Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Twenty-four years, the appearance of the sacred land of the Great Monster has no devil to win Qin Wentian.

On this day, the bell sound rang and the Saint Academy preach the Dao came.

Qin Wentian’s eyes flashed a glimpse of the edge, the experts stopped, and the expert’s expert eyes in the sacred land looked out, then they lifted their steps and moved towards outside.

Even such a trial sacred land will still not affect their attachment to Saint Academy preach the Dao. Twelve’s annual Saint Academy preach the Dao is undoubtedly the day that Zhu Qiang could not miss, the last Saint Academy. Preach the Dao, many experts break through the world, even if they fail to break through, they benefit a lot, and not only on the cultivation base, but also on the mind and the impact on the horizon.

Saint Academy preach the Dao, enough to keep them comprehended, along with their practice path, can always help them, these are invisible, can’t see, can’t touch.

Even those Heaven’s Chosen who missed the first Saint Academy preach the Dao saw a path of walking in the direction of the Saint Academy in the move towards void, and they all felt a little bit, and then walked along with them. In my mind, there is a voice, and the Twelve year has arrived, Saint Academy preach the Dao.

The experts of Qin Wentian, Little Rascal, Inferno, Battle Saint Clan and Southern Phoenix Clan have come together in different directions. Their strengths have made different progress, not only they, Saint Academy twenty-four years, step into Saint Academy Everyone who has not died has made great progress, and it has changed in a little bit.

The Heavenly Dao Saint Academy has four seats, and today there are nearly 10,000 people in the Saint Academy. These people are the best experts of Immortal Territory Immortal Stage Realm.

Although there are many distant places or missed the Heaven Academy’s Heaven’s Chosen because of some serious major events, Immortal Territory is too big, but it is undeniable that All Heaven is now representative in the Heavenly Dao Saint Academy. Immortal Stage innate talent The most outstanding level.

Under the ancient peak of the ,, before the ladder, a path of figure stands here. Compared with Twelve, there are many more people who came here this time. Naturally, this Twelve has been crossing the fairy sea and entering Saint. Academy, after seeing everything in the Saint Academy these years, they secretly wonder why they didn’t go to Xianhai as soon as possible, so they missed a lot of time. The time in these Saint Academys must be extremely precious.

“Saint Academy preach the Dao Twelve, once I want to come, there are quite a few Heaven’s Chosen Twelve. I have heard of Saint Academy preach the Dao. I have seen the expression of the brothers. I want to come to this class is extraordinary. I don’t know if anyone wants to Later, people wondered, this Saint Academy preach the Dao, what is special, actually has this magic.” Someone said.

“Twelve years ago, Saint Academy preach the Dao, some people realized that they were sober for half a year, some people realized that they were awake for a year, and that people realized that they were awake for three years, that preach the Dao, and regardless of the change of mood, only realm, more than a thousand experts, As far as I know, there are more than a hundred people who have broken through the original realm, and the number of people should be more.” One responded, making those who missed awe-inspiring, they know how difficult it is to break into the Immortal Stage level. Preach the Dao, breakthrough for more than 100 people, how terrifying this is.

And according to this voice, this is just an improvement on realm, as well as a state of mind and an eye.

“The person who lectures must be an extraordinary expert.” Someone whispered.

“茫茫Immortal Territory, maybe it’s hard to find this and the others.” One sighed, lifted his foot and moved toward the ladder.

After the last Saint Academy preach the Dao, these people were even more awesome about the Saint Academy preach the Dao, even the unruly Great Monster.

Later, people were curious, and some of them regretted missing one time. When they stepped up, the pace was very fast, and it seemed that they couldn’t wait.

Qin Wentian also had a solemn sense. He and Southern Phoenix Clan expediently stepped up the ladder, but he was not in a hurry. Qin Wentian chose to sit in the ten rows of the fairy, and after the practice ended, he sat. The seat of the first seat of the fairy, the location, is not so important.

It is still a statue and a fairy.

Some of the latecomers stepped forward, but there was not much fear of awe, and went straight to the first place of the fairy. Even though the expert was out of the ordinary, the ending was still doomed and was slammed down.

The first seat of the fairy, Twelve nobody can sit before, this time, I wonder if Jia Nantian and Demonic Lion can sit up.

“The last Saint Academy preach the Dao, the first nobody can sit, and then start again, and later people are trying to set foot on the first, idiots say dreams.” There is a voice of indifference.

“Speaking of the first seat, Qin Wen? Last time, it appeared in that position.” At the back of the crowd, there was a sound that made all people look at Qin Wentian, but this voice is not Qin Wentian and everyone around. What the people say, on the contrary, is the Sky Mist Immortal Country expert with Qin Wentian’s enmity. This sentence, though appreciated, is not about pushing Qin Wentian to everyone’s attention.

An Human Race expert in the Immortal Stage 4th level has an extraordinary talent. The last time of comprehension surpassed the Great Monster and the Human Race expert, and it appeared on the first seat. All people will not be against him. Awe, not the opposite, but dissatisfaction and targeting, of course, there may be some ambiguous elements, whether it is Human Race or Monster Beast, most of the nature, especially the very proud Heaven’s Proud Son.

If there is some resentment with Qin Wentian, then the hostility will obviously be magnified. Therefore, Bai Mou took a look at Qin Wentian with the baleful aura’s nephew. It was coldly started: “If it were not the two women around, maybe this I don’t know why, fortunately, the person sitting in the first seat is likely to have turned into blood in the blood river a few years ago. The bones will not be left. What kind of luck does this kind of person need? Once in that position?”

Qin Wentian naturally understands which time Bai Mou refers to. If there is no natural law of Saint Academy, and can also start in the sacred land, Qin Wentian thinks that Bai Mou will never miss such a good opportunity to deal with him. .

“So, kill White Tiger, roast White Tiger meat, fight with you, and luck is taking care of me. On the life-and-death battle platform, White Tiger Clan wants my life, but it is slaughtered at both ends. Come to my luck, it’s really good.” Qin Wentian said with a light irony, the White Tiger whispered, and the baleful aura violently blew out, only in front of the 3,000 seats of the Saint Academy preach the Dao. Not dare presumptuous.

A pair of ice-cold eyes fell on Qin Wentian’s, and the battle on the life-and-death battle platform was a shame for White Tiger Clan.

“Your innate talent is good, especially the fighting strength is quite strong, but killing the two white Tigers is not the capital you can be proud of. If not some people follow you to protect you, in this Saint Academy, The posture of your nobody and the low realm will not have a space to survive. So, in the future, it is better not to let me see you eating Monster Beast meat, even the white tiger Clan, but after all, I see Still can’t understand.”

A sly voice came out and I saw him at the side of Golden-Winged Great Peng Jia Nantian. He had a golden figure of youth. He was very proud. He was so proud that he didn’t even look at Qin Wentian, but at the sight at In front of the three thousand cents, and his realm is also very high, is the powerful Heavenly Peng Clan expert of Immortal Stage 9th level, in a sense, he does have a lesson Qin Wentian’s capital.

Because he is strong, I believe that the two thousand people of this Saint Academy can not beat him too much, especially after going through the years of Saint Academy strength, he has become stronger and even faint in touch. That threshold.

In a word, he not only threatened Qin Wentian, but also insulted that White Tiger Clan is a group of idiots. This is not a general pride.

Qin Wentian can understand each other’s discomfort, because he is a demon, and Qin Wentian, he grilled a Great Monster White Tiger in front of these Great Monster.

However, Qin Wentian’s understanding does not mean approval, so it is still coldly replied: “I think that White Tiger Clan is a slave, spit out rough words and say that when playing with killing Human Race, you should not be confused. “”

“Of course.” That Great Peng turned his eyes and stared at Qin Wentian. The golden voice was extremely sharp, which made all people eyes flash, Qin Wentian. He had offended White Tiger Clan. If he would offend Heavenly Peng Clan, he would not It would be better, especially in this Saint Academy, Heavenly Peng Clan seems to be stronger than White Tiger Clan.

“The things you can’t understand are not too few.” Qin Wentian said with a sneer.

“Yes, for example, Twelve you were sitting in the first position of the fairy years ago, I don’t quite understand it, the position, you, not worthy.” His eyes looked at him in front of Golden-Winged Great Peng Jia Nantian The king of his generation of Heavenly Peng Clan, in his eyes, that position, no one or demon would be more suitable than Jia Nantian.

“I didn’t want to be in that position, but it is best to appear there. It is not what I think, but it is natural. Even if I finally sit there, then naturally, there is a reason. What do you think is unworthy, what is it?” Qin Wentian said.

“Is it just me?” The expert whispered, Qin Wentian looked at all people, and the three thousand cents were in front, but no one was anxious to step on it. After all, they knew the fairy in front. Not so good to sit down, as for those who missed Twelve years ago, they need to see the situation more.

Countless people gaze fell on Qin Wentian’s, Qin Wentian’s experts all exposed anger, but it can’t change everyone’s thoughts. Indeed, in many people or Monster Beast, Qin Wentian even has strong combat power, but the first one The position is still not eligible to sit down.

Qin Wentian suddenly smiled. Sometimes you don’t want to fight, but some people will force you to fight. This fight is not only a fight for a fairy, but also a sigh of relief.

His slow move towards the front, stepping toward the three thousand centimeters, facing away all people, indifferently said: “I didn’t mean to be in front of the fairy, at least this time I didn’t think about vying for the first place, but since you I don’t think I don’t deserve it, then I want to see it myself. I don’t deserve it. Although it may make you very upset, you are so upset and shut my ass!”

Said, Qin Wentian gradually moved to the direction of the first seat of the fairy, Heavenly Peng Clan expert wanted to move, Jia Nantian stopped them, all people look at at Qin Wentian go there, seems to want to look at how he is lose face.

“Twelve years ago, many people wanted to step on and failed. Today, if I go up and sit down, many of you will inevitably say that Twelve is today, not only I can embark on it, but I am not Mind what you think, because of your pride, I just want to tell you, when I want this position, then, it has nothing to do with you.”

Qin Wentian said indifferently before going to the first position, how proud of his voice, after finishing this sentence, his footsteps, set foot on the first seat!

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