Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1884 Treasure Hunting in the Stars

Although Gao Feng had also discovered ores that were not found on Earth on asteroids, but he didn't care, but it was different in front of him. This was a complete mineral vein, a mineral vein that could be mined through engineering. The underground technology had already been equipped to mine in extremely high-temperature environments. With the technology, the Sand Fox battleship can easily reach Venus and enter and exit the atmosphere freely. Although there are sulfuric acid clouds in the atmosphere of Venus, it is not a big problem for the wilderness. What if these metals are valuable enough?

Thinking of this, Gao Feng's heart became hot. He instantly completed the analysis of metals, extracted thousands of meters of mineral veins, purified them dozens of times, and condensed the thousands of meters of ore into several meters of metal rods. Only then did he discover , the extremely condensed metal is no longer light purple, but a deep purple that is purer than purple gold steel. On the deep purple metal, countless fine dots of platinum are dotted on it, just like countless stars dotted in the purple night sky .

This metal rod, which has been refined dozens of times and can contain the peak's exclusive energy, even though it looks simple and rough, cannot hide its gorgeous and noble temperament, just like a peerless beauty can still confuse all living beings even if she wears cloth and linen shoes. generally.

Looking at the stick in his hand, Gao Feng was also a little depressed. He originally wanted to turn it into a knife or a sword, so that it would suit his identity. What's the point of turning it into a stick? It's too short for beating a dog and too long for rolling dough, so it's suitable for prying open a door and twisting a lock.

However, Gao Feng didn't care too much. After all, it didn't matter whether he wanted a weapon or not. If not, he wouldn't have given the triangular stabbing sword to Hua Ci. He thought that since it was a super metal that had been condensed countless times, how could he It was considered a treasure, so he smashed it against the rock on the ground to see the hardness. This was also the simplest experimental method.

According to Gao Feng's idea, even the meteorite iron that can be seen everywhere in space can be turned into indestructible alloy steel after he has condensed it in this way. It should not be a problem to break a rock. Unexpectedly, sparks flew everywhere and only a little of the skin was knocked off the rock. This metal stick with a bright and gorgeous appearance was twisted like an earthworm, and it almost made him spit out a mouthful of old blood. Is this still metal? Engineering plastics are pretty much the same.

Gao Feng couldn't think of any use for this twisty thing, so he threw it to the ground, never looked at the veins again, and was about to leave, but the moment he raised his feet, he suddenly thought that this thing could To accommodate his exclusive energy is almost equivalent to immortality. You must know that his exclusive energy is more corrosive than billions of time.

Picking up the twisted stick again, Gao Feng tentatively sent in a trace of the All-Destroying Energy. He saw that the stick was intact, showing no signs of decomposition and corrosion. Then a meter-long light blade suddenly emerged from the other end of the stick, like a A laser sword with a twisted handle.

Flicking his wrist, turning the stick upside down, the bright blue light blade passed over the rock. It seemed that nothing was abnormal, but Gao Feng could sense that there was a crack on the rock that was several times thinner than spider silk. , the cracks penetrated deep into the rock, almost cutting it in half.

If Venus had air, Gao Feng would definitely take a breath of cold air. He never thought that the thing in his hand could actually increase energy. He was about to look at it carefully, but he didn't expect that the rock that had been cut in half suddenly melted without wind. They turned into dust and collapsed together, leaving a hole in the ground where the rock was located out of thin air, as if the rock had been moved away.

Now Gao Feng was completely uneasy. The rock he was experimenting on was the strongest rock on Mars. Even if he wanted to smash it, it might take a lot of energy and effort. If it were placed on Earth, it would be almost equal to the front armor of a tank. If it were Gao Feng was just surprised to be cut in two, but he was horrified to be completely annihilated. This thing is definitely a strategic-level precious material.

What he was thinking made Gao Feng lose his experimental mood, and he threw the stick out as soon as he put it down. After all, there were too many of these things, and he was too lazy to cherish them. The metal sticks were spinning when they were released. The son flew out, and at the same time, the energy transmitted by the peak was cut off. The next second, a bright blue light spot separated from the stick, crossed a distance of dozens of miles in an instant, and disappeared on a low rock wall. .

This was the second time Gao Feng picked up the stick, and he still ran thousands of meters before picking it up. Broken Star Gallo's power was too great, even if he threw it casually, he could throw it thousands of meters away, and Gao Feng picked up the stick. The reason was the obliterated mountain wall dozens of kilometers away.

Looking at the twisted stick in his hand, Gao Feng no longer felt any disgust at all. His hot eyes were like looking at a legendary heaven and earth spiritual treasure. Before, he clearly remembered that the energy he transmitted did not increase by one point. According to logic, , when he let go, the transmitted energy would automatically dissipate, just like on the earth, but he didn't expect that this stick would save the broken energy, condense and increase it, and then release it.

Without the ability to release, in Gao Feng's eyes, this metal is at most an annihilation laser sword. But with the ability to release, it becomes an annihilation cannon. He absolutely understands the value of a sword and a cannon.

Once again, the electrical energy was instilled, and as expected, a blazing white light blade condensed on the head of the stick. The energy transmission was interrupted again, and the light blade condensed on the head of the stick suddenly shrank into a point of light, and then sprayed out in a straight line. The sub-peak was pointed at the sky, and the light spots suddenly rushed into the atmosphere, making Gao Feng extremely happy.

Gao Feng straightened the twisted stick again, and then patrolled the mineral vein with the stick until he reached the end of the mountain range. Only then did he confirm that the length of this mineral vein was 220 kilometers. If it were all extracted, there would be at least tens of thousands of Ton, this is the approximate weight after purification. If it is raw ore, it is probably one million tons.

After roughly estimating the reserves of the ore, Gao Feng suddenly felt doubtful. Why had he not found this kind of ore after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles before, but found it here in an extinct volcano? Could it be that someone mined it before?

With this kind of doubt, Gao Feng flew in the mid-air of the planet at high speed, looking for other mineral veins. But just as he guessed, except for some metal left by the impact of meteorites on the ground, there were no mineral veins in most places. Occasionally found. Mineral veins are mostly gold ore, silver ore and other metals of little value.

Gao Feng once discovered in a canyon that the entire canyon was full of exposed natural gold, hundreds of kilometers of gold, and the mineral deposits were even thousands of meters deep. If mined, dozens of golden Great Walls could be built, but these had no effect on Gao Feng. It's worthless, if he wanted to, he could collect countless from the stars.

There are many volcanoes on Venus, but not every one of them can contain precious purple iron star sand. Gaofeng searched hundreds of volcanic mountains and only found two veins. The second one was not even as good as the first one, and only three of them were found. One-third of the reserves, but Gao Feng found several other ores with unknown uses, one of which is mithril.

The mithril was found to belong to Qiaohe. Gao Feng originally thought it was a silver vein, but he was disappointed and released a ball of annihilating light. Unexpectedly, after the rock was annihilated, countless silver stars floated into the air from the collapsed and shattered rock, and stayed there for a few seconds before slowly Falling, like being tied to an invisible parachute, makes the peak different.

Because it was too fantasy, Gao Feng named it mithril. Although he didn't find its use, its biggest advantage was that it could withstand the increased annihilation energy, not to mention its feather-light qualities. For this, Gao Feng even spent It took several days to collect these fragments of raw ore scattered under the rock formations.

Mithril's weird mass structure makes the mountain-like volume weigh less than ten tons. It is the most difficult analysis target for Gaofeng so far. Single material analysis is Gaofeng's best, but Mithril breaks Gaofeng's common sense. It took a full half a month before Gao Feng could barely analyze it and be able to roughly plastically bond it. He didn't even think about purifying it.

In order to get these materials away, Gao Feng spent a lot of effort to build a huge four-wing sailboat, which could barely glide in the sky. Even so, Gao Feng had to consume energy all the time, and finally had to send it up. Venus's orbit, locking it in using the planet's gravity.

It took two months for Gao Feng to complete his trip to Venus, and the result of these two months was a weird mithril sailing ship, the entire purple iron star sand vein of Venus, and a 32-karat mithril map. There are many unknown ores and materials on it, including two ruins that have been abandoned for hundreds of millions of years.

It was the ruins on Venus that made Gao Feng end his prospecting trip, which reminded him of the lunar base and Michael's previous owner. Obviously, the minerals on Venus had been mined out, and what Gao Feng discovered was mostly terrain. Changes and new mineral veins should have occurred after the ruins were abandoned, otherwise it would not be the turn of the peak to pick up the leftovers.

There is no material more suitable for making an aircraft than a mithril sailboat. With just a slight release of energy by Gaofeng, the speed of the mithril sailboat can be increased to more than a thousand miles per second. If the energy loss is ignored, Gaofeng can even increase it to a hundred thousand miles per second. This This kind of acceleration is unbearable even at the peak, which makes him more interested in Michael. If humans rely on themselves, just stepping out of the solar system may require thousands of years of technological accumulation.

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