Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1888 The Catastrophe Comes

Of course, the topics between the two of them will not be boring. At least Gao Feng has never met anyone with more knowledge than Michael. Michael himself is the most detailed history book, and many historical allusions are in her memory. Even He is well aware of various civilizations produced on the earth, and is particularly good at their cultural connotations and philosophical ideas. He also has a deep understanding of famous people in history, and has corrected many misconceptions that Gao Feng is familiar with.

Gao Feng was naturally not interested in civilizations other than China, and he especially disliked Michael's negative evaluation of some of China's history. Michael was obviously very firm in his own ideas and argued with Gao Feng regardless of the risk of angering him. The final result was that Gao Feng became angry with shame and launched another lashing against Michael, perhaps calling it revenge, which made Michael pant and wink. In the end, both parties died together, and the fragrance of flowers also made Michael The air smells more hormonal.

The best way to conquer a woman is to conquer her physically. As long as a woman is not forced, she will at least subconsciously obey the man who conquers him. And Gao Feng, with the physical strength of the Broken Star level, finally conquered the monster-like Michael. , the end result is that the entire lunar base is completely open to the peak.

Only then did Gao Feng realize that the area of ​​the lunar base was more than ten times larger than he had imagined. Ninety percent of the area was closed to save energy. The most indispensable thing in the wilderness was energy. The energy of the entire ship The crystals were transported into the lunar base, which not only made Michael infinitely happy, but also completely revitalized the lunar base.

Of course, Gao Feng will never tell Kalea what happened between him and Michael. Instead, he communicates with his daughter and family every day through the internal communication of the moon base. Relatively speaking, Caifeng and Luo Xing have the least contact with him, and Luo Xing is the There is no emotion at all, and his heart is entirely focused on his son, while Caifeng is obsessed with the sea of ​​books collected by the moon base. Almost all the books that have appeared on the earth have been collected by Michael. The brilliance and records left by countless civilizations, Caifeng couldn't stop, and he didn't want to waste any second. You must know that even if you want to look at the books on the moon base, it may take a thousand years.

Gao Feng knew that Youming's time was running out, but he had no way to save him. Youming was like a flame that was about to go out. No matter how much energy was injected into it, it could not ignite the flame of life. After all, she was just forcibly promoted to Bengyun, and she had no foundation in the first place. Unstable, burning life potential, and her own mental strength is extremely weak. The peak cannot even appear in front of her. Once the peak comes within a hundred meters of her, it will suck away the last of her mental power, and what she finally sees is Just a corpse.

In the last stage of his life, You Ming suddenly didn't want to stay at the moon base. In May, with Gao Feng's consent, he personally escorted You Ming to the main city of Xuan Ye, allowing You Ming to spend his last days in the place where he was born and grew up. At this time, Xuan Ye The main city of Ye has been filled with wind and sand, and the environment has changed drastically. In order to recreate the appearance in Youming's memory, Michael sent a complete environment generation system to the surface and rebuilt the city main palace again.

Gao Feng watched You Ming pass away through signals broadcast hundreds of thousands of miles away, and his heart was extremely heavy. No matter what, he owed You Ming. It was he who took away You Ming's son, but he failed to fulfill his son's obligations and couldn't even send him off at the end. Suddenly, an inexplicable sadness surged up. You Ming did regard him as his son. He might be domineering and arrogant, but he would always stand on the side of his family and make plans for him. In the end, he was irreparably damaged because of Aurora. , even though Kalea and Youming couldn't stand each other, she personally took her daughter to accompany Youming on his last journey.

We dare not let our family stay on the surface for too long. No one knows when the Moko Protoss will appear. According to the information provided by Michael, the Moko Protoss will launch orbital pulse cannons to completely destroy life on earth as soon as they appear. Thereby accelerating the death of world consciousness and harvesting the final fruits. Relatively speaking, space cities and moon bases are secondary targets for cleaning.

It's a pity that Yue Lasha, who has been silent all this time, did not return to the moon. She has always been by Youming's side, like Youming's shadow. She once had a slight affection for Gao Feng, but later they were displaced by the war, and they each took their own side. When they met again, things had changed, and Yue Lao Sha also suppressed this heartbeat that had not yet begun, firmly suppressing it in her heart. Now that You Ming has passed away, she still stays on the ground, guarding You Ming's tomb, all alone.

Many people, many things, and many regrets are beyond our control. Even Gao Feng cannot change the outcome. Just like the thorns, they still stay in the valley and depend on the tree. Even if Gao Feng persuades them countless times, they are unwilling to take the tree with them. When people arrived at the lunar base, they had no choice but to increase the advancement speed of Huathorn as much as possible, hoping that Huathorn could be promoted to Broken Star as soon as possible. On the contrary, the insect man entered the final transformation and formed Huge cocoon.

Time flies by for another year. This year, the wilderness begins to make its final finishing touches. More people and materials are sent to the moon. The huge fleet no longer collects supplies from all over the world, but gradually returns to the wilderness for final transformation. , and the Rus people and the northern wilderness people also made the final decision.

Anastasia set foot on the moon base with thousands of subjects who were completely loyal to her, while the Jade tribe led tens of thousands of people to the space city. Not everyone in the wilderness is willing to immigrate to deep space. They prefer to stay on the ground because it is possible Due to the danger, some people entered the underground world, others went to the Thunderstorm Plateau, and the rest entered the new city.

As the peaceful period of several years slowly faded away, everyone began to doubt Gao Feng's decision. Countless people who were not used to living in space wanted to return to Earth. Undercurrents surged for a while, and even senior officials such as Yan Twenty-Jiu were unable to Suppression, the peak that should have come forward, has always been hidden in Michael's secret garden, making the situation more and more out of control.

What is even more incomprehensible is the disappearance of the starry sky fleet. The fleet composed of thousands of starry sky battleships has always been the most important armed force in the wilderness. It is also the only means of transportation that immigrants can hope to return to the surface. The disappearance of the fleet has made people who were originally dissatisfied Even more anxious, even the Garos began to regret leaving the surface. Some people had already begun to destroy the space city, hoping to take advantage of the damage to the space city to threaten the fleet to return.

Just when the space city gradually became a powder keg and was about to explode, the second sun suddenly ignited on the other side of the earth. This was a blue sun, releasing a blue brilliance, dispelling the endless darkness, and in the brilliance In the center, a dark shadow is taking shape.

The moment the blue sun appeared, Gao Feng rushed out of the moon and charged towards the brightest place. Michael's prophecy finally appeared. Gao Feng's greatest desire was to destroy the opponent before it completed its jump and gain more for the earth. time, even if the earth has gradually collapsed, it will still be at least thousands of years before it is truly destroyed.

It's a pity that Gao Feng's idea is just a skinny ideal. When he tried his best and couldn't stop it, the bright beam of light swung down from the starry sky like a sword of judgment and cut into the earth's already thin atmosphere. The next moment, there was nothing that had ever been seen before. The past ink color appears on the atmosphere, like the dizzy ink gradually expanding, and like the black abyss, it starts to devour.

At the same time, no matter whether it is at the poles or the equator of the earth, whether it is the five continents or the four previous oceans, as long as it is life, it feels a terrible crisis of impending disaster. The tribal chiefs in Africa, Charles and Bismarck, who are planning to revive Europe, The fierce and cruel slave owners in America, the Mahayana monks in India, and the strong men or peak disaster beasts from all over the world who have not yet appeared, all looked up to the sky together.

At the moment when the peak is desperately trying to get close to the blue sun, almost all life forms can feel the terrifying loss of oxygen. In the blink of an eye, one-tenth of the oxygen is transformed into an unknown gas, and countless lives escape from their hiding places. Trillions of insects swarmed out in search of shelter to escape the catastrophe. They were the first to die. They were already fragile and could not adapt to the loss of oxygen.

In the Raging Snow Valley, Flower Thorn stood peacefully next to the tree man, looking up at the sky swallowed by darkness. A layer of faint green radiance vaguely emanated from the tree man, covering the surrounding sea of ​​flowers, forming a sea of ​​flowers that could barely be seen by the naked eye. Distinguished spherical shield.

In the main city of Xuan Ye, Yue Lisha and many of her family members walked into an inconspicuous stone house expressionlessly amidst the piercing sirens. The next moment, all the doors and windows were closed, and the floor beneath them slid rapidly. Sinking to the ground thousands of meters below.

In the wilderness, hundreds of thousands of people who stayed on the surface poured into the streets and headed towards the shelter. They did not believe in the catastrophe. When the catastrophe actually happened, they were poorly prepared. Without guidance from the top and no advance rehearsal, When things happen, most people think of themselves first, so congestion occurs. Even though there are complete evacuation facilities, more people are crowded on the streets unable to move forward, wasting time in vain. When the oxygen content of the air drops below 100, At the fifty-fifth mark, altitude sickness spreads like a plague.

Countless people were crowded together, causing the lack of oxygen to become more intense. Some weak people began to collapse. When more and more people suffered from dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, and weakness, the situation was irreversible. Even those who entered the shelter early People are not much better. The shelter that has been unable to be closed for a long time has lost as much oxygen as the outside world. By the time someone discovers something is wrong, it is already too late.

The situation in the underground world is slightly better. After all, the underground world is originally lacking in oxygen. Various methods have long been used to replenish oxygen. However, what followed was the invisible spread of the virus. At first, it was a little bit of black spots sticking to the skin. The black spots continue to expand, discoloring the entire body, and eventually become a stone-like statue.

Even if the environment on the earth's surface changes drastically, there are still trillions of lives surviving, but most of them are in hidden places unknown to the public. But at this moment, populations are dying every minute and every second. If the peak is here, you can clearly feel it. , the will of the world grows at a terrifying speed, and the purest spiritual power left behind by the death of living things is like a river that merges into the sea, continuously converging into the consciousness of the world.

Billions of souls with anger, despair, fear, resentment, unwillingness and other emotions are continuously flowing into the world consciousness, allowing the metabolism that takes decades, or even hundreds of years to cycle, to be generated in a very short time. World consciousness He couldn't even assimilate the swarming souls, and was rendered violent, restless, and gloomy by all kinds of extreme negative emotions, and no longer had the peace and tranquility he had before.

The mass extinction of life has become unstoppable, and the Moko Protoss’ methods are beyond the imagination of the peak. According to Michael’s description, the Moko Protoss will use the rail guns of nuclear-class battleships to destroy the surface ecosystem. Regardless of the preparation time, or The lethality after launch will not be completed in a short period of time. I never expected that the Moko Protoss would develop a new weapon based on the earth's environment, a biochemical weapon that can quickly replace oxygen, which is far more powerful than the rail gun. A hundred times scarier.

When the earth was changing drastically, Gao Feng tried his best, even using space shuttle, but he didn't have time to rush to the core of the blue sun. As soon as he touched the blue light, everything disappeared, the blue sun, the shadow that launched the biological weapon, and the legendary silver core-class battleship.

The culprit of everything was just a half-meter-long shuttle-shaped instrument, with sharp ends and a round middle. The instrument was composed of countless tiny crystal symbols. These crystal symbols seemed to have life and flowed freely, flowing out various incomprehensible brilliance, just like breathing, combining ever-changing patterns.

Gao Feng could feel the traces of terrifying energy left around this brilliant crystal shuttle. This energy was pure and strange. Even if there was a trace of it, it was a hundred times stronger than his own energy. There were also faint traces of space shattering. At least all the space nodes within a range of hundreds of thousands of meters were destroyed. It would take tens of thousands of years to have a chance to regenerate.

After hesitating for a long time, Gao Feng got nothing. There was no sign of another attack, nor any trace of the Moko God Clan. Only this crystal shuttle was left here, flashing a mysterious glow, as if breathing, and as if calling for something. Gao Feng put it away and rushed into the pure black atmosphere.

The atmosphere that changed color could not even penetrate the sun. The sky and the earth fell into endless darkness. Gao Feng could no longer observe with his eyes, and even could not determine his own position. If he was not careful, he would directly hit the surface. Fortunately, Gao Feng left a guide sign for the shuttle somewhere.

There are millions of humans left on the earth. Not counting other areas, there are also 200,000 people related to the wilderness. The only person Gao Feng is worried about is Hua Ci. Because of Hua Ci's stubbornness, Gao Feng did not force her. At this time, he regretted it very much. If he had been tougher, it would have been better. At least he would not have watched her fall into danger.

When he felt the spatial node again, he stepped into the multidimensional world and felt the guide left on Hua Ci. Whether Hua Ci was dead or alive, he would find her. In the process of looking for the guide, the complicated pattern composed of billions of lines in his hand suddenly broke away and appeared alone in the multidimensional world, which was out of tune with the simple lines around it.

The complicated pattern was the crystal shuttle that entered the multidimensional world with Gao Feng. I never thought that the crystal shuttle, which was only half a meter long, would show such a complicated line in the multidimensional world. It was the most complicated thing Gao Feng had never seen in the multidimensional world, but it was so small, which further showed the unimaginable technological level of the crystal shuttle.

The pattern condensed by billions of lines suddenly began to expand, extending from the mustard seed to a range of tens of thousands of meters. The next moment, violent fluctuations suddenly appeared in the dead water-like multidimensional space, as if the space was shaking, and Gao Feng also felt a terrible crisis. Before the shaking expanded to the limit, Gao Feng finally found the guide on Hua Ci's body, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in the multidimensional world.

Less than ten seconds after the peak disappeared, the space shock had reached its limit. Countless lines floating in the space broke into countless thread ends, and then broke into tiny particles and disappeared completely. Not only the lines originally floating in the space disappeared, but also the crystal shuttle that caused the shock. It was just more solid than ordinary matter, so it gradually disappeared in a slow collapse.

Just when the crystal shuttle was about to reach the critical point, a huge ball of thread like an ancient beast broke into this space. This terrifying and huge intruder had a hundred times more complicated lines than the crystal shuttle, and its volume was countless times more. Unfortunately, when it broke in, the strong space shock finally completely destroyed the space gate constructed by the crystal shuttle. The giant silver core-class star destroyer only passed halfway and collapsed and annihilated with the collapsed crystal shuttle.

When half of the starship and the space gate collapsed with the space shock, a shock that swept the entire multi-dimensional space occurred, like a hurricane sweeping all the material lines affected, slowly extending to the endless distance, but it could not be contained, and at the same time destroyed the space nodes along the way.

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