Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1006 Misty Reappears

Kalea made Gao Feng understand the fact that even if you hold the truth and have impeccable reasons, you cannot communicate with women normally. Gao Feng thought he had caught Kalea's little tail, and solved a bizarre and mysterious case. It was a spy film that was tested, but Kalea turned it into an ethical film. Instead of trying to eliminate the suspicion of being a spy, he grabbed Gao Feng and asked about his clothes.

Veins popped out on Gao Feng's forehead, his face was ashen, his eyes twitched repeatedly, his fists were clenched, his powerful aura was like a raging flame, exuding a dangerous aura, making it impossible for the surrounding silver hair to avoid, and the murderous aura reached Kalai When Ya is around, she is like a gentle breeze and drizzle, and she becomes tamed immediately. The super naked beauty seems to exude some kind of unpredictable aura. No matter how arrogant Gao Feng is, it can always be invisible and make people helpless.

Kalea was still naked, sitting suspended in the air. One foot was wrapped around the thigh, just blocking the important place. The other foot kept trying to step on the ground. Her plump and round breasts were exposed to the peak at a glance. After getting through the initial secretiveness, he began to become more generous. The two dots of bright red on his head were demonstrative and trembled slightly, like a magnet, attracting Gao Feng's attention.

"I don't care, it must be your fault, otherwise I wouldn't be like this, you know I'm still a virgin..."

Kalea clasped her hands on her chest, tilted her head to one side, and raised her chin slightly. She was as arrogant as a princess. She pouted her mouth and said something offensive, looking like she was very contemptuous of Gao Feng. Gao Feng had no words to reason with. Even though she has explained it a thousand times, she only has one sentence. After reading it for so long, she doesn’t know how to find clothes or sheets to cover her? Let Gao Feng have nothing to say. As long as he is a man, he will not look at anything inappropriate, and he didn't take it off anyway? As for catching a cold, I never thought about it.

"Tch, who knows if you are a virgin? Don't Western women advocate sexual liberation? Why are you pretending to be elegant in front of me? Isn't it racial discrimination?"

Gao Feng responded to Kalea in a sour tone. He had long forgotten his original intention and found out Kalea's true identity and her instigator behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, these words were like an open flame that ignited gunpowder, suddenly triggering Kalea's anger. anger.

"You are sexually liberated. Daughters of the August family value chastity the most. They will only have one man in their lives. No man can see ours except our husband..."

"Don't, don't, don't, don't rely on me. I have a wife and I will not be your husband. You can do whatever you want and go as far as you want. I won't serve you here..."

Gao Feng blocked Kalea's back with a look of disgust. He really didn't want to have any further trouble with this woman. There were too many things waiting for him to deal with. He was just a little spy, so just find her out.

Kalea did not realize Gao Feng's kindness. Her big silver eyes widened. Her flowing silver hair suddenly accelerated and spun, rubbing against the steel wall and making a swishing sound. Her eardrums hurt, and then she let out an extremely high-pitched cry. The scream was like a bayonet hitting Gao Feng's forehead, making his head suddenly dizzy, and he suddenly felt the feeling of a spider's sensory shock.

Just when Gao Feng was about to roar and tell the woman to shut up, two more screams came from the room inside, echoing repeatedly in Gao Feng's ears. They actually offset Kalea's sonic damage, slow and comfortable, and made Gao Feng My head suddenly became clear, and my heart suddenly felt happy. Are the two little guys awake?

"You, you are shameless... why did you take off their clothes too?"

Gao Feng relieved the previous discomfort. Kalea looked behind Gao Feng. His round eyes once again dilated a bit, as if he had seen something extraordinary. Before Gao Feng could turn around, he heard Kalea's exquisite Jue Lun's face was twisted with anger, and he yelled at Gao Feng:

"How could you do this? They are still children. You are too despicable and perverted. I..."

Gao Feng suddenly raised his hand and made a stop gesture, then turned around and looked at the two little lolita who were only about 1.2 meters tall with joy. Then his face dropped. Just as he guessed, they were two naked girls. Lolita in clothes.

Xiaofenduan is easy to recognize, and Piaomiao is the cute lolita version, slightly reduced by one size, like an eight-year-old girl. As for the little thing, Gaofeng is unrecognizable. Xiaofenduan and Piaomiao both have green hair, soft and soft. Smooth, with four small ears like small horns, slightly sticking out of the hair, and the little thing no longer has the fat and lazy appearance before, nor does it have Piao Miao's small breasts. It is similar to Kalea, and has one size larger than Piao Miao. breasts, golden hair, and golden eyes as always full of hostility towards the little pink ball and wariness of women.

Kalea never shut up and kept saying bad things about Gao Feng. Gao Feng automatically filtered her words from his ears and looked at the two little lolita with admiration. His heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. The cheap uncle spent his old money to achieve this. It would be better for him to cultivate one Piaomiao, but to cultivate two at once, it can be seen that...

"You..., have you always been by my side? I really didn't expect you to come out to see me at this time..."

Gao Feng turned around suddenly and looked at the young beast who appeared behind him. She was as calm and indifferent as ever, with no emotion in her eyes. Even when she looked at the two freshly baked juniors, there was no change. The ethereal appearance also made Kalea see it. , this time she saw a beautiful girl without clothes appearing again, and she immediately rolled her eyes. She had already positioned Gao Feng as a super pervert in her heart, leaving her speechless and speechless.

Piao Miao did not respond to Gao Feng's greetings. She stared blankly at the two little ones behind Gao Feng. She seemed to wonder how Gao Feng could train the four-eared pink mink into Piao Miao in such a short period of time. You must know that she had been with her master for at least six or seven years. Only then can we have the opportunity to accumulate and complete it, and finally rely on the transformation of Tianpin elixir to complete it.

"Who are you? Why are there so many little girls with mobile phones? Do you regard me as prey? I tell you, unless it is my husband, I will not succumb to other men..."

Kalea obviously didn't like the scene in front of her. If Gao Feng was the only one, she would make a big fuss, then discuss the conditions with Gao Feng, and go along with the situation. But now, with so many girls without clothes appearing, she will be put aside. Where is she?

"Shut up and find a way to put your toes on the ground first before talking about anything else, otherwise you won't even be able to get dressed..."

Gao Feng no longer paid attention to this woman who had swallowed the Jiuqu Pearl and had mutated and could only float in mid-air. Whenever she put her toes on the ground, there would be a repulsion phenomenon and she could not move at all. Gao Feng's words made Kalea Thinking of his current situation, he did not express any worry or fear. He pursed his lips and ignored Gao Feng. He just looked curiously at Piaomiao, a girl who was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy.

In Piaomiao's sight, the two little lolita were very scared. They had lived in Piaomiao's shadow before. Xiaofentuan even secretly ate the plasma left by Piaomiao. She was quite guilty of committing crimes. From behind, they pushed Gao Feng together. hugging her thighs, wanting the peak to protect them.

Piaomiao walked straight forward. This was the first time that Piaomiao was so close to him. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He didn't understand Piaomiao's intention. What if Piaomiao attacked the two little guys? Stop it? Just in his reverie, Piaomiao's figure gradually faded, turning into a breeze and passing by Gao Feng. Only then did Gao Feng's perception realize that Piaomiao had arrived in his office.

There was no cocoon that had wrapped the two children in the office, only some broken remnants. Piaomiao stood in front of Gao Feng's desk, staring at the two unbroken Jiuqu on the table. Seeing that Piao Miao was interested in this, Gao Feng He quickly took out a bottle with silver pearls, handed it to Piaomiao and said:

"You want it? Take it, I'll give it all to you..."

Gao Feng would satisfy any of Piaomiao's needs and generously delivered it to Piaomiao. The next moment, the bottle shattered, and nearly a hundred silver pearls floated in the air. Piaomiao opened her mouth slightly, and more than a dozen silver pearls were swallowed by her. Gao Feng's heart Full of achievements, he was finally able to help Piao Miao, making the favor he owed much easier.

Unexpectedly, Piaomiao did not eat alone, so she divided six pieces into the mouths of the two little ones, making them happy. At this moment, Cleia shouted loudly outside:

"Where have you been? I'm warning you, don't hit on underage girls, unless you are a pervert who is worse than a beast. What is this thing that smells so good? It looks so familiar..."

"Shut up……."

Gao Feng finally got angry, turned around and shouted outside the door. While shouting, the breeze blew across his face, and Piaomiao lost his trace again. There were also most of the silver pearls, but less than twenty were still floating in front of Gao Feng.

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