Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 908 Pure Silver Beauty

The solid shell of the Jiuqu elixir shattered into pieces, and hundreds of silver-white pearls emerged from the scattered shell, evenly scattered in the space in front of Gao Feng. The two little guys cheered, and each of them separated at lightning speed. After swallowing one, Gao Feng thought that the two little guys would continue to devour, but unexpectedly they stopped. Although their eyes were still staring greedily at the floating golden pearl, they did not take any further action.

Of course, Gao Feng didn't think they were being polite and polite. This kind of thing must have exceeded their upper limit of absorption. Even if there was only one piece, it was enough for them to digest. At this time, Kalea's exclamation came from outside:

"What is it? It smells so good..."

Gao Feng had been testing the material of the golden pearl with his senses. After hearing the exclamation, he smelled an ethereal fragrance that came out of the dust. It was either there or not, but it was not easy to smell it at a close distance. It was as faint and distant as an orchid in an empty valley. He was vaguely present here, but the fragrance from Kalea's side was rich. Her whole body seemed to be wrapped in the fragrance, which made her feel relaxed and happy. She couldn't help but jump off the sofa, and stepped on the carpet with her snow-white feet, like a butterfly, walking towards her. Walk to Gao Feng's office.

When she walked to the door, she hesitated slightly. She couldn't resist the temptation of the fragrance. She stepped into the office and saw nearly a hundred golden pearls floating in front of Gao Feng. These floating methods that violated physics did not surprise her. Looking at these pearls with fascination.

Gao Feng did not stop him. His perception encountered problems again. It had never been like this before. He could see but not feel. It was not the absorption and perception of spider skin and spider silk, but the penetration of air. There was no trace at all. In perception, even dust can be washed away. Even if tens of millions of dust are flying, Gao Feng can detect one or two, but he cannot perceive these strange pearls.

Neither he nor Kalea knew the origin of these pearls. The two little guys might know, but Gao Feng was not sure whether these things were harmful to the human body. In sight, these things were still slightly different from pearls, with fancy patterns looming on them. , each pearl is like a hand-carved work of art, floating motionless in the air, but at an equal distance from other pearls, no more, no less.

When Gao Feng withdrew his attention from the pearl and saw Kalea's movements, he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"don't want……."

Just as he shouted out, Kalea swallowed the thing in his mouth with a gulp, and then looked at the tense peak of his face in surprise. He immediately understood what he had done, and his beautiful flower-like face suddenly wrinkled up, with a cry. Justified:

"I didn't mean to do it. I don't know why I couldn't help but want to eat it. Is there anything dirty on it?"

Gao Feng didn't listen to these words. He just looked nervously at Kalea's shiny hair and metallic skin. The two little guys didn't change much. They each lay on the table and fell asleep, while Kalea Ya instantly became a person forged from metal, and all exposed skin turned into a metallic color like pure silver.

Silver hair, silver pupils, silver cheeks, silver cleavage and legs. She was still a lively and graceful figure before, but now she has become a beauty made of pure silver. Although the beauty's expression is vivid, But in Gao Feng's eyes, there was something unusually weird and creepy, which made his scalp start to tingle.

"You..., how do you feel?"

Gao Feng was not as calm as ever. He looked at Kalea nervously and stammered questions, not missing every change in Kalea's body. Gao Feng's nervousness was natural and serious, making Kalea anxious. , every time Gao Feng saw her, more than fifty percent of his attention was on her white thighs and plump cleavage. Now Gao Feng only stared at her hair and eyes, which frightened her.

"I..., I don't feel anything? I just want to go to the toilet..."

Once people are nervous, they will want to urinate, just like a paratrooper preparing to skydive for the first time. Before getting on the plane, he has to run to the toilet several times. The tension and seriousness of the peak scared Kalea to death. Later, she also discovered that she was different. When hands as bright as pure silver popped up in front of his eyes, and then saw arms of normal color, Kalea's eyes turned white and he fainted immediately.

Gao Feng frowned and looked at Kalea who was lying on the ground. He felt very strange in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't eat this food. Who knows if he would also become a silver man? In his perception, every bit of privacy in Kalea's body was exposed, but he didn't notice any difference.

Under the exploration of perception, women are the most disadvantaged in front of perception. Everything on them is invisible. Only they can form perceptions themselves, or wear them with gestures made of some kind of exotic treasure. Gao Feng doesn't like to pry. He usually did not use his sense of other women's privacy. The forced use in front of him made a few drops of cold sweat break out on Gao Feng's forehead. He did not expect that the woman on the ground had such big breasts. She was probably the woman with the biggest breasts he had ever touched.

This thought just passed by in a flash, and Gao Feng soon stopped paying attention to Kalea. He already knew that this thing was not poison. Although he didn't know why it caused such a strange change, the culprit was definitely these silver pearls.

"Why didn't the two little guys turn silver? Is it because of the difference between humans and animals?"

Gao Feng was thinking about something unrelated, and carefully pinched a silver pearl to his fingertips. Then Gao Feng threw it away as if he was electrocuted. He saw that his fingertips also turned silver, but when he threw it away, he discovered that The fingers returned to their previous color, and when they were pinched again, the fingers changed color again.

The silver spreads along the fingertips and reaches the roots, but it only goes so far and can no longer invade. Once released, it will return to its original state. And these things are also as hard as pearls. They can be felt when held in the hand, and they can be felt in the perception. , but there was nothing at the fingertips, as if holding the air, which made Gao Feng confused.

That is what Gao Feng is used to doing. If it were Charles or Bismarck, they would first strictly control these things, carefully place them in the materials laboratory, and use various instruments to analyze and study them.

The silver pearl came to an end, and he turned his attention to the broken Jiuqu shell. At this time, he found that the brilliant color before had dimmed, as if it had accumulated antiquity after countless years, and had some crystal translucency. This time Perception analyzed them without any hindrance, and the results surprised Gao Feng again. He did not expect that these things turned out to be the energy crystals he was most familiar with, but their purity was unprecedentedly high.

Holding these broken energy crystal remains in the palm of his hand, Gao Feng could not feel the grainy texture that touched his skin, which gave him a new understanding of Jiuqu. This kind of thing is not the panacea he imagined. The characteristics of plants grow on the mountains of energy crystals. There is no doubt that the mysterious substance was bred from the energy crystals at this time. ’

This kind of substance is not something he can understand. It gives people the feeling that the entire Jiuqu plant is like a living life. When he destroys any point, Jiuqu will die in an instant. It is amazing, and these silver Pearls are the essence of Jiuqu, an essence that is more important than high-purity energy crystals.

Looking at the two little guys sleeping soundly and unable to wake up, and looking at Kalea who was covered in silver and also unconscious, Gao Feng understood somewhat that these things may not be harmful to living things. But Gao Feng will never try it himself.

Lifting Kalea from the ground, Gao Feng could hear her even breathing. With Gao Feng's pace, the silver-white cleavage was compressed and deformed, no different from normal skin. He gently put her on the sofa and took it from Gao Feng. He hesitated slightly as he took out the black thread floating grass from his backpack.

This living room is filled with an indescribable and invigorating fragrance. The elegant fragrance makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally. Gao Feng hesitates while holding the essence of this precious elixir. This elixir can synthesize medicine and poison and can clear almost all diseases. The poison is worth a hundred times more than the top-level elixir. If Kalea eats it, the side effects may be solved, but Gao Feng is reluctant to part with it.

During this period of contact, Gao Feng has noticed that Kalea is different from other moderators. If she were as rigid and dull as the moderators, Gao Feng would be relieved. But it is precisely because of her liveliness and liveliness that Gao Feng reminds Charles of the gutter. Seeing the cherry blossoms in the pond where the boat capsized, he suspected that Kallea was also a spy arranged by Bismarck.

Using a precious elixir to save a spy who was hiding next to him was a loss no matter how he looked at it. This made Gao Feng extremely entangled. To be honest, during this period of time, Kalea was a very good life secretary. , arrange everything properly so that he doesn't have to worry about anything. If it were someone else, Gao Feng might not be so comfortable.

After hesitating for a while, Gao Feng looked at Kalea who was sleeping soundly, and Gao Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Forget it, Silver Beauty is Silver Beauty. Anyway, I don't expect much. The elixir is rare, so I'd better leave it to my wife and children. After all, we have a family..."

Gao Feng was not a saint, and he also had his own selfish motives. Facing a woman with ulterior motives, he had not yet reached the transcendent level of sacrificing his life to feed a tiger. He continued to return to the office and allowed Kalea to sleep on the sofa.

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