Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1007 The Truth

'Misty Gu Hongying', just like the words of Su Shi's Bu Suanzi, the mist suddenly comes and goes suddenly, making people unable to catch and touch it. Only a lingering fragrance with the scent of grass and trees remains at the tip of the nose. Gao Feng was worried about gains and losses. Without Piaomiao's suppression, the little thing was much happier. She hugged Gao Feng's thigh and rubbed it hard. If she hadn't turned into a little girl, she would have looked honest and cute, but if she turned into a naked little girl, it wouldn't be fun. , she is a big-breasted lolita, making people blush and heartbeat. Now she is rubbing against Gao Feng's legs. How can she calm down?

"Go, go, let's play. Isn't it embarrassing for such a big child to have his butt naked?"

Gao Feng touched the little thing's head in disgust and pushed her aside, making her puff out her cheeks and show her teeth and claws. Gao Feng just pushed her away, but did not push away the quiet and shy little pink ball who was holding Gao Feng's other thigh.

"What's wrong with me? Big gangster, is it your fault?"

Kalea's voice suddenly came to his ears, which startled Gao Feng. When he turned his head, he saw Kalea who was only fifty centimeters away from him. When she spoke, her breath almost hit his face. He really didn't know that she When did it appear? He was outside just now. Why did he look like a ghost? The silver hair was still swirling around her, but it was much more mature, and it lay softly on the ground a few centimeters away, like a clear stream.

Kalea looked at Gaofeng angrily. She couldn't be put outside in her current state. The most upsetting thing was that she couldn't fall to the ground and couldn't even find clothes to cover her body. All her grievances were vented to Not to mention that she couldn't feel the terrifying aura that was exuding from Gao Feng all the time. She was originally the Jiaojiao eldest lady, so she naturally returned to her usual nature.

"Ha, what a beautiful bead. Why do they look so familiar?"

Kalea was so angry with Gao Feng that he didn't want to pay attention to her. She wanted the little thing to calm down. Unexpectedly, Kalea's eyes turned to the floating silver pearls. After following Gaofeng for a long time, many things became strange. , these twenty silver pearls exude a light and elegant fragrance, which has long made her saliva flow out.

"Don't you remember? You just took advantage of me not paying attention last time and ate one secretly to end up like this. Alas, alas, don't eat it again..."

Gao Feng pushed the clinging little thing away again and looked towards Kalea as he spoke. When he turned around, his eyes nearly popped out. Kalea actually grabbed three more silver pearls and stuffed them into his mouth. While shouting anxiously, he was so scared that he wanted to vomit it out. Unexpectedly, it got stuck in his throat, and he coughed with his cheeks red. At this time, Gao Feng stood calmly with his arms folded and watched the fun. Of course, the one who watched the most was Karai. The white rabbit was shaking because of a violent cough, and he was still shivering in his heart. The metaphor of the white rabbit is too vivid. Aren't rabbits' eyes red?

"Where are you looking at? You said you're not a gangster..."

She was coughing when she saw Gao Feng's wolf-like eyes. Kalea was so angry that she swallowed the thing stuck in her throat without knowing why. The photographer's chest was angry at Gao Feng. Of course, she did not cover it up deliberately. Everything has been seen by others, and he is no longer as shy as before. Anyway, he has made up his mind not to make Gao Feng feel better.

"Tch, you didn't find anything to wear yourself, you were running around naked, and you blamed me for peeking. Where did I peek? It's obviously fair and square, right?"

Gao Feng was not a good person either, and he was also a frequent visitor to the gentle village. Two words left Kalea speechless, and he said coquettishly and in embarrassment:

"Then why don't you take off your clothes and let me wear them? You are still saying irritating words here, are you a man..."

Just as he finished speaking out his complaints, he saw Gao Feng taking off his clothes with a lewd look on his face. Kalea was startled. He quickly curled up and hugged himself into a ball. He looked at Gao Feng nervously and asked shiveringly. :

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What don't you want to do? I'll give you clothes..."

After saying that, Gao Feng threw the officer's uniform into Kalea's face. Kalea stretched out his hands to catch it. Countless long silver hairs brushed against his snow-white arms, and cut the officer's uniform into pieces. Kalea watched thousands of fragments falling from the sky with tears in her eyes. Gao Feng shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Now you know why you are naked all the time, right?"

After saying this, Gao Feng also felt embarrassed. It seemed that he knew for the first time that Kaleiya's silver hair was out of her control. Kaleita suddenly hugged her head and screamed, and there was no more There was something more terrifying than this. She was not a savage, so how could she live without clothes for the rest of her life? Maybe moderators and clones wouldn't care, but she did.

"Kaleia August, you haven't said why you appeared on the battleship yet? A natural person has degenerated to work as a modulator. What is your intention to get in with me?"

Gao Feng put away all the silver pearls scattered in the air, turned his attention to Kalea, and interrogated this messy woman. Kalea did not feel guilty under Gao Feng's questioning, and could never bear to accept being without clothes. He recovered from his annoyance immediately and said with a pout:

"Who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? I am an elite pilot of the Flower of Tomorrow Resistance Army. I sneaked into the Farak battleship to cooperate with leader Aiselin to seize command. Who would have thought that Aiselin didn't even say hello? , this battleship fell into your hands? Now that you know my identity, I ask you to send me back..."

Kalea told Gao Feng the truth. Aiselin would really cause trouble for him, and even sent spies to the main battleship. Just when he was thinking about how to arrange this woman, Kalea glared in warning. Gao Feng continued:

"I don't know your identity, but don't think about handing me over to the Chaos Front in exchange for credit. My father is the deputy chief of staff of the Central Group Army. I have had immunity since I was a child. When the time comes, I will tell my father that you raped me. I will see how many years you will be sentenced..."

"Damn it, this woman is so vicious. A group of rich second-generation people are so full that they think about rebellion every day. They are really ignorant. Even if the rebels seize power, the first thing to be eliminated will be you rich second-generation people. They will not It will leave the remnants of the previous regime in its own organization..."

Gao Feng scolded Aiselin and Kalea for being ignorant in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. He would not have anything to do with the resistance. No matter how bastard the Chaos Front is, they can still fight against the higher beasts. The front line, and what else can they do besides causing trouble? What's more, he has no chance to contact the Chaos Front again. As for this second-generation beauty, she will never give me a headache again in this life.

"I'm sorry. This fleet was given to me as a reward by the special forces of the Destruction Guards. It does not belong to the Destruction Front. I am on my way back to the east. You will never play the Resistance game again in your life... ”

Kalea heard Gaofeng's words but didn't believe it. Gaofeng didn't care whether she was happy or not. He prepared his backpack and combat equipment, and changed his combat uniform in front of Kalea, making Kalea's eyes shine. asked:

"Where are you going? Is there...?"

"Prepare to land, prepare to land, please secure..."

The communication on the bridge rang from every corner of the battleship, and all the crew members were prepared for the shock before landing. Gao Feng quickly picked up two pieces of high-grade beast skins and wrapped them around the two children, and told Kalea:

"You can do whatever you want. I won't wait for you. If you want to go out, I won't object. As long as you get used to being naked, goodbye..."

Gao Feng said these words that made Kalea mad in the most disgusting tone, and then rushed out of the room with the two children. Countless silver long hair automatically gave way to Gao Feng. Watching Gao Feng disappear through the door, Kalea's silver teeth Biting it into pieces, the long silver hair waited angrily to spin around the room and shouted:

"What's going on with you? They all grew out of my head. Why should you listen to him and not me?"

As he spoke, the silver hair suddenly went berserk, destroying everything in the office. Fortunately, Gao Feng had already taken away all his belongings, otherwise...

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