Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 909 Occupied?

The silver pearls scattered in the air were carefully collected by Gao Feng. It depends on Kalea's reaction after waking up before deciding the use of these pearls. As for Jiuqu, Gao Feng put them on the table casually as decorations without his new pearls. Thousand calamity threads, even with a chainsaw, may not be able to cut them.

The two little guys were thrown aside by the peak, and they didn't care what would happen to them. They took out the gains during this period and placed them on the table one by one. For a while, the table was covered with all kinds of things. Gao Feng was slightly frightened. He didn't expect that he had collected so many objects.

Among them, three or two pieces of delicious-looking dried meat were naturally ignored, a few energy crystals were placed aside alone, two thick electronic books were used as data storage devices, the cigar box given to him by Charles, and several packs of wind-resistant matches. , Viper pistols and magazines, these were all put together by Gao Feng in a messy way, focusing on the remaining things.

Rolled together to form a translucent toad tongue whip, equipped with a non-slip ceramic handle, exaggerated and weird spider teeth, two pieces of spider skin folded together, dark ink bone stone, and several diamond-shaped crystal ores like rubies, There is a pile of luminous sand weighing two kilograms, some animal teeth or bones that can increase the ability, and the Divine Blessing Crystal Heart that I don’t know when I received it in my backpack.

In addition to the big flowers, small powder balls and the fleet, these things are what Gao Feng has harvested in the past two years. Most of them he himself can't figure out the value of. As for the luminous sand paid tribute by spiders, although it is already clear that it is not bat excrement, Gao Feng I still have no interest in eating it. Every time I see these, I think of the weird beetles stacked up and hidden in bat excrement.

In addition to these, the biggest gain is the complete recovery of the body. All the previous hidden injuries and negative effects have been eliminated, allowing Gao Feng to be promoted from the initial level of the regret army to the intermediate level of the regret army, and he has been continuously supplemented by the blood crystals of high-level barbarians, and the body's qi and blood have been replenished. Sufficient, reaching the overflowing standard, maybe it won't be long before he can become the top level of the regret army.

He picked up a cigar out of habit, but before he lit it, he saw that two-thirds of the cigar box was missing. Gao Feng finally put it back. He didn't know how long it would be before he could refill the tobacco, or whether he should keep it. Do you smoke again when you can’t stand it any longer?

After checking all the harvests, he sat on the chair with some weakness. He didn't know how long it would take to reach a truly safe place to rest. The fleet was in very bad condition. The number of casualties had reached more than fifty, and there was no place to replenish it. The transformation of the energy system has just begun. Gao Feng regrets a little. He should have followed Masati's suggestion and completed the transformation of the battleship's energy system before embarking on the road. In this way, the combat effectiveness of the battleship will be increased by 200%. Electromagnetic The firing speed of the cannon will also be doubled.

Suddenly an idea occurred to me. Although the luminous sand that the spider paid homage to was dug out of the dung heap, if I knew it, others might not know it? The large number of deaths of the Doom Slayers was not due to their lack of combat effectiveness, but because their reflexes could not keep up with the attack speed of the beasts. If they could improve their basic qualities like the Stormtroopers, maybe they would perform better?

Taking Ye Mingsha to the peak of the warehouse, I saw the miserable scene of sparks everywhere. The maintenance personnel braved the strong wind blowing in from the breach to repair the damaged equipment and bulkheads of the warehouse. Several powerful landing tanks were like toys. Like cars, they were overturned and piled up in the corner. On some decks illuminated by lights, there were still traces of blood, and the bent steel pipes were like corpses. The trouble was in the middle of the warehouse. From time to time, someone removed the damaged parts and added scrap copper and iron. the height of.

At the back of the warehouse is the living area of ​​the Doom Slayer. Gao Feng stepped into the same battered living area and was surprised to find that compared to the repairs outside, there was no movement at all here. The open bulkheads, bent steel, and There were messy sparking wires and scattered closets and beds.

The Doomsday Slayers sat quietly in dark corners, waiting for orders to be issued, as quiet as ghosts. There was no mess and bustle in the soldiers’ dormitories that Gao Feng was familiar with. There was no place to sleep in the battlefields of the previous era, and from now on. After the battlefield, there will be no neat tofu blocks. All soldiers who are alive will spontaneously become vulgar and arrogant, and will no longer abide by the so-called internal affairs. For them, their lives are almost gone, and they still need to save face. Engineering?

But here, Gaofeng doesn't feel any vitality. Everything is the same as it was after the monster attack. The Doomsday Slayers can only fight. Apart from fighting and gun maintenance, they know nothing. Naturally, they can't clean up the accommodation. While everyone else has repair tasks, they don't think about these forgotten warriors.

They rested quietly against the wall of the room where they used to sleep. The moment they saw the peak, the star officer on duty gave the order to stand up. Others stood up at the same time and saluted the peak. The thirty-two Destroyers were the only ones left here. Fighting power, Gao Feng responded solemnly and solemnly, and there was an indescribable depression in his heart. He did not expect that the environment of these soldiers was so bad, but he did not come down to check. This was completely contrary to his previous approach, and he couldn't help but feel Feeling a little guilty.

"Reporting to your Excellency, Commander, the combat detachment should have fifty people, but actually there are thirty-two. Ten people were killed and eight were seriously injured. We are waiting for combat orders at any time..."

The Star Officer's loud roar erupted from his chest, echoing in the small room. Only then did Gao Feng see clearly that every Doom Slayer was fully armed, carrying a combat backpack and holding guns and weapons on his chest. Seeing this, Gao Feng exhaled a long breath and said loudly:

"I ordered the combat unit to contact combat readiness and enter a state of rest. Except for weapon maintenance, it will no longer participate in military operations for the time being..."

Gao Feng's words shocked these soldiers who were ready to fight at any time. They all looked at Gao Feng silently and did not take orders immediately. Fortunately, Gao Feng knew what they were thinking. From the moment they were born, these soldiers have been fighting. The battle has already begun. Become one with their souls and tolerate no change of any kind.

"The first priority is to ensure the repair and transformation of the battleship. There will be no ground operations for the time being. Today's rest is for a better battle tomorrow. In my heart, you are always the strongest warriors..."

Gao Feng sighed in his heart and said words of encouragement. If there were no accidents, these soldiers would not be able to perform ground missions for a long time. Gao Feng planned to let them become battleship maintenance personnel. The maintenance of battleships is now the most important thing. And he still wanted to find opportunities to transform these soldiers. He originally came down to give the Doom Slayers luminous sand, but seeing these zombie-like soldiers, Gao Feng decided to let them learn to be normal people first, and then improve them. Ability, otherwise even if he becomes a storm warrior, he may not know how to protect himself on the battlefield. What he wants is a warrior, not a dead soldier.

No matter what, these destroyers still joined the maintenance of the ship according to Gao Feng's instructions. The only difference from other maintenance personnel is that they carry guns and weapons on their backs at all times as proof that they are warriors. Just as Gao Feng expected, when these When soldiers and other personnel complete a task together, communication will inevitably occur. Unconsciously, these robot-like Doomsday Slayers gradually become more human, and the modulators who are logistics personnel no longer deliberately discriminate against these clones. man warrior.

Gao Feng, who had arranged the Doom Slayer, had just returned to the upper deck when he saw Masati, who had not been seen for a long time, standing outside the captain's room door as if facing an enemy, holding a slender pistol in her hand. Beside her, two The fire control officer each held a rifle and carefully guarded the door.

Seeing Masati's movement, Gao Feng stepped forward strangely. When Masati turned around and saw Gao Feng, she immediately said nervously:

"Your Excellency Commander, your room has been occupied..."

As he spoke, a silver-white thread suddenly rushed out of the door, piercing the fire control adjutant's arm that was accidentally exposed at the door, causing her to scream and lean to one side. The next moment, hundreds of silver threads rushed out. The door was about to penetrate the fire control adjutant with thousands of holes.

Facing the threat of death, the fire control adjutant's beautiful face was horrified, and she let out a shrill scream. The moment the silver thread touched her, it lost its power at the same time, like falling catkins, hanging feebly to the ground. It was still jagged before. The silver thread suddenly broke, and the rest quickly retracted as if it had been burned, causing the fire control adjutant's scream to stop abruptly.

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