Chapter 404

As soon as he entered the Great Hall of Heroes, Ning Caichen won.

“Heroes, are you back?”

Yan Chixia’s face changed slightly, and she grabbed Ning Caichen.

“Why do you have Ghost Qi on your body?”

“What Ghost Qi?” Ning Caichen’s gaze was somewhat dodging.

Yan Chixia, who has experienced Rivers and Lakes and many illusions in the Tianshen Gate, can easily guess the mind of Ning Caichen.

“Boy Ning, monsters and ghosts are used to confuse the world with spells. Once they sink into it, they will be killed. Don’t let yourself be fooled!”

Hastily avoided Yan Chixia’s compelling eyes.

“The hero has misunderstood. The kid has been in this Great Hall. There are many gods and Buddhas for blessing, and he has not encountered any ghosts.”

Seeing that he didn’t give up, Yan Chixia didn’t bother to talk about it.

Good words are hard to persuade damn ghost!

“You can do it yourself.”

Abandoning him, Yan Chixia walked aside to restore Magic power.

Ning Caichen couldn’t help but think of the beautiful woman who was wearing white clothes and was all over the country, who called herself “Xiao Qian”.

The beautiful sound of the piano, the graceful posture, and the gentle singing voice made me feel a little silly for a while!

Seeing him like this, Yan Chixia gave a cold snort.

“Ordinary people, really can’t escape the temptation of sensuality!”

He closed his eyes in a flash.

At this time, Lanruo Temple was nearly a thousand meters deep underground, and there was a huge cave covering hundreds of acres.

In the center of the cave, there is a huge locust tree with a thick canopy that reaches the top of the mountain.

Although this locust tree is huge, there are not many branches and leaves in the canopy, and the tough branches are twisted together, which looks extremely strange.

The dark tree is covered with large and small knots, and it looks like a twisted face.

In the gaps between the bark, red awns were faintly permeated, as if it was not the trunk but the blood flowing inside.

Under the thick tree trunks, the vast caves were all filled with bones.

There are numerous bones, both human bones and animal bones. Under the stirring of the thick roots, it is like a white ocean.

Around this huge cave, there are small caves like honeycombs that connect to the outside world.

One of the caves on the south side is the most extensive, in which the stone palace is carved out, revealing a bit of splendor and splendor.

In this palace, the middle one is the most gorgeous.

The eaves and teeth are high, and the corridors are tall and jade pillars, which are not inferior to the palace courtyard.

At the top of the palace, sitting on a large stone chair carved with dragons and phoenixes is an old woman with thick eyebrows wearing a black cloak, a high crown and holding a dove stick.

The old woman’s lips are bloody, her eyes are gleaming, and her cheeks are meatless, like a mother without salt, better than Yaksha.

His face was full of anger at the moment.

On its left and right, each of them stood with four top helmets and armours, holding swords and axes, like the guards of ordinary generals. Looking at the extremely strong corpse qi in them, they knew that they were not humans.

Going down the stone chair, and crossing several steps, in the middle of the Great Hall stood dozens of beautiful women in different costumes.

Especially in the front, women in red, white, and purple dresses have the best looks and temperament.

Among the three, the woman in white is the most.

“Ahem, grandma, if Xiaoqian hadn’t missed it, the scholar’s Blood Essence would have been obtained by grandma.”

The woman in red coughed a few times, her breath was vain, and her eyes looked at the woman in white next to her with hatred.

The woman in white, Nie Xiaoqian, hurriedly bowed to salute.

“Grandma, Xiaoqian could instinctively succeed, but the smelly Taoist priest cast a curse on the scholar. Before Xiaoqian had time to breathe Blood Essence after Xiaoqian cracked it, the smelly Taoist came back, so she didn’t succeed, so I asked grandma to observe it.”

The woman in red was shattered by the ghost almost hit by Yan Chixia’s Xuanyuan sword, and her vitality was greatly injured. Compared with the full-fledged Nie Xiaoqian, her heart was naturally uneven.

Coupled with the fact that the two usually don’t deal with each other, this will of course be a disaster.

“Grandma, this must be Xiaoqian’s excuse. Please grandma to check it out.”

The woman in purple hurried forward.

“Grandma, for many years, Xiaoqian has been conscientiously collecting Blood Essence for her grandma, and has never slackened. Of course not this time.”


“All right!”

The old woman sitting high in the top gave a sharp shout, and after interrupting the dispute between the three people, she slowly got up.

“Grandma, my cultivation magic, now is at a critical juncture. Blood Essence is needed to assist the cultivation. That scholar is a ninth virgin, and his Blood Essence contains a strong Xiantian pure sun. If it is used to convince my grandmother, One of them is better than a thousand.”

At this point, the old woman’s expression became excited.

Suddenly his face changed slightly and he coughed a few times.

“Smelly Taoist Damn it!”

He was slashed by Yan Chixia’s space, slashing his vitals, and slightly injured.

“Grandma, are you okay?”

The red-clothed woman hurriedly said.

After the old woman waved her hand, she walked down the steps and came to the woman in white.

Raising his left hand, the thick dark brown palm looks like a human hand.

The palm of his hand slowly slid across Nie Xiaoqian’s beautiful cheek, and then fell on her right shoulder.

“Xiaoqian, you know, you are my grandma’s favorite these years!”

Nie Xiaoqian knew that the people in front of him were moody, murderous, and quickly bowed to salute.

“Xiaoqian is deeply favored by her grandma, and she feels that she is willing to go through fire and water for her grandma.”

“Haha, great!”

After patted her shoulder, “Blood Essence of the scholar, grandma is dependent on you.”



Fu Yuechi’s painful cry sounded.

“Don’t look around!”

Fu Yuechi rubbed his buttocks and looked angrily at the cold middle-aged man who was holding the ruler beside him. After the other man erected the ruler and was about to beat him, his face changed, and he quickly turned his head to look at the talisman on the table. Paper.

For half a year, her Cultivation Base has already entered Xiantian just like Big sis. However, compared to when I only learned Daoquan at the beginning, the Cultivation Base is now higher, but there are more things to learn.

Painted symbols are one of them.

Faced with these headaches and complicated eclipses every day, Fu Yuechi felt uncomfortable.

“I don’t know why Big sis likes painting these things so much.”

Looking at Fu Qingfeng, who was looking attentively next to him, Fu Yuechi sighed in her heart, began to hold her breath and continued to draw amulets.

She has escaped countless times, but she can’t escape the clutches of the Damn it Master. It took a long time and was appointed.

Not far from under the willow tree, Xu Junming, who was lying on the recliner, did not care about his two little grandchildren.

At this moment, he was holding a pair of Bayeux Sutra in his hand, quietly Insight.

“The so mysterious’Small Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra’ is not inferior to the Chi You Three Pan Sutras and Heavenly Demon White Bone Sutras obtained from the Black Mountain Lao Yao.”

These three scriptures are the only three true scriptures in his hand that involve the practice of immortality.

The three parts are the same, but it also made him realize the practice method based on the immortal Dao of the “Yuanyang Zhenjing” compiled by himself. However, there are too few references, and compared with the Xuanmen authentic school, the background is still a bit worse.

However, he was not in a hurry. In the future, there will always be a chance to get more spiritual practices.

Putting away the Bayeux Sutra, the situation of Yan Chixia sounded.

“Fate is really magical, it really made him meet Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.”

For reasons of past life, he was quite curious about the two.

“Without the old black mountain demon, with Yan Chixia’s ability, it shouldn’t be difficult to win that locust tree demon.”

Touched his chin and waved his left hand, a big black hole appeared in front of him.

As his comprehension of the Heavenly Dao method of the pot became more and more profound, it became easier to open the space channel.

A figure in a black robe flew out of his sleeve and disappeared into the space channel.

Suddenly Xu Junming’s heart moved.

I got up and came to the backyard. There was a lotus pavilion here. After stepping up, after the fingertips urged, the aura was brilliant, and as the huge amount of Spiritual Qi was swallowed, a spatial passage spanning tens of thousands of miles was opened.

Stepping in, The next moment came to the place where the Dihuangshan Dongtian cross-border teleportation array was located.

I briefly felt the changes in the cave sky, took a step forward, and came to the location of the Vermillion Bird Phoenix Egg.

At this moment, the Spiritual Qi tide that the phoenix egg swallows is already extremely vast.

When they fell together, there was a Spiritual Qi like a sea tide, rolling in from the dark.


Feeling the arrival of Xu Junming, a powerful Divine Sense exudes from the phoenix egg.

“Are you awake?”


“When will I be born?”

“The disciples don’t know, but it is estimated that it will take a long time.”

Xu Junming nodded, it was not easy to refining a Xiantian Taishi icy air.

“I have accepted Fu Yun’s two daughters on your behalf, and their qualifications are extremely good. They can repay Karma and pass on your legacy.”

“Master bothered me.”

He waved his hand, “It’s also a fun thing to teach them if you have nothing to do.”

With a quick finger, a ray of spiritual light entered the phoenix egg.

“This is my improved “Three Corpse Secret Art”. If you want to come out in advance, you can practice one or two.”


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