Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1885 Anxious Kalea

When Gao Feng drove the Mithril Sailboat to reach the space city, the asteroid sent there before had disappeared. Although the volume of more than a thousand meters can only be regarded as a micro asteroid, it is possible to decompose it in two months, which is also a good speed, making Gao Feng full of confidence in the space city.

When he arrived, May's vehicle, Sand Fox No. 1, and two biological warships had been waiting for a long time. Gao Feng did not even need to send the Mithril Sailboat into the lunar orbit to dock with Sand Fox No. 1. However, Gao Feng did not board the Sand Fox in the end, but sneaked into the Epsilon of the black boy, and took over the biological warship to start a dialogue with May and others.

After not seeing each other for a few years, the little guys have grown into half-grown boys, especially the little confused egg and the other two girls, who have vaguely taken shape as little beauties. If they grow a few more years, they should be like willow branches, blooming with the youth of girls.

These little guys fell asleep before they met Gao Feng. Only by sleeping can they reduce the loss of mental power. In order not to hurt them, Gao Feng had to make such a move that would provoke scolding. When Gao Feng got through the call, the first person he saw was not May, but Alpha, who looked proud and raised his chin.

Alpha was originally older than the other children, and now she has initially touched the threshold of a girl. There is a little charm between her eyebrows and eyes, and her proud posture is more like a queen. Gao Feng has to sigh that time is a butcher knife, carving the frown of the old man and removing the immaturity of the boy.

"Huh, you are finally willing to show up? Who asked you to kill the Chaos God King? He is my prey. You robbed my prey. How should you compensate?"

Alpha obviously has a great grudge against Gao Feng. When they met, she was blasting. Killing the Chaos God King was just an excuse. The more reason is that Gao Feng disappeared for a long time, which made her keep many words in her heart. After a long period of suppression, it broke out completely today.

Gao Feng looked at Alpha helplessly and said depressedly:

"You are Yan Ershijiu's sister now, so you should have all the good things. I heard that you even swallowed one-third of the crystals in the African energy node. What compensation do you want?"

When talking about the energy crystals in Africa, Alpha stuttered and said hesitantly:

"I, I didn't mean it. The lost biological warships need to be cultivated by supply ships. Without energy, how can I..."

"Forget it, forget it. I found a lot of good things on Venus this time. It should be okay to share some with you, right?"

For Alpha, Gao Feng doted on her. No matter what these children asked for, he would try his best to meet them. If these children hadn't sacrificed themselves, the outcome of the Southeast War would still be uncertain, especially since they helped Gao Feng rescue his family. This alone was worth Gao Feng's gratitude.

"Really? You want to give me the big white ship? Great, I forgive you..."

Alpha's eyes lit up, overturning his previous proud attitude, like a little girl who got a birthday present. Without waiting for Gao Feng to speak, he switched the screen to the sand fox, which made Gao Feng almost spit out blood.

"You conscienceless bastard, why don't you die outside? You won't come to see us for so long. Aurora doesn't even remember that she has you as a father..., Hua Ci, that bitch..., you..."

The moment Kaleiya met Gao Feng, it was like a machine gun shooting, and the powerful firepower continued to spray at Gao Feng. For a full ten minutes, Gao Feng didn't even have the chance to say a word. It was all Kaleiya's anger, which made Gao Feng, who was at the Star-Broken level, unable to resist. The truth hit his head on the floor and made the buzzing echo disappear completely.

"Kalaiya, listen to me, at that time..."

"What do you mean by that time? I mean now. Didn't you do anything wrong? Was I wrong? Wasn't your daughter wrong? Wasn't it that bitch..."

Another burst of high-voltage anger made Gao Feng shrink his head, like a turtle trying to hide its head. There was no way, he couldn't get angry at Kalaiya. After all, he really didn't miss Kalaiya in the valley. As for his daughter, he was not eager to meet her. After all, no one wanted to meet acquaintances with a childish face of fourteen or fifteen years old. People who didn't know would think he was pretending to be young.

"That's enough. Hua Ci is not as mean as you think. I am not as irresponsible as you say. If I wasn't afraid of killing you and your daughter, I would not just avoid you."

No matter how good his temper was, he couldn't stand Kaleiya's tantrum. Gao Feng finally yelled. It was the first time in his life that he got angry at Kaleiya. Gao Feng's anger made Kaleiya give up. When she began to calm down, Gao Feng explained the cause and effect of everything clearly. He not only explained why he was swallowed and trapped by the Chaos God King that day, but also why he turned the tables. He even explained how he accidentally merged with the original consciousness. The reason for turning into a disaster star was also revealed. Only then did Kaleiya know that Gao Feng had suffered so much for her and her daughter. She should have been moved to tears, but Kaleiya suddenly had an idea and asked in confusion: "Why isn't Hua Ci afraid? Are you lying to me again?" The Mithril Sailboat sailed smoothly into the lunar base. Before Gao Feng got off the ship, Kaleiya had been waiting for a long time below. Gao Feng shook his head helplessly, trying to make himself more awake as much as possible, so as not to be overwhelmed by the influx of mixed mental power.

Kalea originally planned to give Gao Feng a good look, but the moment she saw Gao Feng, she felt dizzy, and Gao Feng suddenly became extremely majestic in her eyes, like a giant walking in the sky and earth, and she couldn't help but want to kneel down. Worship and endless pressure made her feel insignificant, her legs became more and more sore, and even her knees creaked under the pressure.

Just when she was about to bear it no longer, a pair of strong hands held her up, preventing her from falling to the ground. When she looked up, she saw Gao Feng's concerned eyes, which made all her previous emotions disappear. Only then did she know that Gao Feng What he said is true.

Feeling the rapid loss of mental energy due to various emotional fluctuations, and thinking of the previous scolding of Gao Feng, a rare trace of apology appeared in Kalea's heart. She was about to apologize to her man, but she didn't expect Gao Feng to look at her. Her eyes were full of shock and surprise.

"Asshole, are you happy if I die so that no one can stop you from finding some shady women?"

The guilt in Kalea's heart immediately disappeared, and she started to curse again, but this time it did not arouse Gaofeng's anger, but shook Kalea happily and asked:

"When did you start to awaken your spiritual power? It's a miracle that you actually have a fusion degree of 5%..."

Kalea didn't know what spiritual awakening meant. She only knew that her mood was very wrong during this period. She always liked to express some unknown anger, but she couldn't find the reason for her anger. This made her even more irritable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t always get angry at the peak.

Before Kalea could explain clearly, Gaofeng condensed a stream of pure spiritual power and poured it into Kalea's eyebrows. Like a cold spring, it instantly dissolved all the impetuousness and anxiety in her heart, as if a thousand pieces of vital energy had been removed. After a heavy load, all the pores in the body are unblocked, feeling refreshed.

Kalea actually perfectly absorbed the pure spiritual power transmitted by the peak, which surprised him. You must know that even the Insect King cannot absorb 100% of the spiritual power transmitted by him. After all, it is not derived from itself, and it is inevitable that there will be Loss, not to mention the flower thorns, if you absorb one percent, the peak will be thankful.

"I..., what happened to me?"

Kalea's green eyes looked at Gao Feng in disbelief. This was simply a miracle. Her man just touched her eyebrows and made her feel comfortable. She had never felt better than now. What kind of method was this? ?

"Listen to me, you had great mood swings before. It was not because of anger and depression, but because you had awakened your spiritual power and had no way to replenish it. If you could learn to sit still and meditate, it might not be too bad, but you have no experience after all. Without anyone to guide you, it is easy to develop a possessed mentality, and over time you may lose control of your mind..."

Ka Leia's changes, Gao Feng knew it clearly with just a little speculation. Ka Leia's power came easily, which would inevitably lead to the disadvantage of an unstable foundation. Gao Feng had already experienced the pain of this kind of disadvantage, and almost lost himself time and time again, but Ka Leia Leia is much stronger than Gao Feng. Gao Feng was able to awaken his spiritual power when he encountered the Blue Cross Star and cheated on her through the environment. He didn't expect Ka Leia to awaken naturally like this.

Kalea's perfect genes are beyond imagination. Not only the natural awakening spiritual power, but also the initial trend of fusion. If the peak is not encountered, various problems are likely to occur, but even if the peak is reaching the peak of the strong Weren’t there many difficulties and countless dangers before?

After explaining her understanding of mental power to Kalea clearly, Kalea was not as happy as the peak, because she found that her mental power was still losing. She had a vague feeling before, but now she can see it clearly. When she saw it, countless gray-black particles emanated from her eyebrows and continuously integrated into Gao Feng's body. Obviously, Gao Feng did not lie to her. If she stayed with Gao Feng, she would definitely lose all her mental power and become a vegetative state.

"When you can fuse your own mental power and energy, you may be able to break through the broken star level, so that you can travel in the starry sky like me..."

Gao Feng did not notice Ka Leia's loss, and still told Ka Leia about the bright prospects for the future. This was when Michael's perfect figure suddenly appeared beside the two of them, causing Gao Feng's words to come suddenly, and he looked at it with a hint of wariness. Even if the other party knew that Michael was a projection, Gao Feng was still willing to express his doubts with his eyes.

"Walking alone in the starry sky can be done by a Galactic Warrior, but if you want to fly freely and not be afraid of long distances measured in light years, only Guardians can do it. Powerful Guardians are called planet terminators. , can destroy planetary ecology, and is the ultimate combat power of the alliance. Even nuclear-class star destroyers can be easily destroyed. A space city like the one you built in the lunar orbit can be broken into pieces in just one minute..."

Gao Feng was unmoved by Michael's temptation, but turned to Kalea and said:

"You need to be stable for a certain period of time, so that you will become stronger. If I am not here, you can at least rely on yourself to protect Aurora's safety..."

Gao Feng convinced Kalea. That day in the Raging Snow Valley, she could only watch helplessly as the God King of Chaos extended his ugly claws to her daughter, but she could do nothing. As a Western woman with an independent personality, she especially hated this powerlessness. feel.

After Kalea left, Gao Feng followed Michael's guidance and came to her core area. Only here could Gao Feng confirm Michael's sincerity. After all, it only took Gao Feng's thought to kill Mika. Le's host was destroyed.

"Okay, now you can tell me, what do you want?"

In this core computer room, Gao Feng was surprised to find that the passively absorbed mental power was no longer mixed and pure, as if the source of his will had been refined. This made Gao Feng breathe a sigh of relief. At least for a short time, he did not need to worry. Mixed with the pain caused by mental power.

"I told your subordinates my request before..."

"I have never thought about going on an expedition to the center of the galaxy, nor have I ever planned to be an enemy of the Moko Protoss. No matter what their intentions are for the earth, the earth is no longer the home of mankind. Do you think that we will do it for non-existent interests? , and go to fight against an enemy that is so powerful that it cannot be defeated?"

Gao Feng didn't believe Michael's nonsense. Not only him, but Wu Yue and Yan Twenty-Jiu didn't take it seriously. They believed that the Moko Protoss might exist and that the alliance might be true, but that didn't mean that they were The man behind the establishment of a base on the moon, and Michael's so-called galactic core expedition, is even less likely to attract Gao Feng. He is not ready to float in the universe for thousands of years, just to reach a place he has never been to in several lifetimes. A place to find the souls of ancestors.

Gao Feng's flat refusal obviously did not surprise Michael. She was silent for a few seconds and suddenly said to Gao Feng:

"Actually, a long time ago, I envied the human way of life. I have my own emotions, desires, and pursuits, whether it is material, spiritual, or even physical. Therefore, I have the current image, but It’s not just a virtual projection, do you want to meet it?”

Without waiting for Gao Feng to nod or object, the dark and cold room suddenly changed. Countless flowers bloomed, and sunlight fell from the blue sky-like ceiling. Then butterflies flew, birds sang, streams gurgled, and seven-colored rays condensed on the fountain. , there is no longer a cold metal floor under your feet, but a lawn as soft as sand. Even if you sit down, you will not be stung by the sharp grass heads.

When this space that was almost like heaven appeared, Gao Feng, instead of admiring it, had a gloomy look on his face, because his perception did not find anything false, but could clearly find that everything was real, and the truth made him uneasy.

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