Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1019 Melee

As soon as Gao Feng's thought flashed across his mind, countless black-haired ape-men emerged from the cheese-like mountain peaks. Seeing these guys, Gao Feng wanted to curse, and he stopped immediately and was about to turn around and escape. Unexpectedly, the 03 scouts who were following closely behind him saw that. Countless apes, and the bone spears they were about to throw, raised their hands without saying a word and fired a burst of bullets. The 350-round magazine was instantly emptied, like a thin red line, killing the most majestic one a thousand meters away. The ape-man split into two, causing Maple Leaf to cheer loudly, grabbing Gao Feng and shouting happily:

"A good start, a good sign..."

As he spoke, Maple Leaf Kuang took Gao Feng and leaped up like a big bird, gliding towards the foot of the mountain a thousand meters away. Gao Feng watched helplessly as countless spears in front of him were like dark clouds shrouding him, and turned around to glare at Maple Leaf Kuang hatefully. Just waiting to release the Thousand Tribulations Silk.

"Break it for me..." Maple Leaf Maniac did not dodge the spears that filled the sky. He grabbed the peak and rushed towards it. He shouted loudly and punched fiercely, erupting a huge cyclone like a tornado, spinning countless long spears. The spear was caught in it and suddenly collapsed.

Thousands of spears suddenly shattered into tiny fragments and flew in the air. Maple Leaf Madness and Peak were like meteors streaking across the thousand-meter sky and falling halfway up the mountain. At this time, thousands of spears were more than two meters tall and had fangs. The blood-mouthed ape-man roared and rushed towards the peak and Maple Leaf. Maple Leaf Maniac was recovering his breath. When he saw these guys, he sneered. The powerful perception spread like an ocean, covering the entire land with a radius of a thousand meters. Amidst the crisp sounds of countless explosions, Hundreds of apes burst open like exploding balloons, splattering out countless pieces of blood, water and bones.

Only then did Gao Feng realize that the peak at his feet was not as dark as other peaks in the Black Rock Mountains, but a strange dark red color. The sputtering blood covered the entire dark red rock, winding and flowing in the gaps and ravines. Thick black dirt accumulated in it, with layers of bones and hair sandwiched in the dirt, like a garbage dump behind a slaughterhouse.

The smell of blood in the sky rushed into the nose of the peak in the rain of blood, making him take a breath. The entire mountain was stained with blood. Countless ape-men died on this mountain. He didn't know about this dispute. How many years have passed, Maple Leaf Mania has continuously unleashed its most powerful killing moves, detonating more ape-men, and ape-men have emerged from the caves in the mountains, and they have not shown any signs of weakness to fight back against Maple Leaf Mania. It seems that With Maple Leaf's invincible killing methods, no matter how many apes there are, they will all be killed.

But they didn't expect that a new kind of short ape-man with gray hair would appear. This kind of ape-man is shorter than the black-haired ape-man, but it is still over 1.8 meters tall. Its strong body is muscular, as if it is made of steel, and its sharp fangs are thick. The bright white and red eyes hid a bloodthirsty luster. The moment they appeared, they waved the slender purple-gold spear in their hands from a long distance away. With a sharp whistling sound, the spear split the air and sent out a stream of The sharp air blades shined down on Maple Leaf Madness, and the peak not far from Maple Leaf Madness was also shrouded by several air blades.

Maple Leaf Kuang had to dodge among these air blades. At this time, more than two hundred Garos behind him rushed up one after another, roaring loudly and throwing out spears. Under the spears all over the sky, the peak was like a The air blades flashed past like ghosts, advancing instead of retreating, and took the initiative to rush towards the gray-haired ape-men.

Gao Feng was worried about the spears thrown by the black-haired ape-men before. He had seen the power of these spears. Each spear could penetrate the steel plate. Even if he had endless methods, he had to retreat when faced with such a dense array of spears. There is no room to dodge. Are you going to die where you are? Unexpectedly, Maple Leaf Mania had long been immune to this kind of attack. He rushed up to the mountain peak and blasted hundreds of black-haired ape-men to pieces. This allowed Gao Feng to overcome his initial discomfort and become more comfortable.

The ape-men have a high degree of evolution, and the spears they use are accurate and powerful. However, they are completely inadequate against the Maple Leaf Mania. Most of them were wiped out in a few seconds. The newly-appeared gray-haired ape-men are more powerful than the black-haired ape-men. They are immune to Maple Leaf Mania's cyclone explosion wave, and the spears made of purple gold fish scales in their hands can also launch long-distance attacks. Although there are not many in number, they can walk in a wide range. Maple Leaf Mania is temporarily incapacitated, but these apes gradually slow down. After a while, we continued to increase our troops.

Gao Feng moved his hands, not as powerful and majestic as Maple Leaf Mania, but not slow. In a blink of an eye, three or five gray-haired apes' heads flew down, and their headless bodies stayed in place and sprayed blood. What they saw just now Maple Leaf Hill's blood surged as he rushed forward. He raised his sword and rushed into the middle of the black-haired ape-men with a scream. All the spears that came towards him were shattered by the cyclone that was traveling around him. The sword in his hand flashed. In the cold light like a thunderbolt, the heads of the black-haired ape-man were like popcorn in a microwave oven, rising into the sky one after another, which made him so happy that he cried like a wolf in excitement, and the big blade in his hand danced with cold light.

I don’t know how long I have been killing, but the black-haired ape-men kept rushing out of the caves on the mountain peaks. They kept killing them no matter what, which made Gao Feng feel weak. When he looked around, he saw corpses all over the mountains and plains. Suddenly, Gao Feng felt a wave of pain. Severe dizziness, which is the sequelae of excessive sensory overdraft.

The dizziness is not terrible. What is terrible is that Gao Feng is suddenly tired of this senseless killing. He doesn't know the purpose of Maple Leaf Kuang bringing him here, and he doesn't know the purpose of Maple Leaf Family's killing. Countless ape-men died in the crazy Ga. In Luo's hands, a few Garos also died in the hands of ape-men. Gao Feng even saw a half-grown child in his teens being struck on the belly by the ape-man's spear. He flew up far away like a baseball and landed heavily on the ground. Vomiting blood containing fragments of internal organs.

03 The scout carried all the ammunition and was brandishing a military thorn. He was covered in blood and rolled with the majestic ape-man. Before he was strangled to death, he stabbed the dagger into the ape-man's heart, but he no longer had the strength to get up. He could only lie on the ground, panting briefly, looking at the numb Gao Feng standing among the corpses.

Gao Feng could no longer distinguish between his past life and this life. The memory in his mind was stimulated by the bloody killing fields. It seemed that he had returned to the battlefield of his previous life. Looking at the killings of humans and beasts here, an inexplicable thought suddenly arose in his heart. Their killings Is it just? These apes also belong to the category of intelligent life, but they died helplessly here under the invasion of humans.

The bald Maple Leaf Maniac is like a peerless god of death, attacking the last line of defense composed of dozens of gray-haired ape-men. Behind him, hundreds of corpses are falling in random directions, but more apes are attacking him from both sides. Surrounded by dozens of apes, Maple Leaf Hill was also surrounded by dozens of ape-men. In the flashing light of the sword, ugly heads flew into the sky one after another, and the blood sprayed everywhere, covering him from head to toe like a red man. Under the water of blood, he shouted loudly.

The Thousand Tribulations Silk did not stagnate due to the brief confusion of the peak. The Thousand Tribulations Threads of different lengths wandered around the peak like misty clouds. Whether it was a thrown spear or the strong body of an ape, once it was caught in the Thousand Tribulations Threads , the end result was thousands of pieces of corpses, and countless pieces of flesh and broken spears were walking in layers in the area within 30 meters of the peak, building up a wall of flesh and blood more than half a meter high.

Just when Gaofeng was trapped in the demonic barrier of killing and could not extricate himself, Maple Leaf Hill's shout came from the distance:

"Uncle, uncle... don't kill, run away..."

Maple Leaf Hill's shouts came closer and closer, and finally turned into a thunder, which exploded in Gaofeng's ears. He woke up and saw that more than two hundred Garos were evacuating, and Maple Leaf Maniac also got out of the cave where the corpses were piled up. He came out, holding a bunch of energy crystals and various strange things in his hands. More apes were rushing over from the back of the mountain. The loud roar of the four-armed apes came from the distance, which made Gao Feng smart, turned around and retreated. The Maple Leaf family ran together. In the process of running away, they pinched the 03 Scout who was pressed under the body and the young Garo who was still vomiting blood on the ground under his arm.

When they reached the bottom of the cliff, chased by countless apes, Fengfeng was thinking about how to climb up. At the call of Maple Leaf Hill, he got into the cracks in the mountain and climbed up a carved ladder to the peak. When the last person entered the passage in the crack, there was a dull boom, and a huge stone door weighing several kilograms fell heavily, sealing the passage behind them, perfectly sealing the steep mountain slope.

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