Qin Wentian stood on the first seat of the fairy. He was the first person to step on Exalted Immortal, and he still set foot on the fairy who had not been seated before Twelve.

“overestimate one’s capabilities.” The Heavenly Peng Clan expert by Jia Nantian sneered, the fairy Twelve couldn’t sit before, and their king, Jia Nantian, couldn’t sit up, don’t tell me, this person can match Didn’t the Jia Nantian or Demonic Lion of Twelve years ago?

“I don’t think it’s human, even the all monsters, I have never seen such arrogance.” White Tiger Clan’s expert ice-cold said: “There is this arrogant voice in front, and later it was shocked by the fairy. When, that should be a shame.”

“Even if it is shaken, it is still killing your White Tiger Clan’s Heaven’s Chosen, fighting the White Tiger Clan’s Royal Clan undefeated over two borders, and you, being insulted by others, even dare not even dare to fight, not even have the courage to fight This first fairy, I really don’t know where the courage to humiliate him, White Tiger Clan is strong, but the thickest place should be the skin.” Southern Phoenix Clan has a Saintess ice-cold, the two forces still speak. Fighting for each other, each of them is cold.

But all people’s eyes are actually in the first fairy. The light of the stars on the fairy will be wrapped in Qin Wentian. There is a picture in the void. In that picture, Qin Wentian stands on the vast land and fights against it. Heavenly Dao is so small that it is as small as an ant. They can’t help but think of the scene where Jia Nantian contends with this Heavenly Dao natural law strength before Twelve. Great Peng is swaying the heavens natural law, but unfortunately experienced a terrifying Fighting, eventually failed.

Today, seemingly small Qin Wentian, really want to complete what Jaa Nantian had never done before?

Qin Wentian At the moment, the mind is not on the true body. It seems that there is a will to come to the space in the picture. Heavenly Dao natural law strength is under pressure. Who can compete under the heavens?

However, Qin Wentian can also be arrogant at the moment, as if his strength has magnified countless times, as long as he is willing, he seems to be able to practice natural law.

“Boom.” Qin Wentian’s body rises into the sky, into the divine shine flow, shining in the world, he incarnation natural law, lift the heavens and exterminating the Earth, like a sky-like god hand seems to shake Heavenly Dao, but in Under the natural law, all beings can’t break any strength.

The bright light shines in the sky. Qin Wentian turns into a huge Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, and the wings are turned to Heavenly Dao. The wings seem to be so powerful that they can smash down and when the claws come out. There is an endless Golden-Winged Great Peng bird, and the Heavenly Dao natural law strength collides, and there is only the Great Peng’s embarrassment between the whole world.

Heavenly Peng Clan expert eyes flash , there is a hidden edge in the eyes, only to see that Qin Wentian has a broken sky, but still can not open Heavenly Dao, is constantly crushed down, he smashed the Great Monster attacking magic, Heaven-shaking, any kind of magic has a world of shock, can shake Heavenly Dao, but still can not break open.

Real feelings, I know how strong it is.

Qin Wentian stood on the ground, he incarnation the giants of a million feet, standing on the ground, he stood there, is the natural law, the infinite strength between heaven and earth is used for him, and in his body, there is a peerless demon shining out, shrouded Under his body, under the Heavenly Dao natural law, any natural law seems to be unable to escape the fate of being killed. To break this day, only a bolder breakthrough is stronger than this Heavenly Dao natural law.

Qin Wentian slid into the black gold light, incarnation a destructive god, the demon light shrouded the body, the ruined strength sublimated to the extreme, the whole world darkened, turned into destruction, a statue of the Great Monster appeared throughout The world, they are all endless rays, all destroyed.

In the picture, the destruction between heaven and earth rises to the sky, and rushes to the heavenly heavenly gentle. In a flash, the world’s doomsday scenery appears, heaven falls and earth rends, the dark light appears, and the piece of heavenly looks like it is broken. Then, the madness burst, above heavenly, there is a starry sky, Qin Wentian’s body, bathed under starlight.

The scroll disappeared, the first star of Xianwei’s star was calm, and Qin Wentian’s body sat quietly on top. Before the three thousand centuries, the experts were silent, I don’t know if it was silent because of the battle in the scroll, or because Qin Wentian sat. I was shocked by the stability of the first seat of the fairy.

Twelve years ago, three thousand cents, the first nobody, the Great Monster could not stand on it.

Twelve years later, Human Race martial cultivator Qin Wentian, with the capital of Immortal Stage 4th level, took the first place to listen to Saint Academy preach the Dao.

“Because of your pride, I just want to tell you, when I want this position, then, it has nothing to do with you.”? Many people’s minds recalled Qin Wentian’s voice before, looks at the back of the dark thoughts It’s a proud person. Of course, he also seems to be proud of his qualifications.

White Tiger Clan The expo of the face, the young man who eats the White Tiger meat, humiliated them again with practical actions, and the slut of their mouth, once again pumping the face of their White Tiger Clan.

Jia Nantian’s expert face was also a bit gloomy, and some incredible looks at that scene, actually, he was sitting up.

As for Sky Mist Immortal Country expert, who wanted to provoke right and wrong, I was a little annoyed. I wanted to see Qin Wentian lose face and let more people target him, but I didn’t expect Qin Wentian to have such a strong counterattack. Be careful and look awkward.

More than two thousand experts, different looks, Jia Nantian stepping out, this Twelve has made great progress in the past years, he wanted to hit the first place again, but did not expect to encounter such a ridiculous situation, his people angered Qin Wentian, let the other party go to the first seat, and Qin Wentian, he really did, then at this moment, the first person, can only compete for the second row of seats, the same as last time.

He flashed his body and set foot on the left side of the second row. The Demonic Lion also flashed and set foot on the right side of the second row. The two men were in the same position as Twelve, but now they have one more person in front of them. .

The experts walked out and competed for the cents, still fierce, until the three thousand centuries, there were more than two thousand cents with an expert to sit down, gradually, all people were quiet, sitting on the fairy, waiting Saint Academy preach the Dao.

Eyes closed, starlight shines, their consciousness appears in the starry sky, and the shadow of the figure once again appears in front of all people.

All people sitting there slightly owed to show respect.

“The first one is today, I am very pleased.” The voice smiled and said, “Is it higher than people, or is it higher than the sky?”

This voice is too esoteric, and this sudden sentence makes all people fall silent, nobody speaks.

The first place of the fairy, and the law of the sky, is it, you want to ask, the sky is higher than the people, or people are taller than the sky, this so-called ‘people’, naturally also includes everyone Great Monster in them, they are also sitting in the human form it’s here.

“Nobody can answer?” asked the figure again.

“What is the sky?” Jia Nantian suddenly spoke and asked.

“Heaven is the sky.” The voice was lightly smiling and did not explain.

“I practiced at Granule World. I also know that there are countless Granule Worlds around Immortal Territory. Every living creature of Granule World, because of the cultivation base, thinks that Supreme is unreachable, however, into Immortal Realm. The person can break through the Granule World’s restraint and set foot on the Immortal Territory, so I think that the sky is nothing but the illusory thing we imagined. He doesn’t exist, or it is just the natural law of a certain world Supreme.”

Qin Wentian slowly opened his mouth and said: “If this is the case, your cultivation base is weaker than the sky. Naturally, it is higher than the human being. Your cultivation base is stronger than the sky, and people are taller than the sky.”

“Continue.” Hey voice laughs at Qin Wentian.

“Senior Twelve said a few years ago, Stellar Martial Cultivator practice, feeling natural law, using natural law, incarnation natural law, creating natural law, if the sky itself belongs to a natural law order, when Human Race is weak, it should be from Learning, and when it is really strong to a certain extent, it will be broken from learning, or created.”

“You said it is good.” Saying with a smile: “In fact, since you compare heaven to natural law, then there are two concepts of broad and narrow. If you are in the broad sense, there is an endless world in the sky. The inherent law of operation, this kind of law, don’t tell me is created by human beings, is it that people created the world, or is the world born?”

“Junior doesn’t know.” Qin Wentian shook his head and smiled. This question is too esoteric. I am afraid that only those who stand at the top of the endless world are qualified to explore.

“I don’t know.” sai said with a smile : “But you can understand so much, it’s not bad. I will take you to a place to feel it. Maybe your feelings will be more profound and more insightful insights. It is also good for your future practice.”

a path of strong starlight shrouded all people, the beam of light seems to come from the depths of the stars, they only feel the will tremble, the mind seems to burst, their bodies seem to be crazy turbulence.

The light shines, the starry sky, a path of the figure floats there, at this moment, everyone people trembled fiercely, their shocking looks at the behemoth in front of them, it is a great Monster that glittering endless light, a terrifying great Peng, in the sky between the land, Guanghua, how big is the whole people can not know, they stand in the sky to see its shape, they also understand that although this Great Peng is close at hand, but it is still very far away.

The Great Peng has an infinite brilliance, and every ray of light is a Great Peng. In that constant flow, the breath that comes from it only makes everyone feel trembled, as if only one of them The strength of them descends upon them and destroys them.

“Is this a star?” Someone whispered, the light shone, and they had the pain before, the next moment, the consciousness returned to the original fairy, but the heart still had a huge wave, raising one’s head looks At that innocent starry sky!

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