Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1936 Daily construction of the final line of defense

"Ah, it's the leader of the group, Lord Boer Huajie, the 'local dog'."

Boerhua found out that it was the peak, and immediately became frightened. Compared with the other legions, the Fifth Legion did not have any impressive results. Even in the previous battle, the red sand turned this place into a ghost land. Can only be a cleaner.

"If the notice continues, there is no need to send a reconnaissance ship to the other side of the channel. After collecting the supplies, return to the station and wait for new orders..."

Without even looking at the Constellation-class battleship he had just picked up, Gao Feng disappeared into the battleship again, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the flagship in the distance. Boerhua wiped away the non-existent sweat and consciously aimed at a few A nuclear-class star-destroying ship that was not seriously damaged. It seems that these warships are easier to get...

The flagship returned to the hidden stronghold of the Wilderness Pirates. Gao Feng talked with Minnie about the situation behind the passage. When Minnie knew that the Moko tribe still had the Destruction Seed as a trump card, she felt bad and listless. As for Li Not to mention La, who originally expected to see the Moko Protoss collapse, but found that they only cut off a branch, and the Moko Protoss was still a giant tree with no end in sight.

Regarding the information about the Destruction Species, Gao Feng only told Minnie and Lila. They were the two people Gao Feng trusted the most. Even if the Eldar regained the glory of their home planet, these two girls were still women of the Gao Feng family, and the oath was casual. Can be sent.

Soon the pirate group was resting to prepare supplies for the second battle. Gao Feng also took some time off and suddenly remembered his exclusive maid. Then he found the sleeping little girl in his bedroom and looked at the girl lying on the bed. , sleeping like a piglet, Gao Feng was too lazy to disturb, but found a dozen amethyst fruits that he had put into the room before, and called Lila who was busy on the bridge. Not long after, Lila emerged from the wrist tattoo. .

"What are these? Do you know?"

When Lila saw something wrong with the fruit, she was always cautious, but Gao Feng asked carelessly. At this time, Lila opened her mouth and looked at Gao Feng as if she didn't know what to say.

"Actually, I have wanted to tell you for a long time, but I was afraid that you would doubt us, so...":

Lila said something that didn't answer the question, and her expression was very complicated. Gao Feng didn't ask any questions, just waiting for her to explain.

"Actually, these are wish fruits, the most precious fruits of the mother tree. Since the mother tree was taken away by the Moko tribe and the males were sold, the spirit tribe has lost the opportunity to reproduce..."

Through Lila's explanation, Gao Feng couldn't laugh or cry. It turns out that these fruits are artificial wombs, which can create more Eldar. If the men of the Eldar do not become gay, at least the Eldar still have a chance to reproduce, and perhaps they will gradually decrease. , but there is always hope. Now all hope does not exist. No wonder Minnie never mentions restoring her home star, but only thinks about killing the Moko people. Even if they restore their home star, the spirit tribe will still be exterminated.

"However, there is another chance for the spirit race, which is to combine with humans and possibly produce descendants..."

Carefully peeking at Gao Feng again, Lila said something that shocked Gao Feng. He was a little dizzy and stopped the other person from continuing. After a while, Gao Feng took a few deep breaths, stabilized his emotions, and then asked in a deep voice:

"Who's pregnant? You or Minnie?"


Lila stopped talking at this time, and Gao Feng turned his head directly and looked at the dormant cabin in the corner. Lila's body was sleeping in it. It still looked like a young girl. Only after Lila returned to her body , will have a mature style.

"No, it was Ami. Minnie told me secretly, but she was coming here at the time, so Minnie didn't dare to tell you..."

"How is this possible? It's just once for me, Ami..."

Gao Feng shouted immediately, and Lila was helpless and whispered with a bit of gossip:

"The Eldar have a very small chance of mutating. They are called the daughters of the Mother Tree because they are easy to conceive and give birth one after another. They can be compared to the Mother Tree. They are the noblest people in the Eldar and better than the Destiny." Women are also noble and are called treasures, and you just happened to meet them..."

Gao Feng was speechless when he heard this. At this time, Lila seemed to be afraid that Gao Feng was overthinking and said again:

"Minnie knows Ami. She was captured by the Moko tribe when she was very young and has been raised as blood food, so she has never experienced a male. Otherwise, she will become a fertility machine of the Moko tribe, and she will not be able to be used by you again. captive……."

"No, what I'm thinking is that my pregnancy physique is too terrible. You know that with my current physique, I generally won't have any more offspring. How incredible must Ami be?"

After saying this, Gao Feng suddenly became anxious, walking back and forth, as if he was depressed and couldn't explain it, which made Lila start to struggle again, as if she was afraid of making Gao Feng unhappy.

"No, I can't let my child suffer. She deserves better care, but no one knows she is my daughter. What should I do?"

With Gao Feng's impatience, even Lila didn't know what to do. She could only scold Minnie secretly in her heart. Isn't this just looking for trouble? Now Gao Feng is worried every day, how to fight in the future?

"My dear, are you there? I found something good..."

Minnie suddenly came to the room. As soon as she entered, she saw the dull atmosphere. She didn't know what happened and put down the silver thermostat in her hand.

"I told him everything about Ami..."

As soon as these words came out, Minnie's face turned as pale as paper, tears fell, and she knelt in front of Gao Feng, sobbing and said:

"You punished me because it was my fault. I was jealous of Ami, because I couldn't give birth to you at that time..."

Minnie obviously said something different, and she confessed directly that Minnie on the moon was only a simulated spirit race, not a real spirit race. Now that she has experienced so many things, Minnie loves Gao Feng to the extreme, and is also afraid to the extreme, no matter what the possibility. The neglect and resentment will make her life worse than death.

"Get up, I never thought this would happen. Unfortunately, she can't be recognized by my family..."

Gao Feng was also helpless. Things had already happened. Even if he drove the fastest warship back now, it would be a thousand years before he got home. It was so bad that he might as well not think about anything.

"No, we have a way, the space jump coordinates. As long as we get the space jump coordinates, we can return to the solar system..."

Minnie jumped up like crazy, waving her arms, and said these words in a dance, but Gao Feng knew that the coordinates of space jumps were really difficult to obtain. He plundered three star districts, swept three residential stars, and did not find any space jump coordinates. Information, he has always suspected, this thing should be in the most secretive unit of the Moko tribe, a unit that even the district commander does not know about.

"What did you get?"

Gao Feng changed the topic. At this time, Minnie calmed down and timidly walked to Gao Feng and said:

"This is what Xiangba brought back from the wreckage of the Constellation-class flagship. It is said to be the divine blood of Moko that he had absorbed. I know you have been looking for it, so..."

Gao Feng opened the box and saw neatly arranged thumb-sized faceted gems. All the gems were a dot of seven colors in the middle. When he held it in his hand, he could see the seven colors flowing into liquid. Then with a little force, he removed the gems. It opened, and then Gaofeng raised his head and swallowed it into his mouth, making Minnie open her mouth in surprise.

A drop of colorful liquid exploded in Gao Feng's mouth, splitting into two streams of air, one extending toward the center of the eyebrows, and the other flowing toward the heart. After a short time, Gao Feng felt that his spiritual sea and his own energy had both increased. Although it was not much, it could Feel it clearly.

Then Gao Feng tasted it carefully and found something familiar. He recalled it carefully, but couldn't find the same thing, which made him a little regretful. He felt that he had gotten something similar before.

"How is it? Is it useful? If it is useful, can you give some of it to the Spiritual Clan..."

There are about three hundred thumb gems stacked in layers in the box. They should be the commander of the fleet. They are used to reward those who have made meritorious service in combat, so that ordinary Moko tribesmen can become strong men with a silver heart. What else can be better than What's more inspiring?

"Don't worry about dividing the spoils for now. Hurry up and search for other constellation flagships to see if there are any. If there are, don't let go of one bottle. I believe those pirates won't recognize them..."

Gao Feng decided to hold these precious resources in his own hands, and at the same time no longer thought about the jump coordinates. If these divine blood could be sent back to the earth, how many starry sky warriors should be created?

All the star-shattering experts on Earth can be counted with a slap in the face, and all of them used their own spiritual liquid to induce breakthroughs. The problem is that Gaofeng's spiritual liquid is very precious, and if consumed in large quantities, his strength will decline. , so enough is enough. In addition, he also left two drops of spiritual power for each of his daughter and son. Once they touch the soul barrier, it can produce a qualitative change, which will also increase the precious wealth left for his family. .

Not every fleet carried Moko's divine blood, but at least half of the constellations did, some more, some less. When gathered together, there were more than a thousand, and Gao Feng distributed 800 of them. Among them, the Martial God Legion and the Scarlet Legion each have two hundred, and the other four legions have one hundred each. In this way, the strength of the Wilderness Pirates Group has been greatly enhanced.

The increase in the number of Silver Heart warriors means that Peak needs to create more exclusive weapons. Fortunately, at least six to seven thousand Silver Heart warriors died in the battle this time, and there is no shortage of raw materials. Therefore, in addition to the God of War and the Bloody, the other four legions are divided into With the acquisition of one hundred and fifty bone spears, the legion commanders who had always been jealous of the God of War and Blood finally had the confidence to straighten their backs.

Lily also received news that two small smuggling channels have been explored. No more than ten small spacecraft can pass through each time, and they can transport about a thousand people, or cargo weighing no more than a thousand people, so Gao Feng decided Give one of these two small passages to the three major pirate groups, and leave the other to the wilderness pirate group so that they can send away important people or valuable items.

To Gao Feng's surprise, the pirates of the Wilderness Pirates Group all chose to send away their personnel. In addition to a large number of women and children of various races, the majority of these personnel were men from the elves, including Gao Feng who gave them to four people. The spirit race quadruplets of the army leader made Gao Feng feel indescribably desolate. Even he began to wonder, had his sexual orientation become a little strange?

In addition to these messy things, the motley crew also has good news. After picking up rags and transforming rags, they have repaired the main guns of more than 30 nuclear-class star-destroying ships. Even if the hulls are still broken, they are much more powerful than rail guns, and even more powerful. What's more, they obtained the wreckage of four Constellation battleships and at least more than 300 maglev secondary guns, which can make the final fortress more perfect.

Since they can't break out of this star area, the pirates no longer think about the future. The social order has completely collapsed, and the jungle is full of predators. As long as the pirates don't challenge their leader, they can do what they want in this star area. anything.

Some pirates carved asteroids into their own shapes and prepared them as tombstones for themselves. Some pirates spent all day among women. As long as there was no combat mission, they would not come out. There were also pirates. , they like to soak in the arena, watch the Moko slaves fight each other, and enjoy the fun of the Moko clan in the past. More importantly, they still wander around the ruins of the star region, catching the hiding civilians, or killing them at will. Either fall away or become your own slave.

When the number of pirates reaches a certain number, a new order begins to form. This order is called a hierarchy, which is like a pyramid. It closely connects various races and divides them into strong and weak, each with their own responsibilities. The top among them is The Wilderness Pirates control the most powerful fleet and have seven legions.

Below are the three major pirate groups, with more than 100,000 ships, three million pirates, and tens of millions of slaves. They have mastered the division of Furious Roaring potions and have great autonomy. They are jointly with the Wilderness Pirate Group and can also decide. The future direction of the sector.

After that, there are all kinds of small and medium-sized pirate groups, with more than a million ships, tens of millions of members, and hundreds of millions of slaves. Only the core executives can possess the angry roar potion. Fighting and annexation are staged every day, and various performances are performed in the starry sky. Betrayals and intrigues, but the numbers never decrease because there are slaves wanting to become pirates all the time.

The lowest slaves are undoubtedly the most miserable. Many of them were once upper-class or middle-class people. Now they have been deprived of their wealth, their wives and children were taken away, and their bodies are restricted. They have to complete a lot of work every day in order to get the worst. Food, although the peak of food entering the Sirila star sector is less than half an Earth year, these slaves feel as if they have been in pain for a lifetime.

Naturally, the higher-ups will not pay attention to all the bad things going on at the lower levels. Even Minnie, who is full of racism, will not think about how many Eldar sisters will be wailing in pain among the hundreds of millions of slaves. In her eyes, giving There is no difference between being a domestic animal of the Moko Protoss and being a slave to the vulgar pirates. Just like an Elf man, it makes no difference whether he is pressed down by the male of the Moko Protoss or by the pirates.

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