Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1008 Peace on the Ground

The fleet slowly landed, and the vanguard began to land. However, Gao Feng carried two small things to the supply ship. The supply ship itself is a logistics support ship. It can process some equipment and objects, and can even refine ore into semi-finished products. It is an advance base. An essential and important ship.

The supply ship does not have a captain. The peak receptionist is a tall moderator with blond ponytail hair that reaches to his waist. His height of 1.9 meters makes people feel super stressed. His beautiful face has a slightly hard lines, which gives him an angular and independent personality. Standing in front of Gao Feng, Gao Feng's unique military temperament rushed to his face, making Gao Feng immediately fond of the captain named Helen.

"Your Excellency, Commander, welcome to Gubei Medium Supply Ship No. 986. How can I help you?"

He entered the topic simply, without any flattery or politeness, and was a bit rigid, but Gao Feng appreciated it and nodded and said:

"Help these two little guys make the animal skin into military uniforms. This kind of high-grade radiation animal skin is difficult to process. Do you have any difficulties?"

While they were talking, the two little guys each got their little heads out from behind Gao Feng. Little Fan Tuan looked at Helen curiously, while the little thing was a little confused. She couldn't tell whether Helen, who had a stiff face, was a man or a woman. Except Helen, who looked like a cow. With her breasts, she looked like a handsome male officer. No wonder the little thing was confused.

"We can try it first. If not, we will use the best quality alternative materials to make suitable military uniforms..."

There was no shirk or doubt, and there was no question about Gao Feng processing such valuable animal skins into clothing. Helen's simplicity made Gao Feng smile, and he suddenly wanted to transfer her to his main battleship. Later, he thought of the captain of the main battleship. Don't give up until there are no mistakes.

Helen doesn't talk much, and she doesn't have the habit of speaking proactively when accompanying Gao Feng. Unless Gao Feng asks, she will give detailed answers. She is brief and concise, without unnecessary words, and she doesn't use unique Chinese idioms. If it were another person, she might think that Helen was dissatisfied with herself, but Gao Feng admired such a character very much. He believed that soldiers are soldiers, and any unnecessary words are nonsense. They only need to complete the order in the shortest time.

The supply ship's processing machine tools can process most materials. The animal skins Gao Feng brought were a very small part of the terrifying behemoth, and could just provide the full body equipment of an adult man. However, Gao Feng did not use it on himself and gave it to two children. Guy, although he is not very affectionate towards the two little guys on weekdays, he is still willing to give them the best things in his heart.

After Gao Feng had a general understanding of the supply ship, three hours had passed. Two little things who had been waiting for new clothes in the processing workshop appeared in front of Gao Feng. Their image suddenly changed, like a pair of extremely refined golden boys. A beautiful girl, her long straight hair was pulled up and stuffed into an officer's big-brimmed hat. The straight military uniform supported her like a handsome little boy. Because of her breasts, her two lumps of flesh were slightly arched. Breasts, gender and so on are clear at a glance.

When Xiao Fan Tuan saw Gao Feng, his shadow swayed slightly and then disappeared. A small hand suddenly grabbed the edge of Gao Feng's trousers, for fear that Gao Feng would disappear again. The little thing touched her chest with a grimace, feeling a little unnatural. She used to She was wearing the sack suit that Gao Feng had given her, which was the loosest one. She was not used to wearing a tight-fitting one, but the little pink ball adapted very well. She had been wearing a waist-cinching cheongsam before.

As the navigator, it was impossible for Helen to go down to the ground and complete the tasks assigned by the peak, so she said goodbye and returned to her post to supervise the damage control officer to repair the supply ship. Maybe the moderator had his own communication channels within the team. After saying goodbye, Helen stared bravely at Gao Feng and said something that surprised Gao Feng:

"Your Excellency Commander, as an individual, I thank you for your persistence in supporting the auxiliary ship. It is your persistence that allows us to survive. But as a member of the fleet, I do not recommend that you have too much sympathy. We will never give up." Our destiny is determined from the moment we are born. Being able to die on mission is our fate and our glory..."

Helen was a very strange moderator. After saying these words, she turned around and left. She was clean and without any sloppiness. Gao Feng was stunned for a while. He still hadn't figured out what Helen really meant. He muttered in his heart that the simpler the person, the more simple the person. , the more difficult it is to say something.

Accompanied by two little guys, Gao Feng walked out of the cabin with the engineers of the supply ship. He looked up and saw the towering peaks all around. They were on a plain surrounded by peaks. The plants here were not lush, but they were not rare either. , various flowers competed for beauty in the bushes that were half a man tall, and were later razed to the ground by engineers driving forklifts.

The Destroyers occupied all the commanding heights one by one, and without waiting for orders from the peak, they consciously built fortifications, assisted the clone soldiers in climbing up the mountain step by step, carrying equipment boxes half human height, and sent various heavy weapons and ammunition up. It took three hours. It's not too long, but in Gao Feng's eyes, two platoons of Doomsday Slayers have built a solid position, and they may not be able to capture it even with ten times the force. This shows the depth of these Doomsday Slayers' skills.

Of course, in Gao Feng's eyes, there are still loopholes in these defensive measures. It's not that the Doom Slayers are not good enough. They don't understand the difference between actual battlefields and training and acting. The native methods summed up through many battles can sometimes create unimaginable things. A miracle.

After looking at all the defense points, Gao Feng hesitated for a while and did not go up to correct anything. Many times, soldiers need to know how to accumulate experience. Others cannot teach these things. The transformation of the plains is not just a matter of time. According to the rules of destroying the guards, In accordance with the military's operating procedures, all ground plants will be eradicated, and plastic engineered floors will be put on the clean ground to prevent possible attacks from underground.

While forklifts were eradicating vegetation and the engineers were preparing to build a forward base, the two little guys ran away from the peak in excitement. They had long been tired of being in the cramped battleship. Only in nature was what they really liked. In this place, a spider like a heavy tank pulled out a slender thread and hung it from the top of the battleship. After reaching the ground, it strenuously stepped on its eight legs and jumped through the bushes. Its huge body knocked the dense bushes to the ground, leaving behind A gully six meters wide.

Seeing the excited spider, Gao Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. I am afraid that the most aggrieved person these days is the big flower. The wind is strong in the sky, and the big flower is blown by the wind and frost every day. Fortunately, it cannot speak, otherwise it would have been full of resentment.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the reconnaissance team has requested to be dispatched. Please give us the mission..."

Just as Gao Feng was immersed in the warmth of this moment, twelve scouts who were ready to go asked Gao Feng for a mission. These scouts may not have the powerful combat power of the Doom Slayer, but they have super reconnaissance capabilities and their dexterous bodies are more suitable for complex missions. Search in the environment.

Seeing these twelve scouts, Gao Feng suddenly thought of the soldiers who went to the energy node with him that day. He felt sad, nodded and said:

"The reconnaissance range is ten kilometers in a circular direction. The mission is completed and further instructions are awaited..."

When these scouts returned with intelligence and animal and plant specimens within ten kilometers, the mountainous plain with a radius of three kilometers had been leveled. The two little guys each dug up several earth-level elixirs, and the spider got two like Creatures that look like deer but not deer, look like pigs but not pigs, the sky begins to darken, waiting for night to fall, and the defensive position of the mountain peak is officially completed. The outer two kilometers are completely covered with warning traps and mines, and not even a mouse can sneak in. .

Gao Feng was lying on the carpet made of animal skins, with his legs crossed and his arms pillowed as he looked at the dark night sky comfortably. In the fluorescent lights in front of him, the sparks of electric welding were like a waterfall of fire and rain. The flickering luster made him disappear and appear. , the well-fed little guys slept on either side of him, and the huge spider lay quietly behind Gao Feng, forming a huge shadow, like a boulder.

A delicate figure appeared like a ghost not far from Gaofeng. No one noticed her appearance, but Gaofeng suddenly turned his head to look at Piaomiao, and found that Piaomiao was also looking at him. He immediately smiled, nodded and said:

"I know why you showed up. The two little guys have grown up. You think I am strong enough and don't need to protect me secretly..."

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