Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1878 Indian cultivator

Broken Star Gallo can be said to be the person who knows the most about energy. It didn’t take long for Gao Feng to discover the secret. The stone ball itself does not contain much energy, but through mutual interference, it will form a strange energy gravity that will dissipate. The energy between heaven and earth is attracted to achieve the effect of amplification. The more energy is attracted, some of it will always be left to seep into the stone ball, allowing the stone ball to accumulate more energy.

In other words, the stone ball is like a moneylender, using the dissipated energy as bait to attract the dissipated energy. While recovering the cost, it can also obtain a large usurious loan. Such a virtuous cycle may eventually form from the inside to the outside. External transformation.

Gao Feng was shocked when he figured out the principle of stone balls. He thought of another term in his mind, energy pool. If the number of stone balls is enough, the attraction effect will be extended to the extreme, and an energy tide will be formed within a certain range. Within, the free energy is increased to a massive level. If there is Jialuo in the middle to absorb it, the effect is no worse than the energy lake at the center of the energy node.

Thinking of this, Gao Feng became jealous. If the entire mountain range was mined and used in the space city, it would form an energy node. Space immigrants are rootless. Living in space will never be more comfortable than staying on the ground. , especially the lack of resources. The original plan was for the population to live on the moon and space cities, and the surface was only used as a resource supplier. Even if the environment was harsh, some ores and resources could be replenished. The disadvantage was the consumption of energy crystals. If there were The stone ball matrix serves as an energy supplement, and maybe the final shortcoming can be solved.

Why is the wilderness going crazy, looking for energy nodes all over the world? It’s not because of the energy crystals. The underground people have a very high technological level in energy conversion, but that is limited to converting coal mines into low-level energy crystals. As for solar energy, you can expect to live underground for hundreds of years. Do you know the sun?

With the preliminary idea in mind, Gao Feng did not leave, but continued to test the effectiveness of the stone balls. Dozens of large and small stone balls shattered at the same time and turned into fine sand grains, forming a suspended sand belt around Gao Feng. As the sand belt rotated rapidly, the fine sand continued to break and turned into dust invisible to the naked eye. When the dust dispersed, the sand belt several meters long disappeared, leaving only a touch of blue crystal debris in Gao Feng's hand.

The crystal crumbs are very similar to ordinary glass slag, but if you look closely, you will find that a layer of dense rays of light lingers on the crumbs, and white mist surges and rolls in the rays of light. From time to time, it seeps into the palm of your hand and disappears, and new white mist appears. The fog is generated in the glow, and Gao Feng can feel substantial energy, penetrating into the body along the veins in the palms of his hands. Compared to Gao Feng's own energy, it may not even be one thousandth, but to an ordinary Garo, it is simply The treasure in your dreams, you must know that the energy of Broken Star level is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary Bengyun. If it is given to Shanshan Jia Luo, it is equivalent to carrying the best energy pool with you. Even if you do nothing, you can break through to Beng Yun Jia. Luo.

Gao Feng has every reason to believe that in the past, even the top families would have risked everything for a sliver of crumbs. After all, the energy of crystal crumbs can continuously create Bengyun Jialuo, which can become the inheritance treasure of top families. It is even effective against Beng Yun. Beng Yun Jialuo no longer has to work hard to accumulate energy to convert himself. He only needs to carry it with him and has a lot of time to understand the spiritual power. It is said that there is no chance to truly advance to the Shattering Star level.

It's a pity that these are useless to Gao Feng. He even thinks that this thing may be a hidden danger. After all, the effect on Jialuo under the Broken Star is too heaven-defying, and it has no effect on him. On the contrary, it is an artificial energy pool gathered by stone balls, with a wider range of The future will not bring disaster to future generations or relatives.

Just as he was about to throw away the debris, a gust of evil wind blew in his face, mixed with an indescribable stench, just like the smell of a septic tank that had been brewing for decades and was suddenly dug up. The perception was invalid, and Gao Feng raised his head. Look, he saw an old man with a white beard who was as skinny as a corpse, charging towards him fiercely. A pair of black withered hands, like dried black chicken claws, clawed at his eyeballs. Those turbid eyes were greedy. Stare at the crumbs.

Gao Feng frowned slightly. He was not afraid of the opponent's strength, but he was not willing to face an enemy who did not take a shower. He slightly raised his body to avoid the black claws, and lightly raised his right foot to kick him. With one kick, he knocked out the person. Meters away, it hit the mountain wall like a cannonball, leaving a cracked hole like a spider web in the roar.

This kick seems to be lazy and casual, without any fireworks, but it actually has terrifying power. Even a main battle tank will fall apart with the kick. Gao Feng does not think that this guy who appears out of nowhere can survive. The only thing he pays attention to is It was incredible that this guy was immune to perception.

Just when Gao Feng was about to leave in style and mobilize the fleet to plunder this area in the future, there was another gust of wind behind him. Gao Feng turned around speechlessly, stretched out his index finger and released a ray of fire, instantly burning the incoming man into a torch.

The visitor's beard and eyebrows disappeared in an instant, and even the colorless crotch cloth turned into ashes. Only the black skin exploded in the flames, like ice-cracked porcelain, but he He was not burned to death, but sat cross-legged on the ground with a solemn expression, like an old monk meditating.

Gao Feng knew the temperature of the flame, and even the lines of fire he sent out at will could melt steel. Unexpectedly, the man did not turn into ashes a minute later, but instead shed his old skin, revealing light golden skin. This made Gao Feng very unhappy. Seeing the lightbulb-like Chaos God King, he felt fierce in his heart and raised the temperature of the fire. After a few seconds, he heard the man scream like a slaughtering pig and kept rolling on the ground.

I wanted to burn this guy to death, but Gao Feng unexpectedly discovered that even though this guy was wailing in the fire, he didn't release even a little bit of mental power. Gao Feng was very surprised. It seemed interesting?

He casually retrieved the flame and did not extinguish it. It just burned in the palm of his hand. Gao Feng used mental shock to ask in the other person's mind:

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The mental shock acts directly on the other party's mind, without the need for verbal communication, to directly let the other party understand what he means. This trick was learned from the Chaos God King, who was covered in blisters and looked extremely miserable. He used extremely terrifying Looking at Gao Feng, he huddled up and did not answer Gao Feng's questions, which made Gao Feng a little annoyed. If he stayed outside for one more minute, he would have to endure one more minute of being passively absorbed by his mental power, just like he was originally. A person who is full is still being force-fed. This feeling makes him lose control of his emotions.

Taking a step forward, Gao Feng was about to put back the flame in his palm. This time, the other party finally spoke. However, when he opened his mouth, Gao Feng was incomprehensible with bird chirping. It was said to be an indigenous language, and there were a few English words in the middle of the words. , even if it was a little out of tune, Gao Feng could still barely understand it. They were all about rocks, mountains, wealth, etc.

As this man spoke, he was afraid that Gao Feng would put the terrifying flames back on him, so he knelt on the ground and worshiped Gao Feng. The way of worship looked familiar to Gao Feng. It seemed that the other party regarded him as a god?

It took me a while to figure out that the other party would not use mental shock to answer me. It took me a long time to teach the other party how to answer me in my mind, and then I figured out the cause and effect.

The man in front of me is called Sai Baba. He is an ascetic from the distant city of Seshe. He has walked through countless mountains, rivers, and the earth with his feet. After experiencing various dangers, he has discovered this mountain that contains treasures. For this reason, he stopped and mined it. The stone balls used by Sachi were used for practice and exchange, and it was precisely the function of the stone balls that enabled him to reach the pinnacle of his cultivation system and achieve an indestructible golden body.

The so-called unbreakable golden body refers to the golden skin that Gao Feng had misunderstood before. Who makes the Chaos God King's lightbulb-like golden body unforgettable to this day? What surprised Gao Feng was not that Sai Baba was immortal, but that the other party was actually an Indian. He ran from India to Africa, which was further than when he ran from the wilderness to the savannah. In this regard, this guy is definitely a veteran. Donkey friends.

"The saint is now walking in the sky as if he has heard it, retaining hundreds of millions of faiths, walking on the earth, bathing in divine light..."

Sai Baba is a realist. When he found that he was not even as good as a finger on Gao Feng, he regarded Gao Feng as a god and described the worship of Gao Feng in his heart with mental shock. Gao Feng could not understand many terms, but he However, he absorbed a trace of almost pure spiritual power from the other party. This spiritual power was comparable to the passive absorption lost by hundreds of people, but there was no hidden danger of passive absorption. On the contrary, it had a stabilizing effect on Gao Feng's own spiritual power.

"Don't read these words, let me ask you, why is your spiritual power so strong? Also, what is your method of practice?"

Gao Feng interrupted the other party's pious chanting and asked him bluntly. Sai Baba immediately responded in his heart:

"Practice asceticism in the world to sharpen your mind, walk all over the thorns to seek transcendence, if you have the thought of transcendence, open the body wheel, open all seven wheels for the Hinayana method, then cast a golden body for the Middle Vehicle method, practice the Dharma in the world, no self, no thought, one thought When the flowers bloom, everyone worships the Mahayana, and when it is practiced in the universe, it will never die, and it will become perfect..."

Sai Baba very honestly informed Gao Feng of his practice methods and concepts, and also let Gao Feng understand why the other party's spiritual power was so strong. The so-called detachment means not being affected by the world's consciousness, and if you want to be detached, you must first hone your own will. , use will to create a stable mental power, and this is just the beginning. Then the body wheel will be opened, and the three chakras and seven wheels will have extraordinary power. It can be regarded as a small city. After that, it will be a golden body. Sai Baba is at this step, and there will be more after that. There is Mahayana and perfection.

As soon as Gao Feng heard this, he knew that this was a practice method passed down from ancient times in India. Practitioners specialize in self-cultivation, which is a different path from Jialuo. Speaking of Jialuo's history, it is far inferior to the method practiced by Sai Baba. He didn't know Which one is better and which one is worse, but I know that if it is an ordinary Bengyun Jialuo, it may not be able to defeat Heshe Baba.

"How many people are in the middle vehicle like you, and how many people are in the great vehicle and consummation?"

"Seshe is a place of monks. Tens of thousands of people practice hard, thousands of Hinayana people, dozens of medium vehicle people, and two or three Mahayana people. I don't know anyone who has achieved perfection..."

Sai Baba answered more respectfully. In his heart, the peak is perfection. In Sai Baba, the so-called flower blooming with one thought does not mean making real plants bloom, but constructing flowers of water and fire out of thin air, showing them in front of everyone in the form of energy. There are Mahayana lectures, the sky is full of flowers and lights, and they are all virtual scenes constructed of energy.

When Gao Feng heard this, he immediately felt relieved. Without perfection, no one could threaten him. If someone really achieved immortality and walked in the universe, it would be really terrifying, even more powerful than the Chaos God King, but he had never thought about it. Practitioners are all full of fantasies about the ultimate, and it is inevitable to exaggerate. You must know that he once walked on the moon in Half Step Broken Star. Although he had the assistance of the scale clone, to Sai Baba, that was the Great Perfection.

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