Chapter 403: Ning Caichen

Yan Chixia knew very well that it was not easy for a poor scholar to accumulate so much merit in this chaotic world.

No, it should be said that it is not easy.

Yan Chixia has a deep understanding of this.

Ning Caichen’s saliva is almost flowing after a long time without the smell of meat, but the character and morality he has cultivated for a long time are still restraining him.

“If I eat this chicken, then hero…?”

“Don’t worry, a certain house still has it!”

Yan Chixia took out a pack of beef, opened it on her knees, grabbed a few pieces and put them in her mouth to chew.

I took off the wine Calabash from my waist and took a sip of ‘grumbling’, only to feel a stream of water mixed with Blood Qi, Spiritual Qi, and alcohol, falling into the stomach and quickly dissipating, and soon the whole body became warm.


Ning Caichen saw that he still had something to eat, and was no longer polite. He rubbed his hand against his clothes, pulled a chicken leg, and put it in his mouth to chew.

He hasn’t tasted meat in months.

After eating a pack of beef, Yan Chixia drank the wine and glanced at Ning Caichen who was gobbled up next to her.

“Scholar, if you don’t go to the exam for fame, what are you doing here in the wild?”

“Xiaosheng came to Guangping County to collect the accounts.” Ning Caichen swallowed the muscles in his mouth and patted the back of his chest.

“Accounting? It’s up to you?!”

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Ning Caichen’s face.

“Although Xiaosheng is weak, he is still young. As long as he goes a few times, he can always get some.”

Yan Chixia was speechless.

Obviously, Ning Caichen’s method of asking for the account is to wrap around, go every day, every day, the person who is wrapped up can’t take it anymore, and he can pay out as many accounts as possible.

Of course, being beaten is indispensable in the middle. Anyhow, he is young and his body can withstand the toss.

“Seeing that you are also a literate student. Even if you fail the exam, writing letters, copying scriptures, and being a teacher, it’s better than getting beaten every day.”

Seeing the look in Yan Chixia’s eyes that ‘are you brain sick’, Ning Caichen lowered her head, her tone low.

“These accounts are things that my father was alive, he told the niche to be sure to recover them.”

Yan Chixia nodded.

“What is the total amount of these owed silver?”

“A total of three hundred and fourteen, two and eight.”

This number Ning Caichen can be said to be carved in his bones.

“So your family was very rich before!”

In this era, the county magistrate in the yamen had a monthly salary of only three or four taels. Of course, this is just a search on the surface and in the dark, naturally far more than this number.

However, this can also be seen in the value of a tael of silver in Dayong.

The Ning family can borrow more than three hundred taels of silver, which is at least a few thousand taels, or even ten thousand taels.

Ning Caichen nodded.

“My Ning family was originally a wealthy merchant in Lingling Mansion. There are thousands of hectares of fertile land in my home, and I have a wealth of wealth. I am always willing to do good things and help my neighbors. But there are unexpected events. The Liu Chaosheng uprising three years ago swept Lingling Mansion. My Ning family Although he escaped, he lost all his family wealth.”

“My parents also died on the way to escape. When things subsided, I returned to Lingling Mansion. I hate that Mansion Yin looked at me with weak strength, colluded with the Ning family branch, embezzled my family property, and drove me out.”

After a pause, after a heavy sigh, Ning Caichen calmed down his writhing thoughts a bit.

“They were persecuted, so I escaped in the name of asking for an account.”

Yan Chixia nodded.

“I don’t see it, your experience is still so tortuous.” After a pause, “have you never thought of regaining the land?”

After a self-deprecating smile.

“Lingling Mansion Yin is the wife and uncle of the prosecutor of the Ping Province of Han Ping Province. He is stubborn and has nowhere to ask. Although I have real talents for learning, the Fu Yin has long cancelled my examination and the road to the imperial examination is also broken.”

“I don’t dare to think about taking back the land. I only plan to spend some of the three hundred taels of silver. In the future, I will change a place and live anew.”

Yan Chixia glanced at him.

Although Ning Caichen’s thoughts seemed very cowardly, it was indeed the most sensible and wisest choice right now.

“How many stolen officials are in the world!”

Yan Chixia sighed.

If he hadn’t witnessed the darkness of officialdom at the beginning, he would not have the idea of ​​being born out of the world, but chose to join the Suspension Mirror Division.

Ning Caichen was about to agree and nodded, when suddenly a strong cold wind blew in from outside the door.

Yan Chixia’s face suddenly changed.

“Ghost Qi!”

“You stay here and don’t run around!”

Ning Caichen looked at him solemnly and was about to ask, but Yan Chixia had already flown out like lightning.

Motivated Dunguang to chase Ghost Qi to the back of Lanruo Temple, and suddenly a ghost claw measuring several meters in size was suddenly photographed from mid-air.

“The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law!”

A golden Tai Chi pattern appeared in the palm of his palm, and when he raised his palm, the force of heaven and earth rushed in, instantly smashing the ghost claws.

A figure in a red dress flew upside down ten feet and landed on the top of a pine tree.

Yan Chixia was shocked at first sight.


The grieving ghosts are Gold Core-level ghosts with powerful strength.

“Taoist Big Brother, fight and kill as soon as you come up. I don’t even know the drizzle of Lian, right!” The red ghost said with a seductive face.

Although in the illusion of Dishenmen, Yan Chixia also married a wife and had children, but he is indeed an out-and-out Lu man! Insulate the love between men and women.

After hearing this sentence, a look of disgust appeared on his face immediately.

“Even if a certain family marries a wife, it won’t take an ugly woman like you!”

A word instantly made the female ghost furious.

The most annoying thing about a woman being a ghost is that she is said to be ugly!

“Damn you!”

“You ghost, you should go to Samsara earlier….Xuanyuanjian, get out of the sheath!”

“Choke”, accompanied by Qingyue’s sword sound, the former Spirit Spider Sword, now the Xuanyuan Sword, flew out of the sword box behind it with the dazzling Sword Ray.

“Tianlong sword style!”

The long Sword Ray glow skyrocketed, and the sharp Sword Qi turned into a long rainbow, swift as lightning, and flew in to kill the female ghost.

The female ghost’s face changed, Ghost Qi urged her, and the red silk on her waist instantly greeted her.

It can be seen that this is also a ghost weapon.

However, under Xuanyuan Sword, it quickly turned into fragments.

Sword Qi is extremely sharp, with the Killing intent of killing demons and the pure and incomparable Sword intent, drowning the female ghost.


A screaming scream sounded.

Soon a dim Ghost Qi disappeared into the ground.

“Smelly Taoist, grandma won’t let you go.”

“Want to run!”

Inspire Dantian’s inner bronze mirror phantom, Yan Chixia inspires Xuanyuan sword.

“Soaring Dragon sword style.”

The sharp Sword Qi turned into a soft long whip and flew straight to the ground.

The ‘chichi’ earth and rocks were broken and turned into powder under the sharp Sword Qi.

“not good!”

Yan Chixia’s face changed and she urged her to escape, instantly very high in the sky.

‘Boom…’, the earth trembled, and dozens of thick tree roots flew out from the ground, like a giant python, soaring into the air and entwining him.

“Vermillion Bird Sword Style!”

Xuanyuan swords instantly turned into hundreds of swords, followed by Yan Chixia’s sword fingers, like a meteorite falling from the sky, slashing towards those tree roots like lightning.

Although the roots of the tree are extremely tough, the Xuanyuan Sword is the Magic Treasures of the Eight Dao Treasures.

When the two sides touched, the roots of the water tank were cut off instantly.

With a ‘boom’, after the roots of the tree fell to the ground, a big earthquake trembled, and the gravel and soil turned into a huge sandstorm. The broken roots twisted like a snake, making the scalp numb.

“Smelly Taoist, you dare to hurt me!”

The voice of neither male nor female came from the ground.

In the pine forest immediately behind Lanruo Temple, large and small tree roots spewed out from the ground.

Yan Chixia looked excited by the amazing momentum.

That’s right, it’s just excitement.

It is the first time he has encountered a demon in the Nascent Soul period since he started.

“Finally let go of a fight.”

Xuanyuanjian behind him also seemed to be aware of his emotions, buzzing and trembling, and the sound of the sword’s clanging became more and more intense.

Magic power rolled out of Yan Chixia’s body.

“Vermillion Bird Sword Style!”

Xuanyuanjian transformed into two and transformed into four, covering the sky in the blink of an eye.

Powerful and powerful, far surpassing before.

“Old monster, look at my magic sword!”

The overwhelming Flying Sword greeted the tree roots.

When the two sides touched, countless Flying Swords died, and countless tree roots broke and fell.

Suddenly, a black light was more urgent than lightning, concealedly and quickly penetrated the broken roots and magic sword, and plunged straight into Yan Chixia’s chest.

It happened suddenly, coupled with the fast speed.

Yan Chixia didn’t have time to take back Xuanyuanjian, but with a master like Xu Junming, she didn’t have to worry about having a baby to protect her.

Pushing the Hutian magic talisman, the body moved ten feet in an instant, and escaped easily.

Looking at a few pictures, the black roots with tyrannical aura were obviously different from the thick roots around them.

A reminder of the pot of heavenly charms.

“Space Cut!”

This is the Tao that Xu Junming comprehended after comprehending the Heavenly Dao method of the pot to the purple root talisman stage.

It is also the only attacking method in his Heavenly Dao method.

This kind of application is contained in the Hutian magic talisman given to Yan Chixia.

Motivated by Yan Chixia’s heart, a three-foot-long pitch-black crack slashed across the black roots of the tree.

There is no suspense. Under the powerful spatial methods, the black roots of the tree that are as hard as the perfect Magic Treasures break instantly.


The stern roar sounded instantly.

“Smelly Taoist, you wait for me!”

The black roots, together with those that were fighting with Xuanyuanjian, quickly retracted into the ground.

Yan Chixia stood in the air, urging the phantom of Dantian’s inner bronze mirror, and looked down.

After looking deeper, he couldn’t continue.

After all, it is just a phantom of Xu Junming’s bronze mirror, not the body.

The bronze mirror’s ability to illusion and preserve reality is only one mile here in Yan Chixia.

Of course, if you use clairvoyance, you can see farther with the help of bronze mirrors, but you can’t penetrate the ground.

Shook his head.

Reach out.

A six-foot-long wooden stake with thick adult thighs and deep texture fell into his hand.

“It’s so strong Otsuki!”

Soon the brows frowned again.

The Qi of Yimu also contains the extremely rich Ghost Qi.

“It’s a pity. Otherwise, with the vigor of the Otsugi’s aura, one can fully practice a top-level Magic Treasures.”

Income Jianlu.

“Take it back and show it to the Master. His old man is a famous craftsman. Maybe there is a way to strip Ghost Qi from it.”

A brief glance at the battlefield below, urged Yunguang to fly towards Lanruo Temple in front.

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