Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1891 Like a butterfly but not a butterfly

Zhuang Midie seemed unable to perfectly display his former appearance, and his body was just like smoke. The moment Gao Feng saw Zhuang Midie, he was shocked but also felt extremely joyful. He let go of the Insect King and stepped across In one step, he arrived in front of Zhuang Midie, stretched out his finger and pointed at the tree man's eyebrows.

The next moment, the huge mental power condensed in the center of Gaofeng's eyebrows was like a flood that broke a bank, flowing towards Shuren in an endless stream. While a large amount of mental power was flowing away, Zhuang Midie's image became clearer and clearer, no longer vague and uncertain. Instead, it perfectly displayed the past appearance like a virtual projection, which also made Hua Qi cover her lips and tremble in tears when she was surprised. She thought she would never see Zhuang Midie's appearance.

Gao Feng understood the reason the moment Zhuang Midie appeared. Zhuang Midie disappeared in the sky that day, leaving behind a pearl crystal. In fact, she was not dead because she was infected with the black magic virus. The biggest characteristic of this virus is its immortality. Although Zhuang Midie did not become a tree man, he retained a trace of spiritual power due to a combination of circumstances.

Later, Gao Feng buried the pearl crystal left by Zhuang Midie under the roots of the tree person transformed by her mother. Zhuang Midie's mother did not complete the transformation of the tree person and maintained a human body, but was unable to form her own spiritual power. Zhuang Midie The remaining mental power unintentionally took over her mother's body, and finally completed the transformation. However, she did not become a murderous monster like other tree people, but instead maintained her own sanity.

It is a pity that Zhuang Midie, who transformed into a tree man, cannot communicate with the outside world and is trapped. If someone with extremely strong mental power does not touch her body, she will always be lonely and lonely. Therefore, Zhuang Midie has been working hard to improve the mental power of Hua Ci, hoping that One day I can talk to Hua Ci. Hua Ci's talent is so low that he can't make a qualitative breakthrough. He can only form a mental magnetic field. Under the protection of Zhuang Midie, he will not lose his mental power easily. This is why Hua Ci can't make a qualitative breakthrough. The reason why you can stay intact by staying close to the peak.

If it were just like this, Zhuang Midie still couldn't show up, but after arriving here at the peak, there were always a lot of negative emotions attracted, and these negative emotions were also the nutrients needed by the tree people. Zhuang Midie was like a filter, Absorb all these negative emotions and transform them into your own spiritual power without causing sequelae like the peak. This is purification.

It would be fine if Zhuang Midie, who had obtained the initial purification ability, had enough negative mental power to absorb it. One day he would be able to complete the accumulation and reveal himself. Unfortunately, Gao Feng left early and went to space. Without Gao Feng, the source of negative mental power. Zhuang Midie was also unable to quickly absorb the spiritual power to complete the accumulation. He could only absorb a little spiritual power from the Insect King and Flower Thorn and slowly accumulate it.

Unexpectedly, the earth suddenly suffered a catastrophe, and countless lives died in a very short period of time, making the whole world filled with the spiritual power of death. Most of these spiritual powers were absorbed by the world consciousness, and a small part was absorbed by Zhuang Midie. Even if it was a small part, compared to Zhuang Midie It was also a terrifying amount that allowed her to improve geometrically in less than half a day. It also enhanced Zhuang Midie's purification ability, which can purify special gases in the air that are not native to the earth and convert them into oxygen.

The earth has experienced countless mass extinctions. When the old world consciousness dies, a new world consciousness will be born. The born world consciousness does not exist in isolation. There are always many alternatives. These alternative world consciousnesses are not born when they are born. If you are not strong, you will die easily. Only the truly grown world consciousness can truly integrate with the entire world and become Gaia consciousness. This in itself is the survival of the fittest.

The Chaos God King can absorb spiritual power, so he is an alternative world consciousness. Blue Cross Star can absorb spiritual power and is also an alternative world consciousness. Zhuang Midie is also an alternative world consciousness, but she has just been born. , not even as good as the Blue Cross Star that Gao Feng met for the first time. No wonder it gave Gao Feng a strong appetite, because the two of them have already formed a competitive relationship.

Although Gao Feng suppressed his instinctive desire to eat at the first moment, the instantaneous fluctuation was still sensed by the sensitive insect king, so he had the previous attack, because the insect king, like the flower thorn, was incorporated into Zhuang Midie's mental magnetic field and became a symbiotic relationship. , and Zhuang Midie is also her new target of protection.

The reason why Zhuang Midie didn't show up when Gao Feng appeared was that she felt the terrible threat of natural enemies from Gao Feng. She was far from being a match for Gao Feng. She didn't even have the ability to resist in front of Gao Feng, so Scared, but she couldn't watch the Insect King being killed by the peak. The Insect King that evolved next to her was, to a certain extent, her companion guard, so she appeared at the risk of being eaten. .

Gao Feng is happy with the appearance of Zhuang Midie, but he does not want to become the consciousness of the world and become a god after the earth restarts. Therefore, Gao Feng will never eat Zhuang Midie's spiritual power. Instead, he will continuously instill his own spiritual power into Zhuang Midie. Mi Die, this made Zhuang Mi Die feel inexplicably weird about Gaofeng while letting go of his fear.

This Zhuang Midie is not the other Zhuang Midie. She evolved based on the remaining spiritual power of the little girl. Many memories have been forgotten by her. Even the flower thorn was only accepted later, so from a certain perspective, she and Gao Feng was a stranger, and Gao Feng would be considered a good person if he didn't eat her. Instead, he gave her precious spiritual power, which she couldn't understand.

"Aren't you going to eat me?"

Zhuang Midie looked at Gao Feng curiously. Only she knew how much benefit she had gained from Gao Feng. Zhuang Midie's question made Gao Feng stunned and she didn't know how to answer. At this time, Hua Qi came up with complicated eyes. He looked at Zhuang Midie and said softly:

"Miss has lost her memory, even I don't remember much..."

Gao Feng suddenly understood. If he hadn't lost his memory, how could he not recognize himself? But after knowing the truth, he and Zhuang Midie seemed much different, especially Zhuang Midie's timid and frightened look, which made him speechless.

"Don't worry, miss. Not only will he not hurt you, he will also protect you. You used to like drinking tea with him the most..."

Hua Qi's gentle words dispelled Zhuang Midie's worries, especially after hearing about her past experiences with Gao Feng, her eyes moved intelligently, and she suddenly smiled at Gao Feng with a beautiful smile, like a blooming flower.

"But..., why do I always want to eat my big brother?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the color of the flower thorn suddenly changed, but Gao Feng remained calm, looking Zhuang Midie up and down and said:

"That's because you and I can't stay in the same place. If you weren't the Zhuang Midie I know, if you were any other person or creature, you wouldn't be able to escape my blow to the head..."

Gao Feng said it very plainly and seriously. In fact, it was the same. In order to help Zhuang Midie consolidate his figure, he consumed at least one-third of his mental power. If it were replaced by an unrelated creature, he might devour it. Instead, mental strength will increase by one-third.

"It seems that eldest brother is really like me. I really envy you that you can run around, but I can only stay here motionless. It's so boring..."

Zhuang Midie changed the topic and suddenly started to talk like a little sparrow. Hua Ci listened for a long time, but finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to prepare meals for Gao Feng. Even the insect king didn't With such patience, he lay down on the insect nest and fell asleep soundly. Only Gao Feng kept looking at Zhuang Midie with a smile, but his mind was on the huge hole in the sky, calculating the speed at which Zhuang Midie converted oxygen.

"Brother, are you listening?"

Zhuang Midie chatted for a long time, but Gao Feng didn't respond, which made her very discouraged. She had been trapped in the tree man and couldn't communicate with the outside world, which drove her almost crazy. Later, she was able to communicate with the flower thorn. There was a lot to say, but Hua Ci also had an indifferent temperament. Not only could she not communicate at all, she was almost like a chicken talking to a duck. When the peak appeared, she thought she had found a similar person who would not hurt her kind, so The words in my heart are like an endless stream of water, explaining the meaning of the talkative person vividly.

"Well, I've been listening. By the way, how can we speed up the conversion of air? Without oxygen, life cannot survive. I think you should know this..."

After returning to his senses, Gao Feng looked at Zhuang Midie expectantly. The Nuxue Valley was neither big nor small, covering hundreds of square kilometers. According to Zhuang Midie's transformation speed, it would take at least several months. Gao Feng did not want the earth to turn into a dead planet. , the only hope is to crack the secret of the unknown gas.

Zhuang Midie thought seriously about Gao Feng's problem. She changed the air just unintentionally. She didn't think about saving the earth or anything else. It was just that it was good for her, that's all. But Gao Feng's proposal was obviously in her heart. It was a kind of plea. Gao Feng had spent a lot of mental energy to help her before, and he had promised not to eat her. She naturally wanted to repay Gao Feng.

"I can increase my speed by up to 30%. If this is the case, I have to stay in the tree and have no chance to come out to play..."

Zhuang Midie told Gao Feng very tangledly that for a talkative person, staying all day long and turning into a tree person without being able to speak was simply the greatest torture, but she didn't want to disappoint Gao Feng. In short, she was very tangled, and Gao Feng also died, which increased by 100%. Thirty will not have much effect on the change of the entire environment. What he needs is an increase of 3000%, or even 30000%. Even so, it will take decades or even hundreds of years to reduce the The unknown gas is converted into oxygen.

"What do you need to increase the conversion speed to more than ten times, mental power?"

If the software is not good, the hardware must be improved. Zhuang Midie is limited by her own limitations. Gao Feng wants to help her break the constraints. Only in this way can it be possible to improve by leaps and bounds.

"It's not a matter of mental power. Although more mental power will make me stronger and more comfortable, I can't increase the speed of conversion. After all, I can't move..."

Zhuang Midie obviously didn't have much scheming, and her mental power was an irresistible delicacy to her, but she didn't want to deceive Gao Feng, so she told the truth. Gao Feng was a little frustrated when he heard it, and couldn't help but look at the parasite behind Zhuang Midie. people.

The tree man is the key to transformation, but the tree man is not Zhuang Midie, but her parasitic body. No matter how much Zhuang Midie's mental power is increased, the tree man's characteristics cannot be changed. However, it is not ordinary to improve the tree man. It is so small that the scientific research institute in the underground world has not produced any research results for decades, and can only be used reluctantly as a weapon.

Although Zhuang Midie lost her previous memories, she was still extremely smart. From Feng Feng's eyes, she saw that Feng Feng was interested in her parasite, and she immediately shook her head and said:

"I can't let it continue to grow unless I get more insect nests..."

"Insect Hive?"

Gao Feng's attention shifted to the insect nest. The insect nest was originally placed next to the tree man. This was done by Gao Feng himself. He didn't pay attention to it at first. Only then did he realize that in the insect nest, there were many spider-like roots. It is entangled with the insect nest.

"It's energy, so that's what it is..."

Soon Gao Feng discovered the secret of the insect nest. Gao Feng had obtained a lot of stone ball sand from Africa and integrated it into the insect nest, allowing the insect nest to gather a lot of energy. This energy was the food of the gem beetles and the insect king, allowing them to He continued to grow, but he didn't expect that the tree people were also interested in energy, and absorbed energy through the roots entangled in the insect nest.

After understanding the conditions required for the growth of the tree man, Gao Feng's heart moved. He walked up to the tree man and pressed his palm on the tree man's trunk. As soon as he touched it, he felt a warm and jade-like touch, which made Gao Feng feel that he was not just touching a tree man. A tree man with dry and rough skin, but a smooth piece of beautiful jade.

"Giggle..., it's so itchy..."

Zhuang Midie chuckled, making people's bones go numb, and the sweet voice had a slightly nasal charm. Gao Feng suddenly thought that the person in front of him was not a rigid tree man, but a charming and naughty beauty. Then Powerful yet gentle energy continuously seeped into the tree man from his palm.

This is pure energy with no lethality, and its effect is equivalent to that of semi-solidified crystals. If Gao Feng himself had not reached the Broken Star level, he would never be able to release such pure energy. Even so, he would not be able to instill it into others without limit. , because this energy is extremely precious, even if it only accounts for one-tenth of the total energy, it may take a lot of time to recover. If the tree man did not want to speed up the conversion of oxygen, Gaofeng would never be able to squander it like this.

"It's so comfortable, so comfortable, even more comfortable than my mental strength. Thank you, big brother..."

Zhuang Midie kept making blushing moans with a nasal sound. The extremely sweet voice carried an indescribable temptation, which almost distracted Gao Feng. Fortunately, he always remembered the appearance of Zhuang Midie's half-ripe girl, so he didn't. Let your imagination run wild, otherwise it will be too weird.

No matter what kind of groan Zhuang Midie made, Gao Feng always focused on instilling energy, and his senses were also used to detect the tree man in detail, that is, him. Other Bengyun Jialuo would not be able to detect the tree man with spiritual power, but with the deepening of perception, , Gao Feng also blushed a little, because he found that the tree body was not much different from an ordinary woman's body. It had all the places that should be there, and even the inside of the tree body had a vague shape of internal organs.

Even pure energy cannot be perfectly integrated with Zhuang Midie in a short period of time. All the infused energy automatically flows to the tree man's roots, and is then absorbed by the complex and hemp-like rhizomes, and is converted into the tree man's own energy. It transports nutrients to all parts of the body and accelerates the tree's transformation.

The first thing to change was the tree man's head. The hair was originally slender branches like weeping willows, but now it changed from rough branches to crystal shiny hair, which became much thinner and more textured. Although it is still ten times thicker than normal hair, it is still within the range of human aesthetics.

What changed next was Shuren's skin. It was already as warm and moist as jade. At this time, it had transformed into normal human skin. Although it was bluish in color, it was more delicate and smooth. At least the place touched by Gao Feng's palm was almost as delicate as a girl's. There is no difference in the skin.

Hua Ci walked out of the wooden house at some point. Looking at the tree man that was slowly transforming, tears kept falling like rolling beads. In her eyes, this was no longer a tree man, but the eldest lady she had sworn to protect. , Zhuang Midie’s mother.

This time Gao Feng spent a lot of money and instilled 40% of his own energy into the tree people. You must know that this 40% is equivalent to dozens of crystal sands, equal to the entire energy of dozens of broken stars. Fortunately, the tree man's physique is not that of a normal human being and will not cause saturation. Otherwise, any Bengyun Jialuo would be exploded by this unimaginably huge energy.

Even so, the tree man could not completely absorb it and stored a large part of the energy in his body. In front of Gao Feng was no longer the tree man, but a sleeping stunning beauty. He could vaguely see the resemblance of Zhuang Mi Die, but compared with Zhuang Midie is more mature and perfect, and has an otherworldly temperament, just like the goddess of life.

When Gao Feng let go of his palm with a pale face and looked at Zhuang Midie who was watching with complicated eyes, he saw her cheering and flying into Sleeping Beauty's body, completely integrated. The next moment, Sleeping Beauty's cyan hair Hundreds of tiny bumps suddenly appeared, and then these bumps bloomed into stamens as big as mung beans, exuding an elegant and deep fragrance. This fragrance is like the fragrance of flowers and the body fragrance of a girl, making people intoxicated by the world's top products. In the fragrance.

When Gao Feng smelled the fragrance, he was immediately intoxicated. He just wanted to inhale more fragrance into his nose and let his whole body be intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers. At this moment, the thumping sound of human body falling to the ground broke Gao Feng's intoxication. Only then did he see Hua Qi lying on the ground, her heavy and long breathing indicating that she had fallen into the deepest sleep. Even he felt tired and wanted to close his eyes and rest.

Not only the flower thorns, but also the insect king and the jewel beetle were asleep one after another. It was only at the peak that he could barely resist the hypnotic effect of the flower fragrance. Fortunately, he knew that Zhuang Midie would not harm the flower thorns and the insect king, so he did not resist or fight back. , carefully observe the changes in Zhuang Midie.

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