Apocalyptic Dark Age

1896 Let’s fight together with you

In any case, Gao Feng finally remembered his identity as a husband and father, and plunged into the bitter sea of ​​harem. Without him, the family could still maintain superficial peace, loving each other on the surface, but behind the scenes, Gao Feng As soon as it appeared, it became the trigger of the war, performing a post-modern palace battle drama, and no day was peaceful.

What makes Gao Feng even more depressed is that the women's war makes it impossible for him to escape. Coupled with Aurora's obsession, he doesn't even have a chance to meet Michael, let alone ask about the details of the Moko Protoss. The only thing that makes him feel at ease. Yes, since Michael did not show up on his own initiative, it meant that the situation was not as serious as he thought.

Thinking that he might abandon his wife and fight against the Moko Protoss alone in the future, Gao Feng felt guilty, so he decided to spend more time with his family. In the process of spending time with his family, Gao Feng gradually established the administrative system of Xingkong, with Yan Twenty The top management headed by Nine clarified their responsibilities and accepted the power of peak division.

The wilderness system moved to the moon and naturally evolved into a starry sky regime. The starry sky regime does not need to rely on land and population like the mainland. The most important thing in the starry sky is living space and living resources, so the starry sky regime must bear the burden of everyone's survival. At the same time, It also means absolute centralization, because no person or force can survive without the Starry Sky Regime. Whether it is a vacuum environment or survival materials, they must be allocated by the Starry Sky Regime. Any group or individual who wants to break away must It's an act of seeking death.

A highly centralized regime should be the most efficient, but it is a pity that Gao Feng has not shown up for a long time, and Yan Erjiu does not have a rightful name. As an executor, she is qualified, but as a leader, she cannot gain the support of the majority of people. Identification has led to many things being delayed, even Wen Xin'er complained, and the moon base has achieved nothing except expanding the living space.

Over the past few years, a lot of problems have accumulated. When Yan Erjiu caught Gao Feng, he really wanted to turn all his grievances into fists and smash them over. The problems that Yan Erjiu could not solve were in Gao Feng's eyes. Easily, all problems automatically evolved into one problem in Gao Feng's eyes: eating, drinking, sleeping.

The living space is small, so it is necessary to expand the space of the lunar base. Living materials are insufficient. Enjoy the materials according to the technical level. If you have nothing to do, increase the training knowledge content, and divide the academic qualifications according to high, high, and low. Whether it is an ordinary person or a Gallo, You must obtain a secondary education to receive sufficient rations, and even marriage and childbirth must be based on academic qualifications. The peak is determined to make all people illiterate and become intellectuals in the starry age.

In order to prevent the Xingkong regime from being affected after he left, Gao Feng divided the Xingkong regime into three units: administration, military, and court. Among them, administration and Yan Twenty-nine were headed, and subordinated to various systems of people's livelihood, including the moon base and space Based on the city, there are food production, mineral development, training schools, and industrial development.

The military has three departments, namely Starry Sky Warning, Starry Sky Fleet, and Military Academy. Among them, the Starry Sky Warning is a department specially set up to prevent meteorites, specifically used to protect space cities and lunar factories. As for the Starry Sky Fleet, it is an assistant in outward exploration. It is temporarily divided into the War Department Exploration Department and the Transportation Department to capture asteroids and collect resources. It supplies factories and bases, and at the same time shoulders the heavy responsibility of guarding humanity. If it comes to the last moment, it also bears the hope of continuing human reproduction.

As for the military academy, it is a concentration camp for all Garos. Gao Feng will not forget that most Garos are restless. When they have strength, they will always find ways to vent. The army will teach them how to adapt to living in a high-pressure environment and learn at the same time. Various skills to provide reserves for the star fleet.

The court is Gao Feng's private property. It should have been placed under the Executive Yuan. Unfortunately, Kalea insists on finding a position for her father and cannot accept the jurisdiction of Yan Twenty-Nine. And Gao Feng cannot throw his father-in-law into this In order to avoid multiple disasters in the army, the court was added as an independent unit, which had no power of arrest but only the power of trial.

The three units each perform their own responsibilities and are not subordinate to each other. They are independent at the same time. Even if they leave Gao Feng, their development will not be affected. Gao Feng is most concerned about the space fleet. In the name of the exploration fleet, he arranges his children to be among them. , even if the Moko Protoss destroyed the space city, they could still escape the disaster, which was regarded as Gao Feng's personal gain for his descendants.

Time passed by for half a year, and half a year was enough for novelty to become boring, especially staying in a small lunar base, which was almost like going to jail. Kalea refocused her energy on her children's education, and Caifeng finally got his wish, at the peak After trying every possible means and spending a lot of energy and mental energy, she finally became pregnant with a baby.

Caifeng was pregnant with a boy, and the peak was already clear before he was born. In addition, this child's talent is even more terrifying than Xuan Fei's. Once he reaches adulthood, he can reach the peak of Bengyun's combat power and awaken his spiritual power, which is almost equal to that of the Chaos God King. 's clone.

In fact, Caifeng's child is, in a sense, the clone of Gaofeng. It's just that this clone is compatible with Caifeng and is slowly gestating. In the future, it is possible to break through the limit and reach the Broken Star level. It's just a pity because it is too powerful. , which leads to intellectual defects. At most, the person has well-developed limbs and a simple brain.

For this reason, Gao Feng felt guilty and rejected Anastasia's idea of ​​​​also wanting a child. He just arranged two smart adopted daughters for her to avoid being bored all day long and causing trouble. Anastasia did not only meet the needs of the children. There are about thousands of Russians who have moved to the space city and the moon base. They are all relatives of Anastasia. The resources of the starry sky regime are limited, so it is inevitable that there is a difference between closeness and distance. In order to make the Russians live a better life, Anastasia seduces Gao Feng every day. , want to settle the status,

For a boring man who has nothing to do all day long, it is not so easy to refuse a beautiful woman who deliberately seduces, especially when this woman is still in the name of his wife. After coming and going, a good thing is accomplished. In more than half a year, the peak is not only The expansion of the lunar base was almost doubled, which also satisfied several women in the family. Time passed slowly in the comfort of spending time with the family at the peak.

Cai Feng, who is half a year pregnant, has already shown her pregnancy. Her favorite action is to hold her bulging belly and feel the joy of life. Gao Feng seems to have forgotten the threat of the Moko Protoss. He spends most of his time with Cai Feng and occasionally urges her. As for Aurora's studies, Xuan Fei has officially followed Masati and become a trainee sailor.

Just when Gao Feng thought he had enough time to wait until Caifeng's child was born, Michael, whom he had long forgotten, suddenly appeared. This time it was Michael's optical projection, but his eyes were more expressive, as if he had life. , the moment he saw Michael, Caifeng's face suddenly turned pale, grabbed Gao Feng's arm, and said tremblingly:

"Are you leaving...?"

Michael did not speak, looking at Caifeng's six-month-old belly in surprise, as if he was surprised that the woman was pregnant. Gao Feng felt bitter in his heart, but he had no choice but to leave his family. However, with the power of the Moko Protoss, It is not something that humans can understand. Even if humans are a hundred times more powerful, they are still no match for the Moko Protoss.

The final peak was to use the last bit of time to have a meal with the family. It was an unusually silent dinner. Neither Kalea nor Anastasia nor Aurora spoke. There was only the sound of the clinking of bowls and chopsticks and the chewing of food. the sound of.

When the meal came to an end, Gao Feng put down his bowls and chopsticks, swept the faces of several women one by one, and finally stopped at Kalea. When he saw Gao Feng looking at him, Kalea wanted to cover up his anger. , suddenly sadness came from my heart, two beautiful eyes were filled with moisture, and there was only resentment and sadness in their eyes.

"Kalea, after I leave, you will be the most powerful. When your spiritual power and strength are perfectly integrated, you will reach my current level. I hope you can protect the children and teach them the history of mankind. When they grow up, they are not required to become leaders of mankind, but they must learn responsibilities and obligations..."

Kalea is the person most likely to break through the Broken Star level after Gao Feng. During this period, Gao Feng fully informed Kalea about his experience of breaking through the Broken Star. I believe Kalea has completed the awakening of her spiritual power. Gao Feng did not expect Kalea to be the leader of mankind, and Kalea herself was not suitable to be a leader, so Gao Feng only hoped that she could protect the children.

Gao Feng said solemnly and earnestly. Kalea just nodded. She understood what Gao Feng meant and did not want her children to follow his old path. Gao Feng had experienced too many dangers and deaths in his life. If given a choice, Gao Feng would not be willing. Live a peaceful life?

After talking to Kalea, Gao Feng looked at Caifeng again. Caifeng had burst into tears. Pregnant women are the easiest to be sad, especially before the child is born, and her father will leave. This makes her feel a deep pain. .

"Caifeng, I know you are the most knowledgeable. I hope you will become a teacher and pass on your knowledge. History, literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics, these are the essence of civilization. Only by learning these, will future human beings Then you know where you come from and where you are going, and you will not lose yourself in the vast starry sky..."

Gao Feng knew that just having children, Caifeng might not be able to withstand loneliness. Only by allowing her to have a real career could she learn to slowly forget herself. In the past six months, he rarely showed up, and most things were covered by Yan Erjiuyi. After all, the transition of power has been completed unknowingly. Gao Feng has changed from a leader to an unattainable symbol. Yan Erjiu, under Gao Feng's deliberate training, has gradually broadened his vision and is no longer confused about the future. , have their own governance ideas and policies.

After explaining the collection, Gao Feng looked at Luo Xing again. Luo Xing did not dare to look at him. He just lowered his eyebrows and stared at his toes. This made Gao Feng frown. In the end, he did not speak to her and looked directly at Anastasia, who was eager to try. In contrast, Anastasia was the youngest and the most free-spirited. She was not melancholy about parting, which made Gao Feng even more happy with her.

Anastasia dares to love and hate. Although she is a little scheming, she does not make people hate her. She knows how to adjust the atmosphere in front of Gao Feng. Any annoying things will not appear in front of him. On the contrary, she is Gao Feng's favorite woman. The good thing is that Anastasia always asks for supplies for her people every now and then, which makes it a bit difficult for Gao Feng, who wants a bowl of water, so he can only find ways to extract more rare metals outside and come back to meet Yan Ershi. Nine exchanges, and at the same time save a rather terrifying fortune for his children.

"Anastasia, I can't give you a child, but I can give you another gift..."

As he spoke, a ray of pure spiritual power suddenly extended from the peak, and then rushed into Anastasia's eyebrows. In an instant, the blue in her eyes disappeared, turning into a crystal white, as if she had become the Ice Queen again, the peak extended. The spiritual power of the people is nihilistic and cannot be easily noticed, but Kalea is not among them. She has also awakened her spiritual power and received a gift from Gao Feng. How could she not know that Gao Feng was benefiting Anastasia?

This made Kalea jealous, and she couldn't help but make the decision to put her own mental power on the spiritual power of the peak extension. But as soon as she did this, she regretted it, and the pure spiritual power surged towards her. At the same time, the spiritual power distributed to Anastasia did not decrease.

Kalea knew in her heart that Gao Feng's spiritual power did not fall from the sky. Once the depletion is serious, it will take a long time to recover. Excessive consumption of Gao Feng's spiritual power will weaken Gao Feng's combat power. If the battle power is insufficient, it will take a long time to recover. Kalea will never forgive herself for causing the peak to fall.

Kalea wanted to interrupt the transmission of spiritual power, but the peak did not give her a chance and continued to pour it into her. Every second, Kalea's spiritual power was growing rapidly. In less than a minute, Kalea The spiritual power Ya gains is equivalent to her own growth in one year. It can be seen that Peak is shortening the time for her to advance to Broken Star regardless of the cost. And relatively speaking, as much as she gains, Anastasia will also gain the same spiritual power. Strength, peak consumption will be doubled.

Anastasia does not have the complex psychological changes of Kalaya at this time. She will also be completely immersed in unprecedented emptiness. Everything happening around her has nothing to do with her. She can't even feel her own existence, as if she has transformed into a seed. Slowly experience the process from germination to growth.

This process did not pass time. Anastasia was completely immersed in the emptiness of life's transformation. When she woke up again and felt herself again, a feeling of loss suddenly arose in her heart, as if she was nostalgic for the feeling before, and then Only then did he realize that everyone at the dinner table had left, and only Gao Feng, Kalea, and her were left in the room.

Gao Feng's face was pale, as if he had just recovered from a serious illness, while Kalea closed her eyes tightly and breathed deeply, as if she had fallen into sleep. However, she felt the ability she had lost again, a mysterious and mysterious power that could see through evil and good fortune. This power is ten times or a hundred times stronger than what she lost. She can even see that person's future destiny just by thinking of someone in her mind.

Anastasia couldn't help but focus all her attention on the peak, and instantly exploded thousands of fragmented images in her mind. These images flashed through her mind like a fleeting light, causing her to feel dizzy and want to vomit. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Gao Feng in horror, looking incredible.

Gao Feng originally planned to consume three layers of pure mental power to help Anastasia. Unexpectedly, Kalea was jealous and had to use three more layers of mental power to comfort him. As a result, he could not control the output of two mental powers at the same time. Eighty percent of his mental strength was consumed in vain and his vitality was severely damaged. This was really not good news.

"How could this happen? You..."

Anastasia's doubtful eyes contained infinite fear. This was because she was afraid of the dangers that Gao Feng was about to face. She wanted to ask, but she didn't know what to say when she just opened her mouth, because she knew that the danger was coming. If the peak is not climbed, the moon base will become the second catastrophe for the earth.

She didn't say the next words. Gao Feng raised his index finger to cover her lips and turned to look at Kalea, who had her eyes closed and seemed to be in a slumber. At this time, Kalea was surrounded by a powerful and violent aura, which made Anna Tasia felt extremely dangerous, as if she was surrounded by high explosives that could shatter her into pieces at any time.

Suppressing the horror and questions in her heart, Anastasia paid close attention to Kalea as quietly as Gao Feng, waiting quietly for the terrible breath to slowly subside, but she was a little jealous in her heart. It was clearly the benefit that Gao Feng had prepared for her. Ka Leia If you insist on intervening, your heart will be full of grievances.

After a long time, Kalea let out a deep breath of exhaustion. When she opened her eyes, it was like two bright stars rising suddenly, lighting up the candlelight in her eyes. She smiled gracefully and said with high spirits:

"Now, I am qualified to fight with you..."

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