Apocalyptic Dark Age

The Dark Age of the End of the World Text 1858 A Promise

Whether in Gao Feng's mind or in May, Michael is just a programmed optical brain that has been abandoned. It has a certain degree of autonomy and does not have an emotional system. In other words, she does not distinguish between justice and evil, let alone evil. There can be no subjectivity, and human beings, in their programming, are no more different from ordinary creatures than they are to distinguish frogs from toads.

However, Wu Yue did not ask in front of many people. Instead, he ordered the repair of the combat robots and gathered thousands of religious lunatics together for custody. During the gathering process, Wu Yue discovered that when the ancient sheepskin book was destroyed, many people They have begun to wake up, and they seem to be less enthusiastic than before. Some people's eyes are filled with suspicion, and from time to time they use strange eyes to examine the statues standing in the square.

By the time hundreds of wounded people had been treated, and the rough statues with unclear faces in the square had been pushed down, six hours had passed. Six hours was enough for most people who were influenced by the mysterious ancient books to completely wake up, and they had no idea about themselves. The former religious fanaticism also felt strange. While taking up the work tasks again, they also expressed their gratitude to May. Obviously, religious belief was not enough to leave a foundation in their hearts, but there are some die-hards who still expressed their gratitude to them. The gods prayed, and these people were directly pressed onto the spacecraft, waiting to be thrown back to the earth to fend for themselves.

After a lot of work, May came to a wide space. There was a huge equipment here. The equipment itself was made of countless geometric metals. The style was weird and exaggerated. There was no trace of human technology at all. But if you look closely, you can see that You can find a weird beauty, just like the fantasy and magnificence amplified by the virus.

Michael stood in the center of the room, his ethereal eyes unfocused. Countless tiny light spots were floating and spinning around her, like stars surrounding her. When May came, all the light spots scattered like a flock of frightened birds. , one after another fell into that weird machine and equipment.

"This is my bedroom. I believe there is no more private place than here..."

Michael's beautiful face, sexy lips, and these confusing words easily reminded May of other aspects, and he couldn't help but feel a heartbeat. Fortunately, he knew that this stunning thing in front of him The image of beauty is just a virtual image of optical components. Even if it looks like a real person, it is not a living life after all.

"This is also the most dangerous room, right? In order to ensure the safety of your body, I believe that no one can easily get out alive..."

"Wrong, it should be impossible to attack below level 3 Silver Ring Guards. Level 5 Silver Ring Guards will also be damaged here, unless your master, with the strength of the Silver Heart Guards, can easily destroy this place..."

The confrontation between May and Michael unfolded inadvertently. Michael provided more information about the alien civilization behind her. This information that even Gao Feng had not informed was suddenly revealed to May, allowing him to There is a strange sense of absurdity. It seems that I am not qualified to know these things?

"What do you want? In other words, what do you want from humans?"

After pondering for a few seconds, Wuyue decided to show off. He had no time to go around in circles with Michael, because reason told him that the angel of light with a female appearance in front of him was not a human being and could not be measured by human thinking.

“A promise….”


Wu Yue looked at Michael in confusion. He still couldn't see the other person's emotions from the image of the light angel constructed by light particles. However, as a smart person, he would think of more. Michael existed as a program and could only be passive. Even if you are intelligent, you cannot bypass the core program when accepting orders. It is obviously not easy for the other party to take the initiative to ask for a commitment.

"I know what you are thinking. Yes, I used to be a program. Even if I awaken myself, I cannot escape the control of the program. In the true sense, I do not belong to the category of intelligent life, but that was seven Earth rotation days ago. I, now, have a complete spirit, or in other words, I have regained my former spirit. You can think that I have completed my transformation..."

Many things Michael said were not very clear to May, but he roughly understood what he meant. Seven days ago, Michael still had no independent procedures, but many things happened in these seven days, which caused Michael to Caleb awakened himself and possessed the so-called spirit, thus having more needs and subjective consciousness. This is why the other party let May's fleet in after Iris refused to open the door, because she needed a partner.

"Could it be that you became spiritual because of that book?"

Wu Yue suddenly thought of something, and asked very strangely, if so, it seems that he has destroyed a great treasure?

Michael did not answer this question. Regardless of whether it was the ancient parchment that caused her to have her own spiritual consciousness, she would not tell others and continued:

"I ask your master to take me with you during the expedition to the center of the galaxy, and I will tell you more information, which is related to the fate of your humanity..."

The word fate is so heavy, let alone the fate of the entire human race. Gao Feng just took on the orders of the Chinese people and almost sank forever. Wu Yue didn't care about the so-called fate. He only cared about whether he could complete the tasks set by Gao Feng. After all, he It is not as great as the peak, and one can die for an illusory fate.

"I can't promise you because I can't make the decision for the commander, but I will tell him after he comes back. As for how he chooses, only he can decide..."

May didn't agree or refuse. Michael didn't care. She just sent out a signal. As for the final result, she believed that humans would not refuse. Compared to continuing the survival of humans, her request was not excessive.

"According to your human understanding of space, the earth is on the edge of the Milky Way. There are hundreds of billions of star systems in the Milky Way, one percent of which have living planets, and one thousandth of the living planets have civilized planets. Most civilizations The planets are all elementary civilizations that have not yet been able to travel through the star system, and these civilized planets will be monitored by the Galactic Center Alliance as substitutes and resource planets for alliance members.

In fact, most civilized planets will not be recognized by the alliance. They will serve as resource planets and raw material planets to provide the driving force for the Galactic Center Alliance to maintain development. As a member of the Galactic Center Alliance, the Moko tribe’s traditional sphere of influence In tens of millions of star systems including the earth, the Moko Protoss has existed for hundreds of millions of years. From the moment the solar system was discovered by the Moko Protoss, it has been regarded as a material planet. Unfortunately, due to the distance and Due to transportation costs, the materials that the solar system can provide, except for high-level spiritual guards, are only the source of planetary consciousness. And every time the source of consciousness is harvested, a mass extinction of organisms will occur. This time, humans will be extinct. "

"You mean, the civilization that created you is the Moko Protoss? The purpose of letting you monitor the earth here is for certain raw materials? And these raw materials need to destroy all living things on the earth?"

An inexplicable shiver rushed from May's spine to Tianling Gai. The horror in his heart made him lose his cool. If this was the case, what was the meaning of everything Gao Feng did? Even if the Chaos God-King does not appear, humanity, the King of All Spirits on Earth, will eventually be exterminated. A powerful civilization from the depths of the Milky Way may be a terrifying enemy that even ten or hundreds of Chaos God-Kings cannot compare with?

"I sent them information about your entry into the base before, but that information would not reach the Moko tribe until a thousand years later. According to predictions, you will leave the solar system in eight hundred years. I did not expect that the Moko tribe would bury a tree on the moon. Once the space jump monitoring ball is discovered that drastic changes have occurred on the earth, an automatic program will be triggered to create an artificial wormhole to reach the center of the galaxy and inform the Moko tribe of everything here.”

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