Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the Apocalypse Text 1856 Fanaticism

"Is there a trap?"

This idea came to mind involuntarily, and was immediately rejected by May himself. The Shahu battleship is not an unarmed transport ship. If a medium-sized electromagnetic gun fires inside the base, the damage caused will be ten times and a hundred times that of firing from outside. Then again What is the reason that makes iris inconsistent?

After a little hesitation, May divided the fleet into two, with one part meeting outside. He led the rest straight into the underground base. As soon as he entered the underground base, the boundless darkness was driven away by the bright light, and then the door of the base slowed down. Close it slowly, and soon the air will flow in.

Normally, there would be hundreds of engineers here to welcome the arrival of the spacecraft, unload Fetron's cargo, or register the people who came with the ship, but today, in the huge apron, there are only vehicles parked on the ground and hills. There were boxes of supplies piled up like this, but no one could be seen.

There was no other sound in the huge space except the idling hum of the battleship's engine. Under the protection of hundreds of combat robots, May and others who stepped out of the battleship suddenly felt that the entire space was filled with some inexplicable hostility, but they I can't tell where this hostility comes from.

Compared with the complicated thoughts in human hearts, the program-controlled combat robots did not care about the lack of hostility around them. They quickly dispersed and controlled the traffic arteries of the entire space according to standard defense procedures. Then Wuyue and others took the ground. Transportation to the living area of ​​the underground base, with thousands of people arriving first.

As the combat robots escorted forward, May did not encounter possible attacks or threats. Everywhere along the way, it was still deserted. Neither the base engineers nor the Angels of Light showed up, as if there was no life here. breath.

Arriving at the door of the living area, Wuyue stopped. After scanning the neat combat robots around him with stern eyes, he then looked at the two people behind him. They were two tough young men with similar looks, short and stubby. On their necks, the muscles were knotted, and the broad shoulders supported the strong chest muscles, which contained the strength of dynamite. They nodded slightly to May, and they had prepared the matter themselves, which immediately made May feel relieved. The two Maple Leaf families The Xianjun Jialuo is his biggest trump card during this trip, especially equipped with the rare Terminator armor. Even the Split Mountain Jialuo is not their opponent. May believes that even just the two of them can sweep through the underground base.

When the combat robot opened the door, the first sight was rows of neat houses, like a chessboard. In the center of the building was a spacious square, where a stone statue seven or eight meters high stood. In front of the statue, thousands of people were standing Kneeling on the ground, praying devoutly to the statue, even if you are thousands of meters apart, you can still hear the waves of thousands of people speaking the same language:

"Lord! Please give me peace, accept the disasters that I cannot change, give me infinite courage to change the things that can be changed, and give me wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two, face life every day, and enjoy Every moment of life; embrace hardship because it is the path to peace, and deal with the sin of a world that is not what we want, as the Lord does, trusting that the Lord will bring justice to the world if I obey Him According to His will, I will get appropriate happiness in this life and share eternal bliss with the Lord in the next life.”

Hearing the surge of prayers and seeing countless people kneeling before the stones, everyone including May was stunned. They had never seen this scene before them. The power of religion was demonstrated at this time, forming a huge The impact shook everyone's heart, but what arose in their hearts was not sacredness, but absurdity. Could it be that that thing carved from stone could allow people to get everything without working, eating, or living?

"You must believe in the Lord. He will lead us through floods, fires, and famines. If we contribute our faith, He will bless us and drive away disasters, pain, and fear. The final judgment is coming, and mankind's destruction is irreversible. Only by believing in the Lord Only through salvation can we see the steps of the kingdom of heaven. You and I will eat honey and milk in the kingdom of heaven and enjoy the feast given by the Lord..."

The beautiful Iris stood directly under the statue, using some kind of loudspeaker device to give a brainwashing speech to thousands of people. Her hoarse and magnetic voice had a seductive and hypnotic rhythm, which made everyone who heard it, He fantasized about the beauty of heaven, of course, excluding the dark-faced May. Looking at the crazy-looking Iris, he never thought that this stupid woman would become a magic stick. He never thought that she would have a wealth of knowledge. Engineers and scientists with technology will become brainwashed religious lunatics.

"That's enough. It's not your Lord who made you come from the ground to the moon, nor is it faith that makes you eat and drink well. If you are unwilling to work and complete the task, then get back here and don't stay here to occupy precious resources. living space……."

May's roar interrupted Iris's hysterical speech, and her angry words were like long whips, lashing into Iris's heart. She looked at May in amazement, who appeared not far away. She would never have imagined that May led the army to suddenly Appearing in the underground base, the despair in her heart made her lose her mind. She pointed at May and screamed:

“Sinners, they are sinners, and they will bring the wrath of the Lord to kill them….”

Amid her piercing screams, thousands of people exploded like ignited powder keg, noisily looking towards May. The next moment, angry roars roared through the throats of thousands of people, and the huge sound wave suddenly Filling the entire living area, forming a lingering echo that tortured May’s ears.

No matter what May May said at this time, the other side would not hear it. Thousands of people cursed and roared, which could drown out any sound. Facing the crowd as angry as a frightened bull, May May rubbed his forehead with a headache. Could it be that Iris That crazy woman, really thinks that thousands of engineers can fight against an army of combat robots?

Just as May was thinking about whether to order shooting in the sky to scare these religious lunatics, a strange sound of electric current came from the opposite side. The next moment, countless arcs jumped in May's team, and each arc repeated Hitting the combat robots caused their tough armor to sparkle with dazzling sparks in the arc, while scorching black smoke emitted from the gaps in the armor.

The next moment, all the combat robots were like toy dolls blown down by the strong wind. They fell to the ground one after another, making a dull sound of metal collision. Unbelievable surprise flashed through Wuyue's mind. When he looked up to the opposite side, he found several Engineers in coveralls cheered as they held up strange equipment like pokers.

"Is this a conspiracy?"

A flash of fear flashed through Wuyue's heart. He was confident, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of death. More than a hundred combat robots were eliminated by a few engineers in the blink of an eye. In the panic, the first thing he thought of was a trap, but it was blocked by countless heads. There was also surprise and doubt on the face of Iris that he was looking at. The next second, Iris laughed crazily and pointed in the direction of May, her face flushed with excitement.

Without the protection of the combat robot, the less than ten people in May and so on faced the frenzy of thousands of people, just like the grass before being covered by the flood, it will be crushed and washed away at any time. Seeing that May is about to be overwhelmed by the crowd rushing forward, Tear to pieces, two dull roars were like two thunders that suddenly rumbled on the hearts of thousands of people, shocking them for a moment.

The next second, two black figures that were about to be submerged by the crowd took the initiative to rush towards the dark crowd. Then dozens of strong men were knocked away by the huge force, and this was just the beginning. The crowd was separated by two huge straight lines. Wherever this straight line went, countless people who were knocked away screamed and rolled in mid-air, and then fell to the surroundings, or hit more people, or hit the wall with a crisp sound of bone fractures.

Crying and wailing replaced people's previous excited roars. More people who were blocked in the back did not know what was happening. When they saw the straight line approaching them quickly, they had no time to escape and could only be passively knocked away. arrive.

When two straight lines that kept knocking people away penetrated the crowd, hundreds of people had fallen on the ground, and the remaining people were also hiding in the screams. The previous fanaticism had been replaced by fear, because they discovered that the There are only two people responsible for such a horrific scene, two strong and aged men.

Iris's arrogance only lasted less than three minutes. Three minutes was exactly the time it took for the two Xianjun Jia Luo to rush in front of her. The laughter stopped abruptly and then turned into screams. Soon after the screams started, she was caught. In front of May, it was like a rag thrown at May's feet.

With her hands on the ground and kneeling on the ground, Iris lost the aura of a magic stick and returned to the weak nature of women. Her frightened expression distorted her stunning appearance. There was only fear and despair for May in her eyes.

May looked down at Iris, slowly squatted down, stretched out her index finger to lift her chin, stared with eyes as bright as flames, and said word by word:

"Now, can you tell me, why do you do this?"

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