Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1890 The Lost Butterfly

Gao Feng settled his grudge with Xuelian and hit the road again, heading for the Free City that had been abandoned by Yan Twenty-Jiu. At its peak, there were hundreds of thousands of people living in the Free City. Even after the evacuation, there were still tens of thousands of people. Most of them are scattered Garos and their families who have migrated from the interior of China. However, they do not have permits to enter the wilderness, or they are unwilling to enter the wilderness to be incorporated. They rely on the foundation of the Free City to start a new life.

If they were given more time, twenty years later, the Free City would regain its prosperity before being destroyed by the continuous changes in climate. Unfortunately, the biochemical attack from the stars brought the disaster ahead of schedule, and also brought the newly rejuvenated city to an end. The city of freedom becomes the city of death.

No signs of life were found in the Free City during this peak. Tens of thousands of people died on the streets, in the fields, or at home. Except for plants that were still lingering, most of the life forms were completely dead, and perhaps bacteria and microorganisms were still alive.

If it weren't for the vegetation and the temperature not being so high, Gao Feng would even think that this was not the earth, but the desolate Venus. Then Gao Feng turned around and flew towards Kaoru City, which was once the core of the Western Wilderness and the culmination of his career. The place to start.

There are no corpses lying around in Kaituo City. Even if they are occasionally found, they are the corpses of some animals and insects. And there are no supplies and equipment left in Kaituo City. Almost everything that can be dismantled has been taken away, and even scrapped All that's left of the vehicle is its crude shell, and even the spare parts inside are gone.

Gao Feng immediately understood that it was Fan Meiren who should have brought the remaining people in the city back to the underground world. Fan Meiren was not a direct descendant of Gao Feng, so naturally she had no intention of living in outer space. For him, leaving the surface meant starting over, as a wilderness. If the system is neither up to the middle level nor down, it is better to return to the dungeon.

Gao Feng did not visit more places. Just three cities were enough for him to understand the changes in the earth. The earth was completely finished. Recovery would not be achieved in millions of years, at least tens of millions of years, or even billions of years. Gao Feng didn't understand why the Moko Protoss wanted to completely destroy the earth's ecosystem. He only knew that there was no anger in his heart at this time, only boundless hatred.

I have never hated an enemy as much as I do now. Even the Chaos God King hates him less than one ten thousandth. A cold aura lingers around Gao Feng. It is not as overt and obvious as anger, but an extremely suppressed coldness.

When the boundless hatred was ignited, the panic in Gao Feng's heart never disappeared. When he decided to immigrate to space, there were countless people who opposed him. If it weren't for his unparalleled prestige and strength, if it weren't for the invasion of the Chaos God King, The crisis and despair brought by China, and the lunar base as a good start, even Gao Feng's die-hard confidants may not believe that the lunar migration plan can really succeed.

From the beginning, Gao Feng never thought that the lunar project would reach the scale it is today. Not including the nearly 50,000 people in the space city and the lunar south pole development point, and the nearly 80,000 people in the space fleet, one lunar base alone can accommodate 100,000 people. In terms of living and living conditions, if the initial estimates of the peak were followed, the maximum number of people that could be relocated under the moon project would be less than 30,000.

Of course, this does not mean that the summit will abandon the vast majority of people. They will stay on the ground and wait for the expansion of the lunar base. It will expand step by step and send more people into space. If possible, the number of people who stay on the ground will peak at one Don't want to let it go.

But now, everything is irreversible. Three ghost cities and hundreds of thousands of corpses are only what he can see. There are millions more that he can't see. Tens of millions of corpses are lying on the ground waiting to rot. Now except for a few For the lucky ones who escaped, humanity may only have a population of less than 300,000 in the starry sky. Gao Feng can't even imagine that if there is an accident in the starry sky, will humanity be completely extinct?

Anger cannot make people calm, but hatred can make people burn. Full of hatred, Gao Feng returned to the Raging Snow Valley. He wanted to take Huathorn away. No matter how reluctant she was, Gao Feng didn't want her to stay on the surface. Do you know if the oxygen can still be restored?

As soon as he stepped into the Raging Snow Valley, Gao Feng realized that something was wrong. The invisible gravity was centered on the forest, slowly absorbing the surrounding airflow, making his hair float with it. Whether it was leaves or weeds, he surrendered. He lowered his head towards the forest, as if there was a peerless emperor there.

What surprised Gao Feng was not just these. In addition to the airflow flowing into the forest, Gao Feng also found that the closer to the forest, the less unknown gases contained in the air, and the unknown gases that replaced oxygen were the culprits that killed countless lives. The culprit, in addition to causing the hypoxic effect, also causes life to undergo a petrochemical reaction, just like a severe poison.

If these gases are given enough time to cover the earth, perhaps thousands of years later, plants that can survive even if they do not need oxygen will become fossils. This is the reason for Gao Feng's extreme hatred. If it just destroys life on earth, that's it. It’s great to treat it as a mass extinction of life and wait for the earth to restart again. As long as the fields are good, new crops can always grow. But if even the fields turn into deserts, life will no longer be able to appear on the earth. This is a big threat to the annihilation of future generations. hatred.

When Gao Feng walked into the forest, the air changed for a short time, and the missing oxygen reappeared, which refreshed his spirit. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the pores in his body were opened, and the depression in his heart disappeared. After a while, Gao Feng came to the sea of ​​​​flowers and saw at a glance the huge funnel spiral airflow in the sky connecting with the tree people in the sea of ​​​​flowers.

Gao Feng had long suspected the tree people, but he was worried about Hua Xi's feelings and did not investigate in detail. Although the scene in front of him was surprising, it did not make him panic. Instead, he looked at the huge funnel in the sky with suspicious eyes. Connected tree people.

At a glance, the tree people are like huge black holes, sucking air into the body continuously, but in fact, the air containing unknown gases is reduced to oxygen by the tree people, which allows the forest to return to normal. However, at this rate of change, it will take at least thousands of years for the earth to return to normal.

Just when Gao Feng was marveling at the transformation of the tree man, the pineal gland between his eyebrows suddenly trembled. Along with the trembling of the pineal gland, his heart also developed a strong appetite, a desire to devour the tree man. This desire The moment he appeared, he was suppressed by the peak. His will was like steel and he would not follow instinct.

Gao Feng suppressed the desire in his heart and was curious about the reason for this desire. At this moment, a sharp and piercing whistling broke Gao Feng's contemplation. A silver flame was like lightning and struck Gao Feng face to face. It has not been resolved yet, and there is a strong sense of crisis. He first sounded a warning in Gao Feng's heart, and then the space in front of him seemed to be cut open by an invisible sharp blade, trying to cut him off as well.

In the blink of an eye, Gaofeng dodged the silver flames coming towards him. The next second, the overlapping forest trees behind him were neatly broken, like straw swept by a sharp blade, and the cloud-like crowns also followed the broken trunks. It began to tilt and collapse, but this did not stop the silver flames from continuing to attack the peak.

Gao Feng already knew that Silver Flame was the half-human Insect King. He just didn't expect that this transformed Insect King would be so powerful, with almost the combat power of the Broken Star level. Unfortunately, even if the Insect King's combat power was at least twice as high as before, It's still not the real Broken Star.

Just by raising his hand and waving, the invisible huge force generated strong air pressure, and the lightning-like figure of the Insect King also stagnated, like a fish swimming in glue. The next moment, Gao Feng raised his palm and waved fiercely. Next, there was a roar like a sonic boom, which spanned a short distance and hit the Insect King who was accelerating like a teleport. There was only a shrill scream, and the silver flames surrounding the Insect King were scattered by the slap. The exquisite loli hit the ground like a fired cannonball, stirring up dust in the sky and leaving a human-shaped hole.

If you don't take action, it will be an irresistible blow. The Insect King obviously did not expect such an outcome. The moment he was knocked underground by the peak, countless silt exploded like a fountain. The Insect King rushed out again, but he couldn't wait. It showed its power, and Gao Feng's right hand just happened to stay at her neck, like a fateful encounter, and he grabbed her with a gentle squeeze.

The image of the Insect King, who could only barely see the human form in the past, has changed drastically. From top to bottom, there are no longer any non-human features. The pink and delicate smile, the long black and smooth hair, the coal-black eyes, and the slender The soft waist has everything a woman should have, including the slightly swollen white and cherry chest. At first glance, she is almost no different from a human girl, except for the pair of unruly and ferocious eyes that are definitely not what a human should have. of.

"Let her go. In fact, she didn't kill her, she just wanted to scare you..."

Hua Ci walked out of the wooden house, and when she saw Gao Feng, she felt a flash of joy for a moment, and then faded into her usual calm state. Instead, she began to worry about the Loli Insect King, who was being grabbed by Gao Feng's neck.

Gao Feng first saw Hua Qi's worried eyes, and then saw the half-finished children's clothing in her hand. A slight flash of displeasure flashed in his heart. It seemed that Hua Qi was more worried about the Insect King than he was, which made him a little jealous. What made him the most What was irritating was that the Insect King had no intention of surrendering, and the violent murderous intent in his eyes never weakened at all.

"Brother, she is very important to me, can you let her go?"

A crisp, soft, yet vague and sweet voice reached Gao Feng's ears, and he was suddenly startled. When he looked up, he saw a transparent figure emerging from the tree man, and the shadow of a girl could be vaguely seen, while the familiar voice , allowing him to instantly know the identity of the other party, Zhuang Midie.

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