Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1889 Rebirth in Death

As soon as Gao Feng stepped out of the multi-dimensional space, he saw Hua Xi dazed by the candlelight on the window sill. The invisible barrier separated the sea of ​​flowers in the wooden house from the outside world. While he was surprised, he also dispelled the sadness in his heart and turned it into a flower. A warm feeling of joy made him appreciate what he had gained and lost again.

Looking at the beautiful face beside the flickering candlelight, Gao Feng was momentarily obsessed and wanted to speak. I was afraid that everything in front of me was just an illusion, so I just looked at the flower thorns like this, immersed in the touching atmosphere. But not long after, countless space nodes dimmed like extinguished light bulbs, completely Disappeared, breaking the silence at the peak.

This incident reminded Gao Feng that everything was not over yet. Since Hua Qi was well, he did not want to break the other party's peace. He took a deep look at Hua Qi, turned around and walked out of the barrier that separated the inside and outside, heading towards the wilderness. , the next second after Gao Feng left, Hua Qi raised his head as if aware of it, but found no movement, lowered his head again, and reestablished a spiritual connection with Zhuang Mi Die.

If one had stayed longer at the peak, one would have discovered that Hua Ci's spiritual power had grown to an incredible level, and he was only one step away from the Broken Star level. Hua Ci's powerful spiritual power was faintly connected to the tree man beside the wooden house. Her mental power increased slightly every minute, and the cocoon on the insect nest also increased.

Gao Feng doesn't know whether this departure is a permanent separation. He walked in the dark world, and the whole world was immersed in the coldness of death. Along the way, corpses of various insects and beasts were walking everywhere. When he entered the northern wilderness, there were more and more corpses, including human ones. Animals, insects, plants.

There is no oxygen in the air anymore, and there is still some kind of evil and cold substance, which exudes a faint threat. Even Gao Feng has to be careful. When he comes to the new city, his heart is completely cold. Countless corpses are scattered on the streets, densely packed. Like a pile of crops.

Whether it is on the street, in the room, or in the shelter, there is no sign of life. Standing above the new city where countless people once lived, the peak has not absorbed the slightest bit of spiritual power, just like on the lifeless Venus. There is general peace, but this peace is filled with endless death.

A strong sense of death spreads across the heaven and earth, and a faint sadness comes from nowhere, lingering around Gaofeng, seeming to describe the endless grievances and pains. This is the fluctuation of the world's consciousness, and the new city is a replica of the entire world. In less than a day, 99% of all living things have become extinct. Even if there are still survivors, they can only hide and struggle deep underground. If they cannot evolve, they will be eliminated by the new environment.

All things are extinct, and the world no longer rejects Gao Feng. The world consciousness that is naturally hostile to Gao Feng has no intention of expelling Gao Feng. Countless information thoughts are infused with world consciousness, allowing him to understand all the truth. The world consciousness of each generation has It is incomplete, because the mass extinction of organisms is originally a part of the world cycle. As the old world consciousness dies, the new world consciousness will grow on the origin of the old consciousness, absorb nutrients and climb to a higher level, becoming stronger and stronger from generation to generation. Let the life that relies on the survival of the world continue to evolve and transform.

Every cycle is the rebirth of the world consciousness from cocoon to butterfly. It finally breaks the cycle and becomes the top life world, evolving higher life forms. Both parties are interdependent, protect each other, become stronger together, and are no longer threatened by the outside world.

Gao Feng also learned that human beings are not native to this world. Michael was right. Human beings are developing too fast, almost in leaps and bounds. This is precisely because human spirituality is far more powerful than ordinary life. After thousands of years of reproduction, human beings have left their mark on the earth and are not much different from native species. After all, the environment is different and the characteristics of the groups are also different. Compared with the slow evolution of native species, human beings have more potential. This is why Jialuo and various species The reason for the birth of the clan's strong men is that they have no potential, and it is impossible for peak strong men such as Jia Luo to appear, and it is even impossible for the peak to be promoted to Broken Star.

It is a pity that hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was targeted by advanced civilizations, which repeatedly harvested the origins left after the death of the world consciousness. However, there was no way to obtain the new world consciousness. Instead, it became weaker and weaker with each generation. It was not until the emergence of human beings that World consciousness has a certain degree of subjectivity and knows how to seek good fortune and avoid disaster. Unfortunately, all this is a conspiracy of higher civilization. Human beings cannot grow freely. As soon as they reveal their unlimited potential, the means arranged by higher civilization trigger the destruction process. Man-made causes a new round of mass extinction.

World consciousness is a very wonderful thing. It is the embodiment of the world, but it does not represent the planet itself. It is just like the operating program. Without it, the computer cannot operate normally, but without the computer, the operating program is just useless waste. However, Compared with the relationship between computers and programs, the planet is not so restricted. If the program disappears, as long as the computer itself is not damaged, new programs can always be derived after a period of time. This is the cycle of life.

Plants are also part of living things. In the new city full of corpses, there are still countless lives persisting, and most of them are plants. Perhaps this is the original intention of the Moko Protoss, which uses biochemical weapons to convert oxygen. Its main target is Organisms that require oxygen to survive.

Walking in the sky of the new city, a little light is like stars spreading out at the foot of the peak. Although most of the humans living in the Free City have died, the city has not stopped functioning. Through the lights, the miserable scene on the ground is like the transformation of hell. , impacting the heart of the peak.

At this time, Gao Feng was filled with boundless hatred for the Moko Protoss. This was no other place, this was the wilderness. The more than 100,000 people who lost their lives were not unrelated people, but Gao Feng's former subordinates. They accepted Gao Feng's protection. , working for Gao Feng's will, if there were no extra positions in deep space, Gao Feng would not give up on them at all. Even so, Gao Feng would not want to watch them die here.

This mentality is not contradictory. Even though he knows that the end of staying on the earth may not be good, Gao Feng still longs for miracles in his heart. At least he does not want to completely abandon the earth. According to Michael, the earth is their root. If Without the earth, human beings would lose the opportunity to awaken their souls and become mediocre.

Due to the lack of oxygen, many flames that were supposed to burn never rose. Only dots of lights embellished the brilliance of civilization in this dead city, just like the last afterglow between heaven and earth at sunset, peak pressure The anger in Xia's heart turned into a sigh of self-blame. After all, he was also the sinner who indirectly caused the catastrophe. Just because Noah's Ark in deep space did not have extra tickets, those who stayed on the ground could only feel sad. Waiting to die.

Just as I was about to leave the new city, I suddenly felt the breath of life. It was not one or two, but thousands. This was an unexpected miracle. In an instant, I crossed a distance of several thousand meters and reached a place that seemed familiar to me. .

This is the secret laboratory of Xincheng, and it is also an important base used by Lian Chengxue to do private work. It has a separate air circulation system and rich material reserves. It can accommodate up to tens of thousands of people for short-term survival. Thousands of people cannot survive deep underground. The base here is packed.

Perhaps due to the fear of the coming apocalypse, the spiritual power of thousands of survivors was restless and reverberated fiercely in the base. As soon as Gao Feng approached, his brain was dizzy from countless negative spiritual forces. Gao Feng was unable to take the last step. Because he knew that if he entered the underground base, it might take less than a moment to drain the spiritual power of thousands of people.

With a long sigh, Gao Feng's perception stayed on Xue Lian, the person in charge of the base, for a few seconds before turning around and leaving. At the same time, Xue Lian suddenly had countless information in her mind. This information happened to be the flaws and flaws of the underground base. If it could not be If he discovered it early, the entire base would fall into disaster, which made Xue Lian break into a cold sweat and quickly lead people to investigate the hidden dangers of the base.

Xuelian knew who left the message in her mind, but she did not say anything. Since she refused to leave the new city, she has nothing to do with the wilderness system. The reason why most residents of the new city are unwilling to leave is also because It is a pity that Xuelian’s management of Xincheng is recognized, but there is no regret medicine. No matter how guilty and self-hate she feels in her heart, Xuelian will grit her teeth and go on, either leading the survivors of Xincheng to rebirth, or dying with Xincheng and being buried in the wilderness. Under the wind and sand.

When the survivors of the new city fearfully followed Xuelian's order and opened a door that might have exposed the entire base, they were surprised to find that the once narrow passage had been expanded into a huge space of hundreds of thousands of square meters, which was already quite large. For the area of ​​an underground city, in addition to the huge space, there are countless materials piled up in it. These materials include food, processing equipment, various raw materials, and the most scarce living materials.

Seeing the supplies in front of her, Xuelian had no doubt that Gao Feng had transported all the remaining supplies from the warehouses in the new city. This was enough supplies for hundreds of thousands of people to survive for three months. Although there was a lot of supplies stored inside the base, there was no need to deal with it. When the outside world is isolated, it will be exhausted in two weeks at most. This gift given by Gao Feng is almost equivalent to life-saving food.

Abundant materials, wide space, abundant machinery, and even a food processing plant, the turbulent base instantly calmed down the turmoil and unrest, and Xuelian also regained absolute power, but she was not happy because of her stable position; Looking at the photo of Lian Chengxue in her hand for a long time, no matter how many grudges she had with Gao Feng, they had all been settled and they owed nothing to each other.

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