Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1876 Contact

For a time, Gao Feng's heart turned over and over again, and thousands of flavors surged up. The flower thorn was like an angel, sending unlimited sunshine in the darkest time of his life. At least from now on, he no longer has to worry about not being able to taste it. Taste, in order to thank Hua Ci, he was even more gentle, because his body contained infinite power, and if he was not careful, he would hurt the other person, so he seemed cautious and deliberately trying to please.

At this time, Hua Qi's emotions became even higher. After all, no matter what women are, they are emotional at heart. A little tenderness can turn into very considerate in their hearts. So the two people's entanglement lasted until dawn, and the peak physical strength was unlimited. It's the key, and Hua Cashi, as Rishan Jialuo, is also very physically strong.

When everything calmed down, the sky was already bright, and Gao Feng could clearly see the blush on Hua Qi's face. It was like the best rouge, perfectly displaying her charming charm. Beads of sweat fell from her porcelain-like lips. The skin exudes a woman's unique body fragrance, which makes Gao Feng feel a little bit ready to move. Fortunately, he also knows that Hua Ci is not Broken Star Gallo after all and can withstand his physical strength infinitely.

Hua Qi finally woke up from the blissful dizziness. As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Gao Feng's bright eyes. He moved away with some shyness and guilt. He just turned his head and was straightened by Gao Feng's big hand. She said angrily:

"Why do you like to force others so much? Don't you have any respect?"

"I just like to force you. Who asked you to be so cooperative? I thought I had admitted the wrong person. Of course I have to look carefully..."

Gao Feng held his head with one hand and looked down at the shy Hua Qi. He said something that made her angry and annoyed. She suddenly became a little angry. But before she could take action, Gao Feng held her in his arms and couldn't move, just like Gao Feng's hugging bear. generally.

Sticking to Gao Feng's chest, Hua Qi became quiet. At least at this moment, the barrier between her and Gao Feng disappeared a lot, and they looked more like a young couple enjoying the warmth. After a while, Hua Qi broke away with some doubts and looked at Gao Feng's deep and bright eyes asked curiously:

"Why don't you have a heartbeat?"

The flower thorns are blooming again and I am busy, carrying a bucket and watering the flowers carefully. The silence and dullness of the past are gone, and they appear lively and lively. From time to time, I take advantage of the opportunity to turn around and secretly look at the person who is leaning on the back of the chair like a dead dog. Looking around at Gao Feng, even just a glance, gave her a little more relaxation and pleasure.

Gao Feng is still like an old man, leaning on the recliner and enjoying a comfortable life, and he is somewhat satisfied. At least here, he lives like a human being, not a machine. He just feels a little unwilling. After all, he still misses the little angel. Lovely Aurora, of course, it would be better if Kalea wasn't so used to being jealous, Caifeng wasn't so used to reading, and Youming wasn't so strong. Being a family together is better than anything else.

Unfortunately, even this comfort is short-lived. The origin of consciousness has helped Gao Feng a lot, but it is also a huge hidden danger. Not only is he being rejected by the world, but he also has to shoulder the so-called responsibility to build a new world consciousness and become neither alive nor dead, neither human nor human. The existence of ghosts would give him a headache just thinking about the peak. If possible, he really hoped that the source of his consciousness was not in him.

Suddenly a mechanical roar came from outside the forest, breaking the silence of the valley. Gao Feng was slightly stunned. He didn't even notice that there was spiritual power gathering towards him. If it had been in the past, even if they were dozens of miles apart, the ethereal spiritual power would have gathered towards him. But now, someone has arrived in the valley, and the spiritual power has not been concentrated on him. What does this mean?

Gao Feng was overjoyed and disappeared in front of the cabin in an instant, outside the sea of ​​flowers. When he was about to meet the visitor, countless spiritual powers rushed onto him like a torrent, and were then swallowed up by him, like a human-shaped black hole. .

This was expected. Gao Feng had long suspected the tree people in the sea of ​​flowers, but what was unexpected was that his passive absorption of spiritual power increased by more than ten times. Just like digging a dam to release floods, countless spiritual power was poured into him instantly, making him feel a strong sense of dizziness. You know, even if his head is hit with a hammer, he will not feel any discomfort. This is obviously It was an impact on his soul.

Gao Feng finally retreated to the cabin, and it was even worse than he thought before. When he analyzed the Chaos God King, he used the Chaos God King's body to transform, which was equivalent to devouring the Chaos God King. Not only the physical body, but also the Chaos God King. His spiritual power was also swallowed up, causing the source of will in his body to grow rapidly. A few days ago, he still needed to settle and digest, so the feeling was not obvious. Living with Hua Ci these days, when he had nothing to do every day, he also accelerated his desire for the Chaos God King. The digestion of mental power will automatically plunder the mental power of the surrounding humans as soon as it emerges from the sea of ​​flowers.

This kind of plunder is beyond his control. Whether it is an ordinary person or a Garo, as long as he appears next to him, he will completely lose his spiritual power and become a vegetative state in a matter of seconds. There is no upper limit on the number of this kind of uncontrollable plunder. Whether it is a thousand people or ten thousand people, they will continue to lose their spiritual strength and eventually become a vegetative state without thinking.

And reaching the peak of immeasurable mental power will not end well. He will pay as much as he gets. The mental power that exceeds his own dozens or even hundreds of times will spontaneously assimilate him, gradually wear away his subjective consciousness, and make him slow down. He slowly forgets himself and eventually becomes a spiritual collective. Any memory is just a stored record and will not affect his thinking and judgment, thus completely losing himself.

After Gao Feng understood his greater hidden danger, he looked suspiciously at the silent tree man in the center of the sea of ​​flowers. He had determined that there was something wrong with the tree man. It could actually form a barrier to isolate him, thus preventing the influence of external spiritual power. Influx, in addition to protecting the flower thorn from having his spiritual energy drained by him, obviously has a secret that he doesn't know.

Gao Feng, whose thoughts were in a mess, didn't wait long before he saw a capable team entering the forest. They were almost armed to the teeth. No part of their bodies was exposed. Their weapons were also quite advanced, and they were all the latest from the underground world. Heavy equipment, the leader even has the aura of Xianjun Jialuo. It is obvious that this is a professional army trained by Jialuo.

They came to explore the Chaos God King. They obviously did not expect that there would be people living in the forest. They stopped one after another and did not rush forward rashly. Gao Feng sat in front of the wooden house and looked at these people indifferently. In fact, his perception was one step ahead. He found out the details of the people in the future clearly, but unfortunately there was no acquaintance among them.

Hua Ci also saw these Jialuo, but she had no intention of paying attention and was still busy with her own things. When these people tried to enter the sea of ​​​​flowers, Hua Ci's figure began to blur. She is an assassin, even if she faces Xianjun Jialuo will not attack directly. If these people enter the sea of ​​flowers, even if they die, they will die in unknown ways.

Hua Qi is the guardian here. Unless a limited number of people are qualified to step into the sea of ​​flowers, if they are replaced by irrelevant people, even Gao Feng's subordinates, Hua Qi will kill them without hesitation. The corpse is used as flower fertilizer.

"Let them in, be careful not to step on the flowers..."

Gao Feng stopped Hua Ci. In the past, Hua Ci might not have listened. However, he had just taught him a lesson last night. Hua Ci hesitated a little and decided to give Gao Feng the face. He did not take action, but released the pressure of Splitting Shan Jia Luo, which made the visitors start to panic. Be careful.

"Mrs. Hua Ci, I am Xuan Jiu from the first squadron of the second battalion of the Star Wars Legion. I have something to ask..."

The leader, Xianjun Jialuo, took off his helmet, revealing a young and handsome face, with two shining eyes. Facing the flowers on the mountain steps, he still looked neither humble nor overbearing. When his eyes swept over the wooden house sitting idle, Before, at the peak of laziness, a sudden dizziness made me feel uneasy, as if I was shocked by the almost coquettish appearance of the other party.

Gao Feng sighed in his heart. After all, it still didn't work. Even in the sea of ​​flowers, the spiritual power of Xuan Jiu and others was still gathering towards him, but it was much weaker than outside. When he heard the name Xuan Jiu, he couldn't help but think of something else. For a woman, that woman is called Jiuxuan.

"Who are you Jiuxuan?"

Gao Feng interrupted Jiuxuan's inquiry about Hua Ci and told him a name that he had almost forgotten. It was not that Gao Feng was interested in the name, but that he found that many missing memories were always associated with related words. Thinking of another thing, maybe the missing memory can be retrieved.

Jiuxuan was stunned for a moment, and a look of suspicion flashed across his face. Then he felt the boundless pressure on Gao Feng, and his heart was shocked. This lazy man turned out to be a powerful Xianjun Jialuo?

"My sister's name is Jiu Xuan. She was more talented than me. She later died in the hands of the Lei Clan family. I don't know how you know her..."

Xuan Jiu was suspicious, but he didn't dare to hide anything. He told the truth. At the same time, he wanted to ask Gao Feng how he knew his dead sister. Gao Feng just shook his head, changed the subject and said:

"I know why you came. Go back and tell Yan Erjiu that the Chaos God King will not appear again, so that she can do her own thing in peace. In addition, you go to Jinshan and ask him to send some tobacco and wine..."

Gao Feng said these unintelligible words. Xuan Jiu was confused and wanted to ask again, but Gao Feng ignored them and got up and entered the wooden house. Hua Ci then drove them out of the sea of ​​​​flowers and waited until Xuan Jiu returned. After the wilderness informed Yan Twenty-Jiu about what Gao Feng said, the slightly dull atmosphere of the wilderness suddenly changed and became revitalized. Those who are interested will always find that Yan Twenty-Jiu, who was originally becoming more and more severe, Suddenly he became much softer and not as harsh as before.

After a brief interruption, Huacic returned to her ordinary life, still busy according to her previous habits, while Fengfeng became more and more accustomed to an ordinary life without fighting or hard work. She seemed to have no ambition and stayed at home all day long. At home, he doesn't go out to do any activities. He even needs Hua Qi to support him, and he can be supported by Hua Qi with peace of mind. He will occasionally bully Hua Qi at night.

Except for a few people in the wilderness, almost no one knew that Gao Feng was still alive. In fact, even Gao Feng's wife, children, and family members did not know about him. The information about the disappearance of the Chaos God King spread, but it did not attract more attention. , for most people, the Chaos God King means nothing to them. Their energy is still focused on work and remuneration. Only hard work can keep themselves fed and clothed. The rest may be a source of support for immigrants to the moon. consideration.

The lunar migration plan is no longer a secret. The senior management of the wilderness wants to establish a settlement on the moon. This is a mainstream topic in the wilderness. Countless materials have been sent to the moon to build the first space city. But with the first batch of immigrants stationed in the space city, countless Problems are emerging one after another, and the high-level officials in the wilderness have not blocked the news, which makes many people suspicious. For them, no matter how bad the surface environment is, it is countless times better than the space city. After all, they can breathe freely on the ground and do not need to worry about gravitational imbalance. , space radiation, and the fatal crisis caused by small meteorites.

Even so, the wilderness still never stopped. When Gao Feng lived in seclusion in a wooden house in the sea of ​​flowers and kept company with his beautiful lady, the wilderness suddenly started to expand. He had been searching for resources all over the world, but there was always room left. Now he learned that Gao Feng was fine. , even the most conservative Yan Twenty-Nine showed his ambition and fangs, and sent out all the fleets, including the fire dragons and small things that guarded the wilderness.

Energy nodes are the tumors of the world. Each energy node has a peak disaster beast. Not only does it have the terrifying strength of the peak powerhouse, the node itself is also a dangerous place that ordinary people cannot approach. But for those who have already experienced the wilderness, these Nodes are blessed places given by heaven. Each node has endless energy crystals, among which the semi-solidified crystals of the energy lake are excellent energy for space power.

If in the past, there was no Gao Feng sitting in the wilderness, and the Chaos God King was wandering outside, Yan Twenty-Jiu would not dare to send a large number of combat forces to attack the energy nodes no matter what, but it is different now. The whereabouts of Gao Feng have been confirmed. Twenty-nine has the Dinghai Shenzhen in his heart. Now that the energy is gradually running out, energy crystals are the most precious resource.

After the Chaos Front, when the world was in ruins, a new round of war broke out in the wilderness, roaring to the entire world. The first battle of the Star Wars Legion was to fight against the remaining forces and strong men in the world. Countless people died due to environmental changes. , and the transformed strong men became prey in the wilderness, and the materials they hoarded became the trophies of the wilderness. Even the outstanding population was plundered into the wilderness and became part of the space immigrants.

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