Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1934 Ambush

The flagships of the six major sectors finally appeared. Each sector had a constellation-level destroyer. The huge hull, escorted by many battleships, was like a queen bee surrounded by worker bees. Although it was huge, it was not clumsy. The cannons As the saying goes, even the second and third level fleets can be dispersed with one shot.

Just after the appearance of these six giant ships, even if there were angry roars, the hearts of the pirates were cold. The Constellation-class destroyer had already become famous far and wide. The most powerful thing about this kind of warship is that it cannot be broken by the Galactic Warriors. Once it enters the battlefield, the energy shield of the giant ship will be activated. The shield will remain until the end of the war. No matter how many galactic warriors there are, they will not be able to break through the energy shield that is a hundred times more powerful than themselves, but the starship can. Fire the main cannon without any scruples and blast the planet out of the way with one shot.

What really makes the galactic warriors despair is not the constellation-class main gun. One hundred and eight floating magnets can roam in any corner of the ship, and the beams emitted are specifically aimed at the galactic warriors, with the effects of stunning, blinding, and poisoning. , strong acid, psychedelic, cage and other effects. If you are not careful, you will be knocked unconscious and then captured. At least half of the reputation of the Moko Protoss relies on these constellation battleships, and in the legend, there is also the Nebula class Battleships, as the most advanced force of the Moko Protoss, have always protected the Moko people's home planet.

If they had a choice, the pirates hoped to cut off the picture of the Constellation-class battleship. At least they couldn't see it, so they wouldn't fall into unreasonable fear. Unfortunately, they were not the peak, and could only despair in the entanglement. At this moment, a series of The explosion occurred in the fleet that rushed out of the channel. The picture was clearly released. The main battle armors were broken and shattered. The Burt-class heavy battleships were severely damaged and sank. There were even nuclear-class star destroyers that deflected and crashed into other battleships.

This scene shocked all the friends. They couldn't believe their eyes, and the group without eyes couldn't believe their ears. When they all woke up from their stupor, six terrifying Constellation-class battleships appeared on the screen. There were only two ships left, and even these two were severely damaged. The cracked hulls were flashing everywhere. One of them had half of the bow of the Burt class stuck in it, like a sharp knife.

Suddenly, the pirates cheered, and 85 million new and old pirates cheered at the same time, filling every area of ​​the star region with manic joy, just like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly erupted, causing a frenzy that no one could calm down.

At this time, Gao Feng looked at the Constellation class that had been inserted into the bow of the ship and said lightly:

"This guy didn't turn on the energy shield. He's just a scumbag. He usually relies on his subordinate battleships for protection. He's not even as fragile as a transport ship. Alas, the problem is that my flagship is like this too. Energy metal is too bad..."

Listening to Gao Feng's faint pretense, the cheeks of several legion commanders present turned red. If they were not afraid of Gao Feng's strength and power, they would also cheer. As for Minnie, with her wolf-like eyes, she wished she could tear Gao Feng into pieces and eat her. Even the Succubus Queen Lily, who is always used to keeping aloof, is trembling slightly. If you get close to her, you will find a strange fragrance emitting from her body. This is a sign of the Succubus's passion. As a powerful Broken Star expert, Lily In the group, she has always been in the position of a loud and powerful person. A male who can conquer her has never appeared, so naturally he will not be emotional.

Gao Feng used a miraculous counterattack to break the backbone of the Moko expeditionary force and completely conquered Lily psychologically. However, Gao Feng was not very happy. Even though the Moko suffered ten times the heavy losses, they were still in an unfavorable situation. In a defeated place, as long as there are six war fortresses guarding the entrance to the passage, an endless stream of troops can be mobilized. I believe they will not be fooled a second time.

"Have you not found the smuggling channel yet? It has taken so long and so many manpower. Who tells me how long it will take..."

Although Gao Feng's tone was still calm, his majesty made several legionaries fear him. The most unruly Xiangba even lay on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head. As for Minnie, who was strong on the bed, she was like a quail at this time. , trembling slightly, as for the timid Lila, she disappeared directly into the tattoo.

"The two smuggling routes found so far cannot pass through large ships, so they can only be used for smuggling or smuggling a small amount of valuables. A long time ago, large smuggling channels were either developed into high-speed channels or completely blocked and turned into Into a chaotic star belt...

In addition, I hired people to excavate 1,500 ancient tombs, mostly of smugglers with records. Through the documents or diaries buried with them, I determined that there was a passage through which large transport ships could pass. However, this passage It requires an opportunity to open, and there are many dangers. The specific location cannot be determined for the time being... "

At this time, Lily took the initiative to stand up and tell her discovery, which surprised Gao Feng. Suddenly, he discovered that this charming and charming beauty had the appearance of a female CEO, and couldn't help but admire:

"Then you will be responsible. I will let the Fifth Legion fully cooperate with you. No matter what you want to do, just go for it, even if you dig through two habitable stars..."

After receiving the full-power rule granted by Gao Feng, Lily was slightly moved, her eyes flashed a little, and she barely kept her cool. She nodded slightly, turned around and floated out. Two black feathers of light made her look like a fallen angel.

"Next, let the cannon fodder take the initiative. Take advantage of the chaos in the Moko fleet and weaken them as much as possible. Legions without missions will also be dispatched. Don't be afraid of casualties. We must show momentum and let the cannon fodder know that we will not hide behind us forever. …….”

Gao Feng gave the order, and the entire sector began to counterattack. The fleets that had been prepared set off one after another. The pirates were even more active than Gao Feng's legion. They drove tattered armed spaceships and rushed towards the six passages.

Previously, Gaofeng had produced hundreds of millions of air mines. These air mines were disguised as all kinds of debris, meteorites, debris, garbage, and even corpses, piled up around the entrance of the passage. The Moko fleet had just rushed out of the passage, and immediately Look for the psychological blind spots of the pirate fleets and suddenly detonate them, causing huge casualties, but there is no way to truly destroy these fleets.

A large number of battleship wreckage were entangled with damaged battleships, blocking the entrance of the passage. The transport ships following behind were unable to bring up repair ships and spare parts. In addition, several Constellation-class flagships were sunk, leaving the remaining fleet at a loss. It's such a mess and I don't know what to do.

The expeditionary force that lost its flagship was at a loss, and those that had not lost its flagship were no better off. Energy metal can make the Constellation-class battleship indestructible, but if the hull is damaged, gaps will appear in the energy shield, resulting in gaps in the defense. Once attacked, it is worse than an ordinary transport ship, which is even worse.

The Moko fleet in the Moria Passage should be the least damaged. Although their flagship suffered trauma, due to daily training and coordination, the escorting warships basically guaranteed their position. When the air mine was detonated, the escorting warships Although the entire army was wiped out, it was ensured that the greatest power did not affect the flagship. Moreover, because of its consistent brave fighting style, it became even wilder after rushing out of the channel, and the forward advanced even more, leaving more space for the fleet to gather. not too close, thereby avoiding greater losses.

Just as the fleet began to clean up the wreckage, rescue the casualties, tow away the damaged warships, and prepare to continue the mission, a bright red shadow suddenly appeared in the densest part of the fleet, instantly attracting the attention of countless Silver Heart warriors to her.

This is an extremely coquettish woman. She is wearing a scarlet evening dress. Her slender arms are surrounded by fiery red snake-like beasts. Her absolutely beautiful face will attract even races whose aesthetics are diametrically opposed to those of humans. It's like a visual black hole has been created in her body. At the same time, every Moco person who sees her will find that no matter what, they can see the real her, as if she is disturbed by invisible light waves, and this phenomenon is not limited to the eyes. , even the mental power is the same.

The commander of the flagship is a top-level galactic warrior who has experienced countless wars. Countless aliens have died in his hands. His knowledge is far beyond ordinary people. The moment he saw this female of an unknown race, all the cells in his body were alarming. , immediately roared:

"Attack with full force, extremely dangerous..."

As soon as these eight words were spoken, the air in front of him was distorted. The woman in red crossed more than ten kilometers and appeared in front of him. The location where he was was the bridge of the flagship. In an instant, this strong man seemed to be trapped. He was frozen, unable to move, and even his energy and mental power were dormant in his body. A word was stuck in his throat, and he could not say it. Then his spine was pulled out, and then it turned into torn papers and scattered on the ground.

A burst of laughter like silver bells resounded through the flagship, with a strange transcendence. Countless Moko tribesmen or slaves were turned into pieces. The blooming fragments were like bright fireworks, splashing blue or red blood, and Decks, corridors, walls, and ceilings are painted with abstract patterns.

The flagship was silent for a very short period of time, but a whirlwind of red sand flew throughout the entire fleet. The huge battleship collapsed like a broken toy. Broken corpses rolled and rotated in the starry sky. The strong men in the silver heart were like mosquitoes. He died quietly, and the hot blood was frozen by the vacuum in an instant, turning into pieces of crystal like raindrops.

"It's her, it's her, run quickly, that's the species of destruction..."

A crazy spiritual power suddenly spread in the vacuum, covering countless battleships and the Silver Heart strong men. There was a terrifying pause in an instant. The next moment, the Silver Heart strong men were running around like crazy, and the fleet was also confused, evading randomly. Collisions are as common as serial car accidents.

A huge fire dragon with a length of 100 meters suddenly appeared, roaring like a vent, and the vibrating sound waves made every shrouded Moko become as sluggish as a puppet, and then they would be torn apart by the red whirlwind, thousands of them Wan's fragments slowly rotated with the whirlwind, pulling more battleships and human bodies into it. No matter how far those galactic warriors ran, they would still be wailing and involved in the red whirlwind, and then become silent.

After a long time, the place returned to calm, but in the high-speed channel, new killings were taking place in the transport ship. The screams seemed to be able to travel through the vacuum and echoed in this cruel killing place, as if countless innocent souls were wailing.

The pirates attacking from all sides collided fiercely with the Moko fleet. Even if they suffered a lot of losses, the professional fleet officers and soldiers were not afraid of the incoming pirates. The flashes of explosions were intertwined in the artillery fire, and the missiles were like a rain curtain, creating a flash of light. In the ocean, there is no boundary between killing and being killed. Death is always on the thin line.

The appearance of the Silver Heart Warrior made the killing more cruel. But with the pirates' counterattack, even the powerful battleships became lambs to be slaughtered. The figures shuttled through the starry sky like ghosts, sending lives one by one into the sky. Hell, the energy of the collision is brighter than fireworks.

Brutal killings occurred at the five passages at the same time. At every moment, a large number of lives were withered. Many strong men with a silver heart were overwhelmed by the quasi-strong men moved in by ants, and more pirates were killed by the silver who had experienced battles. Those with a strong heart are killed in large numbers, but the strong ones in the army are different. What they are least afraid of is melee. The intertwined energy can always avoid their own vital points at the last moment, and the cooperation of their comrades often allows them to launch counterattacks. .

Even if the pirates turn into a tide and rush forward crazily, they will still be smashed by the strong dike, but the dike will never be able to take the initiative. More and more pirates gather into the tide, forming an even bigger wave, and continue to attack the dike. Beating, this level of madness cannot be encountered even in the most cruel foreign battlefields. Some dams were submerged and then disappeared completely. Some dams were smashed and then divided, turning into whirlpools of fighting. Finally, disappear completely.

The appearance of the Scarlet Army attracted the attention of countless pirates. In the past, they were extremely afraid of blood. It was the color of hell, but if they touched it, their flesh and blood would turn into mud. But now, with the potion in hand, they don't seem to be so afraid. When they glanced at the blood with scrutinizing eyes, the blood had turned into a terrifying spear, one that pierced through the battleships and strong men in front.

What kind of horror is this? Whether it is a battleship or a Silver Heart warrior, they can be cut open by the giant ax of the Scarlet Army. The Scarlet warriors never know how to take detours. Even if there is a mountain peak blocking the road ahead, they will penetrate the mountain peak and move forward in a straight line.

Straight lines are the characteristic of Bloody. No matter what kind of enemy there is, what kind of strong man, what kind of starship, he will not hesitate to break it open with the giant ax in his hand, and then pass through until he kills the last enemy blocking the way.

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