Chapter 402 Lan Ruo Temple

Several people just followed, but did not rush to stop Yan Chixia. After watching him enter the mountain, he followed for a while, but stopped at a deserted mountain crossing.

“Go up to Lanruo Temple, do you still follow?”

“Fart, as long as you go in that ghost place, you won’t be alive. Daddy doesn’t want to be a ghost.”

“If the boss blames…?”

“Boss blames him at most, just hit the board and go to Lanruo Temple, but his life is gone.”

After nodding in approval, the two took a fearful look, and after moving towards the road extending to the top of the mountain, they turned and ran towards the path.

After the two walked away, Yan Chixia jumped down from a tall locust tree.

After retracting his gaze from the back of the two of them, he looked at the mountain road extending upward.

“Lan Ruo Temple? A certain family wants to see and see.”

He was originally fond of fighting the world with swords and fighting injustices. After receiving the “Suppressing Sins and Slaying Demons and Protecting Curse”, he became more enthusiastic about killing demons and slaying demons and accumulating merit.

With a vertical footstep, he went tens of meters away in an instant, along the desolate and dilapidated mountain road, about a few hundred meters later, around a huge boulder, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

On a large rock flat, the towering mountain temple came into view.

The temple gate is tall and three feet tall.

There are thirty sixth-level wide steps paved with rocks all over the body. Climbing up is vermilion, one large and two small, and three temple doors.

Above the temple gate in the middle, there is a huge plaque with the words’Lanruo Temple’ written on it.

Although it was in disrepair for a long time, under the erosion of wind and rain, the wall of the temple door fell off and the temple door collapsed, but it can still be seen that when the Lanruo Temple is in its heyday, it must be the place where it is flourishing.

Climbing up the steps and passing through the mountain gate, you will see the Sanmen Hall commonly seen in Buddhist temples, where two vigorous Vajra statues are enshrined.

At this moment, the Vajra statues in Lanruo Temple were in disrepair, one collapsed and one dropped its head.

The left and right shrines are also mottled with cobwebs all over them.

The corner of the Great Hall was filled with animal dung, and it was filthy.

Yan Chixia came to the back from the side aisle with a large amount.

Pass through the release pond full of sewage, through the yard full of weeds in the cracks of the stone and the fallen leaves on the ground, and step into the Daxiong Palace.

As the most glorious hall in the Buddhist temple, the Daxiong Hall is enshrined in three Buddha statues.

Vairocana Buddha in the middle, Rusana Buddha on the left, and Shakyamuni Buddha on the right.

The three Buddhas in the same temple correspond to the Buddhist philosophy of the “three-body Buddha”.

The Vairocana Buddha in the middle is the ‘dharmakaya’, the left is the ‘bhakaya’, and the right is the ‘response body’.

Yan Chixia doesn’t know much about Buddhism.

He came from a Taoist school and didn’t catch a cold with Buddhism things.

A wisp of Sword Qi in the flick of his fingers beheaded two walking corpses hidden in the Daxiong Hall.

Just about to withdraw, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

“Huh?! There seems to be something in this main statue of Buddha!”

In order to avoid missing the demon by mistake, he has been urging the phantom of the bronze mirror in Dantian to bless his eyesight.

Although it is only a phantom, the ability to break the illusion is not as good as Xu Junming’s bronze mirror deity in Dantian, but at such a close distance, you can also see the Shattering Void.

He flew up and landed on the altar table, looking up at the Vairocana Buddha statue which is more than one foot high.

Although the Buddhism and Taoism have different origins, it is not the right way to destroy people’s golden bodies.

Yan Chixia thought about it for a while, and took out the Hutian magic talisman.

Magic power urged, a space channel the size of a sea bowl appeared in front of the chest, stretched out his hand, and the box hidden in the belly of the Buddha flew into the palm along the channel.

Untie the greased paper on the surface to reveal the ebony box inside.

This box is very beautifully made, with Sakyamuni sitting on the surface embossed in a scab, surrounded by 108 monks.

The whole is like a picture of ‘Buddha Sayings’.

“How mysterious Magic Treasures can actually isolate Divine Sense?”

Yan Chixia used Divine Sense to check, but the box seemed to be non-existent and could not be’see’ at all.

If it weren’t for the Bronze Mirror Mirage to be extremely mysterious, this box would not fall into his hands.

After flipping left and right, there are no other patterns besides the embossed ‘Buddha Saying Picture’. The gold buckle in the middle of the box is not locked.

After Yan Chixia opened, it was accompanied by a faint fragrance of sandalwood.

Two things appeared in front of him.

The same is the golden thread worn together, a total of twelve bay leaf sutras.

It’s the same size as the palm of an adult, and it’s a small box made of topaz.

There is no pattern on the small box. After opening, there is an irregularly-shaped, gray-white bead on the yellow jade tray.

Feel the power of Buddha in the beads.

“This should be the Buddhist relic that the Master once said.”

With such strong Buddha power, I don’t know how Realm the Buddha who condensed this relic had reached during his lifetime.

Slightly shook his head, picked up the Bayeux Sutra, Divine Sense infiltrated.

“Sketch Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra!”

Although Yan Chixia is a member of many schools, she also knows that the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra is the fundamental sutra of Buddhism and the general outline of many sutras in Mahayana Buddhism.

It is different from the ‘Pajna Paramita Heart Sutra’ circulating in the world, this ‘Sketch Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’ is more detailed. In addition to Buddhist scriptures, there is also the method of Buddhism cultivation.

In curiosity, Yan Chixia looked over it, her face was shocked.

“The cultivation method above the immortal Dao?!”

In this ‘Sketch Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’, there is impressively the cultivation method above the immortal Dao.

But Buddhism’s Realm title is different from Taoism.

They called Celestial Immortals Arhats, real immortals Venerable, Xuanxian Bodhisattva, and golden immortals Buddha.

‘Sketch Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’ can be cultivated to Venerable Realm, that is, true immortal.

If he didn’t enter Xu Junming’s school and got this ‘Sketch Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’, maybe he would still cultivate it. but now…!

After browsing, they are included in the bag.

Take it out in your spare time, Insight one or two, absorb the nourishment of the end, and provide your own kendo practice, which is the right way.

After dealing with these two things, Yan Chixia also put away the ebony box in the end.

Being able to isolate Divine Sense from prying eyes, it is obvious that the Restrictions in it are extraordinary. He is not good at the formation and can be taken back to Master Insight.

Once she got a few treasures, Yan Chixia instantly regarded Lanruo Temple as her own blessed land.

With a wave of the overhaul, he cast a dust-preventing curse, and after cleaning up the dust and feces in the Daxiong Hall, he was ready to practice here for a period of time.

With the five poison wines he trained himself, plus the three yellow pills given by Xu Junming, he can progress to the Gold Core Ninth Stage in less than a year.

As the setting sun goes down, the night is getting denser.

Sitting in the Daxiong Hall, Yan Chixia suddenly opened her eyes, her sharp gaze floating three feet in the air, like two small searchlights.

“Why is he here?”

At this moment, on the mountain road, a young scholar wearing an old gown was cautiously walking towards Lanruo Temple with the lantern in his hand.

Around the big stone, looking at the deserted mountain temple in front of him.

“Lanruo Temple? It’s finally here!”

When he found the place to stay, the scholar showed a happy smile on his face, and he hurried up the steps and walked into the Sanmendian.

The Sanmen Temple is lonely, not to mention the air leaks on all sides, and the roof is half pulled down, it is really impossible to live in.

The scholar cautiously walked around the pile of garbage and came to the temple.

Seeing the majestic Daxiong Palace, which seemed to be preserved in a relatively complete state, he walked over.

“It’s so clean!”

As soon as I entered, I saw a clean ground, a three-body Buddha statue that was mottled but dust-free.

“Scholar, why don’t you sleep at night and run around?!”

“Ah…! Whoops!”

Suddenly hearing the sound, the scholar yelled in fright, and the ‘Peng Peng Peng’ stepped back several steps, hit the knee-high door rail, and almost fell out.

Yan Chixia flashed her body and stretched out her right hand to support his back.

“Scholar, you are so courageous, you dare to come to this mountainous land at night!”

Noting Yan Chixia’s face, the scholar showed a happy face.

“Heroes, it’s you!”

Stand up straight, tidy up your clothes, and press to the end.

“Xiaosheng Ning Caichen, today noon, thank you heroes for taking the action out of righteousness, otherwise Xiaosheng will have to be thrown to death by those shameless people.”

Yan Chixia waved her hand.

“You don’t have to be polite.”

Step into the Daxiong Hall.

Ning Caichen hurriedly followed. In this horrible place, after finally meeting a living person, of course you have to follow.

Yan Chixia turned around abruptly, Ning Caichen was unprepared and almost ran into it.


“Don’t call me a hero, a certain house is not a hero. Also, don’t follow me like a dog. There are so many places in the Great Hall. Find a place by yourself.”

Seeing his fierce look, Ning Caichen shuddered and quickly hid away.

Before Yan Chixia became a teacher, it was a yamen who killed many people. After he became a teacher, although it was not a long time, there were hundreds of demon ghosts that died in his hands.

The accumulated murderous aura is extremely vigorous, coupled with his own cultivation of swordsmanship, and the sharp aura of his body.

It was not that Ning Caichen, an inactive scholar, could resist.

After horrified Ning Caichen, Yan Chixia returned to the top of the futon she had found and sat down.


The loud belly call made Ning Caichen a trace of embarrassment on his face. He quickly put down the bamboo basket behind him, took out half of his head from it, and ate with clean water.

Yan Chixia urged Dantian’s bronze mirror phantom to look at Ning Caichen.

The person is not a demon metamorphosis, and there is a light yellow cloud above his head, and a red aura hovering above the light yellow cloud.

“I didn’t expect this person to have such strong merits. Ooo, he has a strong spirit, and he can be rich in the future.”

Yan Chixia was not good at distinguishing qi, but with the aid of the bronze mirror phantom, everything became simple.

“Ning Caichen?”

Yan Chixia waved her hand, and a ball of paper flew towards Ning Caichen.

The latter hurriedly caught it, with soft tentacles and a strong fragrance.

Peel off the linen paper on it, and a roasted golden chicken with a fragrant aroma appeared in front of her eyes.

The enticing fragrance is instantly richer several times.

The saliva is like a flood that opens the gate, and it is secreted quickly.

With a ‘grumbling’, Ning Caichen, whose eyes were full of eagerness, swallowed unconsciously.

“Big… Hero, this…!”

“Look at your kid, this roast chicken is for you!”

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