Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1018 The Backside of the Mountain

When Gaofeng reached the top of the mountain, he was still confused. The girl who had been enjoying the warm spring night in the tent just now was suddenly pulled by the maple leaves to the top of a barren mountain. There were still more than two hundred people waiting for them. When they saw Gaofeng, they were still together last night. The people who drank wine and ate meat nodded towards the peak without making a sound. Most of them held something like a black rattan in their mouths and headed towards the front of the mountain.

Maple Leaf Hill is squatting at the front, lying on the black rock and looking out carefully, not knowing what he is looking at. Looking from behind him, there are mountains stacked up in the distance, stretching for more than tens of thousands of miles, and the mountains are scattered high and low like The blade stands on the distant land. Cliffs and cliffs can be seen everywhere. The uniform black stone mountain has no other colors. The mountain peak under them is just the edge of the Black Stone Mountain Range. It is like a huge barrier, blocking The forest and Gobi desert outside.

Maple leaves patted Gao Feng on the shoulder, pointed to the rolling mountains in front, and whispered to Gao Feng:

"Didn't I tell you last night that there was a big gift for you? The big gift is right in front, just waiting for us to get it."

The peak is still confused. What kind of gift can this mountain range with no grass and only stones have? Smelling the strong smell of alcohol on Maple Leaf Kuang's body, Gao Feng really thought he hadn't sobered up yet, but looking at the others as if they were facing a formidable enemy, it didn't look like there was any big gift ahead, but more like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den?

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from behind. Scout No. 3, who looked as rigid as a zombie, walked up. Seeing that Feng Feng was intact, he breathed a long sigh of relief and saluted Feng Feng without saying anything. Looking at Maple Leaf Mania warily, the finger wrapped in the tactical glove got stuck and opened the safety of the rifle. It was obvious that he was very injured from last night's encounter.

"Go ahead, stick your butt up so high, you can see clearly from dozens of miles away..."

Maple Leaf cursed wildly and slapped Maple Leaf Xiaoshan, drove him aside, and carefully lay down on the stone. Without caring about his identity as Rishan Jialuo, he waved to Gao Feng. Gao Feng took the opportunity to take out the radio telescope in the backpack of Scout 03. He came out, got close to Maple Leaf Mania, and used absolutely standard tactical movements to carefully look behind the rocks.

Behind the mountain peak is a cliff that is almost 75 degrees, as smooth as a mirror. If you accidentally stand on it, you will easily slide down the thousand-meter slope to the bottom. Below is a canyon full of plants, and you can't see it. There was no danger, but Gao Feng knew that there must be a reason why Lieshan Kuang was so cautious.

The radio telescope is suitable for identifying organisms in complex environments and has an automatic locking function. As long as the telescope observes a place for more than five seconds, it will start intelligent analysis to find various suspicious places. Gao Feng did not know at first that when he When he saw a white spot several kilometers away that was different from the environment of the Blackstone Mountains, intelligent analysis started, instantly magnifying the suspicious white spot infinitely, and finally revealed a lime layer of tens of square meters.

The lime layer was not suspicious, but it allowed Gao Feng to find out how to use the radio telescope and once again observe the place he had ignored before. During the continuous magnification process, a red dot suddenly flashed, and then a creature with the same color as Black Rock Mountain became clear. appeared in his eyes, Gao Feng was shocked when he saw it, it turned out to be a four-armed ape.

The four-armed ape is in the mountains more than ten kilometers away. Most of its body is blocked by the mountains, and half of its head is exposed. If you hadn't been in close contact with this creature, you might not be able to recognize it. Seeing this The four-armed ape, Gao Feng carefully lowered his body slightly and looked sideways at Maple Leaf Maniac, who was searching with squinted eyes. He suddenly felt bitter. Can such a big guy be easily provoked? Charles's flying fortress was almost shot down by this guy, not to mention that this kind of creature lives in groups. God knows how many there are in the mountains.

"Brother, the big gift you gave me shouldn't be... this thing, right?"

The radio telescope has a camera function. If you turn on the auxiliary display screen, you can see the ferocious face. When Maple Leaf Maniac saw the four-armed ape, he was startled. He grabbed the radio telescope and imitated Gao Feng. into his own eyes and said repeatedly:

"Good stuff, exactly good stuff. If this had been available ten years earlier, we don't know how many people would have died less..."

Having said this, Maple Leaf Maniac put down the radio telescope regretfully, but held it tightly in his hand. Obviously he didn't want to give it back to Gao Feng, and Gao Feng didn't care. He swayed and sat on the rock to avoid being exposed.

"What are you going to do? To be honest, you can have as much of this thing as you want. It's not worth treating..."

Gao Feng was a little anxious. He had no intention of playing riddles with Maple Leaf Kuang. He still had many things to do. Unexpectedly, Maple Leaf Kuang smiled strangely and whispered:

"I know what you want. Isn't it to find the passage for the Maple Leaf family to get here from the mainland? Let me tell you the truth, the passage is at the back..."

"What?" Gao Feng was shocked and looked at Maple Leaf Mania in disbelief. If the passage was at the back, how did they get here back then?

"You think we don't want to go back and are trapped in this desperate situation? To the east is the infinite forest. You know how much danger there is in it. You know better than me. To the south is the nest of yellow sand poisonous insects. No matter how many people come close, even the bones can't be saved. To the west is The poisonous swamp will be filled with poisonous fog every ten days, making the birds sad and dying without a burial place. There are 3,900 canyons in the Blackstone Mountains in the north. Only the canyons can escape the poisonous poison in the west. Unfortunately, they are all black. You beast, you can’t even think about it.”

Maple Leaf Kuang explained the environment they were in in a few words, and Gao Feng believed it immediately. He couldn't help but believe it. The clouds of insects in the sky are still vivid in his mind, and there are also many flying creatures in the Infinite Forest, which are even more of a nightmare for battleships.

"The big gift I want to give you is in the mountains behind. Once the four hands are gone, we can rush down and grab the good things from the black-haired beast. If we are lucky, we might be able to grab the heavenly elixir. , That’s something that even Beng Yun is rare to see..."

"Tianpin elixir? Are you telling the truth?"

Gao Feng was shocked again. That thing seemed to be only in legends. Apart from Jiuqu, Gao Feng had never seen another thing similar to the heavenly elixir, but Jiuqu was definitely not a heavenly elixir. That thing was After eating it, you no longer look like a human being.

"Why did I lie to you? You don't need to do anything this time. I just brought you to see the fun..."

As he spoke, Maple Leaf turned around to investigate again. At this time, the four-armed ape hiding in the mountains had disappeared. Maple Leaf waved wildly, and in an instant more than two hundred people got up at the same time and rushed down the mountain together. Among them, The fastest one was Maple Leaf Hill, and Gao Feng had to follow behind, rushing down with 03.

Compared with others who were able to rush smoothly on smooth slopes, Gao Feng and 03 seemed to be able to do so with ease. Their combat boots were unique and had automatic washers. Not to mention the slope, even a 90-degree right angle could be used for a short period of time. He also has jumping ability, and Gao Feng is more agile than ordinary people. In a short time, he rushed to the front and kept pace with Maple Leaf Hill.

Maple Leaf Hill looked at the peak following him and smiled with white teeth. Then he picked up the sword behind him and stared ahead with a ferocious expression, rushing into the canyon. Ten kilometers was not a long distance for Jia Luo. After a while, they rushed along the canyon to the back of the mountains ahead. Gao Feng saw an independent peak full of holes at a glance. The peak actually seemed familiar to him.

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