Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1857

"If I don't do this, everyone will die. Michael betrayed us, and the army of gods is coming. Only by believing in them can we be saved..."

Iris said these unintelligible words in a confused manner, which made Wuyue even more angry. This stupid woman even made up lies when her death was about to happen. Do you really think that he didn't dare to kill someone?

"Iris, Iris, how many times have you caused trouble for me? If it weren't for the fact that you and I both came out of the same training camp, I would have wanted to kill you..."

Wu Yue spoke with a little regret, a little regret, and some heavy, murmuring words. The words were indescribably soft, like whispers between lovers, but his expression was extremely serious and solemn. As he spoke, He picked up the battle robot's large rifle from his side, turned on the safety, and pointed the muzzle at Iris' eyebrows.

The rifle, which weighs more than ten kilograms, is not difficult in the hands of Wuyue. It is difficult for Wuyue to withstand the pressure of Holy Lord Bengyun without falling. At this time, he showed his strong physical fitness. The rifle did not tremble in his hands. , as stable as an ancient pine, under the muzzle of the gun, the thoughts in Iris's mouth finally stopped, and she finally remembered that before the Lord's salvation came, she would die in the hands of the man in front of her.

Facing May's gun, Iris finally wakes up, but she can't defend herself, or even beg for mercy, because her betrayal has become a fact, but May didn't shoot the first time, and there are too many doubts about it. He hesitated, why did thousands of people become religious lunatics in less than a week, and what reason did Iris use to convince these people so much? And what role does Michael play in it? If these cannot be clarified, does it mean that there are huge hidden dangers in the underground base?

Various thoughts flashed through his mind. After all, May didn't blow the beautiful face in front of him into pieces. He raised his head and shouted to the surroundings:

"Michael, come out, are you responsible for all this?"

As the words echoed, the image of Michael's angel of light suddenly appeared beside him. May had long been immune to Michael's elusiveness, but it aroused the fear of the previous religious lunatics, and they all knelt on the ground to pray to Michael.

Michael did not respond to everyone's prayers. He stared at May with two beautiful and empty eyes, shook his head and said:

"This is all your internal problem. I have recorded everything that happened..."

As he spoke, a huge virtual picture appeared in the eyes of countless people. It was information technology that directly acted on people's pupils. It would give people an immersive and intuitive experience. The cause and effect would soon be clear in the most intuitive way. .

When the image in his pupils disappeared, the huge amount of information still impacted his mind, giving May a strong sense of dizziness. Fortunately, his body had experienced countless strengthening, and his own strength was not inferior to Xianfeng Jialuo. , only in this way can the information compressed into a few minutes be digested in a very short time.

When he opened his eyes again, looking at Iris kneeling in front of him, he really didn't know what to say. At this time, the adjutant beside him whispered to Wuyue:

"This matter must be reported. It's best to evacuate all personnel in the base. This place is too weird..."

May didn't answer, but bent down and took out an ancient book with a sheepskin cover from the old cowhide bag on Iris's waist. The book looked old and ancient, and there was a reassuring and peaceful atmosphere permeating it. No need to open it, it can make people fall into an ethereal comfort.

This is a handwritten book without a title. When he opened the title page, the twisted words inside were not familiar to May. But the moment he touched the ancient book, an inexplicable title appeared in his mind, " "Dark Age".

At the same time as the title of the book, there was a Western-style name, Peter, and then countless pictures rushed into May's mind. The first picture was of desolate and primitive ancient times. A group of people in ragged clothes surrounded a middle-aged man. They called out together With this man's name, Jesus.

May has no interest in religion, and has never studied the origin of religion in the underground history museum, so he doesn't know what the picture in his mind means. He only knows that there is a strange spiritual power being transmitted from the ancient book in his hand. It enters his own mind, affects his thinking and judgment, and even erodes his self-understanding. It wants to assimilate him and convey religious concepts to the world.

May, who was able to stand firm under the pressure of Bengyun Jialuo, was not as fragile as Iris. The strength in his heart finally allowed him to block the erosion of assimilation, and also allowed him to see more pictures. These pictures were not complete, as if Only limited information can be obtained from the broken glass, about human reproduction, slash-and-burn cultivation, wars and disasters. As the scenes continue to flow, May even sees the magnificent cities, high-rise buildings, and dams of mankind before the war of annihilation. The farm, and the slowly rising mushroom cloud.

When May's eyes regained focus, the ancient sheepskin book in his hand was thrown away like burning charcoal, and he looked at Iris in horror. Iris watched the strange smile appear on the corner of May's mouth, with a cold and desperate expression. The voice said:

"Have you also seen destruction? All of this was set thousands of years ago. Humanity will destroy itself according to his prediction. No one can escape the judgment of the end of the world. Only faith can make us live forever and find the way to the kingdom of God. ladder……."

"Shut up... you idiot, you don't know anything..."

May interrupted Iris's words with an angry roar, turned to the two Maple Leaf Regrets and said:

"Take her down and lock her up tightly. No one is allowed to touch her. When she returns to the wilderness, she will report it to the management."

After Wu Yu finished his explanation, he swung the muzzle of his gun, aimed at the ancient sheepskin book he had thrown down, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. There was a faint emotion of fear and anger on his ferocious face, and the powerful firepower instantly destroyed Covered in ancient sheepskin scrolls, amid the roaring gunfire, Iris looked at the ancient book covered in fire, wailing in despair, as if it was something she was willing to protect with her life.

The rain of bullets that could pierce steel did not tear the ancient sheepskin scrolls into pieces immediately. It seemed that there was an inexplicable force preventing the destruction of the ancient books. However, in May's crazy shooting, this force could not be stopped in the end. Countless pieces of sheepskin were scattered in all directions, showing the torn feathers. In the end, only a few tiny remnants were left, but they lost the power to confuse people's hearts.

The mysterious ancient parchment book was shattered under the gun of May. The iris was like an empty shell that had lost its soul. Apart from being able to breathe, it was dragged away like a wood sculpture. The stiff body even lost its softness. After dealing with the iris, May looked angrily at Michael, who was still indifferent, and said sternly:

"What it is?"

"The continuation of the will, the history of human beings is very short, but the potential of human beings is very high. Every hundred years there will always be some outstanding human beings who will break through their own consciousness, complete the perfect combination and transformation of spirit and soul, and thus evolve into spiritual life forms , and one of my jobs is to bring them here, complete their final transformation, and finally go to the center of the galaxy and become part of the galaxy, letting this starry sky bloom with the most beautiful brilliance...

The person who kept this notebook is called Peter. He is the founder of a certain religion on Earth. He lived here until he completed his transformation. He left this notebook and went to the place where life originated. I never thought that , the notes will record the will he left behind, or as you humans would say, it is called a prophecy... "

Michael has no intention of hiding or keeping secrets. Everything in the past, present, and future that has happened or will happen is just the information stored in her database. She is just a record, a passive program, creating her race. , and did not give her any more restrictions, so she calmly told May the secret that she couldn't believe.

May's mind was very confused. During the period when the peak was no longer there, too many accidents happened, especially the changes in the moon base. He did not expect that an ancient book that Iris accidentally picked up would allow her to see what was about to happen in the future. These disasters do not come from the Chaos God King, nor from the great changes in the earth's environment, but from the third type of life hidden in the darkness, waiting to harvest the earth. What is ridiculous is that the new home they have moved to is The third type of life is at the base of the solar system.

Suddenly, May remembered that Michael took the initiative to open the base gate. To know the control of the base gate, under Gao Feng's previous request, it must first be controlled by humans. Iris refused the fleet's entry. Logically speaking, Michael She could completely ignore it. After all, this was just an internal fight among humans and had nothing to do with her. However, she still opened the door and explained the strange changes in Iris. What did this mean?

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