Apocalyptic Dark Age

1895 You owe me a child

The six-year-old Aurora is still naughty and cute, while Xuanfei, who is very similar to Gao Feng, has the calmness of a young adult. Since the death of his doting grandmother, Xuanfei's education has been taken away by the powerful Kalea. Douluo Xing has no say in this, because in the wilderness system, Dou Xing has never been recognized, and even collecting ideas cannot convince the public. Only Kalea, who is powerful and has a strong personality, can win people's hearts. This is why the strong people in the wilderness system do so. The concept of respect is causing trouble.

When Gao Feng saw Ka Leia again, Xuan Fei was crying and standing in front of Ka Leia to be scolded. Aurora, on the other hand, playfully stuck out her tongue at her brother, looking gloating at Gao Feng's misfortune. The cause of the incident was the clear and sweet voice of Aurora, which made Gao Feng as happy as eating ice cream on a hot summer day:


Amidst the cheers, the silver-haired and blue-eyed flesh ball smashed towards the peak from a distance, and the peak instantly hit all the attention, perfectly integrating spiritual power and perception, and like connecting to a peerless treasure, the flying meat was He caught the ball carefully, and the driver was 10,000 times more careful than fighting the Chaos God King head-on.

The fragrant and soft Aurora threw herself into Gao Feng's arms, and immediately gave him a heavy mouthful on the face. Then she leaned her little head on his shoulder and laughed non-stop, hugging her trembling daughter. Gao Feng because The indifference across life levels suddenly melted away and turned into guilt and love for her daughter.

Aurora is obviously talented. He hasn't seen Aurora for several years, but Aurora always remembers him. This makes Gao Feng feel like crying. Nothing he has done has failed. In vain, as long as Aurora still remembers him, as long as she can laugh happily, even if it costs him everything and even his life, it will be worth it. He has experienced countless dangers and difficulties in his life, and he does not want his descendants to be like him. Being on the line between life and death, as long as everything is safe, everything will be fine.

Unlike Aurora, who was laughing in his arms, Xuan Fei was obviously more unfamiliar with Gaofeng, and even more afraid of Kalea. Although Kalea had a strong personality, she was not a mean person, and she paid close attention to Xuantian's education. She is close and loves her very much. Xuanfei will definitely have what Aurora has, and Xuanfei will not lack anything that Aurora does not have. It is this approach of treating everyone equally that makes Xuanfei recognize Kalea , compared to Kalea who taught him like a teacher, Gao Feng was more like a stranger and a concrete symbol in Xuan Fei's heart.

When Gao Feng saw his son, he didn't know what to say. He was not a qualified father. To be precise, he had almost never held his son in his arms. There were reasons for the long separation and also the reason for the confusion. Now He wanted to take on the responsibilities of his father, but he didn't know how to do it.

"You still know about coming back? I forgot about Aurora and her father..."

Kalea was as sarcastic as ever, and Gao Feng, who was already feeling guilty, did not answer the question. He carried Aurora to Kalea's side, staring at Xuan Fei who looked uneasy, feeling a trace of love and surprise in his heart. , Xuan Fei has a tendency to materialize his energy. Although he has not yet reached the level of Bengyun Jialuo, he has already surpassed the peak of Split Mountain. Such a powerful force is condensed in his body, but it is not empty at all. The foundation is thick, as long as he follows As time accumulates, Bengyun Jialuo is just around the corner.

"Xiao Fei, I have wronged you in the past few years. I am not a competent father. I hope you don't feel resentful in your heart..."

Gao Feng ignored Kalea's sarcasm and looked at Xiao Fei with a pleasant look. After saying these words, Xuan Fei was slightly dazed. He didn't react until Gao Feng's big hand touched his head. He dodged slightly, obviously not used to Gao Feng's touch. This made Gao Feng I kept smiling bitterly in my heart.

Gao Feng couldn't touch it, but Kalea could. She hugged Xuan Fei in her arms and said bitterly, regardless of Aurora's protests:

"It doesn't matter if you don't recognize this heartless father, Aurora will still count on you to protect him from now on..."

"Well, I will definitely protect my sister..."

Xuan Fei did not dare to look at his father, as if Gao Feng had an extremely terrifying aura of majesty. On the contrary, Aurora was extremely happy for Gao Feng, twisting and turning in his arms, hearing Gao Feng's lecture to Xuan Fei. , said immediately:

"I don't want his protection. He obviously can't beat me, but he cried last time..."

"No way, you were naughty and hit me on the nose, so I won't cry..."

Xuan Fei was irritated by his sister's words. He straightened his neck like a little rooster and argued loudly, as if he had been greatly wronged. Kalea bent over with laughter. The charming look between his eyebrows made Gao Feng stunned for a moment. Just before a pair of children While they were arguing with each other, two graceful figures walked into the room. They were Cai Feng and Luo Xing, whom they had not seen for a long time.

Cai Feng has lost her girlish youthfulness and has become much more mature. Her temperament is cold and elegant, and her deep eyes always have a hint of melancholy. The first time she saw Cai Feng, Gao Feng suddenly felt a mixture of familiarity and unfamiliarity. The woman in front of him was already Breaking away from the intellectual realm, it exuded a light bookish atmosphere like an ancient book. For a while, her grace was not inferior to that of Kalea, and she actually had a tendency to rival her.

Luo Xing was still as unconfident as before, especially when he saw Gao Feng, his face turned pale, as if he was afraid of seeing a terrible beast. He held Xuan Fei in his arms and wanted to leave, but he didn't dare, but Cai Feng was generous. , a pair of clear and bright eyes, staring at the peak, as resentful as a harem.

"Now the whole family is finally together. My dear, is there anything you want to say?"

Kalea is not hostile to Caifeng and Luoxing as expected. In fact, they have learned how to get along with each other during the two years since Gaofeng's disappearance. No matter how strong Kalea is and how cold Caifeng is, in the period when Gaofeng is missing Over time, there will always be various intersections, and no matter how much resentment there is, it will dissipate over time.

Faced with Kalea's semi-sarcastic inquiry, Gao Feng had a million words in his heart and didn't know how to speak. The atmosphere suddenly became dull. Even Aurora became much more honest, like a delicate doll nestled in Gao Feng's arms. , biting his fingers curiously.

Gao Feng looked at the large family, and an impulse suddenly surged in his heart. He ignored the threat of the Moko Protoss and just stayed with his wife and children, living peacefully. His son had become alienated from him, and he didn't want Aurora to do the same. Feeling strange to himself, just when he was clearing his dry throat and preparing to speak, the resentful Caifeng spoke:

"You owe me a child..."

These words immediately shocked Gao Feng. In the past, Cai Feng would never say this to him. Compared with living with his children, Cai Feng focused more on books. As long as there were books to read, it would be the same even if Gao Feng was not around. It seems that after these years of separation, , the life of collecting wind is also not easy?

Because of the shock, Gao Feng instantly focused all his mental energy on Cai Feng, and he immediately understood what was going on in Cai Feng's mind. As he gets older and watches Luo Xing and Ka Leia making love every day, it is inevitable that he will feel lonely. Women need children after all. Complete, especially when Gao Feng is not around for a long time, and there is no one to say a thoughtful word. After a long time, even reading, the greatest pleasure, is boring. After finally catching Gao Feng, of course she wants to fight for her own interests. A child that belongs to her.

"Haha, it's really interesting. Why do you need so many children? Fighting for family property?"

Kalea sneered at the side, and Cai Feng ignored him, just staring at Gao Feng, who was blushing. As for the two children, they had been led out by Luo Xing to avoid hearing things they shouldn't hear. Facing Cai Feng's strong request, Gao Feng There are no words to say no. The question is, if Gao Feng agrees to collect the news, where will he find an introduction that can give birth to a child? You must know that Gao Feng, who has been reorganized several times, is no longer the same person as before.

Gao Feng's hesitation made Cai Feng feel bitter. In Kalea's eyes, there was also no joy, but she was even more angry with Gao Feng, because Gao Feng showed no responsibility at this time. Cai Feng was Gao Feng's wife anyway, as the mother of his child. , how does she not know what women want to have children?

In the silence, two more charming people jumped in from the outside. One of them was blond and blue-eyed. It was Anastasia who had recovered her sight. Huo Meier followed her as usual. Seeing Gaofeng was like seeing She was astonished as a ghost, she thought Gao Feng had died long ago in the Battle of Southeast.

"Oh, you came back and you didn't even say a word to me. If I hadn't come over to talk to my sister, I wouldn't have seen you..."

Anastasia immediately expressed her surprise to Gao Feng. For a moment, Gao Feng's heart felt like ten thousand elephants were trampling on her. She simply didn't know what to say. The person in front of her who was still entangled with him about having a monkey suddenly jumped out of her mind. Anastasia took off her clothes, and Gao Feng didn't know how to resist. At this time, Kalea's anger finally couldn't be restrained, and she yelled:

"How many other women do you hide from me..."

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