Qin Wentian has long known that the bloodline in his body is bound to be extremely tyrannical, but he also understands that only with the growth of his strength, the strength hidden in the bloodline can be opened a little bit, which is born with his strength, but not Must be able to play at will.

It’s like you’re practicing an Ancient Great Emperor’s secret skill strength, such as God’s Hand, how powerful is the real God’s Hand? Qin Wentian He couldn’t imagine it. He knew practice, but the strength he digs out is only a small part. He doesn’t have enough strength to support the complete strength of God’s Hand, just as he doesn’t have enough ability to mine bloodline. Strength.

Bloodline, like God’s Hand, is there, and as he grows stronger, he can now use only a small part of the strength.

The Blood Sea is becoming more terrifying. It seems that the blood river in the sacred land is not reconciled. The move light in the body of the Move Way is swallowed up. It seems to be inspired by the strongest strength of the Blood Sea. The blood halo suspended there is still the same. It’s so embarrassing that there is a Monster God-like phantom in it, a little bit of eclipsing the strength coming from the Blood Sea, swallowed it, and merged with the bloodline in his body to become part of it.

Gradually, the blood light seems to be Qin Wentian’s figure, but it looks like a Monster God figure, with Qin Wentian’s appearance, like the Bloodline Protection he can use, this Monster God-like figure stands proudly Vault of Heaven, The whole world is full of blood, and all of them are roaring blood vortex. To engulf the whole world, this is the world of blood. Qin Wentian doesn’t know what other people have experienced, but he knows that his experience must be different from others. .

But he can faintly feel that this Blood Sea itself is made up of the blood of the extremely powerful Great Monster.

A truly terrifying expert, every drop of blood, every bone, and even every inch of skin in your body contains a terrifying strength.

Immortal King expert, turned into a natural law, can imagine that their blood, their bones, itself represents the natural law, so stronger exist?

In this sacred land, perhaps this is a gift for the Great Monster. Thousands of Great Monster statues can hone and improve their battles. Blood River can tempering to reshape their bloodline, of course, if you To be strong enough, otherwise it will be swallowed up by the blood river like some experts.

The weaker die, the stronger the expert.

Qin Wentian completely forgot the time, more and more people stepped into the blood river. On the edge of the blood river, there are many figures in the adventures at the blood river. Many experts have been swallowed up by the blood river, making Some people who know the weaknesses of innate talent and the demon do not dare to step into the blood, they stare at those who are wrapped in bloody rivers to release the bloody brilliance, and a Great Monster revered as a huge body.

This blood river, can you make the demon’s bloodline more powerful?

Great Monster’s bloodline can of course be stronger, just like the Immortal Stage, even though the 4th rank king grade Immortal Stage is maintained, with the enhancement of the cultivation base, the strength of the Immortal Stage will still be strong, and the bloodline will be the same, of course, Immortal Stage can also upgrade grade, although bloodline is OK, but because bloodline is Xiantian, it is more difficult to upgrade the bloodline level than Immortal Stage, which requires a great chance.

“Those great Monsters, when they come out of the bloodstream, will inevitably become more terrifying.” Many people secretly thought, which caused the entire Immortal Territory shocking Heavenly Dao Saint Academy, it did not disappoint them, but only innate The strongest talent, the most terrifying person and the demon, can seize the opportunity.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy This 18-year-old sacred land opened, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Twenty-one years, Qin Wentian is still in the blood, the bloody world seems to be one, Qin Wentian he has been trying to control that glimpse Really powerful bloodline strength, but after trying for a long time, he still can’t do it. That drop of blood is probably a symbol of natural law. Only when he is really incarnation natural law can he use this ability accordingly. Now, this Although the stock bloodline can once again improve his strength, Qin Wentian thinks that if he can take the initiative to seize its strength, there may be a greater chance.

He tried for a long time and still failed again and again. Because of the bloody river, he could clearly perceive the powerful bloodline strength, as if it were within reach, but when he reached out, he often could not touch it. He is very uncomfortable, but he still has not given up this kind of attempt. If there is no way to borrow the strength under the help of Blood River, it is very likely that he will not be able to get the strength for a long time, when he is strong enough, Matching bloodline strength Even if it becomes tyrannical, the lift is absolutely limited.

Just like the current Monster Transformation Art and Immortal Vanquishing Sword can still improve his strength, but the help is already not as good as before, in the realm when you get the strength you can’t control, the strength even if there is a danger, it still allows you to have Terrifying elevation.

Such a strong belief has made Qin Wentian always work hard, even if it is a headache, and there is a feeling of collapse. He still tries to solve the illusory shackles in the bloodline and open its mystery, even if this The role of the shackle is to protect him.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Two years of Twelve, Qin Wentian body bloodline turned into one, crazy flow, roaring, the strength of the blood river seems to no longer affect Qin Wentian, but he still did not give up, the terrifying bloodline shackles Locking Qin Wentian’s will, he broke freely, this day, accompanied by a broken sound, the power of bloodline instantly turned into an uncontrolled bloody world, drowning everything, and even rushed into Qin Wentian’s mind.

At this moment, Qin Wentian’s body seemed to be inflated. The blood around him was crazy and turbulent. A Monster God-like figure appeared in the body of Qin Wentian’s body. He made a painful roar, and he experienced blood before. The baptism of the river is even more painful, and the bloodline strength in the body is going to destroy everything.

This strength rushed into the Immortal Stage, the flawless saint grade Immortal Stage trembled, flooded by the blood light, and the terrifying fairy, the endless stream of force spewed out, like the Immortal Stage. Like.

“It’s over, I didn’t expect him to die here.”

“It must be dead, and persisted for so many years. I thought he was safely spent. I didn’t expect it to be unbearable after all.”

A deep snoring came out, White Tiger Clan’s digital expert showed a cold light, Qin Wentian struggled in the bloody river, seems to be dead at any time, Nanhuang Yunxi in the bloody river seems to be awakened by Qin Wentian’s voice, she has been in Qin Wentian Not far away from the baptism of the blood river, seeing Qin Wentian’s appearance she moved towards Qin Wentian body, but the terrifying strength, so she could not get close.

Inferno returned to the shore, feeling like a heart, her body rushed from a statue, directly into the blood river, turned into a Vermillion Bird, went straight to Qin Wentian.

Vermillion Bird claws move towards Qin Wentian’s body grab, but the terrifying shadow directly flew her body out, spit out almost, her eyes anxious, rushed out again, but was shot again and again, Nanhuang Yunxi Also anxious, she could not get close to Qin Wentian.

Until Qin Wentian’s snoring faded out, he was fainted, but his body was not melted by the blood. Nanhuang Yunxi’s figure came to Qin Wentian, and he immediately rushed out of the blood river, she has been in the past few years. I am also familiar with the strength of the blood river, and the impact is limited, so I can move freely. Inferno follows me. The two together hold Qin Wentian’s body to the side and find that Qin Wentian’s body strength seems to be exhausted and fainted. past.

“How could this be?” Nanhuang Yunxi reveals the confused expression.

“It’s a big life.” A figure came out, baleful aura terrifying, and it was Bai Mou. He stared at Qin Wentian’s body and his eyes showed a killing intent.

“The natural law here does not allow for battle.” Inferno turned and looked at ice-cold, staring at Bai Mou.

Bai Mou eyes flash, Heavenly Dao Saint Academy mysterious, tyrannical, as the time to step in, the stronger the awe, the one that he glanced at Inferno and Nanhuang Yunxi, said with a sneer: “You two, must Will be the slave of my White Tiger Clan.”

“Roll.” An expert of Battle Saint Clan stepped over and spit a voice at Bai Mou. Bai Mou baleful aura was filled, killing intent, but still turned and left and went on practice.

A few days later, Qin Wentian woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful faces of Nanhuang Yunxi and Inferno, and could not help but reveal a smile.

After seeing Qin Wentian still laughing, Nanhuang Yunxi coldly said: “What did you do, you still laughed.”

“Open your eyes and you can appreciate the two beautiful women, how can you not laugh.” Qin Wentian said with a joke: “There is a blessing in the end, I think I might be backlash, I didn’t expect it to be so strong. Opportunities and crises coexist are really the truth, but fortunately, I am very fortunate. I Immortal Stage and mortal body are very good, otherwise this time it is very likely to really die in the blood, but the same, quite a lot, Although it may still be backlash, at least I already know that it won’t die.”

Nanhuang Yunxi squatting at this guy, he said so easily and calmly at the moment, it seems that he may do so in the future, simply do not die.

“Although I don’t know what you did, but such an adventure, if you really die, have you thought about the people around you?” Nanhuang Yunxi said.

“I am dead, will Saintess Yunxi be sad?” Qin Wentian heard the words of Nanhuang Yunxi playing with a smile.

“I will not care if you die, I am afraid that Princess Qing’er will be sad.” Nanhuang Yunxi coldly said, which made Qin Wentian roll his eyes, and he climbed up and seemed to want to move.

“You don’t recover, don’t you die?”

“No problem, my resilience has always been strong, and I only want to fight when I stare at the statue. In the past, these Saint Beast have been defeated repeatedly. This time, I should be able to have some chances.” Qin Wentian smiled and walked to the Golden-Winged Beside Great Peng, stare at the statue and enter the will battlefield.

Terrifying Golden-Winged Great Peng is like a king of heaven, overlooking everything, one person and one demon, and instantly fighting together. Now Qin Wentian’s body bloodline is more intense and a bit violent. It seems that the monster attribute is more terrifying. In addition, he used the eight Great Monster divine ability treasures to be handy and powerful, and the battle with Golden-Winged Great Peng was turbulent. Now he can even observe the style of Golden-Winged Great Peng and feel his fighting style. Apply to yourself.

But unfortunately, he finally lost, although depressed, but Qin Wentian is not too disappointed, he knows very well what he got in the blood, and this battle, let him understand more thoroughly.

Moreover, he knew in his heart that once the strength was really used, it would be easy to kill even the Monster Beast in the same place, even the Golden-Winged Great Peng.

Heavenly Dao Saint Academy Twenty-three years, Qin Wentian defeated this Golden-Winged Great Peng, his practice of the Great Peng treasure divine ability like the real Golden-Winged Great Peng issued a big attack, with endless power .

This year, he began sweeping the road of All Saint Beasts and practicing some of these Saint Beast’s abilities!

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