Apocalyptic Dark Age

The End of the Dark Age Text 1883 Starry Sky Mining

When the sun is blocked by the planets, countless stars emerge inadvertently, and the moon becomes brighter. It is not as dazzling as the sun, but has a gentle splendor. Lying in the starry sky and watching the stars is a feeling that most people will not enjoy. The peak is lying in the cold. On the asteroid, in the low temperature of one hundred degrees below zero, I felt the cold light refracted by the moon.

The starry sky is infinite. Even if Gao Feng is called the most powerful person in the world, he still feels his own insignificance. A curiosity that he has never felt before wells up in his heart. Gao Feng wants to cut off all ties and go to the unknown depths of the galaxy. Exploring various things, even if you may encounter countless dangers, is much better than doing nothing now. Gao Feng has had enough of the ordinary life in the valley.

Just when this intense emotion intensified, his analysis of the asteroid was officially completed, which made Gao Feng, who had been trapped in confusion, wake up again. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. The news about the Moko Protoss was like a thorn, always stuck in his heart, no matter what He said that he would also temporarily protect the starry sky and wait until the final crisis was resolved before he could go there.

He gently touched the asteroid under him with his right hand, and the asteroid that was tens of kilometers away suddenly burst into pieces. There were almost no larger fragments. Whether they were rocks or metal veins, they all turned into dust-like molecules. This is the peak of what is called fragmentation. Star Queen's powerful ability is comprehensive analysis. In the past, he could only analyze single elements, but now he can analyze composite materials and analyze mixed elements at once.

In addition, the scope of the peak analysis is also terrifying. If he had given him half a year before, he might not have been able to completely analyze the asteroid in front of him, but now it only took a few hours to completely smash it, and the improvement was not just a little bit.

In the blink of an eye, countless refined ores appeared at the same time. Together, these ores are less than one percent of the size of the asteroid. Even so, they are nearly a kilometer long and wide. They are all high-quality materials with a purity of more than 99%. , weighing at least tens of millions of tons, and thanks to space, if it were on the ground, even if the peak was ten times stronger, it would not be able to get rid of it.

At this time, Gao Feng suddenly thought of the wonderful use of asteroids, which is mining. There is no gravity in deep space. No matter how much ore is collected, it will not cause more trouble. Gao Feng only needs to gather various ores together and splice them together, and it will be a small one. Once many times the number of asteroids are sent to the lunar orbit, they can be used as raw materials and processed into various components or equipment in space. Compared with launching from the ground, it will save countless energy and resources.

The reassembled asteroid is like a huge space canoe, with two pointed ends and a long middle. Standing on the space canoe made entirely of metal, Fengfeng continued to use energy to speed up, and soon the speed of the space canoe was increased. At more than 300 kilometers per second, which is close to the speed of a space battleship, it only takes a few hours to reach the moon.

In fact, the peak can increase the speed faster, but it is not necessary. He especially enjoys the feeling of rafting in space at this time. This is an experience he has never had before, which gives him a sense of adventure and excitement. A little playful.

Gao Feng's inadvertent behavior panicked the space city. An asteroid suddenly changed its trajectory and flew towards the space city. At a speed of 300 kilometers per second, it was equivalent to a one-way bombardment of the space city with an electromagnetic gun as big as a hill. Once hit, even if the space city is a hundred times stronger, it will be shattered to pieces.

At first, there were more than ten standing warships crossing the starry sky and flying towards the asteroid. The power of the fleet was not small. Even though they were hundreds of thousands of miles away, Gao Feng could feel the hidden murderous intention. Gao Feng didn't care about it. , but because the fleet's combat effectiveness is worrying.

Interstellar combat is a proposition that no one knows the answer to. In space without resistance, a million kilometers only lasts a moment. If you wait until you find the enemy and then fight back, you may be attacked before you are ready, and the space city is fragile. One careless move could lead to the whole game being lost, which made Gao Feng feel intense uneasiness in his heart.

In addition, he also discovered that the effective attack distance is a shortcoming of space combat. No matter in the previous era or in this era, the most powerful weapons cannot exceed tens of thousands of kilometers. This can only be achieved after satellite locking calculations. If there were no satellites and orbital calculations, the target would probably be blinded after hundreds of kilometers. Even a nuclear explosion with the equivalent of hundreds of millions of tons would be just an insignificant little Mars in the infinite vastness of space.

A few minutes later, the battleship and the small meteor were close to thousands of kilometers away. Hundreds of missiles were released from the fleet like flowers blooming, weaving a complex net in the empty deep sky, shrouding the small meteor, and the two faced each other. , the asteroid is as fast as lightning, but the hundreds of missiles are much slower. Even so, the hundreds of missiles are still accurately intercepted in front of the asteroid.

Unexpectedly, just when the two sides were about to collide, the asteroid suddenly changed its trajectory, passing the missile with a slight difference, and passed through the fleet before the fleet could react. Three hundred times per second At a speed of kilometers, even the most sensitive detector could not hinder the observation. Before the people in the fleet could react, the asteroid had already disappeared.

Infinite terror spread to everyone in the fleet. The captains used the most violent curses to order to turn around. Even though they already knew that even if they turned around, they would not be able to catch up with the asteroid, the regret in their hearts could not be calmed down. With guilty and complicated eyes, he looked at the space city in the distance.

Space City also immediately discovered that the fleet had failed to intercept, and soon released hundreds of escape capsules. Even so, there were still people who were unwilling to leave. Space City was not only a city built in space, but also the hope of the entire wilderness. There, countless people forgot to eat and sleep, consuming the resources of the entire wilderness, just for such a city, which was about to be built, and suddenly encountered such a disaster, no one could accept it for a while, and some who were a little paranoid were willing to destroy it together with the space city.

Seeing that the small meteor was within ten thousand miles of the space city and would hit the space city in less than a minute, I did not expect that it suddenly began to slow down, from three hundred kilometers per second to one hundred kilometers, fifty kilometers, ten kilometers, and finally slowed down to To the extent that it can be captured in the lunar orbit and become a satellite of the moon.

This made everyone's jaws drop. Then they saw a person on the decelerating asteroid who did not need a spacesuit and was safe and sound. Many people did not know this person, but they definitely did not include mid-level and high-level people such as May. , for a moment, all the managers breathed a sigh of relief. They couldn't laugh or cry at Gao Feng's prank, but they also felt deeply horrified. What if it was not Gao Feng who came today, but another small meteor?

Gao Feng sent small meteors made of various metals to the lunar orbit and left on a skateboard made of gold. Just as he had guessed, even in the lunar orbit, there was still spiritual power passively absorbed. Although it was very weak, it could be transmitted. Thousands of kilometers away, this made him extremely disgusted. Wasn't coming to space just to hide away?

In an instant, the peak speed increased to the extreme, reaching thousands of kilometers per second. Thanks to the empty starry sky, if it were on the ground, the air resistance would be enough to cause him great pain, but in space, even just a little bit The thrust is enough to keep him flying forever.

This time we are planning to fly to Venus. Venus is the brightest planet besides the sun. Since we are going to have a grand adventure, why not go to Venus to see it? Venus is the planet closest to the earth and was a hot spot for exploration in the past era. Unfortunately, Venus is not as friendly as Mars. Even advanced exploration equipment cannot persist on Venus for too long, leaving behind many specious legends.

Venus looks very close, but it is much farther than imagined. Even if Gaofeng increases his speed to the extreme, he cannot cross tens of millions of kilometers in a straight line in a short time. However, Gaofeng doesn't care, he has plenty in the world.

The Golden Skateboard burst into the atmosphere of Venus with a peak of strength, and suddenly felt an inexplicable repulsion on the body. It was far from the smoothness in deep space. Obviously, even if Venus has no life, it is still a complete world, but it has no world consciousness and repulsion. The feeling is not as strong as the earth.

This gave Gao Feng a clear understanding. Maybe every planet is a complete life, but this life form is not understood by humans. Maybe for planets, other things are like germs on the body. If left alone, , germs will become deadly viruses and will harm themselves one day, so sterilization becomes instinctive, and every sterilization is a mass extinction of organisms. However, sterilization is also a dangerous thing for the planet itself. Once it is overdone, it will It will completely break the balance, thereby losing stability and circulation. Just like inside the human body, there are not only harmful bacteria, but also many beneficial bacteria. If they are all killed, it will eventually cause problems for itself.

The peak of the endless thoughts in my mind fell to the volcanic furnace-like surface of Venus. Looking around, it was all rock and sand, a desolate place. The scorching high temperature was baking this land. The sun in the sky was far more intense than the earth. In this kind of environment, only the peak can cope with it.

Walking on the surface of Venus, some of the rocks baked at high temperatures for hundreds of millions of years are harder than steel, while others are so crisp that they will turn into dust with just a little force. The peaks will extend your perception to the limit, and you will be tens of kilometers away in a short time. Everything inside is clearly understood. At the beginning, the peak feels no different from the desert areas of the earth. Except that the temperature is higher, it is roughly the same.

Then Gao Feng discovered that Venus was countless times poorer than the Earth. This was not due to the lack of living things, but to the poverty of various resources. Even if there was a blockage from the earth, Gao Feng's perception could penetrate tens of thousands of meters underground. At a depth of nearly ten kilometers , Fengfeng unexpectedly found no large veins, only some sporadic ores.

As Fengfeng continued to move forward, he searched more places, but still found no more valuable mineral veins. On the contrary, there were many shallow ores left behind after meteorite impacts on the ground, mostly meteorite iron or diamonds. These Of course it is worthless to the peak.

Even though Gao Feng was walking on Venus, his speed was extremely fast. One step was ten thousand meters away, and thousands of steps covered tens of thousands of kilometers. The mountains and ravines along the way could not have any impact on him. Soon Gao Feng arrived in front of a volcano. , when he got here, Gao Feng's brows relaxed, and he found a huge metal vein.

This is a giant mineral vein that stretches for hundreds of kilometers. Judging from the direction of the mineral vein, it should have been erupted by volcanoes and turned up from deep underground. Hundreds of millions of tons of mountain rock were easily broken open, and the mineral vein hidden behind the rock was revealed. In front of Gao Feng, what surprised him was that it was a lavender and silver metal ore. This metal had never appeared on the earth.

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