Apocalyptic Dark Age

1897 The sudden change in the beast's nest

Kalea is a strong woman. Once she makes a decision, she will not regret it, let alone accept the kindness of others. At this time, she feels that she has never been stronger and thinks that she already has the capital to fight side by side with the peak.

Facing the extremely confident Kalea, Gao Feng shook his head helplessly, his eyes flashed slightly, and a mental storm hit Kalea head-on. This was not the gentle spiritual instillation before, but a real impact. Kalea, who had just broken through the Broken Star level, suddenly had her eyes straightened, and two streaks of bright red nosebleeds flowed out. It took more than ten seconds for her eyes to regain their clarity.

"You bastard..."

Kalea casually wiped the nosebleed on her face, glared at Gao Feng and cursed loudly, but Gao Feng said with a bitter smile:

"Every enemy we encounter may have a mental storm. Your mental power was instilled by me. Until you completely convert it and use it skillfully, you will only be killed instantly..."

Kalea was speechless for a moment, and then expressed unconvincing contempt:

"Who was I almost killed in the first place? If you hadn't caused trouble and got me involved, it's not certain who would lose and who would win..."

Kalea began to settle old scores, and the past at the peak of their acquaintance in front of Anastasia made him depressed. You must know that he has always maintained a majestic side in front of outsiders, and only Kalea dared to say anything wrong with him.

This is unreasonable, but as Gao Feng's woman, no matter how unreasonable she is, Gao Feng has to listen. As Kalea scolded him, Gao Feng sighed long and short, and said bleakly:

"Do you think that if you are strong, you will be safe? Have you heard of the old Chinese saying that an egg strikes a stone? We are the eggs, and the Moko Protoss is the stone..."

Kalea and Anastasia's pretty faces suddenly turned white. They had never heard of hitting an egg with a stone, but the difference between an egg and a stone was clear. Especially when Gao Feng spoke with a strong tone of death, this also spoke to Gao Feng's heart. Real thoughts, but if there is a little way, who is willing to go to the road of death?

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into a dull state. A sudden tremor caused the lights in the room to flicker. The tea cups on the table fell one after another, and countless water droplets burst out. Gao Feng stood up suddenly, and his perception instantly covered one third of the base, looking for the source of the earthquake. direction.

"It's a fire dragon"

Anastasia suddenly held her head and shouted loudly. Gao Feng was slightly startled, and then called up the surveillance screen of the animal pen where the alien beast was. As soon as he saw the screen clearly, Kalea couldn't help but exclaimed...

Hunting Tia, the Thousand-Eyed Spider, and the Alien Fire Dragon were all partners who had fought with Gao Feng, so when the catastrophe came, Gao Feng did not give up on them, and did not hesitate to expend precious transportation capacity to move them from the ground to the moon. Base, and occupy more precious space, create a shelter of thousands of square meters for them, and accumulate a large number of energy crystals and star sand, which is the most energy-rich place.

With abundant energy, the beasts can replenish themselves all the time, and pure energy is far more suitable for the growth of the beasts than food, so there is no need to hunt, and a few beasts can stay on the moon with peace of mind to transform. Once they break through, It no longer needs oxygen and can soar in space like the peak. , and they are also the last trump card of the Moon Exciting Land. If there is an enemy invasion, I believe these beasts can inflict maximum damage to the opponent.

But now, the Brutal Beast Field is a bloody mess, with countless severed limbs scattered on the ground and walls. The scarlet blood is like paint, dyeing the entire space. Whether it is energy crystals or star sand, they have all disappeared, except for the last one. On the ground in the center, a blood-colored cocoon is squirming. Every time it squirms, a strange magnetic field will be generated, causing the alien monitors that are many years more advanced than the earth to flicker.

Gao Feng knows how powerful alien technology is. A small monitor can capture any changes. Even small dust can be enlarged to the size of a mountain. If it is a living thing, it can even scan the blood flow and metabolism, even in the past life. The entire world's technology cannot achieve 1% of its effect, but at this time, the wriggling blood cocoon made the alien technology completely ineffective, completely swallowing up all detection technology like a black hole.

What he saw with his own eyes was far more direct than what he saw on the screen. Even though Gao Feng had experienced countless bloody fights and stood in a cave like a slaughterhouse, he still felt a faint palpitation, and the huge cocoon of blood in front of him radiated. The fluctuations will even bring him a heavy pressure. There is no doubt that the fire dragon that has devoured several other savage beasts has completed the accumulation of breaking through the broken stars.

Gao Feng didn't do anything. He just watched quietly as the blood cocoon continued to squirm and struggle. During the struggle, it continued to expand like air, and soon formed an oval shape more than six meters high and two meters wide. Gao Feng stood there. In front of Cocoon, he is like a child at the legs of a giant.

While silently waiting for the giant cocoon to burst, the sound of vomiting suddenly came from behind, making the hair on Gao Feng's body stand on end. He turned around suddenly, only to find that Anastasia was looking at the bloody wreckage on the ground with a pale face, covering her head. Holding her small mouth, she resisted the desire to spit it out.

Looking at Anastasia blankly, Gao Feng was reassured and felt incredible at the same time. You must know that his senses were fully activated at this time. Let alone Anastasia, not even a speck of dust could escape from his sensing range, but what happened in front of him The scene truly proved that his perception had been deceived.

It's not shielding, but deception. He can still sense one-third of the range of the moon base, but he has no way to detect the person coming behind him. If he were on the battlefield, he would probably die without knowing how. He can survive until now, Perception is the greatest helper, but if even perception is deceived, the biggest trump card will become the biggest flaw.

Anastasia's legs were trembling as she walked crookedly towards the peak, carefully avoiding the broken flesh and blood under her feet. Even so, there were still bloody footprints left behind. She felt like she was going crazy. Why did she have to run there? Although she had seen countless corpses here, she had only glanced at them from a distance at most, not like she was in the center of a slaughterhouse now.

Just as she was about to reach the peak, she suddenly stepped on the air and fell to the ground. In front of her was a ball of stinking organs. She couldn't help but let out a scream of terror. Just before her exquisite When her little face was about to be buried in the smelly internal organs, her small waist suddenly lightened up, making her feel dizzy due to time and space confusion. The next moment, she snuggled up to her broad and strong chest, with Gao Feng's slightly mocking eyes above her chest.

Anastasia and Gao Feng didn't have too many intimate behaviors. Even if they went to bed, Gao Feng took care of it. In addition to valuing Anastasia's ability, it was also one thing to appease the Ross people. But as close as they are now, it's not For the first time, it was about lust that made Anastasia feel shy and joyful. She couldn't help but lean her cheek against Gao Feng's chest, not even caring about the bloody environment around her.

"What are you doing here?"

Gao Feng wanted to let go, but Anastasia clung to him like a python, helplessly continuing to hug him and asking questions.

"Because I need a medium to predict the future. With the shock just now, I know that things happened here. Only when I see this blood cocoon can I know that it is your helper across the stars in the future. I want to help you, so... ”

Through Anastasia's description, Gao Feng gradually understood the origin of her precognitive ability. Prediction does not come out of thin air. There must be an intersection with Anastasia to trigger the precognitive effect, that is, there will be an effect after a cause. , weaving reality and the future together through invisible causal lines.

While he was thinking about the connection between cause and effect, the giant cocoon suddenly emitted the powerful pressure of the broken star level, forming an invisible whirlwind and repelling countless flesh and blood residues walking around the cocoon a hundred meters away. Even the blood that invaded the floor was removed. Everything was clean, only the peak holding Anastasia was not affected, and even the clothes and cuffs remained motionless, making Anastasia feel an unprecedented sense of security.

With a crisp sound like tearing cloth, a huge gap opened in the blood-colored cocoon, and a scaly claw like a dragon's claw suddenly came out of the gap. Under the light, it reflected a bright color like ruby, and then The entire cocoon split into two, revealing a terrifying giant beast.

This is a bright red beast that coils like a dragon. Its whole body is covered with palm-sized scales. There are eight giant claws on its slender body. Each giant claw can easily pinch a strong man in its claws. It is huge. The beast's head looks like a horse's face, with seven eyes. Three pairs of eyes are arranged normally, and they are majestic gold, cruel red, and deep black. Only the seventh eye is long and closed on the frontal bone. I don’t know what color the pupils are.

Not to mention the weird eyes, the alien beast also has nine long jade-like horns, one of which grows at the end of its nose, like a rhinoceros horn, long and straight, as if it wants to pierce the sky, and the remaining eight long horns grow on the top of its head. , slightly bent to the back of the head, protecting the back of the neck like a helmet. If he hadn't known the previous life of the alien beast, Gao Feng would have even suspected that the guy in front of him was the ultimate monster that escaped from the game.

At this time, the alien beast is a veritable fire dragon. Invisible flames slowly rise on the ruby-like scales, exuding terrifying heat. The three pairs of opened pupils are staring at the peak, full of the violence and wisdom of the beast. The cunning, large mouth split to the base of the ears is equipped with razor-sharp teeth. Drops of bright red and translucent saliva like magma are constantly dripping, corroding the hard floor into small burning pits.

Facing such a terrifying beast, Anastasia felt bad. She felt like a canoe in the center of a tornado. There was a terrible danger of being crushed at any time. The only thing that could bring her comfort was My own man, a man is like an iron pine standing tall against the sky, standing firm and motionless in the face of a terrible storm.


With a dull roar, the fire dragon's three pairs of eyes simultaneously changed into bloodthirsty madness, and a giant claw with scaly joints slammed down on Gao Feng like a hammer, causing Anastasia in Gao Feng's arms to let out a harsh scream. Screaming, just as she closed her eyes and waited for the moment of death, Gao Feng's eyes flashed with ridicule, and he gently raised his right hand, raising his index finger to meet the giant claws covered by dark clouds.

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