Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1000 Transformation

"What happened? Which room was occupied? Wasn't it nice just now?"

Withdrawing the new version of Thousand Tribulations Silk, Gao Feng's perception was also released. He looked at the three women around him very carefully. When evaluating Chunlan Qiuju, he also explored the inside of the room. Unexpectedly, his perception had just been released. When he went out, Gao Feng was startled and looked at the shocked Masati with a grimace. Was his room really occupied?

The silver threads that appeared just now are just the tip of the iceberg. In the room at this moment, countless silver threads are swirling and flowing like water. The previously luxuriously decorated walls have been scratched like rags, revealing the dark armor plates inside, which can withstand poor axes. The armor plate hit by the bullets was densely carved with hundreds of millions of scratches of varying shades.

"I don't know either. Someone reported that there was a problem in your room, and the internal screen showed that you were on the lower deck. I brought the fire control officers over to have a look. They are officers on the bridge who are qualified to wear weapons. I didn't expect that they just came over. You're here, and it's a good thing you're here, otherwise there would have been casualties..."

Masati explained the matter clearly in a few words. The fire control officer dragged his adjutant towards the bridge, and a long line of blood was drawn on the ground. Gao Feng leaned against the wall, feeling the movement inside, and repeatedly moved the adjutant before leaving. After thinking about it all, I still haven’t figured it out.

"Kalea is still in there. Could it be she did it?"

Gao Feng couldn't help but turn his head to look at the flooded room. Looking around, there were these flying silver threads from the ceiling to the carpet. The moment Gao Feng appeared, hundreds of silk threads suddenly swooped towards Gao Feng like preying snakes. When the target was shot in front of the peak, Gaofeng would naturally not be hit. Qianjiesi was about to take action. Unexpectedly, when it was less than three meters away from the peak, the silver thread suddenly retracted, as if it knew Gaofeng.

"Isn't it Kalea, but two little guys? Have they evolved?"

Gao Feng didn't think Kalea would do this, otherwise the fire control adjutant would not be attacked. The two little guys were the masters who no one knew except him.

"You go back and command the fleet. Leave this to me. It shouldn't be a big trouble..."

Thinking of this, Gao Feng decided to send Masati away. Gao Feng's normal orders to his subordinates made Masati sensitively discover that the ambiguity between her and Gao Feng was gone, and Gao Feng's attention was no longer on her. Although she deliberately caused this, she felt a little disappointed when she got to this point. She thought this was what she wanted. After she actually got her wish, she found that it was not necessarily what she wanted. After all, her body had problems from time to time. The feeling I wanted was just for that night of madness.

Gao Feng didn't notice Masati's hesitation when he pursed his lips to speak. All his mind was on the crazy silver threads in the room. After a while, he turned to look at Masati who was in a daze and said:

"Why don't you go? If something goes wrong and the fire control officer is not on duty, the consequences will be disastrous..."

Masati said oh, turned around and walked towards the bridge. Gao Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the silver threads all over the room. He suddenly thought of Kalea's full head of silver hair before? If you look closely, you can see that these threads are similar to her silver hair, with the same diameter and the metallic texture of silver, but there are not so many in quantity.

He tentatively stepped into the room. A ring of Thousand Tribulations Silk covered his whole body. As long as he slid up and down, no matter how many silver threads came, they would be caught at both ends. After the first step in, Gao Feng's heart relaxed slightly. Then the other foot stepped in. This time the silver thread subconsciously avoided it and only spun less than two meters away from him.

The room was not big to begin with, and some silver threads had already wrapped around Gao Feng's back, blocking the door tightly. Except for the floor with thousands of rugs and velvet, all the space from top to bottom was filled with silver threads that were constantly flowing. The rapid rotation dazzled Gao Feng, but his perception could not penetrate these threads to see clearly the innermost things.

Fortunately, Gao Feng was confident and continued to move forward. The silver thread seemed to be well coordinated. As the peak advanced, it retreated. In short, he kept a certain distance from Gao Feng. After walking only two steps, Gao Feng suddenly stopped and looked thoughtfully. Looking at these silver threads, he suddenly understood why he would not be attacked. These threads had been wandering on the edge of Qianjiesi. In other words, the silver threads were actually guarding against Qianjiesi, rather than recognizing his peak.

Facing the silver thread that bullied the weak and feared the strong, Gao Feng couldn't laugh or cry, but now that he understood it, he felt at ease. The only thing he was unhappy about was that the silver thread destroyed most of the decorations in the room, whether it was wallpaper on the wall or on the floor. The carpet, in short, all turned into powder in front of these strange threads.

When Gao Feng saw Kalea, everything became transparent. In the center of the room, Kalea closed her eyes and slept like a sleeping beauty, with countless flying silver hair rolling around her. Her sofa has long since disappeared, and even the clothes on her body are gone. Her silver-white skin is all exposed to Gao Feng's eyes, and the scene of the hills and canyons is clear.

What surprised Gao Feng was that Kalea was not lying on the ground, but suspended in the air, exactly at the height of lying on the sofa. Her long silver hair was centered on her, and there was no wind in the room, just like The moment the peak approached her, the silver hair that had been wandering on the edge of the Thousand Calamity Threads swarmed towards her like an angry wasp, forming thousands of sharp arrows and stabbing down at the peak.

Layers of broken silver hair continued to fall down, and fell to the ground to accumulate a layer of broken hair several feet thick. For several consecutive minutes, the hair did not stop. Gao Feng had to step back with a dark face. He was not afraid of the silver hair. He stabbed himself, but he was afraid that Kalea's unintentional overdraft would lead to a life-threatening situation.

At the moment when Gao Feng was avoiding the situation, Yinfa stopped attacking and did not interfere with Gao Feng. Gao Feng was relieved a little. Then Gao Feng's heart started to rise again. He thought of the two little guys. If they were to come and go like this, Gao Feng would be in trouble. I can't even cry. Do you know that all his property is in the office?

When Gao Feng rushed into the office, his hanging heart was relieved. The office was not as chaotic as the living room. The two little guys who were sleeping soundly were no longer on the desk at this moment, but fell on the carpet and were The pink cocoon is tightly wrapped, like a silkworm chrysalis.

What made Gao Feng feel wrong was that the cocoon was obviously a lot bigger, almost half the height of a person. If he measured it carefully with a ruler, he would probably be 1.23 meters tall. This made Gao Feng's heart suddenly excited. He thought of the misty height. .

He stroked the cocoon tentatively, and it was as smooth and soft as silk. A wave of thoughts like spiritual fluctuations passed from his fingers to Gao Feng's heart. His thoughts were filled with joy and excitement, and this little bit of gratitude, which made Gao Feng's mouth curl up involuntarily. , he knew that when the two little guys emerged from the cocoon, they would be different pink minks.

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