Chapter 401

“What an exquisite sword technique!”

Nine Types of Sword Art, the more Insight, the more subtle it feels.

Although Xu Junming passed to him the Four-Image Sword Sutra, although his mind is profound, the four-style sword tactics of One Yuan, Promise, Three Talents, and Four Elephants are also extremely advanced.

But whether it is the Wuji Jue Immortal Sword, the Three Talents Slashing Immortal Sword, and even the Four Elephant Slashing Sword, it is a combination of Sword Technique and formation.

This kind of swordsmanship is suitable for people like Xu Junming who has a deep understanding of fighting Dao, but it is not suitable for Yan Chixia.

Therefore, the power of the Sixiang Sword Art in his hands was far less powerful than that of Xu Junming’s envoy.

On the contrary, it was this Xuanyuan Nine Sword.

Soaring Dragon Sword, Sky Dragon Sword, Azure Dragon Sword, Black Tortoise Sword, Feifeng Sword, White Tiger Sword, Qilin Sword, Vermillion Bird Sword, and Tianpeng Sword.

Each style is profound and powerful.

“I don’t know where this spider demon got such an exquisite sword technique, and it made up for my shortcomings at once, so I don’t need to ask the Master for help anymore.”

Yan Chixia couldn’t put it down.

“I don’t know what is recorded in this white Jade Slip?”

With Xuanyuan Nine Swords in front, he who was waiting in the middle stage of his heart, Divine Sense was immersed in it, and soon another law was reflected in the sea of ​​knowledge.

“Suppressing Sins and Slashing Demon Bodyguard Curse”

With the help of Dantian’s inner bronze mirror Phantom Insight, Yan Chixia discovered that this method is not difficult and it is extremely powerful.

Just chant the spell to use it. However, if you want to use the power of this technique, you must possess merit.

The deeper the merits of the body, the stronger the power of this technique.

“No wonder that spider demon never cultivated.”

After Insight understood, Yan Chixia went to the bamboo forest in the backyard, took a deep breath, and looked serious.

A pinch of Yin Jue.

“The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law.”

In an instant, he felt a mighty force pouring into his body.

Subconsciously stretched out his hand and shot forward, the surging power of heaven and earth rolled forward.

With a ‘boom’, the earth shattered, and the half-acre bamboo forest instantly turned into powder.

After savoring for a moment, Yan Chixia nodded.

“Although this power is not as powerful as my urging Flying Sword, it is also good, and it can follow the Ascension and Ascension of my own merit, and the swordsmanship that surpasses me in the future may also be possible.”

More importantly, it doesn’t require magic power to activate the “Surrounding Uplifting and Slashing Demon Body Curse”, as long as the physical body can withstand the violent power of the world.

Just as he was about to continue trying, Dantian’s inner pot of heavenly charms suddenly trembled.

Yan Chixia’s heart moved, and she quickly took out the magic talisman.

Along with the halo, Xu Junming’s voice came from it.

“I have received your Feihe Biography, and tell Xuan Jingsi that I will participate in the Dragon Palace Fairy Meeting in a year from now.”

“Yes, Master!”

“Also, you abandon the Sixiang sword formation and practice four swords into one, I agree.”

Like the Sixiang Sword Art, the Sixiang Sword Array is suitable for people like Xu Junming who are proficient in array and kendo, but not suitable for cultivators such as Yan Chixia who only practice kendo.

“The disciple is crazy, I hope…!”

“Okay. Master led the door and practiced personally. You can find that the Sixiang Sword Art and the Sixiang Sword Array are not suitable for you. Correcting the book in time is the right thing. Don’t worry about it. It’s the same when you encounter the same thing in the future. Do the same.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I have another Magic Treasures Flying Sword here. I will give it to you first. I will take back the Four Elephant Sword Formation.”

“No need, Master. I just killed a spider demon and got a Seven Treasure Forbidden Spirit Spider Sword, which is enough for me to use now.”

“Oh? You are lucky.”

“Hey, thanks to the Master for telling me, otherwise I won’t get such a chance.”

“Cultivating well is the greatest reward for being a teacher.”

“Yes, Master!”

The light of the Hutian Spirit Talisman skyrocketed, and a black hole appeared in the air. With a strong suction, the sword box behind Yan Chixia quickly flew into it.

“By the way, Master. These are the two Jade Slips I got from the spider demon. The tricks are extremely delicate, and Master can take a look at them in his free time.”

“Xuanyuan Nine Swords? When it comes to an excellent sword art, you should cultivate this art first.”


“”The Charm of the Supreme Suppressing Sins and Slashing the Demon Body”, Taishang Wuji, the universe borrows the law?!”

Hearing the surprise in Xu Junming’s tone, Yan Chixia hurriedly said: “Master, this technique is extremely simple, and if there are enough merits, it will be powerful enough, and it is actually a superior method.”

Looking at the technique in his hand, Xu Junming nodded.

But compared to this method, what surprised him more was the powerful inertia of fate. Although Yan Chixia became his disciple.

However, Xuanyuan Sword Technique, “Suppressing Sins and Slashing Demons and Protecting Curse”, still fell into his hands.

“It seems that Lan Ruo Temple, Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian, and the tree demon grandma can’t avoid it.” Xu Junming secretly said in his heart.

“Your sword, I can make it in half a year. You can give it a name first.”

Yan Chixia nodded and pondered for a moment.

“Since I have cultivated Xuanyuan Nine Swords, this sword is named after Xuanyuan!”


“What does Master think of this name?”

“Yes, just use it.”

A porcelain bottle flew out of the space channel.

“This is my newly refined Three Yellow Pill. There are 30 pills in total. Take it and take it.”

“Thank you Master.”

Yan Chixia was not polite, and took it with both hands.

“Any thing else?”


“Cultivation well.”

When the words were over, the aura of the Hutian Spirit Talisman converged and fell into Yan Chixia’s hands.

After putting it away, he returned to the cultivation room, and with the help of the bronze mirror phantom, Insight Xuanyuan Nine Swords for three months, after initial mastery, he left the Jianlu.

Coming outside, it is still the place where the spider spirits were killed.

Fingers changed, and a paper crane flew towards the distance.

This is his reply to Ye Guyun, Secretary of Xuanjing.

At the beginning, the other party could not find Xu Junming, so he forwarded the news of the Dragon Palace Qunxianhui to him, and asked him to pass it on to Xu Junming.

Now that the master had a reply, he naturally wanted to inform Ye Guyun of the news.

After Feihe Biography was finished, Yan Chixia continued his experience.

He never flew with imperial air, but walked far away along the old official road.

The phantom that has urged the bronze mirror along the way, as long as it encounters a monster or a person with resentment, it will definitely kill the matter.

Countless things have been done to slay demons and demons.

Because most people don’t know his name, those who are good at him, based on Yan Chixia’s appearance, gave him the nickname “Zharanling Lingguan”.

One day, Yan Chixia came to Guangping County in Qinghe Province.

Looking at the time, it was midday. After entering the county seat, he walked straight to the most luxurious restaurant here.

Said to be the most luxurious, it is actually just a two-story restaurant.

In this small county with a small population and poor livelihood, such restaurants are already considered luxurious.


After looking up at the name of the temple, Yan Chixia planned to climb up the steps.

Although he has long been bigu, he still enjoys his appetite quite a bit compared to the Master.

Therefore, three meals a day, unless something is delayed, or sleeping outdoors, they must be eaten on time.

A mouthful of meat and a mouthful of wine, in Yan Chixia’s view, this is the fairy day Xiu Daoist should enjoy.

Just about to go upstairs.

A dark figure was suddenly thrown out of it.

Yan Chixia stepped aside and stretched her leg.

A handsome, hungry student wearing an old gown appeared in front of him.

“Thank you heroes for saving!”

The scholar who thought he was about to be thrown to the ground quickly thanked Yan Chixia for his cupped hands.

Before the latter could speak, ‘ding dong’, a bunch of things were thrown out of it.

The scholar quickly bent over to pick it up.

Immediately afterwards, countless fragments fell down.

A tall and fat man with his sleeves and his arms exposed with countless curved black hairs walked out from the inside. Looking at the scholar with contempt.

“Just like you, you still want to ask your Hu Master? If it weren’t for your Hu Master’s mood today, you have to break your leg and get out.”

The scholar put away his own things, gave him a resentful look, and in the face of the unfavorable situation of the enemy and the widows, he did not act aggressively.

In her eyes, Yan Chixia shook her head.

He did not intend to help.

In this world, demon ghosts, life and death matters, are enough for him to bother. He didn’t bother to care about such trivial debts.

Step upstairs.

“Step aside!”

A brawny man with the surname Hu, although he looks rough and arrogant, he is a very delicate guy. Seeing Yan Chixia’s appearance, she knew she was not easy to provoke, so she turned around quickly and stepped aside.

Come inside.

Xiaoer from the shop greeted him.

“Guest, what can I eat?”

“Do you have meat here?”

“Yes, we have chickens, ducks and fish here. We just slaughtered a cow this morning.” Xiaoer Dian hurriedly said.

“Bring me ten roast chickens. Cut the beef 30 kilograms and I will pack it away. I will reward you with the rest.”

With that said, one ingot and twenty taels of silver were thrown to the shop Xiaoer.

The so-called seeing money is open, this is the case for the little second in this shop.

When I saw this silver ingot, the corners of his mouth almost reached the back molars.

“Guest officer, sit here now, and I will prepare it for you right away.”

Taking out the towel, wiping the stool diligently, let Yan Chixia sit down, and then took the teapot, made a pot of tea for him, and hurried to the back kitchen.

Feeling a few faint greedy rays of light next to her, Yan Chixia was brave and didn’t care.

Money can make ghosts grind, and Xiao Er’s actions are quick.

Ten roast chickens, plus 30 kilograms of beef, filled a big bag.

Yan Chixia took it and carried it on her shoulders and stepped out of the restaurant.

After discerning the direction, he walked straight to the mountains outside the county seat.

The phantom of the bronze mirror in Dantian just urged, there are a few corpses with resentment, although not very strong, if you don’t go out, it is always a threat to ordinary people.

As soon as she came to the street, Yan Chixia noticed the little tails following her.

However, they didn’t come to provoke herself, and Yan Chixia didn’t want to ask for trouble.

All the way out of the county seat, few people did it.

Yan Chixia took a big step, took the cooked food she bought, and walked straight to the mountain.

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