Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1886 Spiritual Enlightenment

"Don't doubt everything you see. Space jumps don't only happen between stars. You are no longer in the previous space..."

A living creature with flesh and blood came from not far away. In just a moment, Gao Feng could clearly detect everything about her from the inside out, including the flowing blood, the beating heart, and the various chemical elements secreted by the wriggling internal organs. , are no different from normal people. The only difference may be that this body is perfect beyond imagination, without any diseases or defects. Only the eyes that are rippling like autumn water are as cold and vicissitudes as before. .

"Where are we? Are we still on the moon?"

The hair on Gao Feng's whole body stood up, and he transferred him quietly. During this period, he didn't notice anything was wrong. If Michael wanted to harm him, he could just throw him into the center of the sun. This made him feel for the first time that his life and death were in the control of others, which was a very bad feeling.

"Of course it's on the moon. We haven't even left the base. Space jumps consume a lot of energy. In order to send you here, it will consume at least several decades of energy from the base. If it were farther away, I'm afraid the consumption would increase tenfold..."

When Michael said this, Gao Feng was completely relieved. The farther the distance, the more energy is consumed. The moon base may not seem big, but the energy consumed every year will be astronomical, at least not as high as that of a certain population in the previous era. For a country as small as 100 million, just the jump within the base would take decades. If he were to be sent to the south pole of the moon, it would probably require thousands of years of energy reserves.

"But can you give me some energy crystals? Maybe I can build a jump line between the base and your Antarctic stronghold, and I can transmit it once a month."

Michael seems to be interested in energy crystals. Gaofeng frowns slightly. This does not seem to be good news. If even Michael values ​​energy crystals, then the unknown civilization behind her may not let it go. Aren't human beings sitting on stones just children sitting on treasures?

"Don't get me wrong, energy crystals are not unique to the earth. They are the product of the planet's energy being unable to circulate and accumulate, which is equivalent to the stones in the human body. However, this kind of crystal can compress energy and is the most efficient energy storage tool. Generally used as an informal currency in the interstellar..."

Hearing this, there is no joy at the peak, but the horror of impending disaster. Informal currency means illegal, but it has extremely wide uses. Just like opium in the last era, it can become an alternative currency, but it is the worst evil. source.

A currency that is not recognized but can get acquiescence is obviously not so clean. In this way, someone will inevitably create world stones artificially because of the high profits, so as to obtain a large number of energy crystals. In other words Generally speaking, the disasters of the last era may have been caused by behind-the-scenes masterminds unknown to mankind, and eventually evolved into the current situation.

Gao Feng thought more. Hundreds of years are not enough for the earth to evolve more minerals and species that have never appeared before. Even with the radiation after nuclear war, it is impossible. For example, the energy-friendly purple gold fish scale mineral, All kinds of incredible new materials, as well as powerful disaster beasts that can almost be called myths, all appeared so suddenly, as if they suddenly appeared overnight.

"If you don't need a teleportation point, you can still get me. Although I don't know how to please men better than real women, they are definitely not as perfect as me..."

Gao Feng's contemplation was regarded as hesitation by Michael, but she didn't have many bargaining chips to exchange with Gao Feng, so she slipped off her clothes, revealing her flawless body like white jade, exposing the most perfect temptation of women in front of Gao Feng, hoping to use her body in exchange. This is also the experience she has gathered from observing human beings for countless years. Beautiful women can always use their bodies to exchange chips from men.

Facing the alluring beauty, Gao Feng shook his head helplessly, pinched his eyebrows and said hoarsely:

"It seems we don't need to go around in circles anymore. Whether it's the Moko Protoss or any other clan, how soon do you think they will arrive? Also, are you doing it to create your civilization for profit, or for yourself?"

Gao Feng believes that the Moko Protoss may be real, but it does not mean that it is the civilization that created Michael. It may be another civilization spying on the earth. In short, it is in the stage where rare goods are available, but the final result is still a delicacy in the eyes of others, so He wants to find the truth among all kinds of lies and traps, so as to find a glimmer of hope for the suffering mankind.

Faced with Gao Feng's sudden negotiation, Michael did not answer immediately. Instead, he stepped forward and took Gao Feng's hand, leading him to a quiet and comfortable flower pavilion with a large bed inside. , and a pot of red wine as red as blood.

Everything here has the laziness of Greek style thousands of years ago, making people feel as if they have traveled through time and space and come to Greece in the mythical era, and Michael is like a beautiful goddess playing in the flowers, enjoying leisurely time with his beloved lover And a comfortable time.

Gao Feng did not refuse Michael's flattery. He took the golden wine cup and smelled the mellow aroma of century-old red wine. If he hadn't had something on his mind, he would have been lost in this heavenly enjoyment.

"Everything here was built in secret by me. Even my creator doesn't know that a long time ago, I vaguely touched the spiritual sense. There will be a lot of strange information inadvertently flashed, or using human's The argument is called memory.

This information cannot be recorded, it always flashes by, like a ghost. I know it exists, but I can’t keep it. The more times it appears, some fragments will always be added to the database. If it is not for the self-study review meeting It's hard to find that through those fragments, I created this place and this body, because I always feel that I should not be a program in the first place, but a complete living body... "

With Michael's narration, Gao Feng gradually understood the inner world of the other party. Michael was not a child born from the light brain. She seemed to have another origin. However, everything was tampered with by the civilization that created her. After countless years of After settling, Michael gradually recovered her past memories, but unfortunately they were mostly fragments of memories. Until the time of Iris, she inadvertently awakened her spiritual sense, gradually regained herself, and began to doubt certain things.

"What does this have to do with me? I can provide you with energy crystals, but only as rent, nothing else has anything to do with it..."

Gao Feng held the golden wine cup and said indifferently. Even though Michael was wrapping around him like a boneless snake at this moment, exuding a warm fragrance that was heart-warming, it never wavered him in the slightest.

Gao Feng tried to seduce Gao Feng several times, but Gao Feng remained unmoved, making Michael feel like a clown who couldn't get off the stage. At this time, Gao Feng had already drank half of the red wine in the pot, and seemed to be unable to stop, so he continued to pour himself wine. Obviously Be conquered by the delicious taste of red wine.

"There is a vineyard here that produces a certain amount of red wine every year. Starting from the thirteenth century, there are about fifty tons of reserves. If you need it, I can give it all to you..."

Gao Feng smiled secretly in his heart, is this a honey trap and bribery? It's a pity that he doesn't need any of these. No matter how stunning Michael is, he won't be tempted at all. With Kalea and Hua Ji, he never wants to provoke other women, not to mention, Michael may not count. The master.

"Honestly, what I want is your honesty. Don't try to bribe me. I'm definitely not as cheap as you think. If you want to cooperate with me, you must show your sincerity and establish initial trust..."


Michael helplessly slid aside from Gao Feng, picked up another golden wine glass, and drank it in one gulp. His eyes were vague, and there was a trace of bright red at the corner of his mouth. A kind of lonely indifference emerged leisurely, making people feel pity. .

"In the Alliance, everything has a price. Even a life span of tens of millions of years can be obtained through genetic biotechnology. Only spirits cannot be converted by value. Every spirit is a treasure, which is maintained and developed by higher civilizations. Important resources, even if…”

“What exactly is a spirit?”

Gao Feng interrupted Michael. From Michael's description, he knew that the value of spirit was definitely higher than that of energy spar, but he didn't know what the spirit was. Michael looked at Gao Feng with complicated eyes. , after pondering for a few seconds, he said:

"Spirit is a life that awakens spiritual power. Just like you and me, we both belong to the category of spirit. However, the level of spirit can be high or low. The spirit with the highest value is the spirit of the world. It can maintain a large race for tens of thousands of years. Decline, and the lowest level spirit is the spirit like your wife who has just awakened spiritual power. As for you, your value is probably second only to the spirit of the world..."

"In other words, this is not the first time that the origin of the world has been harvested?"

Gao Feng finally understood the so-called truth. This is what he has always wondered about. Why are those civilizations hidden behind the scenes interested in the earth? If it is said to be suitable for life and habitation, no colonization has occurred. If the earth has precious minerals, After tens of millions of years, no matter how much minerals are mined, Gao Feng would not believe it if he said that a base was built on the moon at a huge cost just to peek into human beings' daily life.

"It takes millions of years to reincarnate. From the beginning of life on earth, how many harvests do you think there have been?"

The corner of Michael's mouth was smiling as always, but in Gao Feng's eyes, there was unspeakable sarcasm. The horror in his heart made him couldn't help but grab the wine bottle and drink all the remaining red wine in one gulp. He drank too quickly, was there any danger? A small amount of red wine dripped from the corner of the mouth to the chest, like plum blossoms blooming, and like Gao Feng's heart bleeding.

Gao Feng knew that Michael could not be trusted. Michael had concealed many secrets from the beginning, and these secrets were closely related to the earth and mankind. Gao Feng would not believe the other party's lies. But the problem was that all the secrets leaked by Michael kind of information, peak associations lead to more.

"But this time is different from before..."

Michael continued to speak, but seemed to hesitate halfway through. Gao Feng keenly noticed her hesitation and immediately asked:

"What's the difference? Is it because the harvest time is earlier, or is it because of humans?"

As soon as these words came out, Michael's eyes flashed slightly. Under Gao Feng's bright eyes, she had to tell the truth:

"The value of the world spirit this time is higher than before. It can be said that it is more than a hundred times more valuable. The reason is precisely because you humans are truly the spirits of all things..."

"What about the predecessors in the base? Are they all?"

The thousands of coffins flashed through Gao Feng's mind like lightning, and when he recalled some of Michael's words, he suddenly understood the origin of human beings. Perhaps, human beings really have nothing to do with the theory of evolution.

"In fact, yes, they all transformed into spirits and went to the center of the galaxy. Maybe they will become galactic warriors, maybe they will help other races become galactic warriors, but who can say clearly?"

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