated from its seeds will be lowered to the first-level, which is the big cave level.

Even so, hundreds of large hole-level Spiritual Roots are also rare treasures.

After the explanation, Xu Junming left Dihuang Mountain.

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