Chapter 400 Xuanyuan Nine Swords

The roaring north wind rolled up the fallen leaves, swirling, and flying around. Soon it filled up the rough official road because of disrepair for a long time.

“Crack”, the heavy soles of the feet crushed the leaves that had been dried by the scorching sun, and strode towards an inn near the official road not far away.

The inn is surrounded by barren farmland on three sides, leaving only the side facing the official road to open the door.

The tall figure wearing a green robe and a hat on his head looked up at the shop and picked it out. The hunting sounded by the north wind, the shabby banner of the “Chenjiacun Store” was written, and he stepped into the yard.

The rammed courtyard was cleaned up. Several large carts were placed aside, and the open door of the temple bursts with aromas and the sound of drinking and guessing.

The big man climbed up the stairs, his eyes were dark, and a room about four feet long and four feet wide came into view.

Except for the counter on the inside, there are nine tables on thick wooden boards, most of which are empty. On the left are two brawny men dressed as Rivers and Lakes knights, and on the right next to the counter sit a few businessmen.

The brawny man in green robes stepped into the room and instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Seeing this person, the young woman with her enchanting demeanor winked at the counter, wearing a black long dress and showing her bosom.

Xiao Er, a shop next to melon seeds, stepped forward and won.

“Guardian, the small shop has good old wine, beef and mutton, and the side dishes are also delicious. What would you like to eat?”

The brawny man in Qingpao raised his head, revealing a rough face with a pierced beard, and the sharp light in his eyes made Xiao Er subconsciously retreated in two steps.

“A family wants three catties of human blood, five catties of human flesh, and another nine catties of warm human flesh!”

There was a trace of reluctance on Xiaoer’s face.

“The guest officer laughed, but what we did was a duty business.”

“Duty business?”

The brawny man showed sarcasm on his face, and with a move in his heart, a Sword Qi flew out of his back like lightning. Before the shopkeeper could react, the Sword Ray passed around his neck.

The look of his head, who was still on guard, was instantly dull, and a thin line of blood slowly emerged from his neck.

‘Guru’, with the spray of blood, his head rolled down.

The light flashed, Xiao Er disappeared, and a big spider the size of a washbasin without a head appeared on the ground.

“Surely there are monsters hidden in serious stores?!”

‘Choke Choke’, the sword came out of its sheath.

The knights and merchants who were eating next to each other took out their swords. Obviously, they and this shop are all in the same group, but they are just to cheat the passing travelers and pretend to be knights and merchants.

Nowadays, at first sight, they naturally attacked.


A seductive voice sounded, and the knights and merchants who were about to pounce on stopped one after another and saw the woman in black coming from the counter with a respectful look on her face.

“Who are you? We have never seen or enmities, why do you seek to come and kill my tribe?”

“Haha, a certain Yan Chixia. As for why you want to kill you? Of course, it is to eradicate your evildoers and avenge the countless poor people you have eaten in the past ten years.”

“Yan Chixia?”

After the seductive woman pondered for a moment, she shook her head inwardly. She has never heard the name.

In fact, even though Yan Chixia’s reputation was greatly shocked by joining Xu Junming’s school, his name was mainly circulated in various schools. Most of the small and medium schools or Rogue Cultivators did not know his background, but the monsters knew it. Less.

“Looking at his sloppy look, he is probably not a big disciple.”

Thinking of this, the seductive woman was determined.

“It’s up to you to take revenge and hate?”

A cyan light flashed, and the knights and merchants who were holding swords and swords nearby came to the ground, turning into spiders the size of a basin, and dying.

Cyan light flew over Yan Chixia’s head, and a bowl the size of the mouth appeared, as if it was carved from fine sapphire, beautiful as a butterfly of art.

It’s just that this beautiful butterfly is surrounded by the tyrannical Xiantian Taisu Sword Qi, and the corpses of the Xiantian spider spirits on the ground reveal the dignified murderous intent behind the beauty.

The seductive woman’s pupils shrank, her eyes fixed on the butterfly.

“Is this the kind of support you came to?”

“You don’t need sapphire to deal with the spider demon.”

Yan Chixia made sword fingers with both hands.

“Look at me Slashing the Demon Sword!”

Accompanied by the sound of the sword soaring into the sky, a cyan streamer, carrying a sharp Sword Qi, slashed towards the spider monster like lightning.


Accompanied by Qingyue’s creaking of gold and iron, the Demon Slashing Sword was blocked.

Looking at the three-foot-three-inch black long sword in the hands of the spider demon, Yan Chixia’s face changed slightly.

Although his Four Elephant Sword Formation, after being sealed by the master, the power of ten out of ten.

But below Magic Treasures, it can’t be resisted at all.

The black long sword of this spider demon can actually block the sword of slashing demon, it is at least a Magic Treasures.

Noting the change in Yan Chixia’s expression, the spider demon’s face suddenly showed complacency.

“Don’t think you own Flying Sword! My Spirit Spider Sword is the top-grade Magic Treasures, much better than yours.”

When the words fell, the dignified, even fearful color that originally thought would appear on the opponent’s face did not appear.

Yan Chixia became excited instead.

“Sure enough, Master was right. The southeast direction is my blessed place.”

“I’m afraid this guy is not a fool…!”

Before the thoughts fell, Yan Chixia saw Yan Chixia’s sword fingers, one green and one red. Sword Ray flew out of the sword box behind her.

“Wu Ji Jue Xian Sword!”

With the two swords in parallel, Sword Qi skyrocketed, and the tyrannical Sword Ray surpassed the previous several times.

The spider demon’s face changed drastically.

“not good!”

The spirit spider sword in his hand began to sacrifice.

“Soaring Dragon sword style!”

The Spirit Spider Sword turned into a black dragon several feet long, roaring and greeted the Jue Xian Sword.


Sword Qi collided and offset each other, and the huge inn was smashed to pieces by the sharp Sword Qi.

Yan Chixia rose into the air, looking at the spider demon who was also standing in the air.

“You are a demon, how can my Taoist Jianzong’s method of reducing demons be used?”

“Huh! It’s not your turn to take care of my old lady!”

Although her mouth is powerful, the spider demon’s heart is extremely dignified. The power of the sword just now made her a monster cultivator complete with Gold Core feel uncomfortable.

“What’s the origin of this person? Not only does he have such a strong kendo Cultivation Base, there are also two Magic Treasures Flying Sword shields. And although the butterfly is not known as a spirit beast, the breath is also extremely Bufan.”

“Capture you spider demon, everything will be clear. Look at the sword!”

“Sancai Zhuxian Sword!”

Three Sword Ray flew out from behind Yan Chixia, and the strong Sword Qi, on the basis of the previous one, exploded several times.


The spider demon’s face changed drastically, and she just barely took that sword.

Now this stronger Zhu Xianjian was determined to be unable to take it down.

This spider demon is also a decisive person. When he doesn’t look good, he activates the Magic power and escapes with the sword.

Yan Chixia didn’t chase it either.

“Hehe, did you run and chat?!”

Reaching out, a black jade talisman flew out of Dantian, magic power urged, and a black giant hole emerged from mid-air.

With a stroke of the sword, Sword Qi swarmed into the huge hole, and then straddled dozens of miles, coming out from behind the escaping spider demon.

Sword Qi Ling Xiao, extremely domineering!

Accompanied by a screaming scream, everything returned to peace.

Yan Chixia stretched out her hand, and three Flying Swords flew back with a black spider corpse about five feet in size.

With a stroke of his hand, an inner alchemy that had been cut in half flew into his hand.

After a simple throw, he slapped Calabash on her waist, and a strong suction burst out. Yan Chixia let go, and Monster Core was included with the black spider corpse.

Shaking Calabash, a faint sound of water came into my ears.

Yan Chixia’s face showed satisfaction.

“In a while, the Calabash “Five Poison Spirit Wine” will be almost finished.”

This Qing Calabash was originally a storage Magic Treasures given by Xu Junming, but after having the Dharma Realm, Yan Chixia regarded it as his own wine Calabash.

Then, according to the method of brewing the “Five Poison Spirit Liquor” from Xu Junming’s collection, he trained this Calabash to be comparable to the Dongxuan Ling Pill.

I glanced at the dilapidated inn under my feet, a spark flew in between my fingers, and in the blink of an eye, it was blazing into the sky.

After burning for a quarter of an hour, the inn, along with the dry bones accumulated for many years, all turned into fly ash.

The figure flashed, and the figure disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in a small courtyard.

This small courtyard is surrounded by a bamboo forest covering an area of ​​tens of acres, and outside the bamboo forest is white mist.

On the plaque at the front entrance of the small courtyard, there are four characters on the iron-painted silver hook-‘Four Elephant Sword House’!

At this time, Xu Junming bestowed him on the Heavenly Cave Realm.

Climb up the stairs and step into the simple log cabin.

Although it looks small outside, the internal space of the wooden house is not small.

Back to the cultivation room, after sitting down on the futon.

Take out the spider demon’s magic bag and spirit spider sword.

Of course, what he values ​​most is the Spirit Spider Sword, which is forbidden by the Eight Laws, which is a rare Flying Sword.

For a sword practitioner, the value of a good sword is beyond doubt.

After whirling for a while, he shook his head.

“I already have a stronger Four Elephant Sword Formation, and this Spirit Spider Sword can’t be used either.”

With a quick throw, the long sword flew into the black iron sword stand next to it.

In addition to the Spirit Spider Sword, there are more than a dozen swords on this sword stand, with different widths and shapes.

Except for a Flying Sword of the spirit weapon level, all the rest are magic swords.

These were the sword weapons he had accumulated over the past year by slaying demons and eliminating demons.

As for the treasures that are not sword weapons, the precious ones remain. The not precious ones are sold in the market.

Open the magic bag of the spider demon.

Several spiritual artifacts, several bottles of Medicine Pill, and other miscellaneous things came into view.

“Jade Slip!”

Yan Chixia’s eyes lit up and took out the two Jade Slips from the bag.

Influenced by Xu Junming, in addition to collecting all kinds of swords, his favorite is also the collection of all kinds of Jade Slip, enriching his own knowledge.

The two Jade Slips, one green and the other white, are old in color, and they are obviously some years old.

Divine Sense is immersed in the cyan Jade Slip, and countless words are reflected in the sea of ​​knowledge.

“Xuanyuan Nine Swords!”

After reading it, Yan Chixia looked overjoyed.

“What a profound sword score!”

As a sword repairer, Yan Chixia quickly indulged in.

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