Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1892 Gift

Hair blooming has been an anecdote for thousands of years, but in this era, any strange things will not surprise Gao Feng. He has seen too many incredible events. As time goes by, the fragrance of flowers becomes more and more intense, and it is no longer limited to the sea of ​​flowers. Instead, it spread to the entire forest. Only then did Gao Feng realize that the fragrance of flowers was not just hypnotic.

The biochemical gas released by the Moko Protoss previously replaced oxygen, leading to mass extinction of living things. Even plants were greatly affected. Even with the protection of Zhuang Mi Butterfly, many trees withered. Even if the oxygen was restored, they still could not be saved from death. Destiny, but the floral fragrance of Zhuang Midie is like a panacea, saving the vitality of countless trees.

Countless tiny buds popped up inadvertently, just like being caught by the spring breeze. Although the trees themselves still looked bleak, countless buds were blooming with indescribable vitality. As the fragrance of the flowers became more and more beautiful, Rich, these buds that should have grown slowly also accelerated the pace of growth, causing the curled pages to unfold and begin to flutter on the branches.

In addition to the trees, the plants on the ground have also regained their vitality. The originally dead gray color has become countless green. Although it is not obvious, it is no longer covered up. When more plants regain their vitality, Gaofeng seems to be able to feel that more Oxygen was released from the leaves. Although this was just his feeling, he believed that it was real.

Immersed in the wonderful fragrance of flowers, Gao Feng wondered if he had also become fragrant? So I started to wonder, is it too perverted for a grown man to wear a girl's body fragrance? While I was thinking wildly, the stamens blooming in my hair suddenly withered from blooming in less than an hour.

Countless withered stamens are like flying snowflakes, detached from the hair and floating in the breeze. They disappear without a trace before they hit the ground and are dusted. With the strongest wave of floral fragrance, the entire forest seems to be... Reveling in the nectar of life, countless young leaves stretch out, countless grass sprouts, and countless flowers bloom. If there were no butterflies flying, this place would be a paradise.

Various changes, peaks from beginning to end, and when all the stamens withered, he looked at the funnel in the sky that never expanded. It seemed that the speed of the Zhuang Mi butterfly's conversion of oxygen had not increased. Is this like that?

Just when Gao Feng was confused, the fragrance of the flowers had completely dissipated, and the Insect King and the Flower Thorn also woke up. They were sitting on the green grass as soft as a carpet, and they were having a dream. Zhuang Midie's figure had resurfaced like a sleeping beauty. The fictional body of the tree man is much more solid than before, almost no different from the real person. The two big eyes are vivid and expressive, and the small face as big as a palm is full of smiles. If the image that appears is not a bit ghostly, this appearance will definitely make people laugh. Countless lolicons are going crazy.

"There are so many seeds. I didn't expect big brother to be so powerful. I don't have to worry about falling asleep anymore..."

Gao Feng didn't quite understand Zhuang Midie's words, but his attention had shifted to the seeds Zhuang Midie was talking about. These are some soybean-sized polygonal crystals that look like inferior rubies. If you look closely, you will find the seeds on the seeds. The impurities are all complicated lines, and each seed has at least hundreds of fine lines. Just looking at it will make you dizzy.

"It's these seeds, as long as spiritual power and energy are injected into them, they will soon sprout and grow. They will automatically convert oxygen and form a domain. They may not be as good as me at first, but as long as they grow big enough, they can become very powerful. The conversion speed may be a hundred times faster..."

As Zhuang Midie explained, Gao Feng felt a little joy in his heart. If what Zhuang Mi Die said was true, it would really solve a big trouble. After collecting all the seeds, Gao Feng was about to leave. When he turned around, he saw flower thorns. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, and he couldn't help but ask:

"Do you want to come with me? I believe that no creature in this world can threaten the butterfly..."

Zhuang Midie is no longer the Zhuang Midie that she once was, and Hua Qi does not need to keep her promise to continue to protect Zhuang Mi Die. Gao Feng hopes to invite Hua Qi to follow him. After all, the earth's environment has changed drastically, and even if there are tree people to convert oxygen, it will not be enough. It may return to the past, at least the flower thorn will no longer be able to collect abundant food in the forest.

This is not the first time that Gao Feng invites Hua Thorn, but this invitation is different from before. I believe Gao Feng will not return to the surface for a long time, maybe a year, maybe forever. Before that, Gao Feng must have an end.

Hua Qi, who had awakened her spiritual power, obviously heard the hidden meaning in Gao Feng's words. This invitation was not the same as before, and it might be the final farewell, so she was entangled in her heart. Gao Feng was letting her meet a familiar man. Make a choice between a girl you are not familiar with. Once you make a choice, you can never go back.

"A lady is always a lady, whether it was then or now."

Hua Qi did not answer directly, but the meaning of her words was very clear. Gao Feng looked at Hua Qi's eyes seriously, but Hua Qi did not have the courage to look at Gao Feng. He turned his head to one side, but from her Her determination could be seen in her clenched fists, and Gao Feng let out a long sigh in his heart, knowing that this fate could only end here.

I wanted to leave just like that, without having to pretend to be reluctant to leave, but Zhuang Midie, who had been silent all this time, said:

"You won't come back again? Are you worried that you will eat me if you can't help it? In fact, you don't need to worry, it doesn't matter even if you eat me, this is my fate..."

Zhuang Midie felt lonely because of the departure of her kind. After getting over the initial fear, she also recognized herself. Gao Feng casually improved her many times, which indirectly proved Gao Feng's terrifying power. The natural enemy she couldn't resist, since she couldn't resist, becoming the nourishment of the peak was also an honor, at least for her.

"What are you thinking about? I won't eat you..."

Gao Feng was speechless in explaining. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Midie shook his head seriously and said:

"This is the fate of you and me. Even if you don't have this idea now, one day when I feel stronger, I will find a way to eat you. By then, I will no longer be me and will become very crazy. I don't want to If it becomes like that, I might as well be eaten by you now..."

Just after Zhuang Midie finished speaking, Gao Feng's face changed. He seemed to have guessed something and was having trouble making a decision. Finally, he stepped forward and, under Hua Qi's horrified gaze, touched his forehead to Shuren's eyebrows. At this time, two powerful spiritual forces suddenly erupted, one was Gao Feng and the other was Zhuang Midie.

Hua Ci didn't know what was going on. He suddenly had this change. He wanted to stop it but didn't know how to do it. The insect king was also frightened. He was ready to attack at any time, obviously feeling in danger.

The two spiritual powers collided and entangled with each other. Soon Zhuang Midie's spiritual power was suppressed and put him at a disadvantage. The solid mental power was easily crushed and a lot of scattered spiritual power was lost. Even though Gao Feng's spiritual power was instilled into Zhuang A large part of Mi Die is still extremely powerful, like a predatory beast, tearing at Zhuang Mi Die's broken mental power.

Just when Zhuang Midie was unable to support him and was only one step away from completely dissipating, Hua Qi's pupils expanded to the limit in an instant, because she saw Gao Feng's body suddenly shattered and disappeared like weathering. Only one set of clothes fell to the ground. Finally, a mist-like colorful mist appeared at the peak, wrapping the tree man in it, emitting a splendor like a ray of light, but it was impossible to see clearly what was happening.

All this was beyond Hua Ci's understanding. She felt that she was either dazzled or crazy. Zhuang Midie was reborn with the help of her mother's body, which was beyond common sense. Now the peak turned into a colorful mist. Is this still a human being? ?

Just when Hua Ci thought he was going crazy, new changes appeared in the place shrouded in colorful light mist. A star-like light spot peeled off from the light mist, and then slowly but firmly merged into the sleeping beauty-like tree. For a moment, Sleeping Beauty woke up and opened her beautiful eyes. There were no pupils in her eyes, only a starry sky, which was composed of pure black and white. It was ethereal and mysterious, but also made people feel cute and close.

The light mist disappeared at some point, leaving only the tree man with his eyes open, or the stunning beauty out of the tree human form. The stunning beauty is Zhuang Midie. Her eyes are as mysterious as the stars, and no one can detect emotions in them. The clues, the strong yet gentle breath, are constantly dissipating, making the Insect King and Flower Thorn feel as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring. The countless flowers around them, which were originally dazzling because of the floral fragrance, are now even more gorgeous and dazzling, as if they were made of gems. Gorgeous as a sculpture.

Zhuang Midie opened her eyes and saw not only the heaven and earth, but also the tiny light spots swimming between the sky and the earth. These firefly-like light spots were continuously converging in the holes above her head, scrambling for the first place. Integrating into her body, increasing her mental strength and strength bit by bit.

Then she saw the Insect King and the Insect King, but ignored them, looking left and right for traces of the peak. An emotion called anxiety escaped from her unconsciously, affecting the emotions of the Insect King and the Insect King, such as The world was as sad as the earth, and became anxious together.

"Why is this happening? Why did he do this? It's obviously me who deserves to be eaten. Why...?"

As time went by, the long-lost anxiety turned into sorrow. Zhuang Midie used the whisper of her soul to describe her sorrow. The strong emotional fluctuations made Hua Ci shed tears. Some of them disappeared when the peak disappeared, and even more. Most of them are passive influences. Zhuang Midie's unintentional whispers already have powerful spiritual induction. All creatures that are close to her can be affected by her.

"No, I don't want you to die..."

At this time, Zhuang Midie has completely integrated with the Shuren. Gao Feng used the identity of Zhuang Midie's newborn consciousness to peel off the origin of consciousness from himself, which meant that the fate that both parties could not avoid had an end. Zhuang Midie, who had swallowed the origin of consciousness, finally laid the foundation for The price for growing into the foundation of world consciousness is that Gao Feng actively sacrifices the origin of his own consciousness.

Hearing Zhuang Midie's cry from a distance, a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of Gaofeng's mouth standing outside the forest. He and Zhuang Midie were both candidates for world consciousness. They had irreconcilable conflicts, but the premise was that Gaofeng He wants to become the origin of the world and integrate with the new world after the old world's origin dies, but Gao Feng is not interested in this. The origin of consciousness that the Chaos God King longs for and cannot reach is even more of a burden to Gao Feng. If this thing hadn't been so deeply bound to him, he wouldn't have been unable to see his wife, children, and family.

Zhuang Midie happens to be the nemesis of the origin of consciousness. Absorbing the origin of consciousness is equivalent to completely liberating Gao Feng. Fortunately, Gao Feng can analyze himself and expose the origin of consciousness. If it were replaced by someone else, unless he died, the origin of consciousness would not be able to leave himself. Even so, Gao Feng had to weaken Zhuang Midie's spiritual power to avoid harming his origin. This in itself was an extremely dangerous behavior. If there was a slight deviation, Gao Feng might actually be completely annihilated.

It's just that this peeling off is not complete. There are still some traces left in the spiritual sea, leaving him helpless. But it is only a residue and can no longer actively affect his emotions. Maybe one day, it will dissipate on its own?

Gao Feng left the Raging Snow Valley and turned around to head towards the new city. On the way, he passed by the city built by the Jade Clan. The place was also littered with corpses and exuded a rotting stench. The entire city was filled with the stench, and a huge negative The spiritual power is entangled in the city, like countless evil ghosts crying and fighting,

If the source of consciousness had not been stripped away by Zhuang Midie, even if Gao Feng was not afraid, he would still have a headache. Normally he would not get close, but now there would be no problem. Any negative mental power could no longer be absorbed by him, and he would naturally become pure and at ease.

The city of the Jade Clan was abandoned during the Moko Protoss attack. The core members of the Jade Clan have immigrated to the space city. Most of the people who died here were deserted people who gathered spontaneously. Gao Feng checked briefly and found no signs of life. I wanted to leave, but suddenly I thought of the seeds I was carrying.

A ruby-like seed was planted by Gao Feng in the place where the negative spiritual power of the city is most concentrated. This seed needs to be stimulated by spiritual power and energy. For this reason, Gao Feng instilled one percent of his own energy and spiritual power. After planting it, Suddenly, a little wave of life emanates from the seed,

This weak spiritual power is like a weak candle, which seems to be blown out by the strong wind at any time, but it can always survive and grow tenaciously. One minute passes, the seed cracks, and a little bud tip is exposed. Ten minutes pass, The first buds stretched out, and an hour later, a small grass-like plant swayed in the wind, dotting this place of decay and stench with green life.

Gaofeng has been guarding the growing seedlings, enduring the stench of decay. In his heart, it seems as if everything except the seedlings has ceased to exist. There are only faint wisps of oxygen filling the surroundings of the seedlings. Zhuang Midie is not wrong in his calculation. The seeds can indeed be transformed. Oxygen, allowing the air to slowly recover.

Three days and three nights passed by in a flash, and it was not until the seedlings grew into a small tree half as tall as a man that the rapid growth stopped. If you want to continue to accelerate, you must inject new mental power and energy, but Gao Feng is not prepared to do this. There are still several more days. Hundreds of seeds are waiting for him to activate them. Even so, the small tree, known as the tree of life, has been able to form an air funnel, convert more oxygen, and at the same time absorb a lot of negative mental energy and become nutrients for growth.

After getting the rough data, Gao Feng couldn't stay any longer, so he quickly came to the new city and planted a seed on the underground base where Xuelian was. He believed that in a week, the core area of ​​​​the new city would be able to accommodate life again.

In the following months, Gao Feng was like a hard-working bee, planting seeds everywhere. In the process of planting, he also found many surviving humans and lives. Relatively speaking, these lives were all very lucky, at least until he After planting the tree of life, if a period of time passes and the oxygen is consumed, even the most powerful life will be suffocated and die.

There are only a few hundred seeds, but there are too many places to plant them. The peak is on the land of China, at least two-thirds have been planted, and the rest can only be planted randomly, looking for places with more energy. In the process, Gao Feng retrieved Yue Lasha, and after some persuasion, he finally sent Yue Lasha back to the moon base.

When Gao Feng planted the last seed and the boulder in his heart finally fell, he tried his best. As for the rest, he couldn't interfere anymore. After all, there is still a Moko Protoss threatening the moon base at any time. As for the earth, Gao Feng can only say sorry to the human beings who may be left alive in other places.

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