Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1016

Disguise is still a disguise. Rishan Jialuo is an old fox who has become a spirit. How can it be possible that a few ounces of cat urine can take out his brother? If Gao Feng hadn't revealed the background of his Xuan Ye family, I'm afraid Maple Leaf Mania wouldn't have revealed it. Those words to win sympathy, for the Maple Leaf family, the Xuanye family is an old family with its own independent city-state, and small and medium-sized families are absolutely incomparable. However, Gao Feng, as a regretful soldier, has awakened his senses, and is obviously the focus of cultivation by the Xuanye family. Compared with them, the core disciples are like princes and beggars, so they are not afraid that Gao Feng will miss them. This can be seen from Gao Feng's disdain for the Purple Gold Fish Scale Mine and the ease with which he gave away so many supplies.

"I am fifty-three years old this year and have lived here all my life. How many years do you think we have been here?"

With heaviness and desolation, Maple Leaf Kuang said something that surprised Gao Feng. Maple Leaf Kuang was the oldest here. Apart from him, the remaining few hundred people were mostly young people in their twenties to thirties, and the majority were women. At least three-quarters of them had less than a hundred men, and many of them were the same age as Maple Leaf Hill. In other words, the older they were, the smaller the number.

Gao Feng also discovered that the overall strength of the Maple Leaf family is quite good. The two young girls under 20 just now are Xianfeng Jialuo. The largest number here is not Xianfeng, but Xianjun. Regardless of men and women, it seems that there are only Xianfeng. No ordinary person is a Jialuo. This situation can be called a miracle for any family. After all, the more Jialuo there are, the stronger the family is.

"I think back then, the older generation kept instilling the honor of the family in us, whipping us every day, making us remember the shame of being kicked out of the territory, and making us swear to fight back to our hometown. Unfortunately, they are all dead. This is no place for people to stay. No matter how ambitious you are, the first thing to consider is survival..."

Having said this, Fengye violently picked up the dozens of kilograms of wine jar in front of him and started to drink it. Watching the wine flowing from his mouth to his neck, Gao Feng was speechless. These all belong to the Maple Leaf family. How can he start talking about housework? However, he already knew that the Maple Leaf family should have been involved in the third ground war fifty years ago and was expelled for some ulterior reasons. However, it was unlikely that they colluded with the underground people. He had been misunderstood before. Fight and kill for the underground people.

"Brother Xuan Ye, tell me, what's going on over there? Does anyone remember the Maple Leaf Family? Have you ever heard of the Maple Leaf Family's Qianye Agarwood Wine?"

Maple Leaf threw the wine jar down, belched and grabbed Gao Feng's arm. He stared at Gao Feng with his shining single eye, and asked while smelling of wine, but there was no forcing in his eyes. Instead, there was a trace of begging, not begging for Gao Feng. , but begging for someone in the Jia Luo world to remember the Maple Leaf family.

"Who knows what the situation is over there? I have been out for more than two years. Maybe the war has stopped?"

Gao Feng shook his head and said with a bitter smile. After that, he poured himself a full glass of wine. He has never dared to think about the wilderness or the Xuan Ye family. These two places are the only places that have been involved with him for more than two years. With time, many things can be changed. I feel sorry for my former subordinates who set up their own business. If Skyclaw was still alive, everything in the wilderness would be fine. But if Skyclaw is dead and there is no news for more than two years, who will remember it? Is he the leader? time heals everything.

"War? Are the underground people showing up again?"

Maple Leaf Maniac had a look of horror on his face, but Maple Leaf Hill, who was sitting aside, didn't feel anything. Neither Jia Luo nor the underground people had much to do with him. Many things were just hearsay. Before, he was crazy about poverty and wanted to make money from Gao Feng. The benefits are so loud and clear. Now that he has everything, he doesn't care what tricks are going on outside.

"It's a family civil war. It can be understood as the big family's purge of the smaller families, vacating the territory, consuming the population, and making room for future generations. Maybe one or two top families will be divided up by other families. In short, it will only happen in a short time. Son, a pool of muddy water..."

Gao Feng explained the war in the Garo World clearly in a few words. Thinking of the danger of the Chaos Front, his heart couldn't help but become heavier. If it was a civil war, Gao Feng did not want to participate, but if a foreign enemy invaded, whether it was the previous era or this era, he would definitely resist it. At the front.

"A bunch of bastards. All the wealth they earned with their lives has been ruined by them. If they are attacked by underground people..."

"The underground people are almost finished. There is a plague in their place. The leaders are messing around and they are almost extinct. It's a pity that they are all Chinese. They have nothing to do but mess around..."

Gao Feng suddenly felt that Maple Leaf Kuang was quite good. Although he was kicked out of the Garo World, he hated the internal strife in the Garo World. He was a generous person. Even if he was poor and had nothing, he would not think of stealing. Even though he was impulsive. Maple Leaf Hill doesn't have the arrogance of the family members, so they are satisfied with just a few gadgets.

"Well, it has nothing to do with us anyway. We refugees have been almost forgotten for a long time. I will rest here tonight, and I will give you a generous gift tomorrow..."

The depressed Maple Leaf Maniac had no interest in talking. The wine vat in front of him was also drunk. He waved to the two girls who brought the wine over, pointed at them and said to Gao Feng:

"The two of them are direct descendants of the Maple Leaf family. They were also young ladies of the family in the past. They are both virgins who have never experienced human affairs. You sleep with them tonight..."

"Brother, I don't like this. Besides, I'm their elder. It's inappropriate. There are two women waiting at home. I can't bring back two more..."

When Gao Feng heard this, he became anxious, his face was livid with fright, and he refused again and again. He did not expect that Maple Leaf Maniac would show up like this. If he hadn't counted on Maple Leaf Maniac to show him the way home, he might have run away long ago. The two girls went up and down. He looked at Gao Feng, but more eyes were focused on the scout behind Gao Feng. Tom Cruise was much more handsome than Gao Feng, but he had no objection. Jia Luo was destined to only marry Gao Luo.

"Brother, there is nothing we can do about it. Over the past few decades, we have all been swayed by others. We are in urgent need of outsiders' blood, otherwise there will be big problems. You also understand that we are all a group of people who have been exiled. Looking at it, Thousands of miles away, where can we find a Jialuo to breed them?"

Maple Leaf Mania also had no choice but to persuade Gao Feng. He had no choice. According to his opinion, it would be easier if Gao Feng was an enemy. He could catch Gao Feng without asking any questions, and just ask the woman to give Gao Feng a round of rice. This can temporarily solve the problem of close relatives of the ethnic group.

"Uncle, what dad said is right. Several children have died in the past few years. If there is no more fresh blood, maybe in a few decades, only our bones and sticks will be left here. How about you?" How many of the people come here, and how many of them are matched with those who have the blood of Jialuo? Of course, the one behind you can't do it..."

Maple Leaf Hill is also persuading Gao Feng that the two girls are his biological sisters. Looking at it, the women here are either his cousins ​​or nieces and nephews. So far, he has not been in love with him because he doesn't want to have close relatives. children.

Gaofeng has a big head, so where is this? Although the two girls are beautiful, they are not enough to make him attracted. Besides, Maple Leaf Mania obviously regards him as a stallion. Even if these two girls spoil his children, they cannot leave with him. I'm not a prostitute, so I can't do this kind of dirty business.

"Brother, even if I leave seeds here, I can't solve the problem. If I want to solve the problem, I have to go back to Jialuo World. I'm going home. If you don't mind, you can follow me. When you get to Jialuo World, you Go to my territory and re-establish the name of the Maple Leaf family. Aren't you afraid that future generations will not find a good partner? "

Gao Feng was forced to have no choice but to express his thoughts that he had always buried in his heart. It would not be considered as recruitment. He would pull these Gallo onto the boat. When there was a threat, he would not have to fight it alone. When he arrived in the Gallo world, If they are willing to go to the wilderness, give them a piece of land. If they are not willing to go, let them join the Xuanye family as a subsidiary family. It is better than finding men here to breed with, right? "

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