Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1017 Son-in-law is still a friend

Gao Feng's words suddenly stopped the noisy noise around him. This strange silence made Gao Feng move his butt uncomfortably and looked around. Both Maple Leaf Mania and Maple Leaf Hill were looking at him. Others were holding barbecues or holding women in their arms. It was like pressing the stop button and Quan looked towards him. Jia Luo was no different from ordinary people. Even if they were noisy and noisy, they could still clearly hear all the movements within a hundred meters. The words of Gao Feng were naturally heard by them.


Maple Leaf laughed wildly, breaking the awkward atmosphere. Others continued their carnival. The strange silence returned to its previous enthusiasm, which made Gao Feng feel happy. It seemed that the problem was solved?

"Today we will only talk about today's matters. We will discuss tomorrow's matters tomorrow. Xiaodie Shuangshuang, please ask my brother to rest. You must take good care of him..."

Lieshan Kuang waved his hand without any explanation, and two girls with outstanding strength grabbed Gao Feng's arms on the left and right. Gao Feng was about to break away, but he didn't expect that their slender little hands were as heavy as Mount Tai. Gao Feng secretly thought in his heart. Well, the seemingly weak girl turned out to be the rare powerful Jia Luo. Not to mention he was a soldier of regret, even if he was approached by Shanshan, he couldn't get away.

"I, I, I..."

Gao Feng wanted to speak anxiously, but Lie Shan Kuang didn't look at him at all. He just muttered something to Maple Leaf Hill. When the 03 scout saw Gao Feng being taken away, he wanted to stop him. As soon as he raised his rifle, he was fired by Lie Shan Kuang. His momentum was firmly suppressed, and he stood motionless like a statue, looking like he was seeing off Gao Feng.

"Let go, let me go quickly, Xiaodie, right? Let me go. I'll give you whatever you want, delicious candies, pretty clothes, and fun toys. I guarantee you'll like it..."

Away from the noisy hustle and bustle, Gao Feng was taken into a quiet house. Unknown wood as clear as amethyst created a luxurious house like a crystal palace. It was built beside a water pool. Rolling white mist emerged from the water pool and clung to the stream. The surface layer flows slowly and spreads to the ground on both sides of the stream. The surface of the ground for hundreds of meters is covered by the flowing white mist, as if walking on the clouds.

There is no doubt that this is the best house of the Maple Leaf family. The two little girls escorted Gao Feng to the house with fierce faces and did not listen to Gao Feng's sophistry. At this time, Gao Feng was surprised to find that the amethyst house with wooden texture did not need The light illuminated, naturally emitting lavender fluorescence, with cool colors and gorgeousness, but not dazzling, allowing him to clearly see everything around him, including the girl's face, which was not clear under the bonfire before.

The two girls turned out to be the same. Even with Gao Feng's amazing insight, he couldn't find any difference. Even the distribution of the fine cracks on their skin was the same, as if they were cast from reverse molds. Even twins would not be completely different. There are always differences in details, but the two girls in front of him have none of these. Gao Feng can even feel that they are connected mentally, whether it is the pace of walking or the slight changes in their movements.

Then Gao Feng stopped paying attention to these things. The two girls were like two violent beasts. They stripped Gao Feng naked and let the last three people walk into the pool together. Gao Feng had no way to stop him. Thousands of calamity threads were wrapped around the three bodies. Zhou Feiwu, but Gao Feng couldn't kill him, and the two girls were always holding his arms like pliers, and he couldn't even use the agility he was always proud of.

At this time, Gao Feng's mind was in chaos. He had never experienced such a scene, and had never even heard of it. At this moment, he was unable to kill, and could not escape, just like a helpless girl being coerced by a strong thug, and even He can't even resist, not to mention that he is a normal man. If he is really asked to resist, he may not be able to do it.

When the three people slid into the pool together, Gao Feng's whole body was shocked, and a warm current spread from his toes to his neck. This is a rare hot spring. The water temperature is just right, making people feel comfortable to the bone. Then the two delicate bodies were as smooth as gelatin. The body came close to each other from left to right, causing Gao Feng to immediately raise his flag, with only one thought in his mind:

"Since you can't resist, then... just accept it, right?"

Just as this obscene thought flashed through, the two girls did not follow Gao Feng's wish. Instead, they poured water on Gao Feng's head and helped him clean it. At this time, Gao Feng completely relaxed and had made up his mind not to resist or to resist. No longer pretending to be a gentleman, naturally there are not so many awkwardnesses, and he said:

"Fluttershy Shuangshuang? Who is Fluttershy? Who is Shuangshuang?"

The two identical girls had dark skin and taut and firm bodies. They were in their prime. After hearing Gao Feng's words, they stopped together and looked at Gao Feng uniformly. The two pairs of eyes with the same look were not what girls should have. The shyness, the grievances hidden due to coercion, and even the numbness of accepting the facts made Gao Feng feel puzzled.

"Xiaodie Shuangshuang is us, we are Xiaodie Shuangshuang, we are one person, one person with two sides..."

Unexpectedly, the two girls spoke at the same time, saying words that Gao Feng couldn't understand. They had the same tone and the same voice. The two girls were like duplicates, and there was no difference between them.

"Then how do you usually differentiate between them?"

Gao Feng asked tentatively, but the two girls stopped talking. They cleaned Gao Feng's body in a few times and pulled Gao Feng into the amethyst-like house. The house did not have much furniture and decoration, only the gorgeous furs on the ground. Taking up the entire room's floor, Gao Feng couldn't help but feel hot when he saw the carpet. At this time, the two girls closed the door heavily, and then Gao Feng fell into darkness.

Lying in the darkness, Gao Feng could clearly hear the regular breathing of the two girls next to him, but he did not wait for the fragrance he imagined. The two girls seemed to be sleeping with him, lying motionless next to him, letting Gao Feng smell He smelled the girl's unique sweet scent, but couldn't taste it.

Gao Feng knew that the two girls were waiting for him to enjoy, but they would never take the initiative because the two girls did not understand the things between men and women at all, or in other words, all they saw and heard was that men took the initiative, and Gao Feng faced two choices. A beast, or worse than a beast?

The two choices left Gao Feng entangled. In this entanglement, Gao Feng gradually felt the softness of the fur carpet under his body. The temperature of the room was also suitable for falling asleep. After a while, Gao Feng's eyes closed heavily until the next morning. .

Gao Feng never loses vigilance in unfamiliar places. When there is a slight movement outside, he has already woken up. He suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly saw a pretty face not far away. He turned his head again and the same thing happened. One cheek is like a mirror reflection of before.

Gao Feng sat up suddenly, rubbed his cheeks, and retracted the Thousand Calamity Threads released around him into his arms. When he was fully dressed and walked out of the room, he saw a male figure standing like a lion under the dim sky. Maple leaf madness by the pool.

Maple Leaf Maniac did not change into the clothes provided by Gao Feng. He was still wearing a waistcoat-like animal skin. His arms were exposed to the cold morning air. There was not an inch of good flesh on the muscular arms. They were all densely packed like earthworms. Old scars, many of the scarred muscles have rolled out and have grown together with the outer skin, making them look particularly terrifying.

Gao Feng walked to Maple Leaf Kuang and looked at the white mist that was gradually shrouding the surroundings as steam continued to rise from the pool. He wanted to ask, but didn't know what to say? You can’t say that the Maple Leaf Madman is old-hearted, just listening in a corner outside all night, right?

"It seems you did it?"

Maple Leaf turned around wildly, and his one eye that was so dazzling made people feel fearful. Gao Feng stared at Maple Leaf in confusion, not understanding what the other party meant.

Maple Leaf tilted his head towards the hut and said, "If you touch Xiaodie Shuangshuang, you will be the son-in-law of the Maple Leaf Family. If you don't, you will be the friend of the Maple Leaf Family..."

"What's the difference?"

Gao Feng broke into a cold sweat in his heart. He had a conscience. He had been struggling all night for being worse than a beast. He finally managed to control his lower body, but Maple Leaf Mania came to him like this.

"Hahaha, whether it's my son-in-law or my friend, we are all our own, there is no difference... Let's go and have a drink with me..."

Maple Leaf Kuang suddenly cracked open his yellow teeth in Gao Feng's questioning eyes and laughed loudly, grabbing Gao Feng and walking outside, making Gao Feng sweat all over his head. Drinking so early? He said he still hasn't woken up from yesterday's wine.

Gao Feng was dragged to the place where he drank last night. The piles of bonfires had been extinguished. Except for 03, who was sleeping beside the bonfire with his body curled up, there was no one else. The ground was a mess, with bones, barbecue sticks, and spilled wine. There were altars everywhere, and there were still signs of vomiting in some places.

Maple Leaf Maniac did not stop here, but led Gao Feng around the gathering place, got into a low forest, and walked along the forest path for almost half an hour, arriving at the foot of a black stone mountain range, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. There is a rugged and steep path near the top of the mountain. Several people are already walking and climbing up. At a glance, the peak can see Maple Leaf Hill carrying a huge machete on its back.

There was no headache-inducing drink as imagined, only a climbing trail. Maple Leaf Maniac still refused to reveal the answer to the mystery. Gao Feng followed Lieshan Kuang to the top of the mountain in confusion, still thinking repeatedly about the difference between his son-in-law and his friend. The two of them The speed was very fast, and it was not long before they reached the top of the mountain. As soon as they reached the top, Feng Feng was surprised to find that almost all the prime men and women of the Maple Leaf family were out, densely packed in a man-made depression at the top of the mountain.

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