Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1935 Powerful Enemy

At the same time, the appearance of the Martial God Legion became a feast for the eyes. Every Elf woman showed her most beautiful side, holding a white bone sword and transforming into a green vine, spreading towards the enemy. During the battle, they They are domineering and strong. They don't care whether they can kill the enemy or whether the enemy pierces their heart. The bone swords in their hands are like pouring mercury, burying the enemies they touch.

The elegant dance steps drive the bone sword to fly. Every time it is swung, life is withered. Whether it is a dancer or an enemy, the melody never stops. As the dance steps intersect, the melody becomes faster and faster, and the killings of the Eldar women increase exponentially. , even the most experienced silver-centered warriors could not find a chance to dodge when faced with the continuous attacks of hundreds of exclusive weapons, and could only watch as they were chopped into pieces.

The green vines follow the dance of killing, constantly invading the enemy's gaps, and then crushing them completely. There is almost no dead corner for attack. There are vines everywhere. Even if one of them is cut off, the enemy will still be attacked in other directions. They will continue to come, causing endless despair. The agile pace allows the Eldar women to always cooperate with the attacks of their companions at the right time. Maybe they are not the most powerful, but they must have the most tacit understanding.

When the vines stretch to the extreme, the starships, soldiers, and enemies involved in the vines all lose their vitality, and then quickly retract and become an airtight whole again, waiting to be stretched again next time.

At the end of the battle, the Wilderness Pirates proved their strength to the motley crew, and at the same time took away the loot that belonged to them. They would never touch it if it did not belong to them. No one objected to this. They were all frightened. It turned out that the real Powerful does not mean rushing forward risking one's life, but unstoppable sharpness that can tear any enemy into pieces.

As the battle came to an end, the pirates returned to their respective lairs to lick their wounds. The living began to celebrate, and the dead were quietly forgotten. The pirates who only lived in the present would never worry about tomorrow, as long as they still If you are alive, you can still eat and drink, go to the women of the Moko tribe, and the men of the Qianling tribe, your life is perfect.

Joy and sorrow intertwined, tears and smiles appeared on Minnie's face at the same time. She sent the corpses of the Eldar women one after another into coffins made of flowers, and pushed them into the empty universe. The melodious songs of the Eldar were floating in the air. After the flower coffin to the universe rang, every warrior of the Eldar tribe was bidding farewell to their comrades.

The powerful and ferocious aura is always the main theme of Bloody, and death and destruction are their declarations. Bloody who walked off the battlefield did not indulge in the departure of his comrades, but happily drank and celebrated. Only in the quiet In the corner, the mad dog Xiangba solemnly wiped clean the blood-stained bone tomahawks, waiting to choose a new owner for them.

Gao Feng did not participate in the post-war summary, but came to a place where all pirates dared not stop. This is the entrance and exit to the Moria sector. The wreckage of sunken battleships, like meteorites, blocked the place tightly. , countless mutilated corpses emerged from the wreckage, only the constellation flagship in the center looked complete.

I thought Hongsha had left, but I didn't expect that she had been lurking and didn't appear until now. Gao Feng didn't know what Hong Sha was thinking about. The smell of Hong Sha still seemed to remain here. Gao Feng stretched out his hand to touch it, but couldn't feel it. Petite and soft body.

Then Gao Feng turned into an unimaginable stream of light, teleporting through the complex starship wreckage, rushing towards the blocked passage at the rear. In the passage, there were also walker fragments and corpses, a large amount of ammunition and spare parts, such as garbage accumulation, Gao Feng Without even looking, it passed by in a flash and continued to chase the footsteps of the red sand.

As Gaofeng moves forward, his speed becomes faster and faster, even reaching the upper limit of the high-speed channel. If it goes faster, he will limit the speed and maintain the maximum speed. Gaofeng keeps flying forward. In the starry sky where there is no clock hand, Gaofeng flies tirelessly. , forgetting everything, and finally rushed out of the passage, they saw a fleet gathered in front of them and a huge war fortress, but they did not see the red sand.

After calming down, Gao Feng observed carefully and found that there were traces of a big battle ahead. The wreckage of many battleships were piled aside, and the war fortress also showed signs of damage. The most important thing was that he felt a depressing atmosphere in the war fortress. It seemed like there was something hidden inside that could make him feel threatened.

When he was at the top of the mountain, he was wondering whether he should go further to test. If Hong Sha was around, he would definitely find him. At this moment, a spiritual wave swept over him.

"Another one? It doesn't seem like it, but you can stay and study it..."

The unfamiliar mental power swept over him, leaving behind a whisper. The anxiety in Gao Feng's heart about the red sand suddenly turned into boundless anger. As a catastrophe, he was actually used as research material?

Suddenly, Gaofeng disappeared in place, and then appeared a hundred meters away, and where he was before, a black claw was retracting. What was shocking was that the claw was stretched out from the void, and the same was true for retracting it. .

"You're so smart, you can't run away..."

Gao Feng felt that this unknown guy must be a nagging maniac. If he didn't say a few words, he would feel uncomfortable. A strong man fights and just a few words of nonsense could turn the outcome around. Where did he get so many sighs?

Feeling the threat, Gao Feng flashed again, but unexpectedly, at the moment he appeared, a two-meter-long, mummy-black claw had appeared behind him, piercing Gao Feng's body as fast as lightning.

Maybe Gaofeng is not as terrifying as Hongsha, but when it comes to short-distance movement, there is no one in the world who is faster than him. All the teleportation of the scale-armored clone is now perfectly reproduced on him, so the claws can only tear Open Afterimage, and then Gao Feng's counterattack arrives.

Death Sigh is indeed a good ability. Not only does it have the property of absorbing energy, but it also has the property of wiping out everything. The most important thing is the power of imprisonment. When Gao Feng killed the strong people like Shattering Dogs, most of them relied on Death Sigh, so Gao Feng changed into a bigger claw that could control hundreds of meters.

The huge black claws covered the whole area of ​​the mummy's claws. In an instant, before the claws could be closed, the black substance had already wrapped around them. At this moment, Gao Feng frowned slightly. He did not feel even a little bit of energy on his claws. Then, This claw broke free without leaving any hand, and retracted into the void.

At this moment, Gao Feng also disappeared, appeared in the multi-dimensional space, and rushed towards the location in memory. Unexpectedly, there were no complete lines there, and the owner of the claws did not exist at all. When Gao Feng appeared again, the owner of the claws Surprised:

"How did you disappear? Could it be that you can hide in counterspace like me?"

Gao Feng couldn't believe what the other party said. If he was really hiding in counterspace, why wouldn't he be annihilated by antimatter? Suddenly, Gao Feng thought of the moment when the black matter wrapped around the sharp claw. That claw had no energy. In other words, the guy hiding in the anti-space also had no energy, so he would not react with the anti-matter, which would be beneficial to the Invincible Ground. .

The problem is that even an ant has energy. Gao Feng has never discovered anything that really has no energy. This is really crazy.

"Who are you? Why can you hide in counterspace..."

Gao Feng avoided the claws again and took the initiative to ask. The owner of the claws seemed willing to chat and said to Gao Feng:

"I'm not a thing, but what are you? You're obviously not a species of destruction, but you can possess the strength of a species of destruction..."

At this time, Gao Feng had determined that Hong Sha was forced to leave by this guy. He didn't want to waste any more words and turned around to run away. This made the owner of the sharp claw anxious and kept extending his claws to attack, but Gao Feng was often able to He escaped smoothly, after all, he is not a weakling.

"Don't leave, let's exchange secrets. In fact, I am already dead. Only the soul gem is left. Then I am parasitic in the corpse of the species of destruction. Entering the counterspace is the ability of the species of destruction before it was alive..."

"Then let me tell you that my true identity is actually a Super Saiyan from the planet Namenike. I have the ability to transform, merge, and be invincible. It's a pity that there is no moon, otherwise I would definitely be victorious..."

Putting aside this nonsense, Gao Feng jumped into the multidimensional space and disappeared into the dimension of this world, causing the guy parasitic on the corpse of the destruction species to whisper to himself:

"Which star realm is Namenike? What kind of Super Saiyan is it? What is transformation? What is fusion? The ability to be invincible is good, but what is the moon?"

While this guy was struggling, Gao Feng had already arrived at the fast lane and got in again. This time he was really scared. He could only be beaten but couldn't attack. Even the powerful catastrophe couldn't do anything. At the same time, he had some knowledge about the Moko Protoss's background. He gained a new understanding. Wherever there is the first species of destruction, there is also the second species of destruction. Perhaps the red sand is not the catastrophe of the Moko tribe, but a piece of delicious fat meat.

When returning to the Sirila Star Sector, Gao Feng connected some details together, and then contacted the body hiding in the counterspace. He suddenly understood why the training camp evacuated from the Sirila Star Sector suddenly disappeared, and he was afraid that the first-level people in the Red Sands had been wiped out. When they entered the fleet, their identity had already been recognized, so the Moko Protoss mobilized its peak combat power and set up traps to hunt Hongsha. I am afraid that the Sirila sector was abandoned at the beginning and was used to massacre Hongsha. , while delaying the speed of red sand transfer.

After thinking everything through, Gao Feng was worried about Hong Sha. The Moko Protoss was getting stronger and stronger. He didn't know how many trump cards he had yet to discover. Just a guy hiding in the counterspace caught him off guard. Strategy, unless he can also enter counterspace, he can only run as far as he wants.

When returning to the Sirila sector, the Fifth Army was cleaning up the debris at the entrance. The large number of starship debris also meant a large number of spare parts, weapons and ammunition. The red sand tore the battleship into pieces, but there was no way to remove all the main and secondary guns. Shred. Any secondary cannon installed on a spaceship can turn it into an armed spaceship. It is the favorite of pirates. The only disadvantage is that it requires a new power engine to fire the cannon, and a firepower system to ensure accuracy. Spend.

The Constellation flagship has been cleared out. Boerhua drooled as he looked at it, but he did not have the courage to board it. After all, this thing was not something he could touch. The most likely possibility was to hand it over to the bloody group of animals. Thinking of this, he also felt sorry for him. The battleship is worthless. Those animals don't understand the art of Star Wars except for killing people with axes. They can be used as mobile warehouses at most. '

"What? Are you attracted to this battleship?"

Gaofeng suddenly appeared next to Boerhua, who was so frightened that Boerhua instantly shrank into a ball. This was the most accustomed defense method of the Kekebo people. In this way, it looked more like a pangolin.

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