Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Ages of the End of the World Text 1877 in Africa

As the wilderness conquers the entire world, humans perish, creatures disappear, and the news that the world will be destroyed spreads. These are the intentional spread of the wilderness. As the news spreads, many hidden forces gradually surface. These forces are either They were opponents who had been defeated by the Chaos Front, or they were developing in a low-key manner, hoping to one day conquer the world. There were many successors who excavated certain ruins, perfected the technological system, and gradually began to restore the power of civilization.

Humanity is a race that is good at creating. Even if it is lost for a while, it will never recover. It will always find its former glory through the clues of history. Unfortunately, in the age of great strife, if it does not advance, it will be destroyed. The Chaos God King is powerful, so he can defeat powerful enemies. Devouring countless humans, Peak annexed underground forces, increased the development of the wilderness a hundred times, and defeated the huge army of the Chaos Front, thus integrating its own technology and having the possibility of emigrating to space. In comparison, those conservative , the retreating forces and nations cannot escape their destined fate before the disaster of annihilation arrives.

The world is changing faster and faster. Many people don’t know the hometown where they grew up. The green mountains and green waters of the past have disappeared without a trace. Large areas of plants have dried up and died. Places that were originally short of water have become deserted for thousands of miles. The entire village has There are many who starve to death. Even if they want to move, there is no way to find a suitable settlement. They will either die under the claws of the same hungry beasts or fall on the way to find their home.

Human beings are in despair. The seeds they planted cannot be harvested. Human beings are mourning. They are unable to save their wives and children who are starving to death. Human beings are crying and cannot find the direction to live. Only the wilderness has a glimmer of hope. In order to let the tribe survive, The plundering of the wilderness has reached a frantic level. Once the Chaos Front was the object of hatred in the world, but now the wilderness has replaced the Chaos Front and is resented by the remaining forces of the entire world.

If the Chaos Front is cruel, then the Wilderness is greedy. The Chaos Front only cares about defeating its opponents and conquering the land, while the Wilderness wants everything, whether it is metals, ores, mechanical equipment, plant seeds, or even women of the right age. , every time they return to the wilderness, the fleet will fill every corner of the warehouse.

Women of various skin colors and hair colors spoke different languages ​​and were terrified in the resettlement site because Gao Feng once boringly said that if humans on earth were destroyed, the population would have to be diversified, but Gao Feng preferred diverse women. , so the wilderness became a concentration camp for the world’s beauties.

Of course, the behavior of scraping the land in the wilderness is not without resistance, and it even alarms some powerful people who are hiding in the world, including black wizards from the African continent, totem masters from South America, and radiation-enhanced people and other incredible peak powerhouses. It’s just that their highest strength has only reached the initial level of Bengyun. Most of them are at the peak of Split Mountain. In the wilderness where Bengyun Jialuo is weak, each fleet has more than one Bengyun combat power, more than ten Split Mountains, and hundreds of This army, not to mention the powerful firepower of the fleet itself, is almost a defeat.

Perhaps even Yan Twenty-Jiu never thought that the plundering behavior in the wilderness would yield unexpected gains. First of all, countless materials and resources were continuously sent back to the wilderness, many of which were precious resources. The wilderness and the underground world Among them are various high-performance materials that can be used in space cities that are almost impossible to refine. In the past, substitutes were used, and the results were always unsatisfactory.

In addition, many mutated materials were found, which are similar to new materials such as purple gold fish scale ore and energy ore. In particular, a material that resembles water drop crystals and is called the Tears of the Goddess by the locals has unimaginable constant temperature. It can resist high temperatures and can also insulate low temperatures. The most rare thing is its excellent physical properties. It can completely replace steel and become the wall of a space city. If there are enough, a crystal city can be built in space.

This material, named tear crystal by the wilderness, is not uncommon in the local area, but it is difficult to collect. It requires manual search in the cracks of the local mountain rocks and cannot be mined. For this reason, the wilderness does not hesitate to transport a large amount of food and recruit local people to exchange it. , but in order to hold the pricing power in their hands, they once destroyed all the large and small forces hundreds of miles around the mountain range rich in tear crystals, and became a colony in the true sense.

There are many colonies set up specifically for certain new materials. Each colony controls hundreds or even thousands of people to collect mineral materials, feeds nearly 100,000 people, and benefits the families of these people, reaching hundreds of thousands. This shows Yan Twenty-Jiu's hard-hearted heart. He is willing to hold a large amount of food in his hands, rather than aid the Huang people and the Rus people, causing a large number of people to starve to death.

Hundreds of tons of new materials and thousands of tons of ordinary ores are transported back to the wilderness every week. Almost all warships are used to transport various ores and materials, causing energy reserves to plummet. Fortunately, they are supplemented by crystals harvested from energy nodes. Only then did we solve the big problem of energy.

The threat level of each energy node is different. Some energy node disaster beasts are weak, just like the Yin-Yang King Butterfly in the Ghost Domain of the Western Wasteland. Even if it evolves to the extreme, it is not as good as ordinary disaster beasts, while some energy node disaster beasts are powerful. , just like the Abyss Demon Eagle, even if it takes half a step to break the stars, it can't do anything, but there is an energy node that is different. The disaster beast is not powerful, just as powerful as Cloud Collapse. The problem is that hundreds of them gather together to form a huge group. , perhaps the most powerful species in the world.

The land of Africa has always been a mysterious place. During the war of annihilation, the land of Africa was the least disturbed area, because apart from the population, there is really nothing commendable here. Other countries were destroyed in the nuclear war, but only Africa It was the nuclear winter that led to famine that lasted for several years, resulting in the loss of countless people. It also made many areas that were already short of water even more water-scarce, creating large areas of no man's land.

Africa's largest no-man's land is in the center of the continent, a terrifying desert with a radius of 100,000 miles. There is not a drop of water in this desert, and not even rain falls. The temperature is above 50 degrees all year round, with the highest even reaching 80 degrees. Except for particularly powerful creatures, ordinary creatures cannot even pass by.

Gao Feng had never been to Africa in his two lifetimes. He was a little dizzy when he first arrived because the spiritual power he had absorbed in Africa was almost unlimited. There was so much life here. Even though many places looked as desolate as the Gobi, there were many underground places. Human beings are hidden, and even in some plain areas, there are large grain fields and cities. They were grain-producing areas before the disaster. Even if they are also affected by climate changes, many people are still hanging on.

The more spiritual power he absorbs, the more severe the impact on Gao Feng, and it may even cause him to get lost. Gao Feng has to choose the most remote place to pass through as much as possible. In this way, he cannot move forward in a straight line, not to mention taking detours. It's easy to get lost.

If it weren't for the fact that the wilderness couldn't deal with the energy node in the center of Africa, Gao Feng wouldn't have easily left the Raging Snow Valley. Only there could completely close the screen and passively absorb the spiritual power. Therefore, Gao Feng wanted to remove the energy node's disaster as quickly as possible. The beast is done, but unfortunately, haste makes waste.

The style of the African continent lies in its openness. Looking down from the sky, you can always see pieces of plain land, which makes people feel cheerful. This is not good news for the peaks, because they all look the same, and you can’t tell the east, west, north, and south, especially if there is no Due to the positioning of the sun, Gao Feng had to randomly shuttle across the sky to see if he could find that piece of land.

Gao Feng, who was walking in the sky, was feeling very depressed. If he continued like this, he would be overwhelmed by the immeasurable spiritual power in a few days. He didn't know how many black brothers would be drained of their spiritual power and turn into a vegetative state. Suddenly, bursts of energy fluctuations came from a distance, which made Gao Feng's heart move. This mixed energy fluctuation was very much like the aftermath of the battle between Bengyun Jialuo. Only the Broken Star rank could see through it. Could that direction be his target?

Gao Feng was a little skeptical. After all, this land was not considered a restricted area for life, but he would not let go of the clues and accelerated towards the place where the energy fluctuations came from. Not long after, Gao Feng came to a collapsed mountain.

Only the roots of the broken mountain are still there, and part of the mountain has been turned into thousands of broken stones. Among the broken stones, hundreds of black people are rummaging around, like they are hunting for treasure. Here they are like a black hole. The endless stream of spiritual power devoured him, but Gao Feng didn't care much. Instead, he looked at the black people who were rummaging through the gravel in confusion.

Occasionally, someone will be overjoyed when they find a stone ball the size of a fist, and then someone will come to buy it with big cakes. Five half-meter-wide naan cakes will be given out at a time. In today's time of food shortage, it can be said to be a huge sum of money. Just to buy a fist-sized stone ball?

In surprise, Gao Feng made a casual move and separated seven or eight stone balls from the gravel. Like meteors in reverse direction, they fell in front of Feng Feng. These stone balls were large and small, the largest was no more than ten inches, and the smallest was only a wine glass, with a simple appearance. It is unpretentious and looks like artificial processing at first glance. The only rare thing is that it is as round as a bead and cannot find a single flaw.

The energy fluctuations that had misunderstood Gao Feng before were caused by these stone balls. Each stone ball has a hidden energy, and the energy emitted by each other will interfere with each other. Therefore, even though they are hundreds of miles apart, Gao Feng can also detect anomalies here. The problem is that each stone ball does not contain much energy, but when several stone balls interfere with each other, an increase will occur, amplifying the energy effect several times or even dozens of times, which makes Gao Feng curious.

Gao Feng knew that energy was conserved. No matter how he moved, it would not increase out of thin air, but would only be lost. However, this weird gravel mountain broke this law. For this reason, Gao Feng did not bother to continue looking for energy nodes, and started to use gravel again. Shan summoned dozens of stone balls and came to an uninhabited hilltop to observe carefully.

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